the acton free press jursda- novembcic tf vm 43bu0s2 alone tne fart that ilab declared w many nnw wlu have utuei eftort upon the nj la cana rapectlac c allena it is noti rcrcefcnlfndaenrnah mllonah are interned la the donate- 1 the sunday school lesson mindat or lie b to be ductlon of chrtot la all theaa things i to do them cheerfully tl feter 2 302si imksaf ottawa men primr minister king said is in eeaeral a with the gpwer- 1 araals of the u k u s a and ui sl sl r la their annotancernent wtlh re to the declaration ti1e sacredness of human life gouca text whosoever bateth him brother is a murderer 1 jno 3 t ion text fex 30 13 halt- 5 2126 3b45 agriculture department notes i exposilott1 human life sacred mainly because hooey in northern i eat- 30 ix v countries s gathered from clover it under the sixth ooramandment ts dmhv whottosorae for wintering bees ilea ihe principle of the tacredness of than honey from ihe south dandehuman life and every mans rich lo lion honey has proved fatal to bees- j live until be forfeits that right- mans honey from bard alfalfa or from pure life is particularly sacsed because he alfalfa and hooey from white golden is made in the image of god tgesu rod graualcs o hard n the combs 1 9 6i the co does not forbid thai muaterusg bees are unable lo use 1 the taking of human life legally when generals pet bull terrier -bronx- fcs wetght of grain in a bin 7 sure j forfeited by crime tgen o 6 many aa ottawa prominent recently when j rnm gimi out b cubu- conklil others by indirect methods tex tae earl of athtoae was touring the tfftts hy multiplying hie length byj2l jft 29 the most murderous wear bronx- left home and was lhe depth hy ihe breadth and the weapon any man or woman possesses mated a the miming weight of one bushel of the particular is the tongue ip 57 4 si 3 ed oaf last september to b grain 32 quarts as one cubic root j much that men call the glory of war power the board of control has asked tores almost s quarts the weight i is murder according to christs the department of public wort to one cubic root will be zs32nd of reugfal all the white way lamps jibe weight of one bushel thus one ottawas rwwia section also bac weighs 31 pounds one the federal district driveway joibkr foot of oats equals 2s32ndor ottawa jewellers report business bet- j pounds or 36 pounds ter than could be expected in a place ii wh girts outnumber men ire to -j- ottawa journal publishes some one beeauae of the revival of the old ming figures in connection with cwstom of brides ringing the fg wartime restrictions on the sale of of twtdegroom total registration m beverages sayuig it is eeii- at puhuc schools in ottawn ij mated unofficially that there are 750- monlfa of september was 8712 which fnoo permit holders in ontario only doesnt aeem much in proportion to mhgmt 1so more than in british total population j columbia although the population of ontario is about 3787j00d compared most slocks of food held in canada with b cva h1koo0 manitoba with ns of october 1st 1943 were conskd- a population of 73o00o has 155j00o erably lower as compared with the permit holders ontario allowance of same date a year ago with the exeep- j spirits be 40 ounces monthly b cr lion of meal both canadian and tmosly 13 ounces ported- for instance cold storage i eggs on hand were less than half a the trend of economic coodilions in mhitn dozen as compared with canada averagecs- higher in the first gl8 million doxen last year cheese 8 month of 1943 than in ihe same held by warehouses and dairy fact- period in the preceding year the in- ories sfies9441g pounds lass by 16 dcx of ihe physical volume of business millions meals amounted to 6740h- jj based on five main compooents siiow 037 pounds over 30 million more than ed a gain of 176 per cent manufact- on the same dale last year bui ihejj bring increase was 235 per cent figures were mostly up from ihe mineral produclioii 24 per cent con- month preceding by considerable as jjstructlon slipped with 142 million take poultry dressed with over four nlllif- pounds as against 25 million the month before for some time now the authorities have been stressing the serious bous ing shortage in st johns nful as a warning to troops who may be post ed in the area to dissuade relative from joining them there unless they have secured a place to live in before hand the population has increased from 30000 to 50000 and at times new arrivals have had to be sheltered in the city jail- who knys that would be a nice welcome for mom ami the h movement lo retail outlets ijld 1 brouch the hew kyetcm of control- i led distribution recently announced i lrices board it doe not nn- canada has hit ihe lowest figure w linear tliat formal ra against siod millions wholesale and retail sales recorded gains of 7j3 and 5 per cent- rcspectkcly our ex ternal trade reflecting heavy produc tion ani flow of war materials show ed a gain of 27 pr cent due to scarcity of additional manpower the number of persons employed in trod- uctttre enterprise showed only a mod erate gain the general index of em ploymenl a gain of 75 per cent canned vegetable frozen in pack- en and wholesalers hands last july will be showing on your shelves soon in maternal mortality rate to date nrmal rationing of canned ia ta a w vectable is in prospect luilging by with 2 per 1o00 live births ihe dlr- t ilitj the statement issued withholding of ector of maternal and child llygelne department of pensions and national health told a convention in toronto- a steady dcre has been shown since 1936 when the rate was 56 per 1000 live births this is very encour aging cortfldering the stresses and strains of war another instance of the war forcing us to overcome our own difficulties in rotary oil drilling operations in saskatchewan they bad used as n dril- ung mud bentotille now hard to obtain from the states a university of saskatchewan professor w c worce developed the use of a sub stitute clay found in large quantities around evanston nearby to the blen- falt lignite coal fields and theyre us ing about 50 tons a week in drilling operations now the autumn bazaar season u upon us all through the byways and by- ways of church groups hae beeu busy planning their oooths with one eye on conservation and the other on the returns aprons color ful as ever will likely be made from bouaedxesses that naie shrunk or sptt at the shoulders some enterprislm women will make them from sheets and bind them with gay prints with delicate shades of wool not so easy to get the garments in the baby booth will be made from reworked material and youll never know it the current pack to ensure supplies for winter seems to have worked out okay jcotrth aoaiv in acay ocsleily y scout hardly had ihe en completed groups were being organraad by for mer scouts in the british forces the first rover crew registered under the bum tismwp of arabia crew airmen boosting national parks ottawa canada an unforeseen byproduct of the british common wealth air training plan may be an unusual flood of visitors lo the nat ional parks of canada after ihe war according to park officials here en thusiasm for the parks expressed by airmen in canada who have been for tunate enough lo spend leave or re conditioning periods ln them and who are carrying their praises to all parts of the world will have this re sult tourist travel on an unprecedent- 1 scale is expected after the war this will be due in part to the destra for travel which is being slerrlthed- by present conditions in part to the fame which canada is attaining on the battlefronls of the world and in part to the reports about our nat ional parks which are being carried to the british isles australia new zealand the united state and else where hy soldiers sailors and air men who have been fortunate to vi sit them meanwhile the parks are being used by canadians to a surprising de- from the brand new so expertly can greet transportation restrictions it be ravelled and laundered of with preserves rationed they will no longer appear among the del ectable array of homecooked gootu no preserves may be bought with out surrenderine a ration coupon have shut off most of the long dist ance travel but residents both of town and country are making use of the parks within reasonable reach as places to maintain bodily health and mental morale the vacation season this our weekly womens item j ended was remarkable for the from thelma craig of the consumer number of canadians in the parks branch w p t b ottawa j many of them in the uniform of the armed forces people ofttimes ct curious about expenditures on the parks during canadas takings at the cash register the war are limited to the minimum well here are a few interesting facts amount necessary to maintain these our national revenue for six months national properties but great devel- from april 1 1943 to september so opments are foreseen with the return 1943 amounted to 1j292546s03 an of peace increase of some 1223 million over the same period last year our payout was 218712229 up flto millions how do we get this revenue dough well custom import duties accounted for about 981 million excise duties another j67 million and excess profits nearly 79b muuoni post office depar tment over s36 millions etc our war expenditure in that period wasl624- at aatfbatlon point meijbourne cp prime minis ter john curt in states that the man power position shows that the aust ralian war effort has reached satur ation point additional commitments can be undertaken only at the ex pense of some other obligation interpretation of this co whoever has hate in his heart murderer malt 5 21 22 1 jno 3 15- he has ihe root of murder in him ii searchlight of jesus malt 5 212 the hate that beads lo murder is essentially murder o jno 3 15 the one who wishes another dead is essen i tally the same as ihe one who puts his wish into action and kills him the difference is accidental not es sential how many murderers there are in this world by the old murder was forbidden tv 21 ex 2ft 13 deut 5 17k by the higher law of the kingdom anger which is incip ient murder is forbidden terms of contempt whereby a brother feel ings are injured and his reputation endangered are forbidden nothing rnore clearly reveals the heart whether it is full of love or full of selfishness envy and hate than the way in which we speak about others nhd lo other matt 12 31 35 therefore it is by our words we khali be condemned jesu plainly teaches that there u a hell of fire iv 22 h v if there is no bell of lire then these words of jesus are absolute nonsense and the one who uttered i hem a fool cf also v 29k the one who denies the reality awl actuality of a literal bell makes jesus out to have been a fool the ktemest and most appalling ihings about hell found in the bible were those uttered by jesus himself tmalt 25 41 46 do we realize that when we speak contemptuously or lightly about hell we are reflecting upon the character and wisdom of jesus christ 7 if we have wronged another in the smallest matter so that ho hath oucht against us we khouhl first br reconciled to him before we seek to bring an offering to god to have ought against does not refer to o grudge or bitterness that another may have in his heart but to his having a juxt claim against us the secret of many nn unanswered prayer is that some brother has a just claim against us which we have never set tled we should not wait for the one that we have wronged to come to us to be reconciled we should go to him and do what is in our power to make the wrong right having done that then we should come to god and offer our gift one should hot allow a just claim to remain unsat isfied a moment vs 25 3g hi the standard of the kingdom itegardlng enemies 3845 love should go out to all friend and enemies alike the man who does everything in his power to injure us should be the object of our special love when we are cursed we should bless when we are hated we should do good when persecuted and de spite rully used resort to prayer the more there are who elect fo per secute us the more there are for whom we have the privilege of praying in this way persecution be comes a means of grace a stepping stone to the life of jesus happy is he who takes these things literally by loving our enemies we shall our selves be sons of god and the heav enly father returns blessings for cur sing kindness for hate he snakes his sun with all it fruitgiving pow er to w on the good and ihe evil to love them that love us is no indication of trace the standard of the king dom demands a farsuperlor showing we must love tts god loves those who show hatred the last verse in this chapter is very wonderful holding up the perfection of god as our standard the immediate refer ence is to perfection in lovelove to enemies as well as friends had as well as good luke 6 35 36 but it is clearly implied thattnall things gods character is our standard eph 5 1 i the words of the passage remind uj of a certain great principle of con duct it is not a matter of taking literally turning the cheek giving your coat and cloak walking two miles instead of one and giving to all and sundry there are underlying principles our lord would have observe they are patience with an aggressor unselfishness when faced with anothers need endurance under persecution and generosity as the manifestation of the grace of god within us there is to be manifest a superior virtue in a christian he is not to qct like the uhregencratea roat onions fixed maximum prices at which onions may be sold by growers shippers wholesalers and retailers have been established by the prices board the shippingpoint prices fixed for can adian grown onions are uniform tor all parts of the dominion varied only by transportation costs from pro duction areas and percentage mark ups are listed for sales by wholesalers and retailers specified price adjust ments are permitted on sales between december 1 and june so to cover storage costs and to promote uniform ity of supply throughout the year green onions with tops attached and having a diameter of one and three- eighths inches or less are not affected tttainmkn am bvatl athktlc ah boy tkavcls to cuboc eight year old mehrln glllland and his mother mrs norman glllland travelled by canadian national rail ways train to pmladelntua where the little chap will undergo a delicate operatlonattte broochoseopla clinic in an effort to remove a metal staple lodged in his left lung for more than a year children and rrownups throughout british columbia pave pennies nick els dimes quarters and dollars to make it possible for melvln to make the journey following three unsucesx- ful attempts to remove live staph without surgery trainmen took a personal interest in ihe little fellows welfare having made arrangements for more than- usual good care of the patient ami his mother during live en tire trip rumtnu auawartri in mhjftaatv flmtm london cvt ilritlsh field headquarters nn tlrilalns food said alter a plowlns eompellljan near-ftel- gale kurwvy in plowing operations we made so many deep penetrations and our hnee wre everywltcrc straightened spearhead of attack was carried out hy a veteran cavalry unit of the old army in support was a crack combat team of the mechanized vomena iand army using selfpro pelled equipment d dad savs hes whitewashed the henhouse an bought ate a victory bond cosu that gives a cuv a sense of security ban we furnished tools we backed the attack r- we must speed the victory ibbtnmu are our boys tired they cant be neither can we uaau just a few days left to buy victory loan bonds ixti blw