pack two the acton free press thursday december 9th 1m3 beartauyrtclirrbb thut stmt h aljillwyl m kg wateso t la vtriem fy mndm tw plraa ctm woo vw ta w adummt t i hi writs by tmimm offk jlr 1m by u- j rttoy with r eotwctlou oinlr mm fa writs tbm v w cam tl r tw td u set otett tmoua fa writs bw v tto mated to set eocw prati it liability shall tm the t ml 4 voch drtu tb oec i by tb bmm rrof hn to tb wlvol p occupied mod jwttlbh c abijof diixs editor teletflones- edttori mod atine offtc 174 pird i by mo tbe weather didnt help but compulsory voting seems to get more advocate at each election time when the results are made known with the lack or interest shown by many voters it is small wonder to secure government that is truly representative of all the people it would eem that voting by all the people by compulsion was the only solution too often folks who com plain loudly about government municipal provin cial or dominion do tho least to form opinions of their own and exercise their franchise wo admit that monday was a bad day for being outofdoors and wo know there has been much ill- ncss but surely eighty per cent of those entitled to vote on municipal elections were not incapicated and more than onefifth could have reached cither the town hall or the ymca to cast their ballots to the credit of those who did vote they certainly got there on their own power as few cars were out taking the voters to the polls and certainly those vho received the votes may consider they have some ycry staunch supporters the part that must often be discouraging to the men who offer their services and who are willing to assume the responsibility and carry on the work all year is to know that many citizens arc not willing to take tho few moments on election day to endorse their work in dutton recently tho council resigned and forced another nomination in protest over th indifference of the electors not just the thing 10 be advocated wc should say but certainly bringing home the responsibility the vote cast on monday was light but the figures arc a fine endorsation of the work of the council of the past year it was a municipal year of marked success and in returning most of the form er council voters evidently gave a hearty indor sation now with the elections over for another year theres nothing to interfere with tho christmas and holiday season tuenlylw and still going strong editor hugh temp i in of the fergus newsrecord last week marked his twentyfifth year of writing that inside page just how he maintains a full page of editorial comment regularly has always been i conundrum to us us our owi two columns have often been u burden bui mr lemplm does admit thutthe fullpuge during the ears has ut times hud its weary moments its u splendid page interest ingly presented each week that inside page hus hud u particular interest lor us because n wus about the sume tune that uc came back to the free press and occasionally dipped our quill to make top tor the acton paper about thut same time we wrote our first urticles under the heading of the old man of the big clock tower and as we recall it mr templin wrote his page over the name of whig wc imagine both articles were started with the thought in mind to brighten some of the inside pages of the papers which were often edited at that time more with the shears than the pen we compliment mr templin on the fact thjt his had more lasting qualities than our column which ran out of material long before reaching the age of twentyfive years few editors have been able to keep such sustained interest in a full page feature even after the quarter century it 4s one of the most widely read and quoted pages in the weekly newspaper field more power to youf pen in the years to come mr templin v colllngwood shorn the way surely its an evidence of dissatisfaction with the beverage rooms in general today that the vote in colllngwood for their introduction to that town was defeated by an almost four to one vote recently the enterprizebolletin of that town lent splendid aid to defeat their introduction and apparently the folks of collingwood were well organized to keep die bever rooms out of that town and the electors wellinformed of their conduct in other places it most have been a distinct shock to the brew ing interests however to find that after 1200 signed a petition for the vote only 649 voted in favor of beer parlors just a littleover half folks who live in collingwood have had the benefit of seeing the conditions that accompany the beverage rooms in other communities they acted wisely in giving an emphatic vote against bringing them into their town right now if a vote were taken in ontario the beverage rooms would not find much favof and be on their way out the old barroom got into bad repute but most everyone will admit that in its worst days it was not as bad as the present method for the sale of intoxicating liquors more and more opposition grows especially to the womens beverage rooms and the number of licenses granted to bouses that make no semblance of running any sort of hotel accommo dation but devote all their interest to tto beverage room collingwood is amongthe first toregistcr definite objection given the opportunity to vote ontario as a whole would turn them out but no party dares to give the electors a chance or knows how to replace the revenues that are derived from the sale v coungeoua living continually throughout life situations arc en countered that challenge the best in people the manner in which these situations arc met is the mea sure of a man or woman and by this standard the person whosjiirks the duties and responsibilities of ordinary living has failed in the most elementary of lifes challenges that of living courageously the instinct to rise to a challenge is deeprooted in human beings because wc practise it every day for instance the farmer to exist must meet the daily round of chores that cannot wait until ho is in tho mood to be a farmer at all he must fact the truth of the type of life it is often lonely hard working and plagued by tho neverending uncer tainties of the weather and the marketing of crops that is one reason why the rural sons of canada have distinguished themselves on the battlefield they have merely transferred to a greater challenge the sturdy independence with which they meet the seasonal rigors of the farm and when they return to civilian life the commonplace but nevertheless exacting toil of the barnyard and the field will chal lenge their abilities in a way that jirooks no brood ing on the past for tho future is one of the vital certainties of life and the craftsman of the plow s banking his skill and courage against the vagaries of the elements allied leaders on returning from combat zones have remarked on the fact they found no trace of the soft younger generation that was supposed to exist before the war an example of how this gen eration has proved its hardihood was given by gen eral sir bernard montgomery of the british 8th army at the conclusion of the sicilian campaign he suid to canadian flgthing men everything given to you has been done it has been magnificently done you have upheld the very best and highet standards of the 8th army we venture to suggest that these men posseted their hardiness and birth all that was needed was a supreme challenge to call forth this inherent strength of body and mind v editorial notes acton industry as viewed by a gty writer sow inurati ii by special writer on the newestptant hem the following intarestliur article on actona newest industry appeased in the globe and mall usfc week and will be tound interesting by our rea- jera aa it gives the story from tne viewpoint of an outsider coming into the community one phase of the story is omitted with the establish ing of the wool combing industry in acton also came another company the canadian wool company which employs thirty or more and is train ing many of our young boy in the trade of wool sorting there have been two buildings add ed to the plant since 1940 and a new one will soon be in use ilere is the special article from the olobe nd mall hundredodd pigimmi for sorting scouring anj mmfcim and was then uupped out here in the form of tops now it can come direct from its source further more c wool can be process ed here from sheep to garment- mr markon a shotilsh youthful man with a pleasant very court eous manner attributes the whole success for anything they have ac complished to iord haroby lie calls him the central figure the real cause of us being here and he insists that without his two yorkshire ttal- wards he would have been lost on the other hand other say that mi markon is tlie genius who got tin plant operating in such short wlmt despite his praise for the way the two englishmen trained unskilled worker to a high degree of proficiency in a highly skilled trade to 200odd workers in thli town the this christmas is the fourth one as punch aptly remarks in which hitler wont broadcast from bulk- inghum palace v two weeks from next saturday just thirteen more shoppmg days every small boy knows that that is christmas v these are the lays when double care is needed m diving and slower speeds ice and mow do not gire erv ku u ting for stoj p ng qi h wv v one of the advantages of an early election date for the municipalities n that holiday greetinfs j sure to he evtendeu well in advance f christmt v the newsboy who shouts out the names of his newspapers is likely to sell more than the one who keeps still so in business the concern can expect to sell more goods if it shouts a little about thenl through advertising v it is intimated that the ontario government may provide every farmer with a refrigerator after the war and who was it said the farmer was the for gotten man with those b ration stickers for gas rationing and other allurements therell soon be a rush by lots of folks back to the land v totalitarianism has an insidious a sinister ap peal an appeal that is by nomcans limited to those nations where it is completely dominant it appeals to those who flhdit difficult to bend demo cracy to serve their economic or political self in terest wen dell wuikie two working today in a plant that has been playing bd important part in vpeedlng up production of warneed ed materials and nas effected a val uable saving in ocean shipping mpnej by reducing the long ocean haul of tcmpire- produced goods these ntm jobs and this new indus try art an interest n example of xhat can occur under n policy of immlcrntlon which permits tlw entry of wople from other lands wlfl technical ski mi on which new under takings can im basts because lev than n hnlfdo4n men with the need id know how came to canada thli little ontario town hag a new payroll with nil tlint that mean in purclint- ing power and victory bond saving power that didnt exist before wool combing corporation fills gap in canadas woollen industry ttm existed in itcacetlmc and according to wool men will continue as an im portant factor in postwar manufac ure of allcanadian wool into fin ished products in the meantime it it has jumped wool processing for war needs and within n few ucok will add another new canadian le elopement when it begins the recov ery of wool grease tor leather and metal manufacturing with equipment installed at tho request of the depart ment of munitions and supply vorladdremam meet tole the birth of this company lies ac tually in an acquaintance begun 35 ears ago when n young englishman son of n yorkshire wool magnate vu- ited his fathers customers in poland among these men tho future lord rnrnby found a youthful pole with whom he struck up n close friendship the ind was knslmlr mnrkon des tined to itecomo one of hit countrys outstanding uool manufacturer the ncqunlntance developed into n huel- hcsft relationship with mnrkon finally opening export offices in britain while retaining ills polish interests came tho war and knslmlr mnrk- onu british and polish huslneii van ished nu european iwmlors were clos ed yet he hnd n skill of n certain tyw and ho wanted to do somothln to help vhln the war so ns he uny today we wit clown one day and talked it over and lord bnrnby said i think you can do something in cnu- itda letk no and we they came and saw lord barnhy whose name in wool u equivalent to that of tiffany in diamonds kncv canada fairly well and knew can ndians who knew canada well they met those canadians nmong them one of lord barnhys f i lends les lie biggin a well known wool author ity they visualized the filling of th gap ip canadian uool proceuilng the establishment of an independnnt wool comhlng plant to comploto tho chain of shearlujvfcortlni brourlng comb ing through whith uool passes he- fore ou or a soldier or n ullor or ttiimai vcartt it in the uorstel formt hi winch much wool is used choose acton in 1910 in augukt 1010 they picked the spot for ho plnnt acton in tvieim- hei lho they wtio in puuliu t on todii that plant hnnduh tooftoono pounds of wool which nhmit oinmhird it cmimliun product d fiom ii th plant products five million pounds of wool tepw whhh itpretentu nhotu 1 1 the vounlrlet total consump tion pivlousk luinlv all worsted ops hold in can u lu ut- import 1 ciinndlan wool n wnt into wotstil whs export d foi tomhlntf except t small amount whkli was tombed nv prknte mnnufuctuteis i here wete no adequate comliltiu futilities at til dupomtl of growers or handlei s of canadian wool lord barnhy rot urn id to kngland to assist mr markon out tmne two ymkshlremen horace boes now plant manager nnd peter walkt assistant plant manager mr markon became general manager mr blgiin became a vicepresident the team of three immigrants one pole and two yorkslilremen ore a happy com bination of executive and techlnnl skills that keep the biff plant pouring out products for war and civ ilian needs though nip till now it hjts been mostly war requirements bv- ery soldier incidentally needs 10 pounds of woo in his kit ranging from socks to greatcoat direct from source what this plnnt has meant how ever apart from foster procesiitnk of wool needed in canada can be visual ized when you realise that australian and new zealand wool used to go to new industry is important espadally with its apparent postwar possibil ities they are for more men like markon boyea and walker not to mention lord bamby they like hts kind of immigrant aikfieu 1tetabucs london cp- it seems impos sible tliat sxirh barren looking airfields cculd poski1i ctow all these thlns udd lhi tuness of olouopsler after visiting n 11 a v exhibition of fruit and v lablts in london the r a f has 72uo acres under cultivation small boy tm not afraid of uo- tnc to the liospital mother ill be brave and take my medicine but i aint colng to lei ihem palm off a baby on me like ihey did on you i want a pup lourdes service in cathedral business directory hmi dr w a c kenney sucommw to dr j a mcnlvea offlo la ajmonblock mil sitmc dr vh c cullen cmcxx mctim mi ottlo haun3- mnd 19 po except wednewuy and sunday mui street near rraderlcfc street raone tticrc wiu a lourric immrvnv for tho nick in tho tulni of st george cathedral soutliunrk on the feait of the auulimptlon when archdeacon amlngo prcuchcjl uml curr e the jlemul suire- ment in the iroceulan rliturc fchoxi pnrt of the procehklon pau- inu tluouil the latkc croud who thronged the ruined cathedral carrolls i chicken jg h addie 33c y sealcct mussels x7c al- lobster cwiu 69c mackerel sea lect fc 30c quaker muhcts x 17c shredded wheat x x3e macaroni cateiir teo p loc nabob coffee iib pi 43c dried apples n s grapefruit aybner 16o j 37c pancake flour aunt jemima 15c molasses brer rabbit green label 18o jr 20 os to a coupon instant postum xso 4sc carrolls daula tea pa sec sac quaw puffed wheat pa 7c quaker coaninuuua spvlse poatutu cereal i p xoe roman meal p x9c nutrim p see oop st x ti lc noca szzu xpiixsc rice pound isc ace ozzhv c oup mix stafford pig ioc white beans u so pr nuts p lie coffee roar i4ouluj3sc toilet paper s xso pegaiicfitte s s m xse javbx bleach w 140 teaaud viu cofpeb 1 to z3 vald 5ucab i to is preserves 1 to conpotu butter j to 41 meat m to wa mam taa rlral to inmh quaawiaa of all a fresh crisp celery hearts washed carrots 4 lbs no 1 macintosh apples 3 lbe florida oranges size 250 33c doz size 216 39c fruit and waaaj priom aato nooa wax 14a 4fc 24k s3e dental dr t h wvlie taking charge of dr borhanana practice for the duration or lae riiiit oroee hours aav 9jt esorir taursdar rrtaay aad satarday office telephone 148 dr hugh s austin mill street comer frederick acton office hours 9 jo am to 5 30 p m is evcnlne hy appointment lbuai c f leatherland ba barrister and houeltor notary public issuer of marriage ljccnscs kcclstrar of births marrlaccs deatha actom otfleo ii rhonea resideaeo ul kenneth m langdon barrister houdtor notary pobtle offices ceorcetown gregory theatre builds acton over t seynucks cafe for appointments phone acton gs or georgetown 88 office hours acton tuesday andi thursday 110 pm lo 400 pis evenings on request veterinary b d young vs bvsc veterinary hurceotl office brookvllle ontario phone milton 146 r 4 f g oakes vs bvsc veterinary surgeon office and residence knox avenue- atton phono lu lteai ehtate willoughby farm agency ijirgtt ulul oldest agency in canada iliuil office kent hicil loronto georgetown ueineseiitullve tom ifeuson phone fleoretown 83 time tables canadian national railways tioing uvt ttill iktot sunlny l um hatunliiy only 2 29 pm dully trxrvpt suruluy 7 8 p m monduy only 1- s ni dolly xctjt sumlay 1h am flytt at coruiown nlly uifcipt mat nnd sun 15 pm klyer at fluelph dully ox- cipt sat nnd sun t xi l m loln kul dally elpt suiulny 111 am dully xcpt sunday w 9 56 am dully uxtpt sunday 6 50 pm sunday only hlopm tlyr dally truitoun tltspm klyt dully ut cm iph hii p ni cray coach linus roachi mavk ahon tjutlhiinl i u a ii in um m im pm hi pm lilm pm i wvttlbountl vlos it m y- w 1 m 7ll pm vh w pm 11 h l i i i o loudon lb sundnm and iulldjyn only x lo ouidph dally to sundu mid llolilit- i v lo kilt hrmt z lo stratford dh p tn kltrionra w t patterson ro hiieclalut in rye rsamlnauoa ortaeptlss iu wvndiiam st ovaxril raana 11m cnmplelely equipped offlcae below maher shoe store piles sufferer of blpckl inn and protruding piles should v know hunkers herbal 1111 treat ho cause at its source money back if the jtlntl bottle does not satisfy buy from your druggist