Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 9, 1943, p. 3

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thursday december mb 1m3 the acton free press pack trrkb of interest to women hie mixing bowl hello honuniken fruit coosrie the plum pudding and mincemeat re- qlr several days to mellow and de velop that rich blending of flavor ao deslreable they wilf be leas heavily fruited and lack the richneae of other year because of the scar city of some of the ingredients how ever make a perfect dessert neither soggy nor dry and the family will jbe cheerful prepa for steam puddings may be accomplished in easy stage wash raisins and dry thoroughly shred peel and chop suet when you have a few leisure moments in the evening when ready to mix use about s cup of sifted measured flour to dredge the fruit combine mea- sured ingredients together ml and pour into well gre moulds cover with two layers of waxpaper tie securely with a string inddentaly if you put puddings in several mall moulds they will require less time to cook we prefer to steam the pud dings however if your steamer has worn out you may improvise one by putting moulds in a covered roast pan with the rack in place in lower part of oven with the bottom element on high indicator at 400 or place on top element and keep boiling do not lift the lid during the first two hours if the lid u tight fitting it will be neces sary to replenish with water if wat er has to be added use hot water so that the steaming continues without interruption to reheat the pudding allow a half hour for small moulds or 1 hour for the listed english plum pudding english plum pudding t cup pastry flour m teaspoon baking soda teaspoon salt 1 tea spoon cinnamon teaspoon mace teaspoon each cloves allspice ginger vt cup minced suet 4 cup currants or seeded raisins m cup sultanas 4 cup seeded raisins 2 tablespoons of mixed peel cup blanched almonds vj teaspoon grated lemon rind 1 tea spoon lemon juice cup grated carr ots ii cup grated mw potato m cup grated raw apple method sift flour measure nnd rc- sift with soda nnd iplces ad 1 nil other ingredient comb inn thor oughly steam in covered creased pan for threw hours ftrhttam for serving carrot vtoddlng 1 cup grated carrots 1 cup grated potato 1 cup breadcrumbs 1 cup raisins 1 cup peel sliced cup cherries sliced 1 cup brown sugar cup suet finely chopped 2 table spoons sour milk teaspoon baking soda vo cup flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon ti teaspoon nutmeg teaspoon allspice method mix ingredients in order given turn into well greased mould cover and steam if individual moulds are used 1 hours would be required foe large moulds 3 hours ilum pudding mauce cream together a cup of sugar and half a cup of butter when light and creamy add the well beaten voiles of four eggs stir in si cup rwp- h berry vinegar or similar flavoring a pinch of salt and one up of hot cream or rich milk beat this mix ture well place m double holler over the fire until the consistency oi thick cream add 1 teaspoon of liqu id allitplce do not let boll butterscotch hauee wm cups brown sugar j cup white corn xyrup cup water v cup but ter cup rich milk boll kugar syrup and water togeth er until they reach u temperature of 236 degree f add butter nnd cool beat in milk serve hot or cold s up shelled almond ma be added to sauce after cooling c take a tip x heat a cake pan before greas ing lest fat will be needed 2 bake or grill patties or cro quettes instead of frying to ii fats 3 plain scones or tea biscuits may be baked on a lightly floured pan instead of a greased pan the question box mrs c m asks how can fish od our be removed from a metal pan and should frozen fish be thawed be fore cooking j answer scrub with hot water and salt rinse then wash in soapy water small fillets do not need to be thawed but it prevents excess splattering of fat mrs s mc asks how to make good pastry without pastry flour answer add teaspoon baking powder to sifted flour use va more cold rat and sprinkle with milk in stead of water chill before t is tolled out nose has mnyono other suggest ions pertaining to the above problem was oveb takget an ottawa man who had weathered the london blitz been home in can ada and returned to duty again was a member of an allcanadian crew which made the return trip to ger many recently k it wadsworth of the cbc overseas technical unit handled the radio equipment for ray mackness when he gave a running account of the attack for listeners at home line to steep rock goes into operation woi havsirea bflttoa gtj- of water oat of lake of ugli grade iron new year formula break all the dkfaea put out the fire so you think you will turn over a new leaf and start all over agnln with a new year resolution if you want a m lei for a thorough and complete job of it do as the aztecs did according to mr m e kldd of the iloyal ontario museum these an cient mexicans regarded the occasion seriously their new year which recurred every 52 years was n time of danger and grave portent the world in fact would certainly come to an end unless the gods were len ient they prepared for the occasion by smashing their images breaking their pottery and by extinguishing the fires throughout the nation on the fateful evening vast multitudes assembled in the square before the croat temple in mexico city here priests offered appropriate prayers and sacrifices at midnight one of whose duty it una began with this drill to mike new fire on the altar at the riit sign of flame n sigh of re lief went up from the crowd for they knew thut the world would continue itunnfr lighted torches nt the f ir s ami soon the whole nation wns nbjazo with promise tliey made new idols and new pottery nnd hew life was re ally begun kxamples of aztec im ages and pottcr like those destroyed at their ritual are contained in the collection of the hoal ontario mus eum aussies get break with wartime tea heavy utters of beverage they receive uetter quality than in peacetime mexbouitne cp although living under a rigid wartime economy australia today is getting better quality tea than in peacetime this fait disclosed following the arrival in australia of a large ship ment of tea from co ion and india is good news to a country which am ong all teadrinking nutlonu ranks second only to great britain in peacetime the average knghtth- mnn umm nine muiuu of tea a yt ir ami tht average australian seven as good u a is et limited to make about jtto cults to the pound thu rrivtms thut fngllshmen drank n dally average of five cups compawd with four by the australian australian uar time ration allocs w poumu u cnr for euch aubtml- lan hut in the in at 1j months two additional allowances brought the total to 7j pounds in peacetime australian supplies ame lurgely from java and sumatra with a smaller per centage from cey lon and a negligible amount from india ami china but following jap ans eastward advances the british mlnlstrv of food acquired the entire indian and ceylon out put from which allotments an made ao all allied und neutrul teadrinking coun tries high grade tea which to day u available to the australian house wife was sold almost entirely on the british market because of its high price feu australians realize that the pound of tea they buy from the sub urban grocer really contains up to 20 different varieties the current ship ment for instance contains up to 600 lines from different grow or and ranging in quantttx from five to two hundred chests each of 110 pounds alt tea is shipped by the british ministry of food to tha commons- wealth tea board bv which it u appraised and allocated for packing and blending to packers and distrib utors reaching into ontario northwest hinterland to speed the vast develop ment of vast new mineral resource hydros new 110 lev transmission line covering a distance of 120 miles be tween port arthur and steep rode iron mines limited went into oper ation recently ranking as an outstanding war time achievement the construction of this line by the the hydroelectric power commission of ontario was completed within a period of six months traversing typical north ern ontario bush country the lino will provide power to operate the pumps which will drain an estimated hun dred billion gallons of water at thj rate of 300 oo0 gallons a minute from steep roc lake in addition it will supply power to the ontariomin nesota pulp and paper company lim ited in lieu of power formerly gen erated by i he companys own plant which had to be shut down before steep rock lake could be drained the line with associated terminal switching equipment was constructed at a cost of approximately s15o60oo and is of twin polo construction of western cedar thus alleviating to a great extent the wartime scarcity of steel power conductors were obtain ed from a certain line section in the niagara system which hnve decreased in importance with the development of the commissions eastern sources of supply this project will materially aid in the devclopnu nt of a particularly high grade oi iron ore w hlch will be of vital imitortance to the united nat ions war effort after the war it is expected that tlib ore will find a market in the production of high grade wteels of more passing interest to the municipalities in the thunder bay kystem are the tests now wing con ducted in the united states to deter mine both the ml v liability nnd feas ibility of producing iron sponge by the use of hydrogen gas an ndequato supply of low cost power is available for the production of this tns by the electronic decomposition of water nnd the economic soundness of such n plan is reported to be under consideration as the water level in- steep icock lake u lowered the oro 1 ing in the lower section of the middle bay will lie the first uncovered overhearing material will lie removed partly by hydraulic method and pattly by dragline and steam show am the ore lit uncovered mining operations by the open pit method will com mence chronicles 1 1 ginger farm wimli apadaor is let vfcm pnaa fcr awbnpounk r c1 it plays baseball on arctic ice twentytwo yearold saskatch ewan sailor lyavdbt kar in two years speeiis sosk cpi the fortune of war have taken 22yearold inn langlcy of spoors to both extremities of the american contlnorit twice acroxs the atlantic and flnnlty to n baseball game on an ice floe in the art tic all in the space of two veuru ianglc nulled with the mcrchnnt marine from seattle in 1941 through the panama canal to britain and from britain through the strait of magellan around the southertmtoiit tip of southamericn to peru now serving as n wireless op rator with the federal department of trans tort youug lnngleys trnvt is had taken lilm to the arctic bay w turo he won reported stationed in his last 1 tter to his parents mr and mm 11 c inngloy of speer luingley dtstrllhd a hnseltull game he plaed with the enw of the nav- cople the famous northern supply ship hi n the vrnsel won ice bound for a few das off fort itoss and failed to ket suppll n to the hudsons bay 1twt at that point the ganio was playd on an uo floe near the ship with the nearest land iv feet below langlcy also described how polar bears would come right up to tne side of the ship while it was stuck in the ice nnd nose among the scrats thrown overboard relax restrictions ov uomevtl clothing of interest to mothers is the an nouncement of the re la xa i ton of cer tain restrictions ym the design of hlldren s and women clothing de tails of the new order were made pub- lie by the wartime pricei and trade board an earl war casualty patch pockets ma again be plnoed on two- piece dresses and on vvomms mioses and childrens sepernte skirts re strictions on the width of hems have been eliminated woollen skirts for children may be mnde fuller size 12 may now have a finished bottom sweep of to inches instead of the pre viously approved 60 inches a few weeks ago a young school boy came in asking if we would buy some christmas cards well i have said that greeting cards are some thing we could do without for the duration but you know how it is with a child you hate to turn him down o 1 took a packet without even bo thering to look at them today i was sending a sthall parcel to england and thought x might as well enclose one of the cards i opened the packet and what did i flndt the front was all right on each card but the greet ing best wishes for a merry christ mas best wishes for a happy christmas and the merriest kind of new year x ask you could anyone with any sense ofthe fitness of things send such a card with such a greet ing to people living in the nightly dread of enemy iwrnhs the very thought of it sort of burned me up surely it is more true today than at any time that otw half of the world doesnt know how tne other half live otherwise why such cards 1 ft is also true that no mother knows what sort of scrape her wandering son may get into next i will quote you a piece of our sons last letter giving an account of his latest escap ade but no t shouldnt call it an es capade since this tittle affair was no fault of hi own i quote 1 had u spill on my motorcycle the other day xve were coming back from and 1 was just starting to pass n nr when the fellow cut right across the road in front of me i tried to turn with the car to nvold running into him but the roud vvah slanting nnd x was going too fatd to do it xmdtad when i turned so sharp it threw me off the bike and x sur did go the car stopimxl fast too nnd it una n good thing it did because the motorcycle had my leg pinned to the ground mid my head was underneath the running board halfway between the front and rear wheelo x gave my head an nwful clout on the running lionrd as x went but it still kept go ing nnd hit the ground an awful clout too and then i rolled under the car so help me x shall nover forget the look on mint guys face ns long an i live he might ns well have iteen dead he looked so sallow he open ed the door iwmit down nnd looked under the car i gueui he thought lu had killed me nllrlght y looked up nt him saw hiu face nnd started to laugh x just couldnt help li the poor guy looked so stricken it dldn t itother me in the least but x ld that guy wont 1h right for veekn fiom the way he wan blinking if i nover get a closer call than that ill w nllrlght but i sure got some nns- ty bump nil the unme for i hit hard you know how a hike will whip n- round if iou jump on the brakes nnd cramp the front wheel well that ih just what this did but the speed threw mo off so thats nil thero was to mint hut how much worce it could hnve been und nil because the driver of the car did not observe the rulefl of the road by signalling lus intention to make n lefthand turn i think if there were an army camp anywhere nenr hero with motorcycles running around i would he watching for them nt every turn of the road if there is anything x dislike it u 11 motorcycle just noi sy dangerous things thats what i think they ore i never yot knew any one to own one who didnt finish up with nn accident of some kind but still lt1t wasnt orn thing x suppose it ivouidbe nnotherou sorj sem to have formed n hnblt of hav ing hairbreadth cscapen tven nt two year old x just managed to res cue him ns ho was going under water for the third time x saw him ulnk but it took me that long to get to him fortunately nelfhcr partner noi t are given to worrying too much about things that might hnve happen ed arter nil if all the things hnp- etwd that nearly happened we would all be dead long ago it is enough the days to worry about the things that renll happen and even that doesnt get ou anywhere so i sup pose we should ult worrying alto- gither good advice but who amongst us can take if natives like beach movies t sosauvweat pacific getting joed to new canberra cp what are pro bably the first talking picture shows in the southwest pkciflc area de signed solely for nslfves have just been established at ai new guinea base now on saturdayevenlngs like other people the natives of such- and such village put on the best clothes they have and off they go for the weekly night out theirs is an open air show and the screen in white j sheet on a wooden frame k is set up on the beach near the village tall thin palms droop tanqutdly over the sight and the slight breeze from the sea is soothing and refreshing as daylight fndes tlie natives take up positions around the screen many preferring to see the pictures from the rear side they get a slightly blurred view but they are quite ob livious to thefact thoy are on the wrong side the children are sitting so close to the screen that they can easily touch it without moving they cannot poss ibly see- the screen properly and they will have terrific pains in the neck before the night is out but they have what they consider to be the very best seats some of the audience sit on the ground others stand through out the show had too lbs butter hdrt finrn 5 oo0 the heaviest fine ever imposed in canada for hoarding was meted out in toronto court recently when ber nard bercovltz wealthy aircraft man ufacturer was penalized 95 000 or 1 months bercovltv- said his house hold consisted of seven persons in cluding butler chauffeur maid mas seuse and dressmaker admitted hav ing 200 pounds of butter 100 pounds of sugar 100 pounds of coffee 100 pounds of tea over 700 bars of soap and a long list of other commodities in his basement evidence showed some of the goods was purchased through the cafeteria of the war plant o which he is the president canadian fanners helped save britain right i ion malcolm mncdonnld high commissioner for the united kingdom nald nt the formnl ojmnlng of the kxport food show held rec ently in ottawa that the occasion provided him with nn opportunity to pay tribute on itchnlf of the people of britain to the vital part canndlan farmers have played in the war in mill and the rirst half of 1011 the cltloih of britain had to hear the full fury of the attack of n stup endously victorious foe said mr mncdoiiahl to survive their ordeal they had to be in possession of n few essentlnl things first they had to have n fenr- hsu spirit that they were given by divine providence then they had to have n strong right arm with which to deal soma counterblows at the enemy that was provided by the im mortal group of boys who manned the raf in thoso days ilut also the people of britain needed uiffli lent food to keep body nnd cnul together until the forces of freedom all round the world should come to tlulr rettcuc to help them to lwat hack the n11i conqmrom tiint essential food wan provided in inrgi menmire hy the farmem of canada nnd you have gone on providing it through all the difficult times mint hnve passed since war christmas the ingenuity of santa claus has lieeu umlty taxed this year ho has done hu best to turn out tankk and guns mnde of wood and tnrdlmnrd but micro lire 110 clockwork mechan isms wooden trains lack the mob ility of the streamlined electrics of a few years ago kven dolls this year arc so economically constructed ait to force the conclusion that snntau elves nnd gnomes have been caught bv the compulsory transfer order its rather tough on the parents whose imaginations are no longer equal to creating n land of makebe lieve without the elaborate props of prewar chrlhtmaes one can hnrdly spend the ufternoon demonstrating to little johnny the proper method of running a wooden tractor for little johnny and his fru nds the ulluntlon is not too serious one young lady of our acquaintance forhlddi n the use of her skipping rope indoors hi nunc of possible dnmnge to mahttcplece nrnameiitii still skips happily in mie living room swinging an imaginary rope almost nnv evening niter w hool is out one im observe sarigulnnry engagi mi nts be ing waged ngnlnxt japs nnr germans with weaktnu that nn unuympathetlc observer might mistake for broom sticks and garden tools a battered express wagon is en wily converted into a tank n naval gun or o dive bomber and snnta clnus huu given the par ents one hrenk thu year the after- dinner nnp will not be interrupted hy the notes of a tin trumpet food parcelh rkactunfl objmt1vf mm ii p f lumptre director of the red cross enquiry bureau at otta wa states that m7 460 acknowledge ment cards were received up to oct ober lmh from allied prlsoners-of- war 1 oca tol in 217 different camps for canadian red cross food parcels received icobac mental dkobdgbs down inbftain london cp britains mental health la better now than it was be fore the war ernest brown minister of health told a meeting of the pro visional national council for mental health the stress of war has not led to any increase in the more serious men tal disorders he said adding that ad- missions to hospitals had been below the prewar average he said the decrease was due to im- raent in employment thus el iminating money worries one of the big reasons for breakdown of unstable people hcaac1tv to pucntv w london cp all through brit ain a year ago you couldnt buy on ions now the market is glutted and no one seems to shed a tear people just dont seem to realize theyre available the pood ministry said five christmases 1939 what la this war 1940 what u we lose 1941 can we win 1942 we can win 1943 we are winning always bearing in mind that thou sands of our finest people have died to save us and reserving for the be reaved a deep and lasting sympathy we can now look forward to victory and peace on earth nino suoostt pauce beading england cp a price record for non pedigree cows was made at a sale hire when two ayr shlres brought 950 each bio year fob itoph south amiton cp britains 1943 hoppicking season created a record for the southern hallway which used 120 special trains to carry 135 ooo people to and from the fields cooks bleiii christmas puiliiix chrlumnu pudding complete with prou 1 fixings including n spot of stout mid n drop of rum to blind thu tlavorliigs in now maturing in can adian national railways pantries in rendliicki for the holiday season when the zero day ntitiim next month christmas pudding will nppear on the menu of systm dining cam and station restaurants from coast to const hie preparation of christmas pud ding by canadian national thefs ih nn annual event observed with com plete reupect for tradition mid the faithful observance of nn old english recipe despite unrtlmo difficulties nil the necessary ingredients weit obtained and will w included in the coming issue hitherto the kftcluu of u uilluny dining car haw been the scene of the mixing ami cooking hut the 1911 edition una pieparod in the rcdnurnnt futilities nt the new cen tral station in montr ul lhe mix ing had a martial titmouphere owing to the prsnce of military cooku des irous of gaining a hint or two con- t mliig pudding in u hole mile quunt- ilurt information inter useful in army kltchi lis for the forthcoming issue of pudding plum all lanku for the use of mortt than three tons of pudding well ovt r 0000 pounds w re mixed mic anted nnd utored in radltuw for the holiday season un amount suffic ient for more than tflooft servings domestic tradition requires christmas pudding to lw boiled in a loth but lallway chofu steam the mixture and for transportation conveuu nee place the product in tlnu 000 umh con tainers itelug t4wlilrd this year in lhe photograph chu f inxtrut tor lame u morgan of the nutlotml itnll- waju la olinun mixing ingredient to the admiration of lc ttunnln pre- vout left nnd lc luinollo uinglois right lhe lance oipntnl are ox- pert in their own right thtlr dally tusk ih ing to cook for jso cwac gills at st sulpice llarratku mont real the shopman thaacco for a mild cool sm0kf jocx smith veteran shopman of the canadian national it lways is the subject of this sketch byjorant maedonald noted csnsdisn artist whoso drawings of members of canadas armed forces hnve aroused wide spread interest thu la one of a new aeriea by mr maodorudd depleting cana dian railway workers engaged in the big task of keeping the countrys war traffic inoviiigvtak a veteran of tliel he and 24000 other shopmen in this and allied trades keeptbe 2a73 locomotive and the 103301 fraisht and paassnger ears of the national system in shape io handle the big war traffic in addition severs thousand cnr in ths manufacture of munitions l shopmen are engaged

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