1huksoat uakch shu 1m4 the acxon free prbss mob of interest to women the miung bowl chronicles ol ginger farm others business plaid and olhera den tin jean their problem is shared by every woman bow can they keep their clothes m order tbey want an rswt to which one f my dram u ill an pitinrsil and ready to wear lr true that regular care make the ino easier that is always use a hanger for your clothes turn inside out and air them frequently brush daily and keep fasteners sewn on securely but to be wellgroatned send them to the dry cleaners regularly never let pnwlm take the place of laund ering or dryleanlng keeping the clothes clean and fresh is one of the first rules for looking stell dressed as well as for making clothes but long er then press often to keep looking well groomed besui with the sleeves it is easiest to press them on the right side but of course you should use a pressing cloth to prevent shlnr if you haw a sleeve board or an ironing board with a small end you can easily press the thick rap of the sleeve over 11 otherwise roll up a mnaji turkish towel and slip it ln- klde the shoulder and the cap of the sleeve and pre ihest section thin move the towl up and down and press the sleeve this will avoid raun turn the drew inside out now preset he fabric itself in prey ing woolens or crt pe wcawe use an uanddon stamping motion to pit ent stretching but with smooth fal- ris press with an ironing mot km n vvr forget to press the usm flut for this elves your dreui that well- tailored look now turn to the right side and flnmi pockets double thick ness and trimmings using the press ing cloth lo avoid shine keeping trimmings trim collars and cuffs and dickey mnku us trim nnd sprucelooking when they are crisp and immaculate use starch co kep tlum mrrky ihit nlmut 2 tlp in a gallon of water and dip in after rinsing urul iron the pieces while damp to kip hut orluinul uiouy look with white uecessorlt um ti hh nth do nut hhtuh silk or wool kollo k directions on the lxdtl of bleat h for the right amount souk the pieces for 1 mtiiut s and rlmte sevi nil tltnrs before oli wtnr ii in u ln wj or txmt to ir all tin hulttmw iltli vtrong tltrtiid another tip on i nwl grooming k to kt p hat iu pr kxl in 1u linm mul utitruihil 1 1ms we can a yellow and white colue pup from a good cattle dog from one it is also a good watch dog but yet nof cross toes anyone own a pup answering that description for whom they would uke a good home we feel absolutely lost without a dog around daring experiment proves successful i take a til oout drop yout iron imt t huh tlu tint t dont uw a cold ii loow plug 4 i ton t ul stur i or soil colli ct on koh pinto 4 dont ht cord tout h hot iron i dont lento tonmitml ulun not til um 7 omi i iron over hifrtotts and fui- it nor tiik qtkhtion box ttetineej liars hiuntd by mrs c im j nip shortonlng u tup of wugnl u uln syrup 1 tup of rolled outs 1 tup ulfud flour tsp luiklng imwdor milt tup mllu i i up ihoppm rnlslnt cream utoru nlng blond in sugm nliil wi up add rolled outs mix uiul tlrt flam tuimng metier und suit urul mid ult ornately ulth tlu milk stir in tlu- rulhinst spit ad un greased buklng sheet uuke in un elet trie oven at 350 degrees for 45 minutes cool and cut in burs apple tiranam muff kequftfted by mrs n b 1 up rnham craiker crumbs j tbs melted butter s cup of brown sugar sifted 1 egg white stiffly beaten 3 cups slightly kueettned applesauce sv tsp cin namon mix crumbs and butter and brown sugar pile on a pie plate and bake in a slow electric oven at 275 degrees for about 10 minutes cool fold beaten egg white into the sweetened applesauce put a spoonful of the israham cracker crumbs on the bot tom of serving dishes fill up with the applesauce mixture sprinkle with cinnamon and top with more crumbs chil in electric refrigerator mrs c asks why are apple pies soggy in the lower crust answer pastry requires a high temperature 435450 degrees for 30 minutes the pastry should bo well cooked and chilled quickly when taken from the oven freetown cp the british treasury has lent 91158200 to sierra leone and made a grant of 167200 for the dralnac and irrigation of swampland where rice is being plant ed we bave a very lively increase in the family in tact there are two hundred and fifty of them all of them babies and as cute as mn be it u fun to watch our new family the only trouble is to watch takes time but then that is ufa if full of care we have no time to stand and stare whether it be at chickens or sunsets both are lovely and do you know you can almost watch chickens grow in intelligence as well as in six or perhaps i should may observe their instinct develop because chickens never have very much intelligence at any lime for instance the first day we had the chicks v could cough bang away at the stove or do any thing at all and the chickens took no notice whatsoever the second day when i shook the ore down the little thine stood absolutely still as much as to say whats eolng to happen lo ui howt the third day they were used to stove noises but when i sneezed rather violently and twlco in succesjjon they made one wild scramble lo the far corners of the pen and they didnt come out until they were sure that the nolhe they had heard had h relation to m vesuvius in eruption then i cot some new drink n fountains difft rent from the one al- r udy in the pen several of the more venturvmo chicks crowded around the fountains got very ciomt to tlu kuuctr und thin backed away i hat would hopptn time mid again thwn one with more courauv than the rest uave one quick peck at the witter nnd then lurked away quicker than ever lie shook his head und really looked quite sur prised why that is only water in that queer looking thing he appar ently thought to hlmbelf i think iii try it nguln so he came liack nnd hit return gave the others cour age pretty soon nil the chickens wire bcrnmhllng over each other to ht to the water after u while hav ing fed tin lr fill and quenched their thirst they uro ready fo- mi nfter dinner tiup some doe olf vturdlnj up but finally sink to the floor others would uttle down comfortnhu be fore uunir to bcti and uppeut like do liulf d ml tlilikenw until a few of tin lr wldeuwiine hrollurs and u- uru would tun o r the top of their wlei ping immiu without o much ns wiiylng ily you leave up jump the eplng chickens now very tl o und uwake khuke tliemwelvtu run a few itep and then bottle down ugitln to hhep until once more dlsturwd you know i am rtully huvitii mther u funny exiverw nee at least thnt is the way 11 wtrlket me wlun i attend to tlu furnace urul then the brooder move uke going from tht kubllme to the rldli iiloiu tit slothe one it so big nhd the other so urn tit i oh ea i had to mention the fin- mice ucain and why not it is still on my mind you wee the plum r itthhtu hi and the only time he wa uhle to come thu wek wits silui- iit morning wo the installation of the furnace lb not much neurer torn pletlo than it was u week ago how ever we are able to get the full bene fit of ii in nearly all our main rooms w we havent mudi to gi umble atout in the meantime 1 finished m cross collecting which in this triit was jnuvoululdy dlnyed t found the respond very gratifying fur more so than in any prevloiui year it is not netetsury now to tell people what the ued cross is- doing in futt some people after giving genirouly sav they wlslt it wertr possible foi them to give twite as idui h yesterday we had a very unhapp experience we had to destro our dog we were specially gr lev id be cause be belonged to our soldier sn and they were the greatest of chumw but itusty htul recently taken up with bad comtany and the two dogs went on the rampage and badl mauteil a neighbours geese nutur- ally no matter what uuty meant to us we could not keep a dog that gave trouhle and would probably give more to any of our neighbours we had already done what we could to cure the wanderlust except in winter rusty was tied up as much as possible and was always in at night but what kind of a life is that for u dog so we did what we thought was only fair to the neighbours gut rid of the dog but if you hav ever loved a dog and incidentally iu owner then you will probablv know how badly we feel about losing rusty who except for that one bad unit he developed had the best disposition of any dog we ever owned now we want to get a pup as soon tlvy artificial feet give ittiu- deewaacsl boy nearly nnml ufe london cp at the height ol an air raid three years ago tony hyett was born ills feet were hope lessly deformed due doctors said to the shock to his mother of the nightly bombings at that tune it was expected he would never walk so the doctors made a daring experiment they a tony to hospital when he was five months old and cut off his feet above the ankle months later he went home fitted with one of the smallest pairs of art ificial feet ever made today he getw around almost as well as any other child riding his tricycle and even climbing 8th ahmy officer wins three honors ijondon ci gen montgom- rys chief of staff in the 8tlt army majvocn francis de gulngand was decorated three time by the king at n recent investiture at buckingham palace he received the cb che and 14so thank you for all you have done the king said to the general as he shook hands and congratulated him gen de oulngnnds decorations ar a hmory in miniature of tlie hth army and its victories 1 won the dso before alumeln he said the cbk aft r we hail fought our way to tripoli und the cb for the campaign in sicily ssphb maybe noah 5 laughed s at these s worshipper l was given to un derstand that you bad a mixed choir here but i noticed they maleat curat nevertheless ism of them can slag mixed of them cant if i were you i wouldnt be a eald one man to another with whom be had been having a heated discussion true replied the other calmly the unfortunate part of it is that you are yourself the occupant of a ground floor list said to the postman you always seem to have something for the man in the lop fut yes replied the postman once had a row with him and ever since he has sent himself a postcard ever day just because he knows 1 have to climb five flight of stairs to deliver it teacher questioning class after les son on preservation of food mary tell me one way of preserv ing meat m mary pulling it in ice teacher teacher whal do you call that mary isolation teacher v wheres your pencil alf aint got one teacher i low many times have 1 told you not to say thai ufcten i havent got one you havent uol one thy huveitt got one w ii where are all the hllitkln tumlu fbavtelji ssvaaa uondaon cpmis irene ward conservative ii p for waisend has returned from a visit to china she travelled 3ujuuu miles mostly by air plane and in seven months visited ivrsla iraq afghanistan india tur key malta and gibraltar j london cp llerrtng are mora nutritious than eggs amy the her ring industry committee appointed by the goverment a year ago la a report recommending a vlojooojooo program to popularise the flab and expand herring tithing co i j jo t ulij stohuklt ilaiajf northern rhodesia c african workers in llarotbeluud have just collected llv tons of wild rublur and presented it u u coitttl hutlor to the war t ffort the rub- tier hn iteen sold und the proceeds paid to war charltlet fiue cifoiftic is the driving force of canadas areas sc tor thou- industries ssods of aaaa boc lumbering didnt wst happen if took cottrprufag i of the driving soros lories to the markets wnm enterprise was i now creating ladjvdual and nstjonsl prosperity ttus ceaturrold fesudt has long hero dendaed with canadas lumber industry has sup ported jt wttb ewendsl banking fscditic sharing in the growth of a self reliant pros perous canada fcmmp 4mmdm svtojy d tmmf the bank of nova scotia branch from coat to coast x o first objective in tlirstr dr uivcj feimiitli ull aittudu rlyrt is li etitrutcil on out greut lje lkt the ut luck tliut is lfleslnky tlienujci iiiciiuc uncl ull tliut it represents yiurt of wrk httv ifonr into sis r uirutiiil lie lrt f our ing met ur sluling their lives m lis uurcnui we in canuitu kniist sumrl uiii atrenglhcn this attack with all our rflort this one pur- ptiae must command our work our minds nntl our hearts a we must not permit any scramble for private gain or individual adush enda to du tract us from our main tnak if we concentrate on aeekina indlridually or jointly higher prices higher pu or higher profit we whull lie dkt rl- ing our utletttitui fritiii thti niuiii luwk ut this rriti ul tiuir me iliull uim t mlungrr i lie ttu- lllil of pri s hi h ur in cluiiudit liuvt uthieve ufter greut ililhc till u tuliilil tliut is raruliul t ellijini uiul fuirnrs in war uiul to mutetiutr prmmrit uflrruurtl our young mm ure lighting for m canada and world in which all men cin have faith hope and eeeurity rach of them wants o rome back to n job or a farm with a future we at home must keep secure for them a atrong and a table foundation on which nlone a post war period of promise and achievement cats be built 8 this odveftimmen it one of a teflet being itiusd by the government of conoda lo emphasise the importance of preventing further increomt in the cost of living now and deflation lots