mob two the acton free press thursday april oh xsu bijrartonjtrrrllrtbb rlllit enrs nolo acm ostssle stsrswa sheet he afrsa mwuiuot natesoe ssa ul a llk nnirnuta to ha usee m eie ssnm tku it agl nj tesracikns nufcur setea la nhm i ft m h cre se notes to set onmmbr ttj fee riw tu ifeulltr sn eot ed the esute eaet el each ijhrtli asths gs by the rf btftti fcditu bkwu the wu pa ulc c ablov jhtxs bdltoc teurhones- editatfa bouw office imunkt easier 19m the fifth wartime easter bears the same hope that it has held and heralded through the ages the religious festival of resurrection coincides with the season of renewal in the world of nature though we have watched the progress of as many springs as we have years each recurrence brings its own wonder anil newness the dormancy of nature gives way to new life and the cycle of seedtime growth and fulfilment begins again victory will come that at least is sure prime minister churchill declared unequivocally in his re cent address the statement is the culmination of the sober confidence and progressive optimism he has unceasingly entertained since he- became rrst minister may 10 1040 just before the collapse of france implicit in such a declaration of surety is not only ultimate victory over forces of evil but also the freeing of mens spirits from the darkness arid hopelessness of dictator ideologies and their infantr ous deeds there will bo a new beginning another spring as it were in the history of civilization selfdelusion must not permit the thought that the brave new world of the postwar period will conic as easily and unprompted as spring the plans o farseeing humanitarian statesmen and economists winrcmnins plans unless we are prepared to expend ourselves for peace as we have had to do for mera survival the western hemisphere mercifully spared the physical ravages of war and the degradation of oc cupicd countries is tho hope of suffering peoples who arc straining to hear tho clarion call of emanci pating invasion when the tyranny that has sought to halt tho progress of mankind has been battered out the revivification of human decency in tho ex hausted lands will be the most welcome spring ever to come in the history of mankind v convenience or friendship in a nearby town of not muchgreater population than this town it is felt that mail delivery should be secured city folk and rural folks have delivery to their doors or farm lane so why shouldnt the folk jnthe medium sized places have the sume service i port of the argumcritput forth sidewalks are very treacherous and in the winter many older people can- e not walk to the post office to get the mail there arc no young people in the home to send and so forth all this may be very true the old cracker barrel is gone from the small town store the barber shops are invaded by the women why should the only re rnainirig place the- post office give way to city idens andbe only acentrefor mail couriers to meet who wants to lose this meeting place where every mjfil time you are sure to meet friends hear of the in cidenrs from every district and pause for a moment for a friendly greeting think of the loss of friendships mail delivery would mean at christmas time when the lobby is jammed with folks from every section of the com munity to get the christmas cards or parcels every day those who look for overseas mail meet and even if the expected letter doesnt come they may hear of another friend who has had word and perhaps the writer has met another from the honic town overseas delivery of mail to your door has its advantages but going to the post office for your mail in the smaller community is a part of friendly community life that we believe outweighs the seeming hardships of getting there it provides a break in the morn ing we would miss very much v a busy market place some folks are feeling deep concern over the number of farm auction sales throughout the coun try these days arid they tell as that city folks are con cerned lest so many leave the farms that there may not be sufficient on the markets for their larders there have been more than the usual auction sales but we see no cause for alarm theother day we discussed the question with one of the local auctioneers and went over a list of sales he mid booked to see if there was all this cause for alarm we read the bills that more than riled the regular space on the office walls and tie told us why each man was having a sale many of the cases the vast majority were men who were getting on in years and could not manage the farm work alone- they could secure no help and it seemed an opportune time for jhem to sell out and seek lighteremployment they were phys cally able to do and let younger- farmcra take their places on the land farm prices are now attractive to young men and many wfio desire some independ ence and a place of their own were able and willing to take on the onerous farm work under present prices the sale of the land and the stock and implements would give the older man a fair stake for investment a home in town and he could take life a little easier in every case reviewed some one else was going on the farm n no case was the land being abandoned the stock and implements were being sold to other farmers so it all seems to add up that its just part of this period of chunging when some of those onfhe land are perhaps a bit weary of tho toil and remember too vividly the days when prices were not so good and those in other vocations feel they would be more secure tilling the soil instead of look ing for jobs that werent available in these same days of other years its simply a case of young men with ambition and a strong back exchanging places with older men perhaps very much overtired antl lacking the physi cal ability to keep going and judging tho market for their investment to be opportune the result is that the market place auction sales is a busy one v post war planning what do you hope for in tho post war period these days our mail seems hooded with proposals for the grand and glorious days that will follow the conclusion of hostilities some want social security at no cost to themselves others want to be protected against a period in which they feel they will be un- ablo to compete with others in a scramble to gain quick wealth others more confluent of their ability to meet all comers want an era ofno holds barret and every man for himself we believe if the lighting forces were asked their opinion it would be a desire to get back home and assurance of employment at wages required- to meet u decent standard of living and with sorne leisure mo ments for recreation and to spend quiet days with loved ones again we have a lot of planners of this post war period official and unofficial just as many planners as there are ideas of the kind of postwar world wc should have in view of all this conglomeration of ideas is it any wonder that governments who repre sent all these folks go through u difficult period in bringing forth plans for the utopia of the postwar period it is well to plan but just us the war has nor gone always according to our human plan it is well too to he prepared lor some elasticity in our plai and to be assured if they ore selfish they are not liable to succeed just as in the the past these plans will be carried into effect only at such a time as they aro ready for acceptance by the mujority it is well too that tho plans of man arc always possible only if they coincide with the plans of a higher authority while the way may not seem clear to us wc muddle along and in the end tho plan of the right will pre vail stockholm cp twelve swed ish chauffeurs who are experts at driving motor out equipped with wood or charcoal gas generators have 6een invited to argentina where they will aerve as instructor food vtnoucnon up nairobi cp kenya i making a big effort to produce more food in the european areas the colony has under cultivation this year nearly 70800 mora acres of wheat corn rye barley and oats than in 1942 v editorial notes we never did expect much from march but evon april weather hasnt been very promising in its early stages v the slogan of the sixth viqtory loan in th campaign just around the corner is tut victory first remember it when you are tempted to buy some unessential thing at a big price v ration books have been issued minus the pug for renewal but the assurance is given that the step was only to conserve many tons of needed paper alost folks hope thats only propaganda v from the chesley enterprise we learn that th electors of norfolkhalditnand were promised a milliondollar highway expenditure in the by-elvc- tion and the enterprise comments hat we ought tc have a byelection in this riding and wangle something out of the government we who live in the north end of halton hope there will be some- thing left over for us too v attorneygeneral blackwell states that stand ards of operation of beer and wine parlors must be established which will be approved by a large section of the people something that would meet with the approval of a large section of the people would be to abolish beer rooms for women or at least mixed drinking by the sexes in these places barrie examiner mm renewal of unempiroymemt ditoralfce books r to alt employers all unemployment insurance books for the year ending march mat 1944 must be ex changed for new books kindly communicate immejatelj with the nearest employment and selective service office if you have not already exchanged your employees books tfcatre ore mmvrrm peuusfflea for fouingu motcm uhmpioymnt frtauvonee concrfbufiona for your inmurmd mmployvmm euui for fo f urm co rmnmu thm inmur- ejftrw fioolca as rwquirsmf to all employees mm if you are an insured person protect your benefit rights by seeing that your insurance book has been exchanged mnamxmtan nfstnuucz communov hon iiummiaey ui1ci1hll muidhml tlm toiji f laiyiina a j tallon uian m uikiiiu carrolls sliced side bacon ibpk vn cw tensle soup srki14lh35c newport fluffs 99 quaker mttnteta x 17 baby foods 7 soup mix ase beans v w pi afo ovaltine j ssc 98c nabob coffee 43c bovbu cubes f se eggs grade a large for easter old dutch a u toe nugget sa nu x ti 33c hawes wax 4s 83c pg soap 3 4 oxtdol pw 9c 33c lemon ou a bti 15c k9 dog food w- 19c shredded w 3 p 33c bakers cocoa z 7c quick quslur i pk 1c mackere1 ia- 7c mussels tin sse herring u tin ssc cmckra raddle i 9e pancakn wear pk c cheese brakiuu 07c camav soap 3 o 17c we rsmrve tae right to limit quantities it si merchandise cauforma6rances for juice size 28ft dozen imported tomatoes per ib fresh ireen celery staljks size 8s 2 for fresh spinach per tb fresh green peas radishes beets carrots cauliflowers pineapples special prices tnhmjmtublrtummjtet to market fratfnna 31c 23c 15c 15c imtaaril ftta i sugar 14 to 29 i preserves 1 to iii tea or coffee 14 to z el- i butter 54 to stl bmrinesh directory or w g c kennev csueeeaaor to dr j a jocnlven office in symon block mil street acton ottlea i tat dr wm g gullen ljmic rtwstolaa as naiana office hours 24 and 14 pjn except wednesday and sunday mill street near frederick street rtsounc dr t h wvlie taking charge of dr buchanans practice for the duration for the lyfit otoee hears s sua to s pjn bsssry ylsarsnmy friday office telephone 148 dr hugh s austin mul street corner frederick acton office hours 930 am to 530 pjn evenings by appointment it bboax c f leatherland ba barrister and souwter notary robll 1 csuer of marriage licensee registrar of births marriages deaths acton office ii h s tesldeaee u kenneth m langdon barrister solicitor notary pabue offices georgetown cregory theatrebuuds acton over t seynucks osfe for appointments phoae aeton c or georgetown 88 office hours acion tuesday and thursday 130 pjn to 400 pra evenings on request vetebinakv b d young vs bvse veterinary surgeon office brookvllle ontario phone milton 148 r 4 fg oakes vs bvsc veterinary hurgeon offlr inul hcsldcnec knox avenue acton phono 110 heal ehtatk willoughby farm agency lnriht nnil oldest aueticy in cana iliad office kent hiil toronto rjeoriutown rcprckentutlvo tom heuson phone tjeorgetowsl 182 time tables canadian national railways doluf wt dully xctpt sumluy 901 nm sntuntuy only 23 pm dally oneopt suruluy 748 p in monday only 1208 n-m- dully xfpt sunday 114 am klyer at cjortjetown daily pxcopt sat and sun 635 pm flyer at guelph daily ex cept sat and sun 1x1 pm taoln etui dally txetrpt sunday 649 am daily- uxcept sunday 9 5fi m dally except sunday 65 pra sunday only h19 pm flyer daily gtorcetown 925 pm flyer dally ut culph 859 pm gray coach lines coaches leave acton eaatbound 646 am 916 am 206 pm 62b pm 916 pm b951 pm vktbouml yl053 am y238 pm as08 pm zfxi pm bs38 pm xll28 pm a to london b sundays and holiday only s x to guelpn dally to kitchener sunday and holiday y to kitchener lto stratford w t pattbbson ro specialist in eye rssnilnamna ta wtndhajt t ainlrtl rkaaat i1m completaly equlppad offloaa below mahar shoe star trusses amamhaal trn nasi so expejetiy p111ij alejl stewart ltd st oeergaa sauare crhlub