pack eight pupils i schools the acton free press thursday aliin 20th ltm bobn ridlevob monday april 10th 1944 to set and mrm jack ridley nee lorraine jooqu a daucatct patricia lavrra hamixal rwl manorial hospital brampton on april 17th 1944 to wr udlln movcan madlll daucnter marilyn lomlm llattie lemon at guelph general llospu- 1 ixinuy april 18th 194 to mr and mrs frederick unwo ne mary crlpnai the gift of a daugh ter patricia marilyn eluott- on thuraday march 30 1944 to pte i a kmott acton inow overseas and mrs- euott tnee anna koblnaoa of scotland a aon terrence terry daniki- wo and mrs jamaa daniel nee jean lawriek wut to announce the birth of their daugh ter mary ellen on april 11th 144 at harroarharrow cornwall bnc- kingsbury at her residence the guelph road nswaeawcya town- hip on thursday april uth 1944 harriet watson widow of the late gilbert kutcsbury in her hist year griffin at the family residence falrvue farm erin township on sunday april 13th 1944 itula sarachhamer beloved wife of s e grtffm and dear mother of harold 1 in her 72nd year dobh1e in western hospital tor onto on thursday april 13th 1944 andrew dabble beloved father of william ernest angus ada mrs john broomerl margaret mrs s alderson in his 81st year swackhamer at his isle resid ence erin township on april 14 1944 franklin hamer beloved husband of brownlee and dear father of roy and vera mrs william e wallla both of toronto swack mary m marshall in loving memory of our dear son frank who passed away april 21st 1037 you left sweet memories lo blossom bearing the fruits of years to come in thellves of those who loved you precious memories of days that are remembered and sadly mother and dad sister ijiy and brother ken always missed by schoolst opened again on monday for tho final term of tho year we ran how that last week fill uhej tho snowstorms for the the victory loan drive starts on monday have your quota net when the talesman calls main street u having a lrine cloanup of the winter accumulation of sand and uravel a txood proving ground for army trucks would bo a run up tho second lino betwookt acton and milton the warm weather lias started tho suckers coming up tho creeks and soon sucker fishing will bo in full swing tho tiauul sprlnu breukup of dirt roods mukcu it wlso to stick to tho paved sections whorvvor tvosnlblo theiio days most everything itas bhn turned in at tho lost and found window in tiu fsss ink but last week a ladles spring loimot fount us way there and it hasnt been claimed yet tho road maintainor started fnt on highway no 25 yesterday it will havo tho ufesslng of all who travel this rood and tlu hope that it will maintain tegular trln tltrouuhout tho year tho meeting the uhttod y ip u was hold un tuesday evening led by douglas priestley in tho absonco of the president mr dean after tho oponlnu tlio group joined tho baptist group ut tholr church and enjoyed u very interest inn lantern lecture on tho mlssloh hold hi in din from the liools guests of the coftnty council continued from pape one 6 gth- s5 7th 4 8th s3 9th 2 i0thlj0a carried the following resolution was mov ed by mar jort service seconder try john readhead that we this group of boys anl girt assembled here to day wish to express vote of ap preciation to the county council and county officials for the m in which they have entertained us here today the young bngllsh lad john hat- ton also spoke he amid that al though he had lived in fngtand he had never been given the opportunity of attending wry g meet tug in that country but now after only four yearn in canaan be had had this opportunity of seeing the county council in inn he hoped that up on his return to bigand be would have a similar experience and be able to compare the fimctlonlng of cov in the two countries with respect to county and municipal af fair the national anthem brought the meeting to a close after a motion to adjourn georgetown making rapid progress in the past few months ceorgetown boys band made their first public appearance on main street last thursday even ing w are sorry to learn that mr t s hill king stnxt met with nn un fortunate accident last week wlwn fell down his cellar steps and trac- tuivd bis hip he is in uetph gen eral hospital and doing as well as can he expected the funeral of the late john mar tin took place from his residence in college view on monday april vd to greenwood cemetery a ry delightful evening was spent last thursday v hen the ieeorgetown ftre brigade entertained the town council and their wives to the num- htr of tkly t n dinner and dance tim iklilli ami most v acressful hltmml donor clinic to date- w is held in l in- i on itooms laxt wnlnesday nurnlng when 115 reported to give hluod donations of this itumher 19 vre actually permitted to donate nml won coniimksed of 7h men and t21 va4sii n herald oakvnxe fiveyearold brian butterwortlt was idlled almost instantly when he ran into the aide of an oil truck near hls home on colbourne street last thursday afternoon fireman john craves of the cn r sustained serious injuries and mlracu- lously escaped instant death when struck by a protudlng piece of timber on a passing train on sunday even ing after an exciting chase thomas frank holding 35 aknroth avenue toronto was caught by provincial constable allle jackson lloyd pol lard and george penheld and is charged with stealing about f30 from fenheld service station in bronte on monday afternoon a mass meeting to organize a per manent board and a drive for build tnjrffunds starting early in june was recommended by the fact undl committee of the oalcvllletralalgar memdrlal hospital at a meeting in the council chamber on wednesday evening the committee will submit its report to the dtlxens group which appointed it recordstar collections a guelph medical client writing us on march 20th says in part thank you very much indeed for your very effective servlceu that unsolicited compllntont speaks vol- uniott doesnt lf this effective service is avail able to you take advantage of it and send in your list now kelly aiken the cleeuari hpetjallsbi okanoeviule olmt ftcsi i8w musi r tohlay than kver before orton oh iuirt ovetilng mtacohah- ous slum or wus hold in tho hull to honor mr and mn itoh l ouun noo varl cllmin ith lonry vholor ui chulrntun mi tnhlr wns rcml and tlu happ etiupltj ww incmonttnl with mill lovely antf usojtul klfts among which va n studio coutli mid n mli- wr lunch was sorod ant dnncln was onjrtye1 for tuworiil hours mr jus novllu visited hi loronto luster wook mrs wm sliaw uiul mm uoll smith woe visitors ulio in ioixntu during eastor week mrs arthur rurner returned to her homo in detroit on friday aftoi spending several ueoks at tho homo of her parents mr and mn toorue lush mrs lush hu improved somo slncv her serious illness mrs wm carmlchaol and laugh tor who have been visiting in this vicinity for several months left on friday far their homo in alberta on friday night tho community club hold n successful dance and white elephant sale which realized a nice rium for the mercury distress fund mrs honry graham has resumed her teaching a zurich and ivjrs jesse reed at ccdarvale j f course im buying vic tory bonds double what i bought lust ear antl that tlocsnt tnuke me any hero either there will bo lots of time to buy the things mother uiul i are doing without once wo lick hitler and bills back home agaui if lie cornea buck until then im putting victory first what else would i do keep on tniylng victory s0nps royal palace ikuirs ieanin tiikaiugs ttsav t hattlkltay cinder kocn kay milland in the tcxhiikolir hit ladv in tllb lahk- mondav to ukumou1av alfred hitchcocks ijfkimiat wnh tallulah llankhcad william llcndm htaatlh nnhuv apcu jack london- ttdav tt hatiauav bclita in lauy usts lance with prick and frack monday twawoav car rnt in v nik awnn thimr aurl hit lnhd llcrmann auah iiai 4 sons ktastth uhivfji april lath kay kayscr in swing kkvkb bank of nova scotia braacfc finam coutt to coast v national selective service if you employ ulale persons jftls military cauvp by as oesue slaassl wales swtwarlty ietnlee mstdhsatl reosdatlaahii the nallsasl slsc4i 1 e- w stsavs is w iimi dirmsusts of tsms eaaaaayeas and ff awl os llsse whsi fall to tewsiiaps jessiaseaui shswlisa ommi sta n usmler msnluaatis aalstlssw x ivu esaaalnatusi sswart lw irasplitml by may 1st 1m s empuovi3l iswludas iskasaosial snj n isrui plm i sarnie pr wtwhlms car if you esnnloy any aaale batarsocv aawl bare mi i the burvnr by itooalet far bst cmieatalarl iheki ruhi and srt hrtrun osbee aod h far tl 4 maijc emptjrtvkk you 5 a nsnurl emrtovers cuidk luut been seol to lnjlril astd eeansastrrlsl asalsyef a niurn pawl earst baa o tswws opawataesw c if you esobloy auy aaale prsoa aswl bave mi bn nutlfted f r the buolilel 7 wosberai lu aavlculiure t anuitaty msc who hae ksol b r awtml by lb army and who have not m pomtpoomt vdw hatild apetly for such oraw to the s rfultwr immnll ally s obllaatlota to suss the stsasalnalion smis ms ettch 4bsnys of nsale pmonm aswl htsploytrtra taual art 9 svaallawm siv iatovl4sd for failure to carry out this aaumla-is- tlon and foe tnale cntalnyees falling lo assist by refusal to produce anrustfsu tat hatwml tfuctttf tttvicc simluuntm ettuttms department of labour iumpiirey mitchell r a uacnauara takmm mjmm swmim xrsfs speeding vidtty j bus travel used to be fun but like many things we always enjoyed in plenty bus service is pretty scarce now for ordinary everyday travellers many of the buses that used to serve you are busy on vital war jobs buses and tires and gasoline must be saved for these jobs so your bus service has been reduced in some districts it has been discontinued your cooperation is helping the bus services do their part in hastening victory then bus travel will be more fun than ever before with plenty of thrills and surprises in the smart new models gray coach lines is planning for you harold wiles phone 58 gray coach lines xzsejsstsssatsl 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