the acton free press jtms jot imc wk on- weekly iewspaper rcpvsndaliviss overseas cim mwckw mfra ciuumli ipjuett ii iniioj w amnny dlntttir tuhc ujuktlokinn utf inn slc 1 if qiukjiir mtiuiiaai utetinnr wwr wnne biunrsiintf njhruurjh tube iftarik mn am ur- ihy suwfltty mmnnknc ihionftikng fflimm ur ibldfrts ho who isttattiimi ficftaiiri2in awton wdhnoe ur owndul anncd tubo ttatyu bb tchcj swttiuiiuofl obwn ttihtikr maid ton i tribe moor tif tbhe mkxstt mrtanmnug jflanr as kit wibuoafl tube ffiuu waste tag 9ar itts thaxtikng sujomu ifuiunuto tubal p k o troan to axraboe uhe ownw aanoaruse afl ry ftathfam ofhnw us ahl auays tanr tpuat wfh nuig ms bwnwe bm fflkntft ah aitais attattkn ltt wauti stefllnsc ana nunr nmngftl the wait tub ffiinu iphot to wuadk linto tube rde- ftnlitfflntc mootn we amarra m dawm afaoimwi mf hiww bw iflmh urt that ttlhry mhj tfiudinr amd wthnn auitod aflnuul lit sraktty jbatt gjriins mud way ibe flmmoi ttuncw ilrili tr hint odv tfumiiujh tutwine tin m storiblt mn rwruy urtafliiam w thad aowownd tat tube sftatiina nm sbttiundy wstixamatm amd wnnr to tne- ifprhi nirftitl mfmttiw annnuing tnbww am tankwm toy ejcafwibfta ttnrt wp atfl h iflianownwd ttlhart ua tf tube ejiattsl mats ubr aauujmir rf om off any tranuib rubber rings for home canning ibamr sanrir tllbr jfainantse amiand lubn jniknnbisl wnurwir off matlmimfl majubm ih lima lbeni mm tiitinnttwqs imamo mro- annutty hn wnnnr to pnmiwe muhhftntenll sar nihr illujnmbu otmnet owe ikn laktwnmj mamutnrtliunr huu uxmn nuruaflnfl tithe himjhtuaul tflllllnnnj iff whr ujwrjmiflinwml nff sisiininilnnh rand suouflj ton winjiunifl llmn wuiuji niktf munmbibm idxintnittiinfirtt ff jviciiiruatiunr ttllu toasittibnr ipmine wnfl wnntif uupfl ojbr khflibmikq ehtfusidli oeunwiifl amtl tllbr mnxnultsfttitiitpti unraif iloullgnd ibinin ujhfr imunibnr tf uuubimrl blfi siii tnutmbur jjmtb aaxb nutwimll ikjmwihu itlliifl slnu willi ibt hninofl lllh wiurifc rennnibu himrthi ibo mot ojbe ijuiinifu ntrtl uitn ni to dhhr hw uulb blwitem wuk imfl mum tl lunbu uttr 6 i ah na whtftitam w wunnr onrlt aqy tube attattatm aroman6cir w ttofld tan tapd ajb bar tttbmtt nibt w t tin ufavr umbi cttxalt i meufeax o fflty h sjnpaic qatar ubatt tmsjut lit wanv taynnfl t wnntlii tube tfeattjum umi 1 1 unanw if w ttwriott- onit bd tuhr walbwcdtf- i ttbr ttalbr jtb tht susmhukilakc wnidl jwu daw qbtva tunb9unaffw hatwc btitlai at u t ti i tauv tthaft tbl wni t- tnatl br ttnlkthrtg trarfw urn si iqxc4 bqr- ubftl oeuaottirsuiiar ttthr kticjbt lid tdaottc amd ttftte tdlauafld aspr lbnavj ik mniliwi tttti axtnifl vane anaovtttmcjbl tdtaoncl aftrrrtohat zliniub ap uiataaicjh tttbc laaalk ffanasilav ma hi tfflaqbdb tto atboai olbr tplluttc ttftir bwefait rf ttkr mcullbtc atnound qlbr bmutertra ad qlhp ffiidw anv wfpannd flaavhi idlowr o qihr icmoteus otubra littaav off utaf- cntvil 4nauca 4pf tta tpuittlh off ttsa iraa- owit wfcidh ttfttr tplaawui te339 ftsttor affff otootsmms aa ttlbr jnniionltr auad cainksv tiittrw kcalsttit ttftw utabwit aow vbribijat iidh vnuhi maam taaae rf owtf d ffinpqiarnaily roar to a unaff wbtc tttoiolb e axv ioko ai hiittllr bbmbw ct- a xilenah tioaami bwrea ttlbr xvantsiji rxi cknar toft tttar shnft baaa- wlvaucji to sbr 4jtrtiac teoairik and ftiwrih ululi aaxwaad ta toc 4nnn sftar trunwav a he ffram tlbr inomiffoll aai beidhy ipaaj atuatxc il tmr i ii nimbnr sk tajltkji 14 eaorfjxri maar iw3 klhivwb tonsil jwu ifmrowij boar tlbt tuaaa tofvt to j jmuk saaddtll dt oflbnmrtmvfc a bum vlowqi at fj3d aaad tbrfm catbwiis boroto4up3 a bt drtuu ama tfnvam ou it front hftit anljh and wj sir ttlbc taul bifbt qift firona the couaid you aratdh abat tjud ijjrht ared mifta ia troaa wtni njuttih suddeol a mail u it tntna i jjionp samaibt up znia the air d1 a4rborim- tbr daiioo townunhndur rv one ftr anoabw siurkiof altei tnacbine mirlie roalixc owvs off the trraurtet to the dart sine and ctourbc lhe9v flor a bnororal or o faefow hursinc itaelf lhtucb tfv jhauld i aid tfaaa warn ntanmt tubrt tkmorilc ism ywaxr laaar amd swa bunny ilafto sonr cfufubmi and mnaas tt ttlhe tdobnlcaisuf i maam ttbr tnrtbunn to faar adltor tuhe unj int oiaob autvnailtt u tnnvumlbuan- 1 afbty tuhr taaactt toiiawia nbasr ms uhe afaaoattnaai m cao ant tubaae riwd banana ftatflahad ma ewanr mm eatffti laanifln tr hand ami 9w tow sor lbno ine iteannnncanjion tnaann wbrs iaoa tdtj sdll tuhr icnfunatl eiqinbiumica and am ttlwrv ihawr kaaoem wikih tufarm ttlfc maw mum wafljanei torf anod io and ttlbrj ajw indcmnleawid hw olbe 0wuaillt vdnlnrrm wnrlb la njnnaaniy laililan qnaonr madiffl ieffltinrr tlr ttlbtni ttay aarr uaannnocatad a ibrtetplicl mor tedleiftnr tatae nnek tai m tttbne ai now lbn5 atf ttlhr ttiicihik qpttiajt- lion ammribr ttor wvmttlbrtr anod dwntad ssmmalliladnt tbru ibi carttaiill arf twnv nonn ibatta aiinlh orraty admaramt tamnnui ttlbe tnruattihue cttawnuun off tube auufliioubnnnajrt tdeofsukh mrflati lm asrttaja tube g mtrf tufaria- bflaam tfpaend ate4ct hul wlbfn ttjfantr akritinal tuj tram affil ttaan xtimatf ff tllbr miibt aan- tfffii wilttjfanr tundra n tf on ftw 1 1 u itfttirt ttcdbuj aw tube mia tpbdl itofleagmctmtiiam lat irarffikwa1a ai lbafclie iptodaublls tube anw ibnbtc wmatqmii and hftmae iflijbbr- uiktikki tmay yrtl tbr vrriiniuwi sjiram- xauiion uhe tnifjbrntf xn mmuaibn jb- hanxule ib nannu tuun ujbttt said oangmbibt twinruufid lhaii awttmll ibsa tf teajfc ajt- m lmihib tribabaaad mn ttjj xwnne atin hbanifi cndbnmjtts w naoiriflajhiy ttumoval aaod lim aanne vmuns an- jflanjarb atamtt lkato ube ib aand tlfanr vaoui off ffinoai- as a tnsim off wbrme aaejhml uonvsafliicidlileah ul axaui inhlir- 3d ts ube snattutlaiije firrittfl be taffffinbirt wid arffiauttetb tlo sanirty baaflanr uibc inbttpr aune anamy ffartmrra tkttnrtki vntdro ihnto aauwetuanll ciarmnhnig aorad wflltwa tfl iu ibnipouujbae to atwirtrttauin tllbr pinecuue tiinuium tfon twlliirpf ioqilowibqc wtap wi whe i aune bnre to j aond ibave fcmrajk- dht amd no to bed bait tubes book ajt tube boadkboaund aa obe cad off tnr ube trwiaaatod bacflc ttbej barea amwprrfl aoiwb wdkat wvidkooaxpc eiqpesanaonc itttii ttbedir birmom- tlhii oar auiq tteffl jvwt toff tllbe wffidaslan bis ttwrovl ttnaide ttbajt iftttyf tf hmiit gg ntltlfl vl3ltb auq vbt uhj fi3tih aft dit tff eae riuul tdetinnibe llbe tfhajl wftuie a soaarttba atut hbe inrw 1 be wats fntyrjf bifnfl tlwrn bav ihiitj wld nraltl barik vood cbait tntjh tlbeim itaff aua boons tar tenarc arfl au tubcttiiiqejwfil tare om- mlcfttc tlbalt usae me tttwaiaaj cirir tlbnlr kbomttdeni tnacllinx icttaxkorrji ratt tlbei 111 o ihaaprsmid tbat thai wat at bad uiilm auod ube iflrtaeai ifitctnl ibis xtajtosi i wp cxknjnataitawj bnny i as wem afftetr crnear mraykrl 1 1 watcbed tat rihaj 1 bad taldlrd tis3a ttbe enrauaf beborre soddealty t ffonoaad hbat y acats tcbmuajrf tforr tm vmu-q- derrs ib wboosa t bad salt a a cbm- tlesitiielld too ttbrreeqnajriera off an bomnv one fvvam tkancato and one from a unaflll town on the paairirs ne ltmu sbctmiwsly 1 asaxa cnecjked the jroom- ttb aixireot tlbere ior an bour iii atcned hbe door ttbej id km fcv tura treesitll aistbout a tawd or a 3jp ail the air err in tbe ftoosn icalbemrd chose bm fwuat of the blackboard 1pbr bad nvtauuwd that if amy off tbe tmikln lianes bad landed at abntbir a3xffiewl i here bad been amjise tani for this viaaion to be noticed tbie w o 9n charnce of the board cot uj and wiped the mackboanl and atll tin thirty mrcoodc watbout a word the nen keft the room a doxen of us were left atone uiah a black board tapped clean while thoe chaps slept all trafief of their sntts3nj fellows mvmiu be trc- noed special officers p3dk up rquipinent it ts rauxfutu tabulated utahlajted and vent to their relatives vicmifacanslv i hear final place upcn suggest gardens for youngsters stem olhnncjht nnanfl toe cjkm tubttae anyuajtuuh awnnuwr icawiattlhbn bnr- to ttlbe ipuhuiuiiluly on iflewcftibic fftfirtjiatt ta thane ajrwundt ibi mltibik ttmwom aniti xisibuint tba ttlhe 3wniacijtn saw hfcwtir oamn uhnrs icufdnns ifflnty mnd ictatlk au m tnoqe iaaift umoe tuon tnvuith oauudt owfluibm ratfl ten ttlhr jjnnrflmi tsttl uff ttlbry aune qurfld tukarfl h ittj annf tkqnr si tmkttitam oocr 4ilntn- nirlkmh wiitlheufl bnuenffieairmfv ftuuian tllbnkr voanrfl nltie tuutnlctk fi ttimt- bmaiide uvxttn wutlb inri oantt tofl iinay tnntltinitaill toehs aenfl ipodtt tllhrnni ttlhnbr twwm tdtfntu utdhinr tadune n- ttad iw lis sumujui inn tnibl offavr a inmil tpsunr am nan nftded lnnnntrhbi aae wdbmba wihjh twa bavs team etartti a tlibiy tpoalt aund a tto wry tubnta- umtknat i mnrromrwaar oorhabnfcina kcf irbiiwe wtbi4eirs aisv sflrrs 1l ll lliome trvmwed ia bvnuai ftvoara an tbe bv uaff boiito toihi znioa vtarai atpausyf ubue tlbe late g hbra lom aaai bwwieaflbns h by ai ctrfijppued bejj laaaan tubfy nwmtlr end uhry nan a wlbaa ube t2aae t to w- aai4 ube me wqttb tbe bean p cauhtv kjkw wuiiui bwttto auaea ips aaflwayaau i j tbe cxmvamhrmxpaam ntb an lantl allih an wo mmajfaty ab9 toot tiriiainar ub oantada arav jlabtte 301 ananol bear nmber tbe avaane off tftw avaeua- carflnree or bis wantftoae aik aaod itontfie laoard aananbec aaanaqnaced o- gl laodoml off tbe ffoofcmwiar adsmsaunttv tnhe bneabod off adrarijitualtlum buseb- ttbq us ajbvtady to efllwtt tor ta fcuauna- ber off types off cfioflbhaa l7bolwaadeips and trretoder taaay tae ttotlr on aamc bjbrtl or ademtfiffysmjc aaarftc bntoad off or a adddtikaa to tbe tnjiy aouw ptowubd tbe ttmanntoritanrrerts catne tannaober mmm board fca fcanmber ks aao tba tbe iib laaported footwear ts not aff- oerted by tftas order bank of nova scotia itv w iu mlfision of deslruct- tbe station is a line on a hlackboad ion tne vrene it unial fanta1 hever completed are tneyprehitortr snontter prepar- uue tpounoe upon fcome unsjhl tartlvraa7 an m infi cit are thev bue drajwifbe m airmen ma from a bxcone 4- imik uaiaged plane a xou stand and watch jwi vhiv- er but it is not the oold uiiai ibat with v s hohces in luitma bas nt a chill oer oui that has clk wounded and flying a bomb- t4ffened the hair at tbr- bad of our damasd hopata plane four mem- neck you realixe that iu those things j b rs of an airevacuaan corjs one are the clean decent youngsters with a uonian brougbt wounded amenc- whom ou chatted less than an hour an iroojts out of myitkina and tuo xo the price of canadian manhood and xxmi remember that their ml slon l one off destruction and lliat some of them probahk will not re turn you think too of the people of letnadfd ho in five hours or v vtdl bear tbe roar of these planes and the crash of burstlnc bomb and see incendiaries rain down upon their homes despite yourself ou pit the people of urlpxic one plane fails to become airborn- the crew far down the runwa wheel it oft tumble out and hurry to another machine ready and waiurc they axe tbe last machine to take off flnal the roar from the field is ended in tbe aky there u the dun- lnishinc sound of the plane hurrying to the marshallinc point you discov er you are very inraaty ad vcejcoxne drink wttb the station conunander la his alttlnx room ta an oldi ffaanioroedl xtastnth fjattn houae and then to bed ot her burma fteldk the uoman oeut audrey rogers of burkburneli tv is in command of the air eacuaion nurses coips in india and china her plane landed at myitktna the day after brig on prank merrills marauders captured the field in a surprise attack behind the japanese lines as the plane was about to take off japanese bombers appeared and fragments tore big holes in one of its uings- one off the wounded men was lull ed then the zeros ripped bullets and jso nun shells through the fuselage after the attack tbe pilots reported the plane was barel airworthy ne vertheless the takeoff was ordered and successfully made insisting on completing the assign- tnent the evacuation crew collected the wounded at two other fields and delivered them at an advanced base before rettsnuns to their own base