Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 6, 1944, p. 7

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the acton free mtess page seyest twetity years ago i okfe man puyed tar artjm cskrht mton thar potr was alu ba tta- asid to kane aatorl mil the ltoyah c bl ryan off gaespai wad owea a oaw stand to urkay brae taw ahlaat took psara taawr- 43- jane x an vteaam off bamrhr- eama wgjkas to fmmtfc beaflty mktm ftwrainn off aetna ttythi repellent for biting flies r off repesleat nvater- toto kwr been tested in the rueas dnor- mc the post few years by the tanrits- the sunday school lesson 2j trjunoog fogsessson of fintaaiw ralaaai tfcatt ian aa ay scjsaatad ubr han jtaafc- u i lail tftajljaafc h t- twxabc hao catcaji eaaamahaa e caftrfe oaten its larrlun ant nt v c 3- mt jaab is un aaa ar am wecklvwar chgrtstre af obntfimarc week tmvbled what was pevthann the gjreat esfl illtlwafl iitlniifcmjii tsanasaa mo the awfataae sunt mar twin taamtoic- harittte off cs j william oa saaautajgjtalvda lataa osawnll af the vast km ffnttdl- btaf- off gmtbotnrc aa nflhed aaauh- and the aavraor fas aw bbrg- that at as uoa latamitaaoa tdeaartaaeut of agrar- uatare aa eooperation mh brutus aad uasted state eanmtbcax4 de- wraapanr nastferiaas for tauhtary uae tae t oahtondaa of the sepel- feats tested fix one anosra by law mv- aasnar of rutgers ox which m de- sanoad a a result off research cor- rant oat under a ivllorship al rut gers imhncnnly tm other esrelsrcl caaaaatals at dnawthyl fcai and l both bqatada and creams by the british aad vailed stales aimed fbr- to obtain a maassure off protert- ts al ft ao nal that tattle or preaeat available for cfvihaa use ii a formula that ffoustd favor vapvey tatty atnong forest workers before uae wax lbwokd lor inar off pythrum csliojtl- uafotkmatr the avauaha anpply off iyrrlhruin te all kwquliad for n y purpoarai ms it is an acatlal ngnaitat ka the unaoufacf- t off a and aevosot ua motral- ttac iraajuhlaia and mpty pvats aiaara afftacl the araatd orcva oo art- la 4aw of tacat carts it a bea- amty ovuxans to do with wda effacta but belter known repeueol nmtxtum of ue prewar mrer teats carried o the pomlpjoa di- vtakai of eat ooioo showed that 1 of ihe best o lhaar for protecfkia f moaquitoe and blarfc fucs has taw followtnc taraaula ou of ritaoaeua 3 ok spirits of camphor 1 ol ou off tar 1 oc castor oil paanl oil 4 ol this mixture was found to be aaiy effective as the one taat qrtethrusa extract to the beat lesuha it as lillliisij to ompwter coaer all expoacd parts of 04sects havs an ancosht omtgrs acb year during the summer we ar ewera helmed by the abundance ff aaaactm there la m doubt that i la la i creaturea snaity e thel r of other uvias of the j a stady of fbasus provas that in- orlahs they fcl waa affffhrd to hacweww iflam off gx we can aim wtan iha racbh to tax iratese bs a 5rih toasha ff karl im the tara rf cajwbk as79eail oatkw w wlken om- kfte ikacal httrwucjuf wu4n9 bn m anrerbo t tffl was bn tn bwaurt lbr bewfl toaqtteai taste wtmnj ba bm dmiart- ttfc3li was bfew ivinhl iajf has wtbauqy tcaaujowtahic jmhjatta tortf rv iu9 obb lr wat a aaril mn hh kvjpiy vkus the ffd caarisv trtjanajpoauwurt iblad raotae line tontiilta il mbr 6ma- udm- btnul off corjti peotpaaf ho tees ttteab b netr- 1s s bod bhry hjne bslam bnttaitalliaca ba our sac the 1bafarir cnsatv anus the t aute fttrrnattiinat the waste of emany off codn cmjtocbvn to naetbtn the homak tbjad aaufl oa the sorees fseadl alany lkanjc aco hscc aaftnuiatvd ihas omiiurin- raiac of tlheiir tsarvsajce to the petnethaajc healhea and tmany has of our hats oua8 be tnaaulry and uacrae have njnw up als ffastfa ba goa it ws bv bsimciame up an mfl resmhtt of the land and a the tblfbculnarsl and aoasne aficbt off ood thai they naade the peoptv beavte to taneftt 5cbcbu 14 st in contraol wntfa thk cawb had wholh ffobllowed jtehtwath bliall 1 had sumed up alter jthhmmah fasa oodtb juhoauta kpobue and cavb be- beved tie reolued hit uakamalle per- aaknal relatikaa to jtehovah he ssrall of hkon as m ood so jehovah spoke of calrb ax my servant- cal eb had butt one toan to stand wnth htm on that da but how a w- ikilld back after is ears there was no kur- row that he had had vourare to tand alone the one wl stand alone acabii rntws pontortnt wll tove hu day of tri umph at hast but at was not so plea- nant at thai tune nuu 11 lo 1u to caleb the land whereon hu reel had trodden rff eh 1 3 iff thete is any land you wth for an inherit ance step out on it by faith uleb s 111x 11 3l b then s no un- certaml about calebst inhentmc the land vsurety bco one o cods pnxnuea ts ubcertauv cawb cot the nhentance b faith but tool for h tn- elf alone but for his children as well the nun who bebevea cod get a bleadnc for hi kostertt as well as for nunself the reason wh tnan of us are en- jkqnoc such woadro4ul rwh bleumjc today ks becnuse our fotbrars look cod at his word tt ac 16 si aloses too spoke of jehotah as m cod 9i it u better to be able to sa my cod than lo be able to maa m tnone m uali m creat afts cf phit 4 3 jtehoah kept lln word and had let caleb ah 45 year cf jno- 10 is j9 i pet 1 5 that was a ton- lime id put cods word to a teat all of cal ebs companions except joshua had dted still caleb lived on just as cu1 had promised at s5 caleb wa aj stronc as al 40 he had waited on je- hoah and renewed his ktreneth visa t 31 it caleb obtains his inheritamv 1314 joshua recognize the force of cal eba plea he had heard cod promise to him and acted upon tt um 14 230 deut 1 3c3m joshua not e only fcrantsd hts plea but bwssed t bun he pv him hebron for an in- herltaace hebron means jouunt fallowship it was picalj of our inheritance union with christ or felloahip with christ jno 15 5 14 30 1 jno- 1 3 hebrof t- en umto caleb because he wholl followed the lord that is the way to eater into fellowship drith christ i il jno 13fi7l the fact u erp i nhastsad la this tmttnectlon that caleb was a heathen the aon of jepunnech i the keaerite this was in aatlcipat- ion of what jesus would say at a later amy matt 8 u 1 the condltioa u tmtth in god and his word cal 3 t tt 39 a l m of hlcb value u tausht buy the universallry of tbe cospel we have need to keep in mind the plan which god from the earliest re corded history cf naa had for k mliallna salvation was and la of the lews truly bat paiirs deffveraace the anumvdoaa easily days of law- aavwadfsoml operalaaa danaac whara a snetal off bod weather over the aa- wayas4paetawtablkr cnniraatl haeaat sercoen threat to alttwd pftaars are mer and the una two fcaawea of ana ijjftiijtiifcmiii bamasmaa miiiltiwfliillfca off beacfcetajh mm vaptaav off a port too many acriclent on canadian farms ttw tfha irwlh ba that the rata off pbtweaftahflr amdrsfwls ba laicrwvdlate hs ttiher biota bn aay oajaer lis aailiy blabqr iktcnvareds of fasaaera naeaabers off linear ffaiwithra- aad wuaftjera oa ffjarsa are ajignrd aad aaaay lauanaadb vaftared vwwy year sa caaoda aa the wsl of whwto wdih tae faraa tabor aaartac- pad dwetaaa of food lb ao euealaml lo ine war effort the areaacal toll la past- wvdashr wairtows a savvey bats dasramed thai aaarar- aaery a the easef aoaree off faraa wash aeraavateo thai b stock raws vhwe seeoad aad laal lath ar aa asacei the wfaur faraaer fa ar oa has larav take steps to lisaliaau a nasi aad att for eauaaanarw the fact ibal csotaac eaasea one third of all taraa taaake aayoa avoid thai feartacvuar caa mmncraafy cajfii to save uxea tbaasrhaiajla ajur lkant itaaea oper- altatf oat off tosoaflo have been railed oa to dsake uuwk ovhverwi of pearu- ba prepoied at the pmwitac lafil t- ttte toroalm oar suck call c from tw went to save the hfe of isarcnay weukver a live year u trail bjtt sad the tojc tsaaavvoallbi ealal servfuv carried the prevtow packet lo ijrthbrksre troaa which polal tlw- 1ccaf look oacer deavery a call froaa uoatreal asked lor a sup ply of the drwc to cv aat to a aysr- htiaa ihea a kmsiwwi ia a aaral hospkt- taese cornartfiaaats were catrried oat by the aur evpresa toaarh off the naususssmkk rtmor ax torquay ilnxlaad thfcs bi lurota bufci rormatked ztjibkkffoo o be eelt oa baptovaaic its water uluat awl mailing it britain first hobdsy rvsocl town after the war larhided in plans ate bhteprlata for a cunt aawarrrauad car park rnpahas of hn itxwucarm eiblnurimil ctfc britalasl youth probwaa has been aggravated became younc curls have faeea thswwa into the tervwev ihreatea- kac coasseaiac of the fthie of tbe nalaaaa alhood said prof jobs bailor nwaderalor off the churvh of sunlight in their smiles the second phjor the ihksd and eiatmtc auom bodaris off dhtead bnajt troops kmi tuached ta tahv of baacaed bnttdh tl claim cusns suppovttjbc aa aldonst tbniiittih matf tand hnffanlsy attack aioawd al inwlbtnc the iterbnan stronx poivnl wf clara m stuell ptaevrsu acvouk the odod bsitver tnto tvtaul- bfujl upea tank cvuntby south tstaj west of caetm pmunrd alontcoramry tanks and fooafaoahbers and the kccjt bmtitsh ceaevao enmbasked oa another ntob bkltllw- ct hu- okt enenuy ol the ubyaa cauapaigcnu fcoenmel the ihrsert fvxv there wasv bltbe doubt that lb can baktc- was a major one into wbarb both starkns were throwuac a snreahjw- proporttoa off the availabll blower and il wa apparent that upon the outcome of the enaeaaol df- tpeokded to a large evtent the auestui of how lone the tszorsaaandy canapalcn would take before the allarc wetie aaue to stnle inland oa an even laric- vr scale b aiaaay seeaj ikasly alhed reports bolfa fionu supreeae headquartelns and from the front lanes were optuxustar io sjuniro eteran canadian prens war rrespondent cabled u bsr victory seems itt the rnalkn in tw early staces of the baltte four jrnnab counterattacks on the bnlkvh ttitak were beaten oo partly with ise aid of the battleship teodney pumpadc salxoes 19 miles from tlw smokmt bniialrt of its ereat killes but wtwlkwr the toriumw and lr amaor suocveeded without delay in ikw bu pushwhech seemed fairly probable al the weekend or whether honunel b some tdroke of ceneral- shipl managed lo avert utunediate 6w- feal in the chen sector incontrovert ible albed control of cherbourg hucv one fact abundant 1 clear the allies could hot now be dn- aodced from their continental toe hold it u not an eatccemation to say the- lal german chance of wintunc the war in europe has anisbed all in alt aual armies en prance russia and italy were bleedm- the cermsns at a fatal rate the so lets said the killed or captured lllooo cermatui at xitobsk and brobriusk alone tn a week delroyin 10 div uaons casualties indict rd in italy in six wveks were estimated hetwecr hhikk and lioihx in fvance around t3lkii cermahs have died surrend ered or been wounded since dday june 6th there were total losses vf turohabl knore than 3tmm0 men in sik teeeks in italy the german acain w re in general retreat the allied th army har the end of last wek had lost contact on the west coast 30 miles south of tiverno inland forces stab bed i lose to ancient siena 31 miles south of florence while bntuh sth army forces were advancing- west and east of lake trasimeno on the husian front swift over- poweruic hed arm masses b the end of last week had established a irant on the bereuna river sherv- sapolefi was defeated in 181i tho soviets vre drtvtnjc tlose to bummer muisk ancr a weektone offensive the drive resulted in the fall of bob ruisk last german stronghold on the fatherland lane in the finnish campaign the rtu- sians recaptured the karelian soviet republic capital of petrozavodsk eleanne the last stretch of the mur mansk lenincrad railway and giving the russians a line from murmansk in the rax north lo the black sea port of odessa continued on page five just referred to has much need to be borne tn mind tknow ye not there fore says the apostle that they which are of faith the same are the children of abraham and the scrip ture foreseeing that god would just ify the heathen through faith preach ed before the gospel unto abtaham saying in thee shall all nations be bleated so that they which bo of faith are biassed with faithful ab raham- thus caleb although not an israelite was one with moats aad joshua in gods sight and the everpeeseat threat off tire barb manually destroys rallnw1 off debars worth of ratal property uoghfe to be enough for a ffarnaer to justify devoauaf at teast a past off oae naora- i knje per aaonth to kiokjiaie round the ffarua for tbe hazards and accural baxasds too preceatboa off acwsdenks dwubx v- otdfinjc irnalsbiie aa acute farm labor shortajc-r- baove acute and uhu nwsns an even btuocer cvantiibutioa to rood pffoductbonu safety vtril kc a good slotam 1 any farm i mcst of tobacco doesusfr in a pip of humor irwndutmax and i tiinkre litlt s cuniiuoa heritage which drew uun jsuk fullvr mkul i t- k tie ratbo actress tmurtel ball lorther into the auvvvvjul vert it i uy union u jiack w hokn in iwtlroit kluhlat- jii o numttv ji m tie oufehreak of the first workl vlar turontlorn muru 1 sttl walluil her tall hahdkue brtdekirooni march away to brittle la ear latr since then younc klr fuller has rown up to lie a popular td successful rabo uilc an anntuincer and actor f cunsul rahle fthilty mrs ball besides beinc the attractive wife of a prominent can adian knedical man has continued her intvrvst in the tkieafcr ilul radio tocether this amiable broadcastinc teatai hat the uavant tuu task of whkskittc the vadio audience into the shinknc hit hen id aunt liu it union to hear some of the best advvnture tuul nikv slamrutt that ever rolled off a radio vknt4 ttve ktrutrani lui- on th air every monday to friday from cucs toronto stiuhoh the lime 1145 am the hetwrk ts eastern and midwest its agin the law to use a gun the best way to hunt customers is to use your local newspaper it wouldnt do to take a gun to go out for cus tomers hunting customers requires a elever teeli- nicpie but some business men are blind in their search for more business they are blind to the fact that advertising is good business the investment in space in the col umns of your local aier is an investment which will return cpiickly and many times over in an increased sides volume form the habit of keeping the news of your bus iness before the public through your local paper our readers are quick to take advantage of shopping opportunities your business will increase and more trading will im done at home by the shoppers it is more convenient to trade at home readers of the hometown paper patronize our advertisers you dont need a license to advertise just phone us well be glad to help you solve your advertising problems the acton free press

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