thursday september 21t 19m the acton free press page fulvkm tsrsnaed be to ood for all these- unfaunlr now illiar face that i behold hen i walk through oar english streets this motley people exiled from far ravaged places not igvbtplaces i and west alone but south ever to britains refuse have the us- brougfat their vas wealth of mind today a cruder gift enriches a swntettfauaot already by nature hlt i aeee defeated ilentdrantlnjt men ah lift your heads my illstarred brothers lose the old despair women i are heavy with memories the sunday school lesson kixdav fsktiaoibbk tith religion in the life op a nation golden texi the lord will be unto an everlasting light and thy god thy glory isa co 19 lesson texl 2 sam 7 1739 p 1043 b c place- hkmea behind their eyes break past repair women be your hearts heart- davkts gratitude your children from a dark blacker than frightening night are aafek these too i see the children here of their own bands bereft and yet laughing again new flowers in our proud ga growing free now praised be god that children laughing can forget thomas mould in london chronicle the week at ottawa canadian ittreas slast writer twenty years ago mi th yetce rvsa rift the bam on the farm of mr c a downs lot 32 sixth line was destroyed by ore on monday j tb home of mr w j ritchie on the third line was destroyed by fire last friday a chamber of commerce has been organised for acton officers of the new organization are hon president peter a smith president h p moore 1st vice president r m mc- dnntkl 2nd vice president a t brown secretary n h garden treasurer l ft shorey william hackett won the john mc- crae scholarship which it suooo cash he attended guelph collegiate the past two years and took highest f the past year he win also qualify for one of the carter schol arships robertsoncarter on wednes day september 17th 1024 at the gueldh baptist parsonage by the revtt j hind phyllis eldest daughter of mr j carter to david g robertson eldest son of mr and mrs g g robertson everton mclntosh at her residence guelph street acton on friday septem ber 19th 1934 mary mcdonald widow of the late nell mcintosh in her 77th year vitamins watched in big rrestaurant v s war devaxtnenl keeps an eye on food served to the workers in wwralnxton washington cp mashed pot atoes and gray und cheese dreams are the favorite selections of some 30000 military and civilian personnel in the pentagon the war depart ments mammoth office building some 55000 meals are served dally including breakfast lunch and dinner in pentagon restaurants the regular lunch or dinner consisting of two vegetables meat or a substitute bread and butter dessert nnda bev erage costs 35 cents number one dessert from generate to typist la ice cream on apple pie another favorite its n dime extra coffee is the leading beverage faci le dentally cheese dreams are nothing more than toasted cheese sandwiches fanctedup with a spot of jelly pentagon restaurant officials betve- its patromi get the mutt out of the food they eat their aim is to keep the sparkle in the eye of the pent- agonlan the color in the cheek the spring in the step and the test for the war job at an alltime high they do this by seeing that the vitamins and minerals in the food served are retained and an feu an possible lost in cooking endless research is conducted in the pentagons nutrition laboratory set up last february- its llndlngs go to the pentagon restaurant council thence to the kitchens those potatoes for example are an alysed for vitamin and mineral con tent and then are followed through from their raw state to the steam table and the customers plate if their vitamin loss is more than it should be corrective measures in cooking are observed about half a million pounds of food stuffs including meat tlh and veg etables are used by the restaurants in addition to 14000 threepound loaves of bread purchased monthly the pentagon bukes and serves dally mm dozen muntna nnd200jdpien rolls and biscuits young moonshiner sydney n s cp a 16-year- old sydney youth was convicted for selling moonshine his customers were four other lads between the age of m and lt who said they had promised him 94 for bottle of liquor sentence was reserved north sydney cp the voice of the fwdle was heard in the land during a competition for the oldtime imaiera crown at the cape breton county exhibition the laurel ware carried off by mrs mary mardonald wk oattlddtod five malt cotanshttor time alem exposition 1721 david in ms gratitude to god for all his goodness to him and especially because jehovah had given bun rest from all his enemies round about v ik had proposed to build a houe or the ark of god nathan the propnet had taken it for granted without con sulting god that davids proposition to build a house for god would be ac ceptable unto him 3 it is wry easy for even godly men to make mis- lakes but god set nathan right the same night v 4 in the first in- stance nathan had spoken out of his own judgment but now the word of the lord came to him v 4 but while jehovah refused to let david build a house for him he on his part promised to build a house for david tv 11 and further promised that davids son should have the priv ilege of building a house for jehovah vs 12 13k jehovahs goodness to david would not end with his depart ure from the world he should sleep with hu fathers v 12k but hu seed that should proceed from him should follow him upon the throne v 12k the immediate and partial fulfil ment of this promise was in solomon i kings 8 20 5 5 1 chron 22 b 10 28 6lok but the final and com plete fulfillment is in jesus christ pa 89 29 isa 0 6 7 11 13 matt 22- 4244 ac 2 30k it was these wonderful promises of god that led david to go in and sit before jehovah tv 18k there was no irreverence in his sitting instead of kneeling or standing he sat there in contemplat ion of the wonderful goodness of je hovah and in respectful gratitude praise prayer and worship one may he just as reverent in silting if he really sits before jehovah as in kneeling the holy spirit came upon the apostle on the day of pentecost taot while they were kneeling but whllo they were sitting as 2 2k note davids humility gods wonder ful goodness to him did not exalt him in his own heart but hummed him and made him cry who urn i o jehovah and what is my house that thou hast brought me thus far well may we all ask when we contemplate gods wonderful goodness toward us i who am 1 isa 6 1 5 job 42 56 while david rejoiced in what god had done for him thus far this ho uny to be a small thing in com parison with what jehovah hod just promised to do for him spoken also of thy servants house for a great while to come humility was one of the most prominent characteristics of david ct 1 sam 18 18 it is the man who humbles himself for whom god exalts luke 14 ilk david felt that words failed to express his grati tude to god and could only say thou knowest thy servant david recognized that all that jehovah had done he hod done for his words sake i e out of regard for his prom ise which god always fuhllhi all that god does for iu ho does for his words sake especially for the soke of the incarnate word jettus christ our lord jno 1 14 it was furthermore according to gods own heart i v because of hlu own sover- elgn grace and not because of any merit in david that jehovah had done all these great things and he had done them in order to moke david know them god in his great love wishes hu goodness to be known to us all of this was simply a mani festation of the incomparable and in unite goodness of god and caused david to exclaim there is none like thee neither u there any god besides thee according to all that wo have heard with our ears v 22k ii jehovahs gracious goodness to israel 2329 here david turn from gods good ness to him to hi goodnebs to his people israol he had dealt so grac iously with israel that there was no other nntlun on earth like them this is true of israel to this du in spite of all their unfaithfulness to god and they have a future such as awaits no other nation david summarizes the wonderful way in which god had re deemed them from egypt in a few but remarkubly significant words he recalls the great things and terrible thnlgodhad done in their history when he redeemed them out of egypt from the nations and thelr gods puthermore he had establish ed to himself israel to be a people unto him for ever and became their god david turns from a contem plation of gods mercies to himself and to israel in the past to a prayer that god will confirm forever the word that thou hast spoken concern- ins thy servant and do as thou hast spoken god always does as he has spoken but it is well for us to plead his conuse nothing magni fies god today as the keeping of his word and god is wonderfully fulfill ins today the promlsea he made cen turies ago and cod ml in due time 1 establish israel to be a people for ottawa cp canadas prairie fanners are in for another bumper partime wheat crop in its first estimate of production of principal grain crops the do bureau of statistics has placed the 1944 wheat crop at 447jg56oo0 bushels 154000x000 greater than the third es timate of the 1943 crop the total in 1942 was s57j0uoj00o bushels while in 1940 it was 34ujr0ouuu prairie prrovince production this year is estimated at 42x000000 bush els against 277o0oj0oo last year while the av rage yield of wheat was es timated at 183 bushels an acre again st 1616 in 1943 bulk of the wheat produced outside the prairie provinces will be harvested in ontario where winter wheat out put is estimated at 20708000 bushels and spring wheat at 771000 making a total crop of 21479000 bushels the estimate of canadian oat pro duction is up approximately 44000000 bushels to 52fi13fto0o compared with 482022000 last year the increase has been attributed to a better crop in ontario where production is placed at gso00ou0 huvhel against 33000- 000 last year oats production in western canada will be slightly high er although acerage there is below last years barley production has taken a drop despite a larger crop in ontario the 1944 harvest is estimated at 203776- ooo bushels for the dominion against 21562000 bushels oast year barley acerage was reduced on the prairies this year rye prospects are better thus year with production of both spring and fall rye estimated at 1o581000 bushels compared with 7143o0o in 1943 this years flaxseed crop promts higher yields per acre but prairie acerage was reduced sharply this spring and the western crop is hill better than half the 1943 pioductio1 agalnvt 17911000 tau year to conserve baiter recent government statements stressing the problem of meeting the increasing demand for dairy products have been followed by action by the price board to conserve canadas dwindling butter stocks for the fourth time this year the hoard has ordered postponement 01 the validity of butter coupons which means that canadian houwlvea will have to got along with less butter thnn they had expected b tween now and the end of the year thlu time the board has postponed the dates of two coupons one in october and the other in december in the past this has meant a saving of approximately 5000000 pounds of butter which should help to avoid ser ious shortages during the winter mon ths of restricted production the board said that the butter situ ation was tighter now than it was when the last set of butter coupons won postponed in july canadian butter stocks at sept 1 were 11500000 pounds below the stocks at sept 1 last year when the total was 73322jsw while butter pro duction up to aug 31 was down about 12000000 pounds compared with the corresponding period in 1943 summer drought condition in the dairying areas of eastern canada were said to have contributed to the lower production a recent board order limiting sales of cream by distributors in 180 prin cipal markets to the amount they sold in june is expected to prevent any further inroads into butter production which has decllhed with a falling off in milk production of the total milk available to the factories in july creamery butter took 69 4 per cent cheddar cheese 225 ice cream 3 2 and concentrated whole milk 4 9 acton fair friday and saturday this week l first night concert featuring fax fun co in two hour program in the town hall pat hathew tap and toe dances geo ijuihjiw tricks that mystify robt wilson and jean simpson in nones and laughable sketches jimmie fax veteran entertainer who haa amused for yearn miss jean simpson h reserved seats 50e general admission sse plan now on sale at hansards draff stoic street parade by acton boys band before the concert dance immediately following the concert harvey fishers sevenpiece orchestra admission to dance 50c bagt 600 kound beak sault ste marie cp jimmy conway is of east korah has chalk ed up a 600pound bear on his hunting record his hlneyearold brother leonard wan guarding his fathers sheep when he saw the animal and shouted u warning bringing jimmy to the biene tilth u shotgun help fob kamhack moose jaw sask cp one hundred and tlfty members of the moose jaw local of the united pack- ing house workers of america have offered to stook a quarter section of wheat in one night au wages earned will be turned over to the kamsack emerbency relief fund seconddayfeatres saturday sept 23rd at 130 grand street parade at i to school children decorated bicycles andd carriages two bands lorne scots band by kind permission of lt col l h metrom mc e d acton boys band 4n their smart new uniforms c w mason conducting features before the grandbtand high jumping horses old time fiddlers contest step dancing the kansas farmer old favorite and ever popular ken budd and his rodeo six big midway best baby competition in tent on grounds parade op live stock at 400 p m special cau and foal exhibits special prizes for bacon hogs and sheep lorne scots band and acton boys band musical programs during show big exhibit of liv loud speaker amplifying system on the grounds all members of the active service forces in uniform wiu be admitted free big fair night dance is town hall saturday night doris holts serea place orchestra write secretary far c irtformajlcm ami price ust r l davidson president c b swackhammer secretary nrttmifife aeffijmimml