Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 21, 1944, p. 7

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the acton free press tinirsoav drcchder sut lt4 how egg powder is made for britain the oryonk erf ggs delivery t che bnttftsn masflatry fawaan the terra eg s is mm stead og anwe erf ow srigs4y vefl- pei tmtffeed t wwmni mrf rii waraoaumsmp n wegsu on uhe liwdartiea f canadian food pnsdnrt ifee werfc 4 oarated sso amder ute 4peoial pinoduotji buard the wion tu f canadian sujg p really ftieguu wiut ruigii quality 4 fee tftttvlj egg sid wue jbe drying efleatu of wtuili autre are svie fment waking sunder be srtjiic up- erwlsian of the beard snadels rf the lids of all oases of uw graded and teapented ammas plants snuat te iwmmd outside tste tewsk- tec room and the cci trsjaatfereed e silturj buckets at other smltau llnim frees the buckets taw egg tv taken directly ia the breaking tabs and twekea iv crs n wbtte w1u a at d scelfe la awd to break tlv eggs tat ettam lama uteri cup an tray end as at afle am cracked aad the sfbetl wetureted the crla raise it to about c4u lce itaapjong easterns ut nup with a quirk esperl perk tfci eaovos the tfcta atbewaesi u4ch ettberwtse etirfc te the when tww or three eggs ve wrokan they a again eslacd ir av aloww in order avoid at po fur harvesting in canada moruiwcst temtorics wtule ike salue erf fw va4ttdtaa in canadas inortsmwat tyltin tow take aopand ooe ta uiataf anumwasii cur iramalac te mjiu ijbe rftw outa1iioti f anona of iam aa 4 lltuiuji4r iste tnu fur ut iin iiaiuwva stwccoy to litx na44 ipcijmltoliurti iiuuh du luulirularly liu- iturtjv jrow nuimtmxm luai iia auium lodianti mtjw0 and half itwitdn iktaii lw ij cmtttmtu od llw rup aaul eoataaauaadly ke avtuae btufcec wlwtt mb op a full uw awaaaca uqwm c- ijxto a kauiu u fuu u u 11 him aak equlnaatf with aieawa and 1mb ummv it la tvttapad fna ua aular to lultuntf vmta attta the aacaance c tftl to the drier or poured arrhwa at the vnta at low aatbarature aroaad 3s to 40 ieta i oroo it directly to the drier i the melange eomaa from tae i it rpiimfilaa a email cloud of aahtf arhldi is immediately plcavd up y the inlet air and curried part el the way la the air current before it aanmniii dry and tads a powder to of the chamber the ht continually removed by an amar ad conveyed to the aifter am the powder travel it la cooled to a tatperature of at leant 80 dagreaa f the apecitied temperature at whldt powder must be packed the paefc- attac is a proce which requires full aupervudon at all times i with every phase of convertiafi a antmalf get beady vou wintektoo with ulnicr juttt aliad tlie trotid ent citizen is making hii house with er proof storm doom and windiwi are brln jtrrchd out and inuulatlm material rorkuoul auwdukit or lwk is brlru atiijted to mansion or shade flow do our wild animals met t lu wintry mavis koolaks at uw ltial ontario museum wort aukodt for aome ttut warm blooded animals th problem is akin to the itunuut one of iceeplng ualiii the active furry c-ren- turcu crow a thicker coat uhll olltcn hibernate most of our birds like thf prouar wealthy rutrrat to warmer climate for the cwibl-blwul- ed arshnals tlte danger lies in sllildt n sreat ehanjs of temperature rather than in continued cold there are several unys at liuulntln acalnut these chances many of the small crawling thine snntu centipedes and beetles find nafety under the protecting mantle of forest litter riml snou othen dig down into tlu sitll the common toad but rows nly a w incite uhll tlw earthworm mn tun nel 4 or t feet spiders make th best insulation of all tttove klnti that buie ejiw that ulnttr ov r split a fluffy mat of uooh silk nrttunil their ki- mk4 tttey are the roi u woo ep rtt at tlu nitimul world kriwirti and u two iut4iu 4id rf theju wlilte tpe4 wetf me4aatu in w- amas at the time bey wr art etwlde as jiwumiisml mw been sdiumed t 4twnlunue auusluac thedr tivelttmtted in this m irehmltar tlguren 1 the y uted jiiar xtnu limv indifwt tch of uttcfth petts valued at aome s3 aetjo the bulk f thin fur wtch was iuvide4 by fov wujll beav 4 aujuti aaiuk aaul uh le the week at ottawa by dotlgijuk gmbmx njtalva t- ucceu hial s ia vxudmi ai4t be igjun kl1r a nneite4 whii w- ihi tc4t n44sml it ittr e ie4t bfcuwiuton oaks tuofieooe rih 44 4 tusdoemh afl inlrw 1 ork uj jfht iam j vm- j f led u ui4irint in tbal i fjhwel a44eor4t at tmta iliive f j tttatm i iliid4 i imuiuti in mhitt oitfalfm mi tu44m11 it 444ekiug tle am mamtm lstior ouafeeecwv on ttrra iwt effairw id oknada nnd kh- lawl4e ent luvicu nations immjm rfeehrwtd the riurjty ooun 4il in vocvodae vtit4 te mutti nim would le llod on u nak to wvld laeeee 4erwie the rmuril wli lack adequate foeoe fwirttvr4 inottfwiaiy huilions hiti would uilteil am for vital awkivtanoe acaiiikt u 4iiwar almuid be able t vote trto- of rmitie t o be dioon etohb her bear and wtdverie nuctua- rfae wuccmliuns followed hoady rioes in the numbers of various ef- mtmauni mw mtmmm ies of wildlife aalurauy iaftueaee two mfar flals of i he e- fur ield and lbe nurluationsaro aff dwuirtment llum beinfi wtudied by the iwiiaicm ow comment in x44eraliun with the llur- au of aninutl pulation at owottd haivrity tbeuabus1uneai of taal- ive came paetierves is beljiiag to ttuun- tain the fur industry fur the naive population an industry which has pro vided their chief marketable commod ity iarie the early day f fur trade in northern canada a more eciealific inanacemant of the mildiife renouroes of the north- wwst territories is beiac puuined for the postwar years already much has been done to prearrve and per petuate this valuable resource with the object of ensuring the livelihood of those natives who from lime im memorial have been dependent uon wildlife for their existence game aanctuariea as distinct from native came preservea have been set aside by the government they include the thedon and twin islands came sanctuaries roveruuj many thousands of square mil over these area buntinf and trappiac are entirely for bidden and wildlife is eradually being restored as the deed nriaes oilier areas are delimited in order to pretent further depletion of eerialfl njiecirs a recent example is tlte doting f an area of about itjooo aquare mllcm in the afacketude i vita as a measure to ensure the propagation of beater in tlutl region thus the wider plan of more acien- wrong and or john k lleswl lo tlte rank equivalent ut ttuit of suuhawsaow mr wrong who t the last fe years has headed the common wealth and kumpean division of the external affairs department how will wiper vise its work as welt as that of thr american and far raatera division foramerly headed by iv hugh keen trytade recently appointed ambassa dor ta mexico r head who will continue as legal advisor will have supervision over legal and kpecal divisions of the department tlfic management in lite northwest l those met in past year territories is taking shape the value of tlte fur harvest in tlu territonvs represents about 11 per nt of tlte total fur production in canada and is therefore an important economic factor ttte paramount purpose of these conservation measurer lu to maintain ami manage this valuable re source so as ta ensure tlte welfare of tin natives vtho dwell in this vast re gion and who are still largely dejx hd- ent on ulldllfe tor their livelihood and so as to provide rellahle sup- lort for tlte muvlmum humim impuln tum teus horkok tai e of jal sea mitkiier meiruooi av uuih um gate fluuluil lilu tuu of homtr unit his moulli liitl mvl us lu ntido tlituu ptople who still doubt itoru of jnimnim utrtwltler would not nofd much tonvlndng if they had letn half of what i saw houate is ii y oung itoy al koy gunner who took to a lifeboat af his ship wnn torpthhvl by a japanese aubmarine lb survived a tiring aquad and spent 41 days afloat in an open boat with a cargo of death holgate told newsmen the under water craft surfaced after sinking hut ship and took the ship s captain aboard then the submarines much ine gun opened up on the survlvoi in the lifeboat at the same moment he jumped overboard swam under the aubmarine and came up on the other aide when the firing stopped holgate again dived under the aubmarine and clung to the far aide of the lifeboat until the enemy craft submerged he cilmbad in among tils dead shipmates and unif cover of night rowed away a few boon later ho was joined by m yovns naval officer and four indian a a i nan am vlvaa from another ship t thay decided to head for madagas- vm4nnqr after 43 days i tttat wan spotted by a naval atr owe miles from its dea- ilkazu rijnninc silk iizoduction appointments indicate the growth of the departments work and the expansion of the diplomatic ser vice which has seen a number of car eer and neciatb appointed officials gven the rank of minister or amhasa- axlor with the opening of legations and embass abroad canada mow has exchanged missions with approximately 34 countries and with the growth of tlte covemrnentj ituslneas with other government the external affairs department has found it difficult ta obtain men to fill tlie positions it needs lo open not withstanding the loss of man power to the armed services or war industries the statistical record shows that canadas farmers aided by a good year and kindly weather achie ved this year production whhlcb tojv- lnce the war began ovvrall farm production lias riwn 40 per rent and officials said that exports of ngrlrul- turnl products to the on i ted king dom have jumped 23fl per cent thl in in the face of difficulties irr obtaining rnnchlncrv most farms too have this year built up their feed reserves to the point where tlte demand of canada and iter allies for meats and dairy products trohab1y cart be met for n vear or more agricultural depart ment officials said thev considered the 144 feed crops not only good but nlto tlmelv sine rviti when knitern crojh arc good there hns ta ho n movement of mime feed from the west a cut in australian wheat produc tion this season because of droit ht conditions in new tuth wnle and victoria mnv menn that aunt ml la will have to import whttt in 1mj for th flnt time since lite droui lit of 1p7 n jvdn agrlculturnl writer has fore cawt shoul it he necessary for australia to im rt wheat in the coming year y de janeuio ctllrazll is tn lb way to a hading portion in llk prxtilurtlon according ta the na tional sllkculturv company of hrall cutoff sltiitments of silk from th av 1jist since the war lime lu iped troj4ct brazil uilidly into tlte worlds ilk industry picture v nil fae- orles are nlrt lutvtugqjm out ltlir rud silk mul lnluktrlnflil plun n nn i in n good position to supply miktwnr euinslori wlun mre ttxtllc nn lihiery will ite nvallnbyo motamixnsion dst a iia stack arkinon nh 4cpi it s no op tiial llliivlon if pu w n itnyrtnru iwu loir cloun mi atkltiton strict not if you we imotlur hi 1 dint across f i id tins hny rntr of tin unite i itn t t haunt tht nmnpoiwr to usi m ttltlilti hn h old way now rait chin mo tliii t ntlre hnv stark using undi rclung hauling th ran move n stack anywhere thev wlsli xh hnvstnekv nrr pulled by wlr cahlt or winch to the low slung whetl ed platform built so that it can im slightly tipped for loading or unload ing to haul the stacks within n field the ranchers t hrow n w ire cable around the stack fix the ends to a tractor and he the haystack to where they want it the stacks slide easily over good meadows but some times there is difficulty on rough ground manpower is saved the new method is much quicker and the hay can be moved in a high wind lur ns nny other country even though nmplc demands exlit for any wheat which she can move to rn1ie cods presence la the oru hovcrtlgn remedy against tempta tion i nclon it was a m pttse truro cp c o doyle couldn t figure out what was stopping his truck engine each time he started it every tlma it stopped investigation itscloeed tufts of wool clogging the tee line after the third try doyle took the gas tank off shook it and ukf dkkr alia cp ekxvu e tbeir time off here have h v4ieve re4 oeerls uilming abortaca n coatstnsflioin of the new phelaa uah awft 75 ier ceat of be lab irers are wld4eri who are woshlaji rt tbae ijonoon aemof the 33 saesa bers of the mobusbel potato ctab who entered is reocait oompetitba only oae william ii efjteason ta u4rtld lle nanse growlag 524 bush els of potatoes to the acre the other 14 1umi lewii iroductlve charles bttward and llaary sell scouts in the 44lh wladeor aiio troop al tecumach are la canadian scoutusg they are only triplets in lite luojuoo scouts cul in 4 a tltey were bon tax u carrolls ras2 sswf jus4 pie crust 4c i ouve8 9c 43c um v4 ussssa jaataaat s4 mm ml wt j soju jl uunmimuw a ssmo m i coffee j j stsmmo m l 41c m njkm a m im m eaa tuhh m sm ot 8ass water mm ilt kxu r ginger ale 23c it oooromsrwd snoab n to 10 1ux 1 to 4 i dotft rokobtt ail ts tmtmmi im fmmi mim asv 1 ss 4 mw mm vm im oh ml cisiri s- lev hmrtml m vaavre qamuty 1 sm- ay tomato juice 3ts25c iforn aiw cak 5iew4fl peas peas a7c s5c 16c soup a- i7c ct ti w vm sasj tea 44c ajtaw f mmt ttmou camsu f beets 19c l tk ilcu u itelt quntttlm f u hdullh clui- r white oki kkv iieakts bundle 15c lied malaga iica1 lb 25c kellrloiw katlnu aiiij i jrje slw hh 5 for 25c waxki taiii t hsus 1 ibh 10c ftrull and vegetable prices subject to market fluctuations is the slork losing his job flanadian flying men have moved vy a lot of strange cargoes both at home and abroad in the lat several years but when a quebec airwave boeing took off from quebec city airport the other day bound for chicoutimi it carried one of the strangest loads of all 26 babiee not one ot them over five months old the infanta were being trans ferred from la creche saint-vin- centdepanl in quebec to chicou timi a long train ride but only an hour away by air 1abbe ger main priest in charge of the orphanage contacted officials of quebec airways a canadian paci fic air lines subsidiary with4he result that the babies flew and all in one planeload ordinarily the aircraft carries ten passen- ind a crew of three bnt with r cftenr immacnlc- an flttr de la reparation who were uki marie di also making their first airplane light the total number of sonl aboard was thirtyone even go with each baby weighfaur ato average ot ten pounds it wag s far lighter load than customary special threeplace cribs made of plywood were built so that each box would fit into one seat fn the airplane wrapped snugly in baby btankrta and etranpadi both boxes roughest of air cooki not have tossed the tiny infants out and as it turned oat there wasnt even one bump on the entire trip they didnt gjve i bit of trouble said stewsroeas jean harland a veteran hostess of the airline after toe takeoff tbejr just went to sleep and thats all there was to mr bachelor captain art learn pilot of the pjeae dkfnt ten much to say tb wer squeal ing when i waut f crward hejotw takeoff and they wen after i ianoed he gnnnpfly bald ftat officer cm aatrg- ander dldnt near tkhw u the eerphonea en all tteuna bmsatagfta snwamvnv aav mtfkswmmtssl ltla smmmmsi iae mammiitkm iiitrifiifi inffiirjltea lmmmeiumsz

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