thursdat aixt imt hie acton free press page seven 5 l of interest to women the mixing imiwl cheating h it la our sincere wtan that this may be the tact wartime chrtstmas and that the new year may brine lbe blessing of an enduring peace may w all realize our cherished hopes as we en forward ajorur the widening horizons of tomorrow 1 pound cranberries 4 cupa of water ltsp crated orange rind 1 up crated lemon rind 1 cup honey 1 cup orance juice cup lemon juice 2 cupa additional water cook cranberrlea with the four cupa of water and crated rind remove from element add remaining in gredients and nerve swneage ktaffaag u lb aauaace meat u cup of diced celery 2 ibape minced pars ley 1 ibsp minced onion u tap sage 2 cups bread crumbs cook aauaace meat celery parsley and onion alowly for about 10 minu tes add remaining ingredient mix well and stuff fowl kaaat frewl clean and since fowl hold over a candle flame turning to burmott the hairs scrub stuff and truss fowl put stuffing in by spoonfuls in neck end ualnc enough to nil the akin so that the bird may look plump when nerved when cracker stuffing la used allow for the awelllng of crack ers put remaining stuffing in body if skin u full sew akin crocs drumsticks tie securely with strong string and fasten tall draw neck- akin under and fasten back place wine close to body and hold them by inserting skewers or turn- ed hock and inverted itub fowl with cooking fat dredge with flour place in deep roast pan and put in prchcated electric oven nt xso de grees allow is minuter per pound for 12 to 15 pound bird 25 minutes per pound for 4 to 8 pound bird baste and salt when partly cooked haw meet naiad 3 cups grated raw beets 2 thup grated onion salt and pcpivor lemon juice or french dressing combine the raw beet nnd onion and season- to taste with wilt and pep lcr add enough btttob solo or fr cb dressing to moisten idlghtly nnd serve on salad grceiis six servings hot water kastry cup lard or mild flnvotvd fat vj cup boiling water 1 tsps salt 3cuiw ullpuritaae flour cream fnt nnd wtlr in the boiling water a little nt n time cool slightly add salt and flour mixing with a uulck cut ting motion do not stir chill before rolling mukcii one double crust for mincemeat pie frosen runt pudding 2 eggs separated 1u cups of milk k cjji sugar 1 tbsp corn starch tu tsp cinnamon vi tup ginger v tsp salt i cup sieved pumpkin 1 up rum flavoring cup chopped ralslntft u cup of chopped nuts if obtained beat egg yolks add milk mix sug ar cornstarch cinnamon ginger and salt add milk mixture cook over hot water stirring constantly until thickened add pumpkin cool add rum flavoring beat egg whites stiff pour into freezing tray of electric re frigerator set control to coldest de gree freeze to mush put in chilled bowl and beat arnoooth add nuts and raisin return to freezing tray and continue freezing serves 4 or 5 toff hauce 1 cup com syrup 1 cup rich milk is tbsps butter sii tsp of vanilla combine corn syrup milk and but ter and heat in top o double boiler until well blended add the vanilla and serve warm makes two cups the question box mis s j usks recipe for devilled sprouts cup butter 1 tsp prepared mustard 1 tp condiment sauce i tip lemon juice tsp salt dash of cayenne 1 it brussels sprouts melt butter over low element add lemon juice and mustard condiment aauce salt and cayenne pour oyer hot well drained rooked sprout serve at once mrs b k asks recipe for red cab bage pickle 4 qts thinly sliced red cabbage 4 tsp salt tsp pepper u cup mustard seed 1 cup sugar m cup mixed pickling spices in spice bag 2 qts tnlld vinegar sprinkle salt over cabbage mix well and let atand overnight drain lightly add pepper and mustard saved mix well and place in crock add sugar and apices to vinegar bring lowly to boiling point and pour boil ing hot over cabbage cover a0i chronicles ol 1 ginger farm irigjj just recently a young girl said to me mrs clarke do you think it silly of me i want to have a tree and the house decorated and oh just everything for christmas but yet there are oply two or ua maybe it would seem foolish foolish well it didnt strike me that way llow better could a young couple mart nut in life than by build ing up a christmas tradition in their own home a tradition that will go on through the years of all the seasons of the year christmas la the most loved and prob ably the most significant because without that first christmas there ccrtalnly would have been no easter nor ascension most loved because it is a season so readily understood and appreciated by us the common people because it typifies the love the dif ficulties and the close union of hum ble family life and so home loving people throughout the ages have tried lo create an ideal of good will and fellowship in their family circle how well they succeeded is reflected in the attitude which each succeeding gener ation has toward christmas at home mothers of little children think ho time wuxted that you uend on mak ing n bnppy christmas in your home children will remember the gaily trimmed tree long after the presents a it are forgotten moke your chrlstnuu traditional what do 1 mean by tradlllonavt i menn to build up christmas memories for your family that are essentially personal dont make drastic changes take care of the christmas tree decorations nnd bring them out year after year if you once have a star to top your tree always have a star lt your children grow up with it to them it will symbolize their chrktmn tree worldly goods have little relation to christmas tradition it can be present in the humblest home or absent in the wealthiest many families thin year will be in complete there mny be some in france holland italy england and you may my oh we dont feel like holding christmas with our kay awny has it evr occurred to you thnt to write and ell your boys juut mint lu to destroy their folth christ ninu nt home christmas nu they ktimv it ik something they hang on to it in one of the things they are fighting to wive and in maybe some distant land ivorhnpu in n hombdnmnged home they may get u fleeting gllmiwv of a tree tnpited by a star that glimpse while it mny intensify their longing tor the folks back home yet they will like to remember that over there in canada tho home folks can enjoy christmas as they used to thev will be the same chrstmui dinner mom will manage somehow sugar or no mugaf andthere will be folks com ing nnd the same excitement over gaily wrapped imrcolu 0 gee it sure would be great to be there maybe next year unfortunately there are also homes where only memories of fighting sonu remain it is not for me to say how christmas shall be observed in many homes i can only hop that to them will come some measure of healing and comfort during the season of pence und goodwill but to the thousands of other homes let me send along with my kindest regards and good wishes keep christmas whatever you do keep christmas put your heart into it ahd the way will be clear for where there is christ mu in the heart there will surely be christmas in the home goodhye and cod bless us wery- one glendoline p cljvrkfc immoc from parachute buhoon to tito in iondon with general vladimir velevlt and major vogelnlk of mar shal titos army for start talks with the british authorities is brigadier fltxroy hew royle maclean gft cameron highlander who kuirachutod into yugoslavia last year as leader of the british military mission to mar- shnl tito elected conservative mp for inhraster in 1941 brigadier muc- icuh has spent most of his time since in scrvltv abroad be nt wnr with your vlcetf at peace with your neighbors and lot every year find you a better man frank lin canadas naval accorfpusiiment no part of canadas total war ef fort ran slmw a more astounding te- vehiimcnt from scratch than that ac complished by our shipyards and their canadian workmen in lf30 we had 4 large and is smaller hoalbulldinii establishments which employed about 4000 men in the summer of 1041 at the peak of progress 75000 men and women were busily employ ed in 23 major ami 3 smaller yards of some 400 cargo ships ordered 331 were delivered which included 8a 10000toniurm or these 00 10000 tonners were sold to lite united gril le maritime commission in addi tion i he canadian government has ll 102 snl t tlra wrme kingdom and one to australia under mutual aid which are returnable to canada at the end of the war can adian merchant seamen provide the crews for a fleet of merchant ships which grew from 37 at tho beginning of the war to iso in leas than five years heres an interesting hole on one of the 10000tonners after loading on ships stores and waler it will carry on the average 2joo tons of flour cheese bacon and ham a 150 tons of steel enough motorized eulp- wn tuv jordan and other ment to outfit a full infantry baltal- trms utilization of run off waler ion 1o0o tons of bombs sufflc- nn n further tupping of ground water bigsclicnie afoot for the holy land ulvcr jordan may ltecome key to huge iirigallon rroject the itlver jordan famous ancient waterway may become the key to a vast modern irrigation system lo ntaliv holy iantl of i alonttne more fruit ful plans developed by the commission of palestine surveys at the recpiest of lr chalm welzmnnn president of ihe jewish agency for palestine rail for u immmmmmt0 project the orig inal profmuta for the jordan valley authority was maile by waller i sulanl ehlef of lite u s holl con servation service ami author of pl- ealllli ijnd of promise this projelid large scale irriga tion nnd hydroelectric development will trnnsform pnlstlnea agricultural ahd industrial economy the eommls- stun believes a multiple purpose pro ject it is expected to make room for large numbers f jewish settlers raise the level and living standards of the palestine a raits ami serve as a model for the whole near east the progmm calls for diversion of lent lumber plywood ami nails to build 00 cottages enough aluminum to build 310 bombrtf or c40 fl planes and two complete bomltetn stowed on the aft deck in a knocked down condition cigarette ash not hahmruij in amwer to the uucsllon of llow harmful is cigarette tobacco ash for example when it is nceldehtly spilled on food and the ttuul accident ly eut- a recent issue of tho journal of the american medical association says hie nub of clgnrtto toltncco ihtelf may contain truths of lend or arsenic tiu well au enrtton nnl mineral con- stltuentii but in itself is not harmful when ingested in amnll umountu how ever the incompletely burned clyttr- elte toluicco iwthln the burning point mny contain high concentrations of tolutcco alkaloids nnd so ctlrouhould lie taken to avoid contamination f foot with material from the stump behind the null by well boring the project nlso proimtses replenish ing the dead ken by diverting salt water from the mediterranean into it to compensate for waters diverted from ihe jordun the sen water nnd ktwer plants along the route would produitt water tower which would make up for the regions deflcency if cotil naim count thkik 1ihhinh tno ml her naive german com ment m on the nmt of the gvrmuit nritileswerf rend in ll biick kurop- lutm servlctt they suggeht thut the njizls intent wnr sung mny lie htniw me the wuy to go home the german nrmy newspuiier dur- ehhrucli wiys ihe shortening of tit german front fucllltntcti the work ol the held jtost nnd whortons tho wuy home for the gerniun uildlers the vnelkucher ilrobachtor con- wileh uh reiulers thus after hit tjlinrlenlng of the front hue nccordlug o the culculutlons of specialists the wear and tear of german iocomotlvok aterplllarn und engines will bo re- 12- yearold girl bride of dancer australian couple want stage career before seulinf dawa to family life sydney australia cp a 11- yearold clrl left school in syndey to marry a 25yearold man she to now mrs joanne moorem and her husband is her dancing partner ttie husband explained that he and his young wife hoped to establish themselves as professional danoera before settling down to a domestic life some years he said one reason for the marriage waa to enable him and his wife to go ob dancing tours without a chaperon 1 am not in favor of marriage at such a very early age said the min ister who married them 1 thought rarefully for a week before i agreed to perform this ceremony i think there nrv special domestic clrcunv stance- in this case and also i think that the girl is old for her age the couple apear tobe sincere in love und 1 think that they will make a sure of their marriage hie brides mother said that she herself was married when she waa id and her husband was 25 mrs moorcrt is not the llrst girl of 12 to he married in australia in 1041 n girl of 12 married a loy of 14 and sin re 1001 there have been seven 12yenrold brides a htntlstlcan mild that lli average nge for marring- in australia war 2747 year for men and 2452 years for women in 1d41 three girls of hvere married in new south wales- mp eaterpllli dtlced mkkhk of ijfk dairying has been identified wlun switzerland for centuries so it rs not surprising that rliee figures promtn- ntly in one of the national customs at the birth of n child a choese to- made minted niter the child and arefully stored awny when the chll grows up nnd ninrrleu the cheese to presented nt the marrlnre feast to gether with the cheese of the partn er and the kueslu vat o piece of the cheese of loth to bring good luck what is left over of the two cheese is carefully preserved in separate con tainers nnd is eiiten by the guests at the funeral of the owner of the name- mike cheese the influence of women the influence of women become v more- and more powerful they ore said to do 85 per cent of the family spending if it is suggested thnt some of them mny not have nny great un derstanding of business question it can at least be shown that they spend by far the greater nrt of the family money so they know its value they should favor policies that will keep the country in sound financial condi tion in the days beore the women su- froge the majority of women did not take any great interest in politics now they probably talk on political questions more than the men the are a greater influence in politics ev ery year theaverare run of women are said to have higher moral standards than the average run of men their in fluence wiu tend toward good gov eminent and fair practices in buil- vr harold wiles phone 58 a attektoto iaaafafe 2l lvtitajiwafe jihmiiimkmmmmml