Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 8, 1945, p. 1

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v seventieth year no in acton oftakio thursday march hth ihs firht home print page five coals citizens urge extension main street wales jwains acton bov- isow oversea tell of ilirutniao parcel lrfllknt citizrn iilki hi i art vlmils from 1 i ih iv w c ketuwy appointed r w i i nennty appanufa t i i 1 tmi lljtl ut i lid lr iv ill brigade given iersaiwion to nuke purrhaae of small iteaul without convent of eximiaion of llouiuuriw of vuusr la colwmered al the idn ting of arton ounrll on thursday evening councillor w j o oakn j ii iloulton j ii crelghton and j i- davison were present and liecve j m mcdonald presided mr palmer wu present lo 1mtum with council the extension of water mains north of the c n it track mr reported hat moat of ih- residents in tmk district wen favorablr to having the main extended to this district ii presented a petllloofcigned by a number of the residents there mr palmer requested a definite uuwer oi whan tha mains would ba a attended lo this section council pointed out it wai planned to include this es tension whfn sewers were installed but could give ho definite anawar on whrn material would be available at the present time pipe wai not procurable assurance wu given that council deslrad to extend the malna al the earl teat postlblc time harry oakley municipal employee pointed out to council that the aep- arate rolled ion of aahea and garbage wat a lot of extra work and too reavy it wai almost impossible under preaent rondttlona to make l he reg utar trlpa council agreed that thl work wax too much and for the prea ent it um decided that all ashc and garbage were to be put on the dump and in the one collection account were passed for mvment at follow x bell telephone co services acton public i tlllties mreel light and acivlccs w frcr wood itcglstrv offlre milton list of deeds hlphwav wage ikcfminl the c nnadinn institute on srwirf ifm due a ton i- rti press printing fred stwnrt trucking f 1 l right insurance prem lum tohantnnr itumlev re indig ent funerals j it mackenzlc fuel and up pllra norton motors arrounl municipal world doc u pr v i c hrnncv medical treatment if 174 it7 fio 1 jut 13 13 somirr hrporti killed in action private john duncan lint 19 wax k 1 1 led in art ion r ebruary tnd ex 4fidin to a telegram tt received b hu mot er no detail were included in the ol hcial ruexxage but it wax stated that further informal jon would tie for warded when received at ottawa ite illltx wax p ton of mr alle 111 ut iturkwood and acton mrx hills baa la u t n rec ived j rtulv war seiw mail wlui h will ik m h tie u iks ml h lroni hj1und i ac kiaw ka i trtiiuil t ut n lir atitimt i eenilai ltut w hifik f t in hm 1 hi rird alter m rjtt and n one of iht nlsi jmiicels i hae t vei had the pliattire to lecelve j thank you with all ainc ril for you kindly al tent ion on m lie ha if i t opr t itrrt w iii t- no need fttr ou to rrm al ii k kindlv gtfure n xt mr for b llxn hth tn p- th war will lp over and all roncerncd will lm4 plans for kindergarten made by school board rlronjrl h jioiii of kift krirnil w mminblr a olilt u and iinhlr rvi n at the home of mrx lie ih i tilon im ingc a j1 out i for mi rial wis nrtivetl tirlil irom ut x irienu tcathr1 two other children hotn in the active rlurned lo civil life i enl nine xervlcex they are ite ijonald hllta rt ut l n h mtvlwg taalland alhnh ciiuvliih friend ihai 1 hae met xinc i r army and pte margaret illltx with rivr4 in thu ountr 1 alxo miih the cwac in montreal lte john rtitol flllta rad been aervtng in holland uld like in lake i hi oppor llamllton ijght in all the happleat of mrx thoa wataon reaident of a to for lwenl yearx and a live m wm of the t nltd t liurli wl i vsr an at fur hone hi rr nft i i in lltnexa wlih the royal fan try rrtvata aordon i- mark 19 given hla ufa in a battle in holland according to information recalved by hi parents mr and mrs mack rock wood nru uaii one again thank you uude 1 indxay alxo writes from r ngland j juxt a few lines tn let you know oorgchat i received your tparc in ex eel lent condition and i wtxh to aguln t1ie itew okhckrs takk rilarck at ijkesie chapter march mefhim i lutner jr 1- nklan i for the vent a vti inti rlin xihi nmuiing piiam vnx arranged highlight im i llfr n mk wtildln it he aity winir and ilumii of glf in wcri full tslfentf if tht oad wiijir and wel 1 nir t ihf hrih wlo iht ujh krent i tuiitwd ti these unetpev ted to k iik of friendship aannl expr xmd i i r ap tr lallon a ver dnlnt lunch enjoe1 tl all after whii h ihirwere intro- furtirtn muiiial w lection and xlnk ing pte mack wai killed about ten days thank your wonderful organization for ago after having served overseas for the splendid work it hax done for we nearly a year he en hated tn august boys away from home and especially 1043 and trained in a tank unit go- at crrtxtma time tng overseas the following may he 1 auo want to take thli opportun ttie r gular monthly m rtlng of ijikexlde chapter i o i r wash id the martinijowihk al i he home of mis- i ameron 1 lh veiiinf in tup kien miijs ciukch man on tuada hie meeting vii om netl b the ml regi nl mis alice was transferred later hamilton ught infantry unit he had served in france gum and holland bel mrs i richardson hostess for meeting united chiuch i a dies trie regular monthly bmines meeting of the woman association of the 1nilcd church was held at the home of mrx d richardson and mrs i agar presided the devotional period wax taken b mrs a w lo bur the ladles are huiv quiltlnt and other plans are being carried out for raisin money following the busjnes meeting mrs klchardxon wax asslxted h mn rul hum in xervlng a datnf lunch a ote of thankawax given mrx itl h ardxon f tr lit r home nnd ho hath r nd l o the lunch nxxi xt nn t x 41 jt lfjfih 7 v pr w c c kenne wax appoint ed medical officer of health ttis appointment hat the appro al of the ontario rvnartment of health and was effective from that date councillor j h moulton wai ap pointed a member of the noard of health for the year a letter from orrle imb gae not ification that his wife had fallen on the sidewalk on knox aenue and buffered a broken shoulder he felt the municipality was negligent and lntavided to claim damages chief harrop made a report on the condit ion of the s lnthal vlcl vheft riernade arttnspecjtlon inter he royal tty tn thank you far our regular vlth thai monthl ixsue of cigarette i receive so regularly it seems to me to be a habit ndflt to expect them period icall so in closing now let me ex tend my best w ixhes to all you kind folk that make these gift possible aiul the hard working executive that gie their time so freely thl find me enjolng the bet of htallh and i hoie it flndx mv friend ttack rome the same wa hertn for mm and all the next s mnlttw kx 1 ii us a uortl of thank for tie me i arct i i rec twd w hih in h nj ital hire it c rtalnl uimi grand jinncl and all the content were in exc mcnl rondition n i hi time i received tte wim 1 itul i am afrntd that the evtellint condition is no more afd i lentil v dietx of xniiph and broths tha boys in this ward nnd rnw if did a i r ilriuh ilui mis up jib htliee me it u it n r nl in nt and i would like to llatk omh of ou p rsonnllv 3hl telnk lrti iami l nt the pres ent time i mnl ju t jiv iliank on pftw i the little new v we ie le from the front line is ry favorable our h nrt dolnj n wonderful jot in v rnnce nnd with friends behind us nil such nx tie acton ar s r it e we cannot low so here s to ou ilmin hi wiry writes i nm writing to let you know i n ti iv ed iur er nuc parcel for hristmns nlso n nrlon of iiaitttn i tutc i njoved lh panel i and th n st of the ttovs in the billet had n few nice late lunches out of it l appreciated tie cigantlrs j a carroll speaker murh too it is prt tt cold over h re jusl n ah plcntx oi nov but 1 jguessjil ixn t near as much as you fnlki hae had thli winter h all j a carroll superintendent of ag- reports in the paper you have been rlculrural sorlrtiextorttntsrlo and preu tnowed in in some plarea james rremner into anvof le liu canadian jerse cattle club are to uom acton but im alwavs mctallum after which i new off i cerx took harge and mrs eorje mussel lr the new regent preside iluvltif ki un dihcuvxd nnd n new member was received into the r ap ter an invitation vtns rnd from the puke of ivvonahiie ha ter inviting the exetutlve lu a t a nl the home of mrs v j llenttv mrs alex orr nve a ir inter cmln and edutationnl lalk on thi founding of the i ider nnil h iu m tins dex eloped parts of the t rjnst ilulinn were rend hy drnup at the 1 r of tht nimimg n ilnlntv tun h ns setveil bv the group in chnrgr- milv m hi rns hostess for mketinc united hhnd people i r den mills i rrsbytnian church pi uv tiled ihe setting for a lovely wed dlnj on wednesday w hen florence jisn lowra laden mills wax united in nuiftlr to alrxand i martin son of mr and mrs jam x martin had noh ittv ir va j mi iv u offlc inlil at ihe ceremonj ivtn in marriage tv lit i father ihr bride was radianl in n ft mu ling tl k iv n of ml ovet white satin with i ni pointed sleeve n i nlo i endiex nnd linrer tip veil sit i nrrkd n inmi turl of itetttr time rise 17 i hrldsmnld vns miss 1 lleen 1- u 1 imsin of ihr bride li wore h cow ii of c rise in fit tn willi matt i ing i enddrevx and rnrritd n lmuui i of snnpdrncon nnd canlenln mr it rl hnnntng hnd nocl n tttt i im t man us n tl i it itolhit i nnd loinr tt tnn n now ihalton counti 47 no produces high i price jersey the lcrc ht ifcr i indale mnmlun nd itkkrvk bred bv maurice mtattv 1 milton ontario hax be nsold lo mr toooil r fox willow dale ork countv for sisoooo she ix poxjtibl the k jbm00 highest price animal ever develoed ln llallon count certalnl the hth est in the terse breed the darn of 1 indale itaallua a old medal cow that hns bet n cham pion several times at milton fair claxxlfted fxcellent and f r 1 aimed b all who know tmi row as one of the great cows of the hreed it skli n i f mrx mf iv n hum s mill street tin tp w ns 1 nsed n th nrt of me music nnd w ns i nd r tl e lenders wrvt r lip nf a17i n i mestl v mollis ndt red bv nnrnttn simmons nnd llettv ihson poi s l x r plav ed n p nnt st aft r thr n eel i n clowd n dnintv lum h w ns st rvi d nn 1 n wonl of ni preclntlon win t em led isl ns t llo tin for the jersey breeuers annual to mrx hums bv pouglns i r lest lev for the iisy- of her homo quilting bee vt monthl meeting dublin institite t im rtulnr monlhlv muling of iiuhlln institute wns hell at tht home w lh president mrs p flarbtr it look the foim of a quilting bee nnd work was done nn two quilts mtk was donated to the war ser- v ice icnrue a discussion f allow ed the roll call on post war preparations a fcoeal t4mewaa enjoyed over the ttn cups fuleen members were present eremt n n it t ep lion wns hrld in tie r den mills hnll m hit h wn tastefully decorated in pink and while a three tiered wed dink cake set on a hikh take stand ixlonnik to her grril grandmother irntred tht brldi s tnble receiving with the bridal part wi r the bride a mother and the jroom s mother mrs lawru worr n dress nf floral jersey and a corsage of sw eet pens mrs martin chose a frock of double sreer crepe and a ursax of sweet peas ui sts ut re present from linden och campbellvllle cuelph acton stratford milton nnd rden mills after a brief wedding trip tha vounk couple will reside on the jroom x farm at bndenoch l viable reputation of being one of the a cheque was received from the zurcn insurance comnanv for dam age to the truck when it wai in col- llaon with another car no action wai taken on n request to join the good ftoartx association council relewed cases in connect ion with the collection of taxea and issued instructions regarding collect ton the request of tre ftre brigade far an appropriation and the power to make purchase without reference to council wn gjven consideration d o j f- the council a re tew of the expend- xmlildav civeilinjt he the special speakers at tre annual on inok oul f them when im meeting of the halton lersev breed travelling around its nice to see en cluh in llornbx orange hall on people from home march 2rthaceordlnb to announce- t fm that u all for thli time men b president fdw in harrop but once again thanks to you all for nr halton aub has achieved thei en- rem mb ring me with vour gifts most prpgrexxlv r and units in the prounce ictive cluh bo band gae fine concert here letters and cards were also re ceived from te following pte 1- patrick jim ijimb telford reidt sgt bill withers pte frank kelly f c wilson pic c a beimes len i roche sgt m buck lac c e alt 1 ken cfm e b griw how peter bln- nle gnr a w sinclair kt norm w right pte g 6 brttton t p john-jucnann- pres1dent halton junior imrmers pr i i christie to be the guest rpenker at the noon da luncheon to ih held in connection with a confer ence of halton junior farmers and junior hnmemakers in milton on march 2th thlx event 1 open deputy game anient named 4cmjiieittj-ttnvitsihip- the march meeting of ktqueting township council wns held on mon day afternoon peputv reeve fieorge r cleave councillors teorge oirrte c h may and r n brown were present reeve c w murray pre sided accounts passed for pament in- itur or thf past own wars b ifiraham lac e isln rtm hoh h iiutrtt f tournour foe mr- ro i alrlv largr auilncr ottrndwt kon bill colmnan rcc flnnn it uas asrrwt that th brijrnck- and njoml thr hand ronoert in the bdsmn norm glbsott cnr bill would har a total appropriation of town hall on sunda nnlns pr- caldurll 350 for th rar clusu of f url ntrd b arton v s mm s boys band and lutht and poxtr rosu no slnelr chalrmasi for th rnlnr was m nm mtpttsn urm of ovt v as to hu punhaard r b thr pronram includrd srv- villrv vitf- wlthout thr approval of thr council xanr stlrrtlbns b thr band i alton instltutll brforr purrhaar undrr thr ablr lradrrshlp of mr c has varied program chlrf harrop drru attrntlon ofav mamin council to an lmproprr chlmnrv orlnc 1 curst artists tncludrd mr chns thr march mrrtlnt of thr acton built on a barnno prrmlt had bern robinson of gurlph who contributrd u omens instil utr uas hrld at the areured thr mattrr uas to br takrn tine baritonr solos with band arrom homrofmrs wlldrrspin utth a tood yp ulth thr committee and fire panlment his son keith robinson attendance the president mrs lap- chief and instructions lo be issued also faored ulth eoniet solos he was in ua tn ctarur rolt call uas the clerk was instructed to tall accompanied- at the piano h glen humorous and had a little irish tans mr hllbert and find out whrn thr strrrt also of guelph mr harr mrs franri wilds presented the jra trimmljie oncamyron avenue cshea a former actoo bandsmkn current eents and mrs wlldrrspin was ptilns to he completed he was twas also present and expressed his rave a readinn quiet examples often now over his contract term itselighon aealn plains with a band set results v councillor oakea brought up the in acton two fine vocal numbara the topic was learn to know vour i r matter of extentsins the vitlaer bound- were contributed bv mr 7iorm balrd nelchhor and was given by mr arte ind straightening tha una h miss tjorls wilson uas his accom- maddox several activities for tha alt the present uas an opportune time to lave thlstnattor placed before the ratepayers and lr necessary any voteaeijimultuhtuktnt tha aame time as the vote on the aevuerage t wer a ra thr ayttam pan 1st the band appreciates the interest hy mrs ft u davidson was acton cltuens maintain much credit assisted by mrs collier mrs lovell la due bansmaater chas mason fori and the hostess in serving a dainty tha proareo tha bays continua to lunch the niyttary danny was found alf halton rural oung people irres thr following a e wllaob prclivr of uhrthrr or not thr arr co ltd bond rrnru al 140 oo beu nou members of thr junior farmer j telephone co services iii r3 i m kroups at arton norval and palermo bennelt nvltratlon of births mar- thr counts junior farmers hove h deaths for 1944 773 a also romplrlrd plans for thrlr annual benton stamps b 00 r j ijjvall judging tomnrtltlons in grain and co ltd assessors supplies 71 43 seeds frult and vegetables cream cil or brantrord ambulance service grading and grading of wiltshire jjoo h c mcclueerambulanee to sldrs which arr to be held in con guelph j10 00 county of halton ad junct ion ulth the county seed fair cunt paid in error ror indigent and baron shou in milton town m 50 ontario hospital woodstock hall on saturda morning march maintenance of ihdlgent wino a 17th these competitions are open e wilson avco re workmen s com- to all halton junior farmers under act reneual pollr win t t t l i account amounting to 20 05 or troae under 0 e an for road lrfounu o j the junior homemakers garden brl- prwn and pued for pavment tanrs and other home making pro- jets are also progressing rapldlv th following person u ere by those intrrrsted can secure further niotloji appointed deputy ganrve war- details concerning these various ac- or h tounshlp during 104s tivitirs from thr agricultural office d allan r r 3 milton ai- in milton or from anv one of the fol- bwgdrn hombj raj crelchton lowing officers who ware recnllv ap lr1 wllllamsi- ixime l mullin r pointed at the annual meeting of the j harvey nurse r r 2 halton rural young peoples a fr ru- irs latlon president john y mcnabb georgetoun spencer wilson r r 1 georgetown 1st vice president cao nor- a george cetlle rr 4 acton s atkins bronte 3nd vicejeldant i w lou norval w j mcdon- edna alkens acton secr eamaj rr j actoikmeldrlm stark eorgetown directors aston it mllton tfti shalburna hf 4 ahow ut cr appearance y i by mrs vannorman gordon lealle margaret mcphall and mantell nallli norvk1 drue nfd betty ruddsll palerrqo jack hamll- onjtnfthftlop 0rfl r brtchnn andjetn klngton umrhoute wilmer wat kins r it 3 acton george woods r xl 2 nor- val- potmeu adfmirned tn tweat wi uh day april 2nd at 3 oclock i lnnrinith lnthiud b iwmoa htrmtiimm in toronto of new hui siund mavrhlrie- hn report of work of iteiui nqim in the srhool other tu of march setwion iyustee i- s hlow pr 1- g oskes i a lull j a hapman and n 111 rd were present on fu day evening wln the man h meeting wai ht id nnd halrman v h rumlay pra- fclded in rejaorltng on fire drill at the fuhtlt simvoi i nn timil smith said on the lat drill the building was rm i tied in v e cind trustee pnktn gave the feport of the lal lomnntlee to make inquiry leganllng the location of the proprs kindergarten vlas at the at hool tve aval lahle 1 oom had been measured and the committee after dlsrusalnn or the matter recommended that rade ii lw movwl to a new room upstair thssvls to be made larger by removal of a cloak room and partition tha kindergarten to be downstairs in the present lrade ii room and the music room to be lilted up to do duty fotr both live musli ami the work of tha school nurse the committee also recommended that tte lighting ba im proved in the new kindergarten room in the music room and in grada i the report wns accept e and the property committee was requested to get an estimate of the cot of tha alteration the supply committee were asked to make an inspection of the equip ment in kindergarten rooms tn other municipalities and bring in a recom mendation for equipment fhe hoard received a very fine ra- jxtrt on ihe work of ihe public health nurse and irumie chapman said it w ax planned to furnish the board with a quarterly report of thlt work trim lal stewart and smith ware in toronto regarding the new visual- sound eqiil ment purrrved by the hoard mr smith gave a report and bnth w re mm h impressed with tha t e nnd vai tv of fllmi procurable from the department and the poss hlllijeo or teaching with this new aid in both ihe continuation nnd puljlr jvchool principal sitwart requested a two- hurner l 1 1 tc plate he secured for the t onlinualinn st hool lie sraa ntked to hrlril in lie usual requisition for thi ihmrd account were nssed for iayment as fnllowa j m ivnt y piles j tof a m parlln mipidlea 0 75 w p smith re pavment for pupils now shovelling 0 00 hell telephone co aervlces 300 puhlic ittilltkei commission service 19 10 hook r xrhange supplies 1 46 symon hard wore supplies 2 65 mrs 11 i mcdonald pram lum on insurance 11080 10 m a letter wn rend from clerk c f ucatherlaluiguing allslol4 attending gurlph collegiate ai sub mitted to him from guelph tne board approved of tha action of the s in requesting the orltral copy sent from guelph since counetl tad agreed that all matters pertain ing to the school were to be kept in the files of the board a latter from premier geo drew regarding- the new school grants was read to prrherve cyhwnkwse victoria cp rlchfleld court house tn the cariboo which had 1u heyday in the middle of the hurt cen tury when miners flocked to the rich cariboo diggings will be preserved by the dc government as an historic sight coming events aeeowaesasrais el mefilss cam rmb r ikir evrats sdet tku hcseiaf sr ckarst is rssls ae lis with nlnihun rfcsrt to sas ismakfnfil nl sc legion dance in acton town halt friday march 9th ilrvsy fishers orchestra admission 50c 953 v m c a st- patrick party in the y frda march 33rd danetnj brldke and euchre prizaar racraah- mapts st patricks supper and program on friday march ibtin iha utvlua church soppertarvod 8 to a ad ults ux children 35c rc1 acfon fire brltada st patrick day pence friday march 16 in tha actontown hall stewart ettlatta nerheetea silil prafaarllv to acton war service laafue- i

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