acofj-wo- the acton free press thursday march hh ims lrm u rml4 9jllt acton 3rre flrrflb advutuumg batx4 o allria u4 ftwa akkafc acalttfaa tob u no tka rr inm a4irtiuf u ms cium mimalm ii u1 ui u uus tor w mw as t4rtmtal vw ut mj j ssa ajrilt u ray to rlllu j th uurtltm 4 vmbntw i tw lw smltaus mm jajx si fcr lh umtim ul wma wwfc v mmttu uilr a44 ta villtaa t u ll a u aav nra a4j u rtrta1 tw rr luwklt ll 4 tum mk prqp t c 1ttia a frit b to its m ccwyil al y wk 4vi ttlertlonka e4lnta1 j attmr niuv iuiu or no puoe vu left to put the mow fall from the next storm which might come the road crevs made use of the opportunity and the banks are now well back ready for the weather thitr march can often give yes the entry of march was very welcome if it must be lion like in its departure it rave a break that most everyone appreciated v that rifle throwing story so far hon john bracken has made no reply to gen mcnaughton s denial of mr itraikcns hcjiia tional charge jnamc in the grey north election cam paign that draftee going overscan had thrown their nlus and equipment overboard a new angle to the matter is given by the writer of utikstage at ottawa a popular feature of mac lean s magazine its a matter of interest and pertinence says this writer that this rifle throwing story was offered to the co as campaign material but was turned down about two weeks before election day an army officer came into m j coldwel v office to tell this tale which he said he d heard from a sailor of zombie throwing their weapons into the sea mr cold well asked for details corroboration when had this happened what units had done tt hcrc from what ship- what if anything had the authorities done about it j the officer said he ascertain trust things and departed lie never came back v an innovation in tollum the political science club in burlington had an innovation last week from which candidates of all parties might take a pattern we regretted that the weather conditions that cemng did not allow us to travel to the south end of the county to attend that one meeting and hear all three candidates on the same platform judging by reports many from all parts of the county did attend with the election date now placed some distance in the future there- will be opportunity for similar meetings throughout the county during the cam paign such joint meetings would certainly be time savers for candidates and the electors and save in campaign expenses it would be more likely to get out one large audience rather than three snuill ones i sually composed for the most part of the particular pjrty s faithful and n would be linhle to create an iitcrcst in those who attend nu meetings during the inmpaign and often do not ixercivc their franchise it will he interesting to see if the itnti tl tmeting in burlington is the forerunner of such a e int ugu in malum in the mi lection or il w loniinut in t ho old tradition 1 1 w u and tru e perum nt i um in experiment v war memorial business directory mbdicas ur w g c kenney fttyamu aaj huri suceaor to dr j a mcnlvn office tn symon lllock mill strwat atloi offlm ihoo it luuiutw mtunh hu pkaat iu uk wm g culiin lmcic fhysidavn ma hurt ofhrf hours i a and 7 9pm i- acrpt wtfjnrmln and sunday mill strvrt twr j- ictnru htraat 11 mis p us ukntai red crow aid to rriuln the exact amount in dollars which canadian red cross has expended in aid to britain since the out break ofswar is incalcuable but it is interesting to note in view of the amount which canadian red cross ta raising for other a lies that at least ten million of the 30 000 000 items or supplies and com forta which the c r c s has shipped overseas since war began went to britain a great portion of the u000 ear marked for this purpose this year will be spent in direct relief in great britain ambulances mobile kitchens and other vehicles including 70 mobile units given lire fighters have been sent to britain the junior ked rovs of can ad a maintains is war nurseries in britain well ocr 2 000000 worth of hospital supplies and relief doth ing sent from cariajian red cross is now stored in britain much of the blood collected i r00 000 don ations to date has gone to britain helped mim unt ish lives during the ih ing bomh raids has aided british scrmccmen in otreas hospitals lor m plrc and allied prisoners canadian red cross his mnpped u4wixx food parcels these go into the here et but it s not too soon to man british pool and are aailabtc to british prisoners of to think about mr memorials fnt thom who served indian binls put lir on kaf crw an h a hask india 1 1 s iiat plant wrrr a into i ikr im fur- urourkl kimi hfir liaroritl ttmt ajmiiltiii nt i ultimo oung lilfd t ouplt a iwjitty or- tlir vlf w inuil i uiim um i liair viili nnd d ilr to mtllr down induui ninali hllds nt ttu rt off nili r oti inn ilam tx ing r luilnit on ihr held after it l lmdl kin it uji tin nit hanirs found nine mynah hlrtl nril in three djiyv tin hlnlm ulll htart lultdln tn an haunt plh an khiii n it iuoh off any plant opt ntnic u jut uhil tht famtl onlttfd for any mynah itii y rave irarneel that plant a arr iafe rcturta from abounding indian anake- tirtttl imra whl h an a ipvrteh of mud dautnr havt tuo decided that llan vtfita make xtiellrfil horn ltr in th att they have frr iutnll phitkd tin nmninft tm snmll tor hirdi to appro itatt proxy farm i m frows int if s cilicjk t i j- mining h proxy i h im i ni ul utanllally dur in th mfir and tin piofrunal farm innnni no nt i ukin tino rxpandid lo in n nt t til iliif nt tuth milod for i sifii it 1i m r t- nt if tin faint aold in lln n mil i utrnl im1oii rn pur ilifisi d t nun f nrnit r huj rt and 1 m r tut nt ttu n tiwurrn planntil to how hit it h htliif in othrr jiim 1i ai kt imnn n m tnry of the amrrtt nn sorlt ty of l arm mnnatim nnd ituinl apnsrra reitortt that farm ninmipnirnt t om anloa now handlr mimiui iwxvmi nii 1 1 pr iytrm ott n work ttili wny a illy invimor hu a fnrm and m ktk innijt pit mnnskir irawi t hi farm to a tenant farmer and dtnflu an oprratlni plan ihr manager alui inei is ihe plnit pt rtodlrally mnkt m rt pott to the atrntre owner in most rw n tn 1 paid to th mminu i ot hk i mpany while ihr hiitdloitl and i lie tenant arrange to ok hugh s austin isantai marfiwa mill mrt curner radrrtck acton of fire hour 0 to a in to 3 30 p m rwntnga by appointment talaphona it rmoai c 1 lrathhrl and ha iwrruur m tuurlur nataxy pokue labuer of marriage urrtiwi tteglitrar of llirthn marriage lath ann offuw it rao4 mimaafta iu tht r ihe nn 1 liooin t pflft ailtirmnn a it as tmt n profitable fi ktnnith m langoon rarruu hnllhtor notary puula orrite torgrtown rtioiy dieatr duluj g acixjn over i saynuck a cmu for appointment 1hon aeton 86 or etirgetown kb office iloura arlun 1 uettlay and thuraday 1u1 pm to 4 00 p m venlngh on iteeiurst vrrrrrjatty h o young v s h v be elerliuiry hureoh of fire tirookvllle ontario il n m is htniidnrd t intln pro il k imione tfltth hfir 4 redure for tin mi charms nt this lit id s no i n t ins mim t in tri i 1 plo nil pmii m1 lining mmiii ai n ptferii land till ivmm hiit t im ihij i hint io mon fnt ni nml 1 hk n it linn o k i ii um i i til u i fuitt ti f ii h i o ill tt 1 oakis s hvsc f erlnar hiirtron o il i 1 llll v tl 1 ii oil 111 i ti 1 itw lll 1 off o 1 hi ki li knux avenue rumnl oiihl will hitli u 1 k f t li iimri pxjirnrni l i i innit on the idi i 1 mi iui rs ut m rvratr v p pc 1 vkt iaa iw war c k 1 s proides loothxkm cigartttis a ttonth to men in hospital owrcas that means british tommies as ell as canadian bos canadian red cross corps members are on dutv with british ked cross dnwnc ambulances scring as a 1 s in british hospitals whcn making your contribution to the red cross campaign now in progress remember our donation j d mndiums mid rid helps whcrccr there is war suffering give to our landscaped parks limit to aid ar stricken bumamt v a decfcion to be commended the decision of the government as announced bj prime minister hon mackenzie king last rrida to jwcljuuejections until nttcr the war has been won will be clcorncdb altcirnadians who place first the welfare of their countr and the part t must take in world affairs tht north grc b election proved conclusively that canada w war cffori would be harmed by those ho seek to gain power b stating for facts things that arc talsc and without foun canadians abroad fighting momentous battlct and in this war there nre mun who fivor i depirturt trom ihe trnditiohnl statues and war memorials ol other uais thc believe the cjptured enem cannon and the in different sttitutar commemortting tlur struggles do not go fir enough in honoring our vnrrtors iheir ideas run to recreation centres featuring auditoriums bordered bv extensive this is worth thinking about hut perhaps pro itcts of that nature are n hit too pretentious tor smaller towns of this dominion the idea however can be applied on a scale to tit the means ot centres with reduced budgets is there u coinmumtv in this couutrv which does not need a new school more hospital facilities a supervised pla ground or facilities for organized sport moni raised for a war memorial might well he used for any one of these t i there is no reason to belie ethat rttpntmtng- war veteran would not be pleased to leurn that to commemorate his service his town has decided to provide better educ facilities for his children canadians at home are in no position in this hnal tnat he children of a fallen comrade would have atagc of the world war to think calmb and senouslv pprtuntv of a more healthv life through super on the problems thatiu have to be dealt wth in n1 pagrounds and sports centres or more hospital the winning of the peace most folks avc too war tli lc at hand wear and confused b the great happenmrs on the somc m hisdea i one which should be battlefields to give the queston the studv and re rntd out in am case and the traditional war flection the should have when decisons are to be memorials erected in addition whoever protects j nre undertaken should have tht whole hearted mip the reasoning given b the prime minister which reior the community backed the decision of the government was sound v uc will undoubtedlv hear much from those who are koitohial mle most accustomed to saving much and doing little but i the rank and file of canadians are at the moment a lot of folk arc going to have a greater appre num concerned with the earlv conclusion of fhx war station of iust plain bread and butter after tht war is over and rationing ends v man folic ttill ueuomi marh hut morfr- paa tiulark april hen the new gasoline ntion books hetome aailble and the vr pets a little more fuel in- the tank ou can help make sure that atnn pocs ocr and the return home of those from oerscas than with the argument and turmoil that ill be iniicud bvan election and the disruption of fho- glorious ictor now in the offing v an appreciated itrcak not manv who know canada slid its inter sea hon will expect that the lamblike entrv of march metis that the winter of hm44s is over but we the top in the red cross campaign ft ma he our doubt if that break of a few dilv we hae umcn last opportune tdhakc part in such an event see joed was ever more welcome in an winter con- that it goes over in a- big wa trary to some pvssimistio predictions the big snow v piles did not cause in flooding tfiey iust seemed that cr interesting bool the annual report to evaporate in the ground with the very bcst off municipal statistics for the year 1b- came to hand this week we havent et had time to peruse ujut as a reference book packed full ot informatibn ctoir 1-7- sardines lenten suggestions 7c tee chicken haddie cclv muftxts x m 17e wtout a r xse walnuts e 7e quaker oats mtm mfrf rimf vr4 ta iv tm m baa ton juice frce srecial aylmcr rney tomato 3 special nabob coffee sreoial clark sandwich spreads 2 2cc vxsv special value aylmn dlrj bu or carrots afcni5c wim br0n dessert o air ni pears ioc i hi 24e paimouve sop foods tn 70 mla toil mltfr ck imnav- ovaltins sb otar dmbw t s a wae si uu m prim o- e is ttcrtt sup flakes km x4 routn mi isc xc flakes tinlk uf tip tea ivw 44 t w ifwr tha rlht to umlt aoaauuaa of all aarchantfua special no 1 cooklnu onions 8 lbs for cris1 oreen celery siw ffs kuril cvmixtrma navel oranges larg sire 252 dozen fresh raduhni cauliflover tomalnwi lettuce 11neappleivsptcial pricea 19c 10c 39c x 11 l ulkjlin 1akm ac ncy 1 jii t it hi 1 t aji n y tn t anivdat if i nil k nl lllttu luiunto 1 1 i u ii i n 1 1 m ntat lv linn llfmmin itmnr imrirloun ssz t1mk tables vnaiman national iimlwais lri writ t nll i v i i surili 0 ul a m salunl ills 138 1 ml1 i i i nuii ln 7 4h pm mtihlll 1 t l lih am imllj rxtt j 1 suiniu 134 am hr nt i iiii icii lnly it snl mill sun ct5 pm hir t l in iph iiall ex 1 t st nml sun li pm olnf ru tmiu i sunrtny m9 am i uil imii sunday 0q am lnll rut pt s u ruin y 650 pm sunda tmly h10 pm 1 y yrr tlhlk mramowri 933 pm irhrr daily nt ulh b5d pm i gray coach lines coa i1kn i kave acton i kaathxind hfl in il6am 3 pra 3 t m j ji m ln m p m mtkua4 ymvlam y3 is p m asobpm r7vtpm hmth pm u2hpm a lii 1 ondon b sunln iitul llolidayi only to urlph dally to kltchanei sunr1 finil llnllrtaya y- to htuhrntr t to slratfonl f w t pahbrsoh rp htwriajlat in en cnmlnauui orthaeum iu wyndiiaju st oceijhi pimm tiaa complrlcly equlppad offhm baloo uahtr shw slor behaviour tfrf t nf earlv match ttayejhe jnqg ploys an opportunity topush back mrb the ditchesthe piles that in many places had become so iih that little valuaandut haps more than any other book issued maedonallvs used furniture atitiquesf tplmuuhna krfuiumnr litsravtred itlsheat quality work alriaionama prices j- st maedonell st gttdph