wlostsdt theacton fbee press thursday april utk ims tbclvek al ottawa iv bobqmjlb qjuo04 c- fwi anstnf write ottawa cp canada poet war course and thn rnaasuro neraatary to arry the dombflon u rough the tran anion from a wartime to a pearatlm eonomy are expected to furnish the prliwipsltoair upon which the june 11th federal general eletion will ha foothl out la laying he welcomed trim mln talar alarkensie kin annoummnnt oh the election dale u j i old well ccf leader remarked that even greater prohlema than that mih the llhiral adatlalstiatum at had n fare wilt confront whatever gvivem meat is formed after the election after the appeal to the people aald cordon creydon irugir aarvatlvr house lender hit party will be sendy and willing and prepared i form the net government of i nn nan john blarkmore srlal ad t house leaner said mb arty loo aa ready for the election but expressed regret parliament had not had time to debate man important matter mr king s announcement ot the hate of ike election udt man ol ittral observers ly surimtse mwl j trem espeded it would he held latrr than june 11th and come had siecu lated ihe dole would h advanced al least unlit early in julv the at t the dale chosen rolm ided v 1th that of the ontario general rlet lion also occasioned some turpi ie nn e it ha 1 heen expected wmr time would elapse between ihe ontart i ami i dominion poll for jart of the election campaign ur king wilt he ava from canada attending ihe san r ran la o i outer iurr on world setuilt and mr cold well and mr ravlon al will he n san rranriaro for a time one ot tie itrlnlt innka in th liheral pa rt i laif rm h pted to he that with the eetlen e kmcd in administering ihe country a rain during wartime it l conseoucnllv ftl led to deal with i rohlem lelitm in the post war period t letter efte i than on adminltratl n w i i h i a- n i had thee repnnaihillllet kan kenneiar oeleanuua makeup of thf trlt hi i will represent ana tn at the world securttv confcren t li a reflet tlon i the dominion k lk importnn e in international rilmimn luir of her amtuuntlon i it i rnioii irx m axhtniton 1 dana dre fnm moscow jean 1v from hlo iv janeiro en 1 f ililpmnn from santiago l hkle arc on the it t nf ad viae re to the cana itnn irlekall n in addition hume r n i lair tnda elale- l e affairs who hai haen rrprewntln canada at the nrlllh ommonwralth ranerutloni in iondon kolng lo san franrlaro neferenr b ir c s it llart r deputy minister of agriculture lo the fajft a ready market ent for harlev hther as barley or wn mnrketrd an th form of hoga hai brought forth flgain from farm itatutlclan uhkh show that parley a baron li worth more- than bnrtey by the bushel twenty buiheli of harlr are wortb nprtrnxlmately lift but whrn fed to a hog they are converted to pork with n alue of 28 v for n grade hog dreaalng 1v pounda thu tnt all profit- the ttatlstl rtnns are careful to add but even after one hai paid himself for bli labor and has allowed for deprecia uon on the pig pen there should still he a higher margin of profit har1e as baron is worth more 4han barle as barle fall of berlin will mean en- of nazi dreams gcvanam hay hnl ffc4r capttaj in nhcfanliliifr n inouatcor- or mumieh j sayn radio wave throw birds off the hevm wasjiinotov cd radio waes aerloufcly hamper the h mtng per formanre of pigew the rm ijjum corpa reports during test plgions nent home from a transmitting tatt m while it was operating just 1 1 rcled er ratlrall and rinalh c end ihe u n miles home in ah ut v minutes hut birds relraaed while ih ttatln atlent went lgt home in an ut jo mlnutrs sxu hebb inkr 1iaufax tcd t oal kkuleg aallttn tcf live lax to illlur uf tit kelt hi raiutai llerlln luol- ajdy will it a fatal lo t ei many aa lha rapltulatlon tvf laria waa t lrane hut h u itoubtful whetlutr lite collapse itt leituan anus will fol low u tailly at did that of the r rent h flte ear ago trance w demo ra y nul tenvan is a dictatorship in januar iu11 wlven hlller eu rd imtwec ta the kelt t man irmnn in luding the nasi thought ihta meant an rod i iterllu ai ttjr itrli h taiatal it was known htlhr dijiked llerlln intenaely llta mlaalivn aa be mil c4vd it was to hitng the new ordvr tlrat to lermany then to europe i hen to the world nasilun itellevod atnmgly in tearing down before build tag up hanging rapltala would he nguiatuel aeaklng a isit of tear ing down llerlln and building up mun uh or nuernberg it w littler original ian to de- tentralie tlte government geograi h rally while of ttturae ideologically and pilltually concentrating powtf in a tngte tight meshed regime an attempt of thlt kind waa made ihe naxii atarted to make coxier in t he llart i mount alne t he rent re of the itrlcha agricultural effort i lam burk the hi kbone of maritime ac- tllt nuernlerg the ity of party convention and pieaden the bub if erman art neverlhela itrrlln remained the capital nowhere elae were tehnhnl arrangement a for the gnvermental machinery oomparahle llerlln btst rd the bet trle hon exrl ane on the vntlnrnl a powerful radl atatlon mnn ideally al inlrd governmtnl i ulldlni nvid iare aiiablr for nnrf momni would be conjured up an nlmntt lnouibl h un r b- hm njoithot of irafwteir lit i tin wan n world tourist trntie tnl lie nl rrman rlal to lond n ni ork rl nn hl ago it wa thr iniii n f man thou win u f i imtnn in rn fr th e w ho re nlrnl tic i rumtlan 1 mlnnllon of the i i h lltrf it c uhl t citr excel i nt ipn s mph n atid horal aln int eno tl atnta thontrea and te titx of 1 krlntnrdt an i ollrr nn in hlrl nl mntrm and mt me t f ii o hi t h fine l muaeums hitler planned to makr berlin tie nibil of snrl grandeur the iobh ietllii lurtrrtvr mu mean miin to the oennan people and ern more in a wnse to tre naila sxmbol liing the rollapve of their dream moscow rrporta that the narl gov ernment hai evacuated nerlln and moved 25 mllex louthwext to juern henr in uavarta where a 10mile special zone was established und r heav guard another indication of the govern ment a ahlft from berlin was an an nouncement from the atlran that the papa nuncio has transferred bis residence from the capital to eleh staett in bavaria berchtesgaden naturnllv comei to mtrut aa a xuhmtutt capital while nothing more than a summer resort buildings on ohersauben some flva mflea above the city have bean x panned ronitantlv and a veritable duplicate of the government ha been et up there oberaalzberg eventuallv may ab sorb a considerable fraction of the berlin government machinery iess important departments might be lo- ated in munich ilwt in motor hilt and dutt allowed to collect anund the air paixagex of an electric m tor on he farm i nuacs overheat ing this w llkelv to result in serious damage if the air is kept from clr rulattnt through thr eolls flectrl- a nhlailits nuggest the use of a lire pump or hand bellows to blow dual ou of the motor nannie comes into her own aifcttimllaa milk maau hiiawnu coau rotmllax uvfajctfc svpnry australia ff in syd ney hulk famine the milking goat la iu longvr hrtilar obe1 of dnriuve citing 4wt hi rontrapy he aumea lb twiitaiml for it lias rem itad an alv- tim rehd llreedera in f a t aie booking or- i let a fur iiodigmetl to k long befac tike kids ar horn hi ihe regtater of 11m mlb h t oat s of nsw are details of vw than inn imllgraad nanan muktag goat a many of tliem owned by rwaid- enta of sylne auhurt the actual tiuntlter of ml ik fag goats ta the metro- ndis of stney wwild probably run into kim tr more as only a amall propi vft ion of dmele goata ar re gistered owners of goats say thy have solved the milk protdam one rellenl of suburbia who u averaging aliout three quarts ofgoat milk a day aarrllkes the rfect teeth of his five yearold son to its rich uualltlea in another case a hty solicitor who has tfree milking goats has lent on out in a neighbor whose twin bahlrs are thriving on ha milk the nsw department of agrtcvl ture has established a ovrnmant goat farm at a big country eantra nd jl has completed plana for tn importation of tli lieat strains from overseas the deftariment hopas eventually to make gnats available in th public on a big scale even if goata will eat anything even the wastlng off ihe line at times they are enabling many people in sydney to laugh tlte milk famine to scorn jmh nur ktati ur inmltmfltlt ik britle ktoom lervnian and w editing guests irfl ihe tilth nt the altar here re ntl and went to flgl t a nearby fire i ilie bride followe1 ax a pet tat or rullh ihe lire ut two hours later all returned i lite ti r mon after brush ting ihe noitii off ih i clothing a message to our depositors it u our privilege and patriotic duty to urfto all our depositors to invcat in victory ilond to the fullest extent their individual circumstances permit and to withdraw funds from their bank accounts to do so victory bonds are the soundest in vestment in canada in the event of an emergency they are readily salable or you may borrow money against them ut uny branch invest in the best buy victory bonds lav your victory bondt wiffi any branch lor ohltpmq th coif kunajl r v joi t jin vtmi li ii me w hv tln flti imrr tn1lioil net i den is ii nn nul it u nl j jim il m rhax not exa tlv i hut i think urn iriw n i bernuse the iikmrrr i i t nhatt hugging tl tlreman not tltshtilst cvns malle lnr lh her friend i will be penallxetl for mln n withut wax mi rrv to hiar ttat mac broke proper leases ir licence un ier a bill ft the enamment did ou have tn the provincial le the bill n quarnl also provides for closer inspection f no n piled mabel he met a areas where llle mining is sutpec kr from henteen whose blrthdav texi a ml christmas da l t9 faw eanwy uwjuics cufairataa b tsuaiaaa fit mum- w ismnsmftmolmls s ihe bank of nova scotia branches from coast to coast hydro rural wartime extensions with labour and metals drained by war an unavoidable limit ts placed on the number of new rural hydro service that can be installed in 14s nevcrthclciyour hdro is extending essential rural service to the absolute limit of labour and materials available about hooo applications made and approved during 1044 mill await service and many hac sinlc bxen added thcscwiu be con nectcd as soon as possible it will take all the man power materials and effort that hdro can comimnd to bring service to these applicants in 1045 those requesting servue along existing power lines may in some casei be connected before prior applicants who require lengthy extensions we regret that mun approved apphvatu ns may not be completed before i04g in 1914 our lldn constructed about 100 mi lea of new rural linen and added 9776 new niauvmerh ix ith some 1200 hydro empltccs m the armed services or on loan to the government for technical work along with the shortage of many materials critical to war needs our hdro has done and is doing everything possible to extend electricity toessential services ururnseeshilownmmrplcasonwderhewi tions under which your commission labours andbe assured that it is tntnjfrosstble toserve youwtth the utmost speed the mthtoelectkic p0wr commission of ontario jjitftjju ekbb 1 r it