Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 30, 1945, p. 1

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toftrixfcni ttt i sfvcnty firm year no s acion omaku miuksdat augum mhh 1ils 1 ijht homeprint laev certts burglars leave trail of damage on sunday morning two cam stolen and vault ent ered al mason knitting co iju1 caah for michli work i inimlma mi rlhur icellhratch iut 97th mrtlilu debentures ready lor ihe waterworks extensions rt- now kral iiiikiiiluinli fi h mis from n ikj iiiikjis unt a group f mnt ur bandits lllet ajn umirtlnir during the i arly hour o sunday morning and tfl a wall of stulin m hruken doib and windows and nmhr vault ami safes but mm utrd kiitall irluins in actual loot or monr ihe first work of the gang was dls rovrrdhrn they stole thr car of wltlard madonajd pf hepworth who u visiting hit brother mr ian marlvmsld on vltlorta avrnut fur a show nd uhi mi ii auiikt ll i n of lit i 171h itlith uesplle lit r arm j lady la quiu n rt a lint htnlth 1 tic imi bkum wi t fntmlv oil i- ut wit thlll ll latlvt s mit d ttnv supp r i- i ngus m ai ik 1h ml i grand lijuj lid i i inted li ti i i lit nnd is t r vn to ih- jltith t w ie in nl from land llalil niagara mih i imiis in- r tin vllle ln lliwpilul aivuunt of alleged in- diutitm on council ajienda rant made to kail fair le- uirimpnt of health approve of iluiw for waterworkh instal lation committer appointed to study ilrhireahllil of katoh- linhintc a llottpilal m arton a ion and v l larnt labor i situation ilaiulicaps hi place thr left a dodge car stolen ft 1 in toronto keason for changing 111 i rlmlllt iiuu lakes j 11 w ere present meeting last mrlhinnui m il ollkll i that the gas inr urn wu nl gi in irusl crm would mtih lo u lank wa empty and ready to col la jib catting the marlonam rar away caused a bit of noise and chid liar- rop and rrovinrtal constable ray mason were noillled nefore chid harrop left the houw however hr had another complaint from a few doors down the street on uower av- nut that a 1mj dodtfe riute te- longtng to harold palrlv of waaton had been stolen mr prlrie a a visitor at the home of mr harold kin read b it mo found that the macdonald rar had been abandoned on bower avenue toronto police were notified and trantely the car stolen in acton wi found on sunday on the urn aired in waaton juat a hort dlatance from tha home of the owner harold et- rle in ll ware an outboard motor flah- ing tackle 22 rallhre rltllc and thella and a radio these urrt not recover ed with the car chief harrop then halted ms rounds of investigation there were two bar an axe and sledge hammer found in the toronto ar phey were marked a n h iooib and had been stolen from the cn h toolhoum in arton at the acton ornmcr nn main street the front diwt won rl d ien llh barn tin lnnrtle of tin safe w as broken off bul thr failed lo open the stronu box the w oral rtamnke w jib oni nil tied at the mason knitting co plant en trance was gained h breaking n win dow on the southeast kiiic of the building ham were used on the vault door w hit h w as fcprung and opened and twiiei out of staie koiuiii that a new door is netoar the irl office wall wak damaged ntwl a xln- sour dow in the unite door smashed khtnn ate cabin cib wen pried oien although whii the open raslk b releasing a small hit catch the total amount of caah the s in khamer on ifebalf ii fnlr cuknl that cuun- thi nnnual giant ttie wits guen i r ur iirwnl regarding itepr iir a mr lhl n hoipital ait outil n follow k ounty of ilallon use grader yaooo hell lelephone co aermce 2 30 l he fi kyter co repairs and auppllek uged by phone letter fend pergonal onlarlo municipal hoard interviews willi the oft related pjaiton r n e prewi advertuing peal can you get me a man ioal i bn printing pplles of farm help are apparently al v hoard ilrumer mond co calcium w cutting cutting weeds nt intiiuim with agrli ul tentative j k w hkl re infoimetl that the ncd of farm help la as ureal tolny o at j any unie during the pal ilx ears i he agrirutiuml office in milton for the pakt three nionlhs has been del- pparently nonexistent and unaeouently mr whit clock and his mrctary have aparwl no effort to secure help from outalde aoune ttnder buch clr- tumslanceb stated mr whltelock ieggera cant be chooser and we informed authorities in toronto and elsewhere that we were prepared to take delivery of any number of men night or day week day or sunday whether for the day week month or longer pro idlng they were ante ixulled and prepared to handle a pitch fork nome 107 farm hands trom weklern canada wen secured in late june and earl jul and distributed to as man different farmer with n few exteptlons thene men returned to haresl tin ir nun ropi in went in t mimln mound the mhldtc o pament 05 45 39 00 49i ho 00 r2 70 2rm v 11 irrop prtzea for vj day lebratlon 21 00 this week br kuanh iiinuh dviuluui im hult wrtur first peaeelime lelehralion here for next moiida tala du of i rv mil im i irnt of stirti kenu in si tui of wtir l unit 1 nling tlulitxr oiitnilo buil f ami tht f f til i k iii apnjm 1 1 i v lolv ly to nun i l nuiix with tiiuib i h iii 1 ii ii 1 k oi i allan 1 1 ii ht r iti mm t t xmljl lotto lot al ll ii1 icaim o ilt al in i1 itml 1 t iay iiiuval o 11 t- tf ihul aarn a 1uin ini 1 toiou ol d loll r it i i denth in soul hi i n oututlo nrnn uk iii tu 1 hiiih moil ibni itml th w liuisr lnlii ii o two of lli ni xlnkhct i niul the third bludgeoned wllh a mm hliiltl hammer wire still un- miloil in tin niiilh itonnld mat lioiiahl v im hlnin wllh nil axe at tils hnillon horn old brother hilton was charged with niuiiler in loronlo two gunmen held up a pair d m i ngerk on uie lakefront nnd iohlmd them of 1i1m hi heuei fnr i le noltoll ion tiiikvi- stoij- 60 ami v i pnujrrs ntom osimumjk faumku muly au st on i hi imiilhlli l we oiim ii o uh to the county kolxtt slmpkon s44i02 nolue ua reelvel from thoa harru that he deslnil to sever hla emploinent with the corporation a letter was received from jenkins a hnr1 auilltorx enrloslng the bchet ule of debvn lures fur pavment of prlmlpal and intwrest 1 he term of the ttebenlures wah foi 1s car with nnnual pament of approximately jtmh pr enr i he totnl iksue w ai fr jjins with inlirrsl at per nl 1 he clirk unh inst rut led lo itiiumillili nte w ii h txmil imiuw k re khrctln the snle o the tit im nlure liutuc a 1 mi r fiom it 1 1 ut ki pni k hitiiii w i l nineil th vim t ni 1 julv iwi t triinvpoitntlon dallv t nuindoh on furl in mi whllcloik 1 on tht nmin hii i ompnnv tm upplllg f 1 oronto i oiv tnulr fioi lt sin 1 to kn tnki n on dm of the iiudlt th i in aecuret for all their work was about sj0 the ontents of a a envelop not et called for records were thrown about hut nothing more was taken and ii appeared onl cash interested the burgler poors were left open fur a tpeedv exit in case of being dlstui bed the proper damage will nmount to two or three hundred dollar at the mason plant the entr was illscmcred hv mr mason who happened to ult the plant shortk alter eight o clock on sundas morning burned thnt with o opi intlon of alderman lohn of i nto nnd tin ompunv et lo iiluivc ul llnlldn imm ivmii- tul nd up to augu i min supplied with the eoulvnl- f nir 1nk work from tht i tie majoiltv of thee men om n mt satlkfnctor job is subktnntlnted nddetl mr imk btlie fin thnt invariably simttlve fnrnu m nik thnt hi a lltei h pnltmrn approval fi munii i pft i llimtd u luit in lion iwki te n dm im i r t mum mlntluns lltur 1 h clerk wni in ii ii pl thnt the ret om iiiul ihii i nirlcd out fiom hi ibirv of the of llinlih m iumii nn ir tli const i in turn o tn i xlenklunv of the and 11 tit mains i letter from the donald inspett- lo gave dttnlls of ihe ennstrut t mati rial to be used in the icser- otl ent bin k the nex fann ttomr dsrorl h firr iviondav fti kite tompletilv lvtud the fiim honu of mi and mis john m- nukbltn on the ixtti i in uth of the hlhwav on moiilnv ift i n m 1 h tlanu s sn id so i lpulk ih it iv little of tin- omlnl- t u v and the loss is oiupm it is si tied ti at the hie wis sintid utiii tin unllpnpif m u m oil stve w is light ed ihe lumue bid i impiovt in tils in idi lnitgbltn and hiih with itisul tlion bi 1 1 w ninn or men dn hint tils help ix nppieilnted go wilhoul having nevertheless it is ntt suffliient to ennble f aimers genernllj to mnintnin the production of needed foodstuffs our allleti in suth form- eilv ottupled countries n creec hottnnd helgtum nnd elmwmra arc alrend on abtarvallon intake of nutrition with a world shortage o food theie is no nltirnntlve bul to share whnt we bnve with those who fought b out side in withstanding the onslaught of the hun during the past r or t venrs it v inild there fote s m that t liosc u jio are i nth is j frig our propoel finnl rationing palic ither do not know the facts or art n it piepind to fnie hi ml nfortutntelv foi th htitisli oii sunn i and ilo foi i be cnnnillnii rainui we u e falling down bndlv on vim spoils of b u on mink tings of ho m t n i 1 1 im i he tiivt s u mill- ih u i lo th nils hid ml ni lv shim oveied kittlit irt- i meiits wvle ttonik made me mil tiughlm work- in the hi iidnorb st co plant in ton ami the rvmodi l- ling of the home hiul just been mni pletvm the propeitxi vvit putitiised this spring p i i 1 1 it ir 1 tils situation nl foi th cuplixn piodutei in out litui rrt of li ii on nfier i i onlmt nl to sot u ti nt on muitv of mipl iju llin nnd i n tviluiiki ii olbi i t n tot s it inn ue irinluik m the ht it 1 ll i n n uk l 1 he 1m s have iltil voluntidv pot k rationing in nlr lx i ive i surplus to expor ltut k some imlii ltlon of how a omnulteu uf mcssri 1 ii creighlon it ii flllott arul 11 ii llmton wiio appointed b counrll to enipilre nnd mnke a studv of the es tablishing of n imspltaltn acton and have a report to council ihe clt rk vwu advised to write this committee ren nesting thnt the assume this position aiiminls nnd olher matters in enn- nei lion w 1th boxpitnl hills were re- leweit b council nnd inslrm lions is sued for their dtxpoxat it mas detlded to hold ihe court of ltevlsion on clnesdav oi tober 17th chii f llnrtop gave ft lepott to ihe count ll on the bnrglaru s that had im en tomnilued on sundnv mornlnjp couni illoi ttnkes report el mr mi mullen bid ieuesf7rp rnitsstfiht tft iliv it i sti am tli it i russet the high w v m ir his prop rtv on main mrcet aft i h w ing th ml nation i oum il did not ipptove of th i limit it v s ileiuld to put slow ignx at the iiitirs of hmn ind i imri h stie is an i kud il k ami i bun h sllit hist 11 of iii pltxlll stop tn i mx hi cash at lllenhelm in kent ounty thre aimed masked men nleretl n hank of montreal branch mooimsi up h 000 in bills and fieri to a waiting ar where a fourth accompllie wns r d at the wheel for a iuli k getaway j in the windsor area police were investigating the sloouq robbery of nn amusement centn s offlte at ho- lo summer rewirt tlire arrests were made in connection with this ase in v astern ontario 10000 was stolen from a itoynl hank of cannda brant ir at halh near kingston on the intwir front nt tent ion wns i en i red on windsors kurd motor i company plant nnd 1 oronto n sum 1 1 i arms iiuluhtries lid a thiee da ultduwn strike nt ihe small arms end tl w h n uorkets ngn i d to ni x pt dlsihniget under the t ompnnv a r inversion plnn stl it in nt of the jjsput wnt nnnounced hv orfiilals of th i nlted mittihnl workiis of amiihn cio ihe strike uns prulpitated w lu n vvorkit wm i ii or tm d hv tin mniiat niint that imimiiii hi nnd hsi emploeis would he laid off tie n use of ihe amllatlon of war lontimts nl the inwn owneil plan ihe cnton has 1 id d to n ept lln nssuiiiniex of tin hon c l howe hint smnll arms will ih quickly ri lunvrrtcd tu olher proihn tion and thai it will operate ns n t postwar plant n union offit lal said a general stiiku of li0oo workers nt windsor uueninthl aa an out growth of a long simmering dispute iwtwcen ford motor compnny of nnndn nnd the ttnltist automobile workers of ameritn cio local tivi r a new collet live bnrgnlnln con tract atinoumement of the results of ihe vote will propahly be made over the iwihor ia week end meanwhile representatives of the auto workers and the united steel- workers of amerlia ciol in tor- unto men lnld plans for meetings to disiusm ln off s o nearly 20 ooo war workers in the i oronto area slnt e v h n housing short nges plague of al most ivirv communli in cannda iluiijjiican a lhlnt al depot harboi ngi six nillis from parry sound a bus poll of iso inhabltnnts it lias a population of 11 who 1 l hull o of hi hihtt s to live tunllv ii houses ar ottupi i ku month oil plymouth ih is win- kloli n from the ng itolieilsun u it i ai ipb in ar ospi inge early sunday morning mr koih rlson h ntd the ihlikens mnki n dlsturltnne hut b tin time he gut out of tht house ihe blids von- gone and u truck mdi du apieai lug down tin road aftrr wan hlng side roads for an hour and a half in a vain hunt for ihe thieves he ailed provincial polh r in fuilph ihe off hers tould mnri no tiate of ihe ti ut k nor indication of ii ow m r n u hm of th i h lu ntly pit fblis t whl h will foi th in 1 1 1 milt to army s vy ad all hum 1 t itiirn ik in hi- i vais of m l1g an 1 hard sll liuiols living om pb ndid 1 it s nn ih in ott i 11 1 iriiu nl id ih ihi li tl k hnv 1h ii iii ml pi tut i on s lo ihe oil opit t slsttbi ih f will ix 1 e for the tlillli ii n t k nnd ll ttios him ntet tllr v tilt irs nn 1 pnrnde with lltm from tin 1 own lb 11 nt 1 pm bk ik the lltst hint on of its kit d in al hut f yar ind k good to m t ibeke iieu ri tui nn g am cruartna mi i ih ir imki hall n iimt es again kittllkn kiiowkr in honoil ok miss dot ing1jn on friday evening august hth nn tnjoalie co nlng wnk apt nt in honor of dorothy liikbat th hum of mrs u innlfrd ltos 11 1 be room wns priltllv ibtornld with pink and whil ktrtamiis an int ii s lii mhh k wsddlnt w ns in 11 nil i who i allan iiitjisnn k nnetti hot dirw in i wnkii bind of lovttv and us ul if is alii i ol ii l iu uo gifts th in id tlnnktd evtivoi a daiiil v lun h w as i v d ithll tkikrionk iikkk movint to nkw ano lkikh juaittkks hit luial lei phone off it is leing iimv sti f i om ii s present to at ion on mill siretd to laiger quartiis on the lormr of mill and main j t sander son ihti liephone manag r in this ana infuriiiid tht rni lr ss this week ihe mine will tltke pi nee august til irlmaillv the move is im ing mid to prov lib moi e spat luus uunrters mi sanderson snlil and n lounge for the operators to n lax in when off duly will im available in the new off he if ou have not mn ihem in their evinlng gnmi s you have missed some thing come to tin pnrk on monday aflt rrumti nt i u ami enjoy the tour nament i e iters were ret ent i mailed to illens requesting anue who wish- d to ttmtriuult to ihe legions ef fort to provide thin building to send or bring in their outi thutlons i he kiinmltlif ik v r gtnt ful fur the r upon made ko fur it might be i hut mime mople ore waiting to d i nihil on we would like to sny that thin will nut tie don unless requested lttirs nnd onl rlhutioris should tie mniletl lo oum tllor j h uoulton and will u- niknowltlkcd by the ruihhng oiiirnillcf milton and too imav in o h has srrifs mom i ll a k iii hived in the int rrnellnt s i i s between a toll and mil i on hum die week n ihuislnv id inst wk the teams plaved in alton mid a ion took the l inn hv an h 7 si ore itu m i oml ram was s heduletl for milton on sntuidav i to nliower lhal nft rninin mail a late start but die lit id dibd up iikiugh for the minn lo ih playitl milton took this giime h n3fl srurc ami eencdthc in be third game plave1 in milton in si night ihe county i own team tnok the playoff lead when they won hv a store of i 1 ihe fourth game will b plnvet in alton on saturday i nfternoon datks vim fairs in ontario for 1943 a i the same 1 1 pie n new nntl up- o tlnte swlli h board is being instnt- ilrampton rgetow n various cases re heart in tin- milton police court ant kt ti ojik tlk 11 r iium i hiivl i iii lit iii lo 1111111 i i thr il it in tl acton wjfmls mho seclrkil ipier school exams at clglph nut h tit i in s viiluo tli- llrnish 111 11 mil kit lllls til nil opini m mill it- tin ltnl utl uri nt mi 1 tor ilwiniti nnl ininioilt ito liltinplns on tlu part of kimnil ntul tro inilal iot innntil firm loailor hoi pro- iluii-i- proivsori nnl otlnt intor- tisl if m brituh mnrkol i to bo v no 11 uf centlul ami ullknds have rone lore arrivals iroin overseas greeted in aeton homes ilapp kaniiu reunions ns those kmm fkereau fi in poll iluv rttiiin was dint i without tli list v i m iml d th foi v n 11 imk i im km outi in milt miilvv ktlttott 1 willi taking pet mission aug- ulotv till si ptetlll i kerrtls acton i cookkvllle ornngevllle nit frand valley shi llxmrne homoti ah don mil hn aim rfovle i rm mnrklinm stntsvlle i swatei 1 ft i 1 lo p home a train k i in tin ft ktn a ti t- h in poh 1 rafah u nor 1 ti of fii lui iul- t hat he litid no per- tin in 1 man i i tti m m n liurv ll u king i li ug j k vv is vv t i itaw n m lt if p tt of milton w is on td of i nt ss driving mi main nt milton 11 sihl lu w is t iking n h i umdbrdm seplmlar 11 seplemlier 78 septembar 7rt september hl september 1415 september 1112 seplemlier 2022 september 2n21 septemlmt 18ltt si ptemher ju0 si pl illlier 2h29 pltttit tober 12 lo er 6k t toier 4f ictol er 3 ot toler 21 tolx r 8 indus l lli n rj4 mil in io- ni fin illl up i vi in i ill iv t 1 1 h d aiul id to indian tin i lohn llulv i aki haln inch ins will am in mlli and will mat rm of 111111 in tl i crew i d i del nl v ihti has mh rs at nnd illow am l i ihtle in it stoici ih was i ni t kesult of the vpper sciuhji enm- kmlle nations wiire announced t week co pq owner of combined fattorv this ni two aeton pupil took 1 ret no j17s appeared in po lent of alton tlttv eais ao lts m hssrd of ijinsini mich ifutmerl luli harrim returneil last m jifetk to nl th seen en of her tluld- retftintm fm conndmn bacon tr and tu endeavor iomet some of those she had known ere at thnt ciikksemasser fived time homes of friend she found hut itlut ua unable a tlnd nh of upper school work at the guelph ccdletiute and obtained the folluvvlui standing daldson dour las ale c geom 1 trib- 1 on farm work malnprjjtjackco c ut c ajb 3 gtom c tbb- 3 ph 1 chem 2 bedant johmtlu compton her iilhood friends still resident of acton unfortunate the halt cen tur u heond our recollection and we were unable to rctill the name as ivsldent of acton mr- itnibard hince coing to mich- ignn ha taken an actte interest in welfare and has been county wel fare representative she also con- tested the election for stote repres- eourt at sherbrooke pq recently and was- fined 510 with cost or elghl dnh in prison for lolntlnc the reg ulations of t ttalry product board in thlcftso sklmmuk cheese vas manufactured contrary to order no 58 of the board the chotse wnj laid by an officer of tne uotvltt ami tam w4vhliafo arlment ot a jrrl culture lof wlnnlna the poshlon- m m cntdweil nrtive1 in oronto from ovtrstas on auguat 8th if ft i n 1tk siv iirs oversea- he servetlnnnuvm italj nnd came home on luilavs uaeiik leave clnr cald well is a new phew of mr v j cald well alton and before enlisting he worked at mr it oner t kerrs farm- cumin ernt t- it iv ing r mile im 1 lined i nr 10 days mrs kluteme cart r of shwart- tiivviimd lohn kim i min of ceoik town vvete mnvteled of hi ing drftnk and iausiiif i dtst urbane in eorge- lown on augus 2ith chwf william marshall miu he answer il a rail at 10 1 pm to the golden tate cafe mrs carter wns screaming lighting 1 and swearing in front of the cafe xtrt wnrtlnttucvfejoineorhpr hus- shewoi taken to the poltre- office- cain day vuiory parade tn aeton hand in canada arrivlntk in acton on j wherehe ceiuaedtffjhov hrrb- actonsept 3 forming at townhaji ni or lit r lrtmy r 1 linr with b im frldnv with their daughter gerald ine sgt martin buck cafm h6me earlier thhi month mrs buck nnd cerald- ine mnrte the crossing h the cav- ipe they were married in october jtu2 ai berktnlwad cheshire eng land and will now make their home fn acton they were welcomed by his sister mrs alex mann welhng- ton street utration card and used abusive lang uago mrs carter was fined 15 and costs or 15 daysvunable to pay her jail sentence was reduced tp four days on account of her physical condklon john emerson admitted being drunk and was fined 22 30 or 10 days arthur letch wan chnrsed with vagrancy itd remanded for uns wnl nt 1 15 prizes for childrens decorated blrtet carriages coitiurnes etc 73 v euchre acton uidle orange ben evolent auuviatlon no 1101 will hold n euchre in the uol hall ciwton corners thursday evening aug 30th at r30 sharp refreshment admjs- lon 25c everyone welcome no p c pjifpsgbabhissi

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