Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 18, 1946, p. 3

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thursday april lath ihi the acton free press paqb 1mjudj of interel to women bowl huo hnwtiwtltr- my neat tor mthb u a good houefcpa vn if eh tsfleeat tike houmworlt iter houa la wall kept her work u well planned her hitch is w arranged and 4julpp4 la malt work easy mr t kmhu uj a fait efunl worker but eh doesnt believe in spending ail her tlm doing work ah dislikes to the has work ml out a plan for fl housekeeping so that it loaanl manage hrl tajik a tip from mn t hh does not dawdle over of postpone chorea she dread gels lhm out ot the way at quickly at possible preferring lo do such things aa washing end ironing on monday and tuesday make the job to automatic that ah la free to think ot other thlngi while doing l ha iaundr uk man heamemakrs she enjoys flowers thui ahr spends oar or two hour in in garden westher permit ting which make her position aa homemaher enviable it ihe gel downhrld he radio t moved to the work area to keep her entertained special l nolng job the ellver paint window el are tlreaome for many people mrs t triea the new cleaners and keep damning box with rlean clot hi and equipment ready llousecleaning at her houm is a regular routine the windows pictur es and mirror in one room are dona thoroughly one week in the nt room the nest wek and window curtains metal trim and all ornam ent are cleaned regularly before they begin to look badly oar af vmuum leaner 1 never pick up larks pint or oth er hard or sharp objects with our cleanei 3 empty the bag frequenlly a dean dual container gives better iuc- lion therefore belter cleaning 3 keep brushes liee from hali and threads 4 it vour rleunrr l hi ush lie machine djut brushes to correct position 5 if hrukh itlll docs not wock check the belt if i iv loose replace with a new on lighten m ur housework hv using the attachment 7 lon l run cvainrr serous mnl coll cord ooru on hook when n t in use mk kleetrie ards laat linger 1 atwav connett the cord at the appliance before plugging in 2 to disconnect temove the curd at the outlet b pulling the plug not the cord itself s walt untl the appliance is cold before winding am attached cord ntound it a keep vout separate onl colle looaety in a drawer instead of hamg ing them on a nail 5 repair fraved ot damaged unl immediately hv cutting off the ent nnd reattachlng the plug coirectlv pratectia af card 1 heat and strong sunlight tend to destroy the insulation so keep con is rwi from radiators and never wrap the cord around a hot appliance 3 rubbing pinching in tlooi walk ing dn cords dragging furniture over them- an thing that i raw the ouiei covering will sooner or lalrr damag the insulation 3 dampness la haul on inulatlon keep cords out of water or places where they will he contlnuall splash ed dont touh them with wt hands 4 ktnklng twitting knotting and yanking breaks wins always keep cords loose or tackm with protettlve sta tine qicmos mi mrs m w asks why do cookies sometimes burn on the bottom before they brown on top answer cookies baked in too deep a nan 4nay burn on the bottom and not brown on the top because heat cannot circulate around them conkla ah must not be ao large in prof ortlon to th laaof the oen that thay interfere with the proper circul ation of hal un p r aaka do frmnlu basing baarb kaat mora quickly than alum- taum baking dish aatwar bright aluminum paiu re flect gam ht and raqulr mora heat than tmoa of granite glatawar or catt iron mr s t mkt why ara dumpltnga aoggy on th outttda but light inttd aiuwer thar may not b turtle- lent liquid for the batter to be lm- maraad in ut about- 3v4 cupa of atock in a 3quart aaucapan with a tight fitting covf r found oqhanagf hi her own hoiw gitslnooift sara murphy sbtitan and taaehaa 49 walfi for 15 yaw in umtia huu ckdartown fea tci sur rounded by children to whom ah hat given a home a placid negro woman la draaavlag of th uma whoa aha ems offer tham and others ilk l ham a collage education at thalr dooratep in these north borgia toothllu im glad ive apent my ufe as 1 hav said sara murphy foutw of an orphanage where th has housed a half hundrad chargo during tha last id years- 1 v bean dealing la hum an uvea what could b bturt hera is a story of slender rehjr ei strengthened by faith she t a wonderful woman and a fine christ ian influent e in her tommunlty commented kankakee anderson folk county school superintendent un der whott direction sara runs ut j- rooni iukii the founded nhe and he chlldit n have at fine irtord ara mov1 into the ited mo niunit six in i in south of oeilailuwn in 19 jo she was the bride of marlon murphy cement plant worker and parttime farmer ii hind her was i record of lonatanl struggle to ratal itth sthouls for negio ihlldien in her home communlt mvii utiles to the l wlwi i sha taught or mtv rtti ars i line was no shool here and people told me id never build one that 1 d never get the lend sh- said uut i taught school in the thunh building ami kept pralng for he land hhe got it two aire from mm to whom she hakd nvade a gelui- of friendkhlp with an offer of lower eed from m plant the had rdinhccl cved far orphans in ljll sara was railed o the bed ide of a neighbor woman who died lnrtl aflrt giving birlh to hvr rlxtii child ihr wu no on to car fo tie orphanoo children so s n nnd lcr husband took thatu in 1 hat was the start of whet she lirm woik i was called to do in ikm the eai in whlth sat a s only child dld they made roont foi nnothei mx in llv still another in 11v srii wn gibnlrd slate barter for thr sara divlnm murph ii nnmrd for ihi lol daughter now thtre are it in the home lh vouiikt tve month old kihl uf die krl hnvi tnarrlel 1 hret ot the b wiie in l aimed srrvicck inl or of the children hat died 1 e liuiclil em all to work smni nid in the fields or making quilts ot bottoming hairs we t ho or m k col ion a gilhir iwrites or we phk u j ii of us if the field il enough hv even the littlest onn no nlong to do ihelr bit sia letcnllv unn glvin n vi tax lnnd n a good neighbor of the cnr hv the llieakfimt li hollyw ood rmllu rogiim ihit khe mini is atrhtlv 1 hulldlng fund to le held until an e i maion ik undertaken kor sflnt nehinj nnd onl flighllv git v hits plontv of plnnt kir it of nil 1 wan i to see home det ent dormiloncv for m ihlldien 1 hen n ivetter vt hottl nnd then wh nn l 1 found a cllge light here im pmvlng nbout ll me oh 1 rhm tt find mv u a urd in heaven siuinc clrlanini twicr a ikntiuy spring houseieanink ot at leavl ihe tulvlng up part of house leaning u not confined onlv to modern and nvluied communities nnordln to k e kldd or the koynl ontario museum at leait one am lent people of the new world indulged in it not indeed every ar but at stated inter vals perhaps ever 10 hi or 50 years these were the toltecs who lived about a thousand ears ag around chronicles ol ginger farm written mm hilly fa yh aeun ema t a owiofdouns p nalmg prdom won through force at anna can only b leapt through strength of character the present v ot mexico thesa folk built mounds often called pyr amids ot rubble and fared with blocks of stone on top of whlth they erected their wooden temples when the stone fating on the pramlds grew soiled or damaged the toltecs renewed it by adding a new surfacing of rubble and cut stone much aa wa put on a new coat of paint or paper however this reflnlshlng joh waa dwe in honor of the gods and was therefore in a way a religious rite ih the mexican gallery of the mus eum there is a model of a toltac city ahow ing a pyramid which la now known was redecorated seven times i thl u on af thoae tlm when x hardly know where to begin ao mu h ha bean crowded into on short week tftk thursday tor instant whan i waa trying to light the kit- then fire first thing in th morning part of th grat dropped out 1 hn thir hundred chtrkanja arrived on ih a oclock train you who are in th chlckn bualnes will know th time it takes getting a few hundred htrkeni comfortably settled in their new quartets setting the atov so that it is neither too hot nor too old s setting it just right so you think then la k lo the house mavlxt to get a f dlihc don ot in die rhh kens dgnln lo find the stove is loo hoi oii mm it again nnd nvc it while vou get potatoes e led for dinner then another lilp to ihe hiooder houie and lhl tlm ihe fire is too cikol in the middle of thli iartner conges to ihe hous for hoi wnlet maty hita jual produced a calf in between tows and calves hit kens and stove i manage to get some kind of dinner on the table af ter dinner i think how gittnd it would be to have jut about thirty nine winks ut it cant be done it la the day of our local institute annus and an annual meeting la th on meeting of the year which one frels morally ttound to attend so away i went to thi meeting a utile late in getting theie and the first to come away and from that time until lal at night the chekeni kept m occupied more so than usual because you see i was experimenting with an el ectric brooder stove the running of is hit h i knew absolutely nothing out i had heard plenty that they wers great timesavers easy to oerte al though not too satisfactory in cold weather unless thcjc la other heal in the pen but at an rate i thought it was worth a try keeping a coal stove going it a hk ken raiser s main worry thar la ttlwaya a danger of the place gcttn3 overheated in told weather nnd you n id ihe magic of n magi to keep il alight in warm weather so says i w hat a the good of the hvdro if yoj cion i mnke it work for you to tut n long storv short lh el- ulrlc brooder has been in operation iow for nearly five days and 1 am re- nll delighted with the results it is no clean and w hen one understand- lis mechanism very eav to opeiaic ijtat night the wind got ulte atrong ind it waa n real treat to he in hod ond llitrn to it without having lo wot- iv about elthei chickens or fires naturally there is one great draw- im k lo elettru brooders and ii is n mtiouh imo if the power goo off voun sunk as a mnttei of fait it wint tft for alnmt live minutes thu j morning i almost di vehied n ase j o nirvous prostration the onlv wnv j 1 t an think of lo meet siii h an rmi i iv tu pul several w nlerv tlllel mlh hot wntet and wrapped in out socks undei ihe hoovct and no dould iv the tlm one hitd hentnl the walr i jiqd tilled the last seal t ihe pow er would he on iigum lilii like 1hil hnven i vou not h ed if now to get ha k to the first thing lhal happened lltursdnv mornlnj the broken klhe w hit h unwittinglv 1 prov idtd n trlkink lllusirnllofi of the tlifferenie twtwren two geneiutloni tt rut in a new gi att then vts n front plate hat had to he removed ihe mttkii vtete seled up an1 fr m paat cvpcrirme we know the onlv w to remove them was to dilll i i hem out so partner got ihe bnue nnd hit and starlet the joh j but he found it pretty hard work so he old boh to put his voting strength i on the joh when he came up from bitteb atoms saskatoon cp dr splnkt ot the university of saskatchewan had been dilating at length about split ting tha atom and the fissions eman ating therefrom- r that said one bright lad ls ab solutely nothing compared to tha in genuity and ability of reataurantnun in splitting up a pound of butter into 3000000 pieces a t urni at t and exclaimed het k there no si nt in sweating yttur heart oui m that job an cle lilr dull will do it i in just ahtut live minutea and i ran easily honow a drill i you see what i mean dont you about the dllference in tuo generat ions while 1 have been lyplngmhe wea ther has cleared it was raining this motntngbut now the sun la out and it really looks hire spring daffodils ate swnvlng inthe wind sweet scent ed violets shyly peek through the grass and leaves a saucy robin i perkily singing from m fence post and my men are away to the field one with the tractor the other with th drill sowing our find seed of the season pi net blerd i more roam scimtca klfub new muhoh of ulmdlnff- tth unur atlsnta avt at uu acunoa hat found a way id glv pin tr- ihe wodtand eulvalrnt of hgemophll- j la the strange hereditary disease of mankind which cause prof use bleed ing at the merest scratch imne trees do bleed that a more j where turpentine aojste from thats th taundauon of th s390o0000 gum and turpentine industry pin tree are chipped to produca a far and th face bleeds into a cup now its been found that if you squirt a solution of sulphuric arid on a far it bleeds longer and more cop iously hitherto ih gum only ooiad into th cup and in a week the blood of tike pine would clot and the drip of the res n would slop esperlmsntt it the soul hei n forest espetlmental station at lak city ra have shown that a treated fee will bleed not for one waek but three a squirt gun la used to apply the ar id laboratory made it conslsti of a glass flask lube and a noale hie chipper slice off a ilece of bark putt the tutw in his mtuth and aulr1 he at id on the wound i1e station la irving 1 develop a tool wltlch will chip the ttee and wjulrt on the ot id in tne o tse of id in some esperjrttrnt a his tlvr ni1 yields ik ki rent lr llinold mid hell repotts liom tin ex peilment station in ret ril years luip nilne liiiivn have lieen timplalnlnu t hat the old tine turpentine hand waa dl np tear ing from the latxtr maiket ih waa the itfickltone of ihe nnvnl atotia in duslry lie tould make mluie nt omut jobs but now a1d aa he la tm a per hurt id hnsji he i an work morr irees and dip mote gutn and nuke much more than ttefore cost ok alitos in nkw zkaiani we shall not now buy autoa in new zealand a recent dispatch from that country has thla to say the landed cost will h almost doubl the 10tb cost on of tha biggest factors affecting the purchase price in new zealand la the in creased ax on th increased prloa sale tax has tguadrupled since 1018 and with the increase in landed cost aa shown above the amount of sales tax paid by the purchaser will be i nbout seven times more than paid on n almllar car in 1838 an american report entitled in- exllgailon of concentration of econ omic power was published in the united stales in 1141 it was a hefty hook of 4 ho pages i am not going to tead it the essence ot it waa that the largeat companies made on the whole a poor showing in the tests of group efficiency this it interett- ing but not surprlalng there are limits to the idea that increased ef- fxlemy goes with size there la however n tendency for he large torporatlons to come through a de pression with less trouble than pri vate business the corporation even if small provides reserves the inqtv- uiual in timet of prosperity increase i hit ttandard of living it makes a difference when hard tjmet come it is cheering ncverthelrs to feel that in a tountry like the usa the smaller business if it hehavet itlll has n chance henry ford lr more talkative than hit father has been telling some i things about the pi ice of cars the super tie i tte tudor it he says the favorite car kattorv cost in uii w at m- tills doetn i include salts tas freight mlltng ros it is the fact- orv priced i ity 1112 thla had risen to sfthl now i it osts 0t how long will it take ui 1t make every1ody rhh hy making him pn mnit for the things he buys mcwtxlmfhl 1 he amateur gardener is often ad vised not in set tiul certain plant un- ill all dnnger of frost is over will 1 someone tell ua what part of the year i this is ax we have only spent in years in manitoba rapid city man i- tnrlt plant brittsii gardens over sfioq worth of garden leeds have been sent by the boy scouts of canada in recent weeks to boy scout troops in great brltalh to be used in scout gajxlens and to assist in tha drive for mohtfood for hungry brit- crystal cave attracts visitors azlng into the apparenttv endless recmms of the pink camte cave at the hnyal ontario museum the visit or feels aether like alice and wishes thqt hv nibbling on a mushroom he could shrink to a sjie suitable for exploration of this small wonderland reconstructed from crystals ob tained in sterllnghush n v the museums ca e may he viewed through a window let into the wall as you move from side to side th beautiful calrlt crystals untng the celling w sills and floors change im perceptibly in hue from bright rosy pink to mauve such a cave la form ed when clrculatlng wa ters dissolve the limestone through which they pass leaving a great hole if the cavity should jbecame filled with timebearing waters whltsh can not escape the calcium carbonate in solution haa an opportunity of form ing large crystal of calclte in the cave at the museum there la one weighing over four hundred pounds for easter clothes buy at eiseints for men women boys and girls ladiks icrhaps you arc looking for a spring tuat a sptinf suit a dress or a hat come in and vrr us vfc have eiecily what you are looking for mkn and yodnj mkn if you wish to get a double or tingle brcatted suit you can get it at fisfns with or without a priority also a topcoat sport jacket and odd trousers hat shoes tics soi sweaters por royb aid iriw spring coait and halt footwear aporl jackets sweaters at pricks to suit rvkryone eisens clothing store neit lo iuii teupboat ahuialarf will htrflt dtfl llw uliola quality guaranteed salada sit te etfm usdy money mead fbm follow th esample of thousands of farmer t from coast to- coatt and discuss your credit need for farm improvement with the manager of your nearest bof m office atk r urt r arefer naifll qoit for a goahead parmer ffff qjff tmmmmm bank of montreal lblll 0wmx wuh w im awy wwi imn hp na customers suggestion corner for rural tauphon srvlc o mli fi rtf i know iti nnt ilyiyi aa7 to keep little oaa from plajingwith thr telapboa or tbeir omr brothara ami aiatcra from apemling too mudi tlsx on tba lina wa can only ramind joa that until rural tarilitica can be incraaaed it ia inportant for ertrjaat to kaap tbek calla aa briaraa poaaibla if jouhayafrowiaf cbimrea yea can be particularly belpnl ia pmeating rmadlwa ioeoa tenieiioe and delay wa aak your oooperauon

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