Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 13, 1946, p. 6

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the acton free press thursday june 13th 146 3 freezing for home 9 vegetables fruits tfca popularity of froes fruit ajul vcubln has baaa toeraaalnf at rttpttl pact raeaally housawtvsa in ptrttcttlarabd tha coftaumlni publl la spaaral arw rauzltf tha many ad viauim of thaaa product both from tha atajsdoousl of aaas of preparation tad th ultimata palatlfaluty says w r phllhps division of hortiniltur caotraj kspsrtmsntsl pans otuwi ju wtth many pro which re bow many arrors ara bains mada which laatf lo dlippontmsnt in the taau and4tuallty of lha rrovn fruits and vof lajatas uany of tha errors fraqusntly svatsd sra aasy to correct uslay batwsan harvsst and frveilnc mull la loss of much of tha frash aromatic flavor assorts id with frashnaas tn idaal proosdura is to romnwnt th proraastnt at soon as ihsv fruit and vattabls ara harvastad vstatablas and tome fruits ahould ba blaaxhad oafors frvaxinc which it dona by placing lha product tn boiling wtur or a staam cabinet for a abort urn th purpose it lo arrest rhein- iral reactions often referred to aa amymatlc artivlty which will cauta talnu or off flavor the cho4c of package for frosen produce it lmmrtani kertangular parka with the eontenls rlesrl marked permit a convenient sr- rajifement in the lorker with a ml tmum of spar th package should alao prevent ihe mairritl from diy- uik out for ihls purpose heavily waxed cellophane or ruhher mater lala art vary satitfarinry a well aaalad glaat container it uoort but it llabla to break with freeilng after being plsced in containers the fruits and vegetable should be froxen before helng plattil in the lacker mod hx ker plantt have available tharp fatt or refratt prvfreeiert for thla purpose if an ara charge it neaary foi ihlt service it it utuall found to bo a good investment it it important alto to are that the locker storage s maintained at zero degrees v at all time at higher temperatures ihe products deteriorate at a much fatter rate een if si 111 froaen if thee principle are followed aueress in freezing fruit and enet- ahlea ahould be assured the division of horticulture ot tawa ha prepared a publicatlonn- tltled tha preservation of fruits and vegetables by freezing if the prtn- dplea contained in thla publication are followed successful reaulla ahould obtained it it available by writ ing to dominion depart men t of ag riculture ottawa covt loans helping nipftovement farms leans esceoding one million dol lar war mad by th branche of tha chartered bank in canada for tha month of april lfttg under the farm improvement loans act a large percentage of theme loan ware tetermedlate term loan for period op to ten year for the con it ruction jtaratlon and repair of farm build- lata la vtaw of the fact that the 1w1 aaaua figure dlacloaa that 30 per cent of rural farm dwelling in can- ajda arw in need of repair it t evld- aat that the field for thl type of loaning la extensive it i eatlmated by tha administration of th act that improvement will be mad to over five thousand farm in canada in th next yamr under th act sev an thousand five hundred farmer have taken advantage of tha act in th first 13 month or operation farmers desiring loans under the act can gat full information from any chartered bank or from th sup ervisor farm improvement loans art department of finance ottawa loans ar made under dominion government auspice at five per rent simple interest of would curb ardor of mining rookies former mine owner wants pnutpectinir hazard winniprr icp hundred f exservicemen intent on becoming prospectors are pouring into the mlhine district of hed lake out and many of them are quite prepared to mlna for themwurn but c w campbell a former mine ouncr aays thats just not the way llt done mr campbell reports that although 80 par cant of the people on red lake- straats are veteran few of them have any rami experience in the hard labor and strange vay of a mining the week al ottawa v ml dkkif saofwon ti- r fraaa staff wfesaar ottawa cp sides are drawn and ttsues outlined for what promls- io be the but major debate of th current parliamentary cession before the budget it btouicm down probably late tn th month the problem i redistribution itedutrtbutton it a chore parliam ent hat lo face once a decade after the decadal rentut outlines populat ion change in th various federal con- ttltuenrlrs its not an easy job be- tause no two parties ate ukely to think alike on matters affecting th alteration of constituent y boundaries or ihe number of representative tor a given province iti is time its partttulatly louthy due lo ihe war redistribution was postponed till no and many west ern member feel i bat the 1u41 cen sus which reflected population shifts trxtm the prattles to other pro vinces is no longer a fair basis for redistribution they illm the trend have since been reversed inder the llritlth north america act which sets representation by the ptfmilatlonajif tuebex with 65 mem- imti sakflrti hewan would low foul eit in the ionimont atwl manltioa thiee mmevt the govet nintnt pro- mses lo amend the una act to inise a lotsl niimlxr of seats from 45 to vt and umtci thil proposal kytem qu bee would gain seven mats mulish columbia two and out- nilo nntl nova s40ii one each thr i iov inrcn would held their own i i ll for sasknl hew nn w hu h woulil ltv4- one seat lrt line drawn when tit i wile on the government t piojmtxnl optnnl in the onmiihii lait viek the immhioii of the partli im- nndiately ihmame clear prottiess v tni4ttir and so la i cieilit- iii will oppom the move but the c i paety will support the plan lu h tails for npproval of ihe hrtt- ith parliament john dielenlmktn- ipc lake centrei who uprrs nted his xarly a land on th proikisal dealt mainly 1th its constitution ape ts he e- presaed alarm that the move would establish a dangerous precedent and moved an amendment which would make it necessary for all provinces to pprovc before asking ihe ilrltltli parliament to amend the una act adoption of ihe government s prop osal would said mr dlefenbaker give any party a precedent to change almost every section of the d n a act merely after receiving a major- hy vole in parliament solon low social credit leader said hit group would support the progresslv e conservative amend merit he felt the province should be consulted and urged quebec mem bers who he said had most to gain from the proposal to support hi view it they did not he would vota for the main redistribution resolut ion m j coldwell c a f leader pro- mi ted support of his party to tha governmenti plsn he charged mr dlefenbaker with setting up a straw man to frighten old ladles of both sexes and said the government plan was fair and just and sound with these general attitudes on r- rord he parties cleared the dks of what was generally expected to be a long and tangled debate a sidelight to early debate was a proposal hy john macnicol pc tor onto davenport endorsed hy f k towntleysmitn tccf- north rattle- ford that the northwest territories he given a seat in the common- mr tm nsle smith said the north couh- r represented 42 per cent of the dry land in canada and yet yukon was the only part of the territory having direct representation in the house some 1j000 persons in the nrea which produced att wealth were taxed without representation nome details of canada atomic cnmi plan and a glimpm into the future of atomic energy were ructi inu week when rvconst ruction mttw ulrr howe launched a hill to ettab- llsh an atomic energy control board in canada the minister announced an estimated 1500 000 annual ap propriation to encourage scientific itlreewd- energy should begin to be n with in about five year mr how predict ed th first direct appnc prob ably would be the direct tranfernc of heat although he was not in th capital to celebrate th event a poll l leal milestone in th term of office of prima minister mackenzie king was noted in ottawa last weekend mr king now has held th office aa prime minister longer than any other canadian the record was reached as thi2- earold native of lurlln now kit chener ont took part in victory celebrations in london on june hth h hsd served 0b3 days as head of tha canadian gov ernment one day longer than the record established by kir john a mkmm the conservative leader who flic mr king suffered only one party defeat in his long yesr of pub lic life ttunp iihoun hkart hie cause of brown heart in turn ip it ihe absence of boron in the anil tills deficiency can be overcome by sppllcatlon of boras a demonst rated by a four year experiment at ihe lotninlon experimental station ennotvllle que borax was sp piled before seeding at the rate of jo lb and 10 lb er acre plots on m bit h no ttorax w as applied were ud for thetkft on the average of the four year only ah per cent of the nts were sound where no borax was ued while 7fi ler cent were sound with 10 pound- of hoiax per at re and km 4 t cent sound when 20 lb of iwirax iwi n re were used at fall fairs wheie turnips are exhibited the jirivantnk of ulim borax is itolh e- nble lhai l6 search fob music ends on doorstep ukiina cp search for copies of mendelssohns st paul oratorio for s choir presentation led in vain to toronto montreal chicago and lon don england and was ended when tlt choirmaster found them almost under his nose in regln uxxsle atoraa tn tha above centre could not supply copies of th score needed by each member of the ilir vhen it appeared that th oratorio would have to be abandoned e a moore organist and choirmaster of the metropolitan church here discov ered copies of th work in the library of the neighboring firs presbyter ian chun h salada ifoat of hm find tooner or later that tlityjnuit force the prospect of making a fabulous strike and settle down to wk in the mines on an in- tateat basis of fye per cent ttoat way they can make about sis0 a month plus board and expenses son takes ovoc weekly shaunavon sask cfp irrahlp of the shaunavori stan waekly newspaper here has transferred from w e to his son alex sharp and h sidney jbtatrens it was learned today mr sharp established the paper nearly a years ago ward finding rantructie applications for the ut of alomlc enrrjry ho said the question muil be approached in a bold constructive manner will cenunoe study the atomic energy control board would continuously study atomic en- erg propose regulations designed to mevt new situstions as they develop ed and keep canada in step with her international obligations canada and the united states were the only countries operating plants producing the final produce from which atomic energy came and it was intended to keep very strict control over the raw material used the minister said there were no likely prospects of uranium deposits outside of those being mined in the northwest territories in this con nectlon he said ha was alhue afraid canada had not been charging enough for uranium tha price had been based on the price of radium which probably would drop lnvaaie because of atomic developments practical applications for atomic auc1iqn saie farm stock impimfjmth iiav rain rilrnittlrr vtt th undersigned have received ln- iliui tlons from ualtkr t mkouan to tell by mjhllc au tlon at ms farm 1ot t con 1 s 1 s tow nth 1 1 or itsifalgar is mile east of iraf- alfrnr on no 5 highway on katvroay jlnr 15th t al 1 oclock dst the following horsl25 1 percheron msre 8 yrs 1 blue hoan reming 9ym a good block y pair 1500 iba cows and heifers 1 hnlsteln cow 5 yrs fresh time of sale l hol- ateln cow 4 yrt fresh 4 week not pred 3 holtteln cow 1 ami 4 years fresh 2 moa not bred 1 holsteln cow 3 yrs fresh 1 mos not bred 1 hoist em cow 5 yr freah 1 mos bred apr 12 1 jersey cow 5 yrs fresh 2 mos not bred fl calvet 4 holsteln heifers to 2 yr old open implements grain binder mc- d 2 foot in good shape mower me- o 5 ft oil hath hay rake mrl new grain drill m ii hoe 2 low truck wagons in excellent shape 1 pair of bent sleighs flat hay rack new 3 walking plow double fur row plow gravel box set seed harrow set heavy harrow 3-ec- tlon drag cultivators new 2wheel ed trailer with stock rack large water tank band saw and emery with motor 2 colony houie 2 single wire stretchers 2 sets pulley quan tity 2 pipe hay car for wood track quantity of lumber and plank crate for weighing hog 2 sets of double harness with back hand and breeching odd collars collar tops bag truck 3 long ladilers steel wheelbarrow anvil work bench and quantity of tools chain shovel cov bells halter double tree whlffletrees neck yoke and many other small articles hay and grain 3 ton timothy hay 200 bus oats household furniture ma hogany settee with rocker large wicker rocker helntzman stel bark piano in- excellent condition several odd rockers extra wide lounge dining boom extension table with 5 leaves and buffet to match 4 kitchen chair 2 kitchen tables small drop leaf table with 2 chair to match hall rack 4 low wood red 2 dressers 3 wash stands snrlngv numhrr of feather ticks pillows containing good gooae down and goote feathers quill curtains curtntn stretchers mrclnrv cook stove with rewrvolr warming closet finished in white enamel with mctnl lop almost new quebec heat er coal oil heater coal oil stove 1hurner with oven coal oil stove 2burner coal oil stove 1 burner corner cupboard vnrrl chnlr fruit cupboard odd tables 1 toilet sets i ommnde flower stands ijiwn chairs uwn bench spinning wheel nnd heel ltcvolvlne cnmp grlddli quantity everyday dlthet fancy dimiet odd antique mottpa plat ters bowl colored glats pitcher ritrtn taniisvtrupt nnd aaur rorri utensils most i v wearever alumin um knlxes fork numerous other household effect terms cash settlement with clerk dav or salt nothing to he moved until tc tiled for no reserve as the farm is sold hindley a elliott w auctioneers r r ford clerk bl3 id chum additions to rural hydro your cummiition drsirrs lo firing to the attention of ontario farmers wlio hive applied for hydro service a condi tion which is now seriously slowing up the building of rural extensions essential materials and equipment are in extremely short supply and the prospects of ohtsining additional quantities in the immediate future are very meagre strikes in various basic industries and the extraordinary national demand arc holding back the supply of all equipment needed while the commission will exert every effort to obtain material and equipment for rural line construction it can complete this year only a small part of the full program which it had planned consequently many applications already approved will not of necessity be completed this year your commission will endeavour to serve all applicants lo order of receipt of applications giving preference to all farm and similarly essential applications over those for other types of service these facts are presented for your information and with the expectation that they will enable you to bear more patiently with a situation beyond the control of your commission the hydroelectric power commission or ontario returned to gprt ftrss canadian ipaesfia passenser liner to be leleaaed from war and repatriation service the 30033toa buebees of richmond has been returned to her owners by tha british ministry of transport upon completion of the rfreondiuonuiic ana madernixauon necessary after five years as a troop earner she will resume her peacetime run for canadian rscifio steamships between liverpool and montreal or saint john nji the duchess of richmond last docked in canada at quebec city in august of jims landing 4000 cansdian tepats includine tha two touching nnadian soil inset erom january of 1041 until her voyage on tha juverpooltbbomusy ropat run sho carried 170009 pussngew and steamed wim miles in tha war service from which she la now hooorshl die- charged still in that service sre thedochassol bedford empress of sontlsnd and empress el australia of the ocean fleet and the princess kathleen of tha british columbia cosat steamships service owned and operated hy tha canadian pscibe hallway of the m ships canadian paeibo turned over to tha admiralty bora its ta6oeeen cibs fleet ha bc eaastal service and the canadian austrslssuumjne in which his a partner 13 wore sunk two lost and two taken overperraaneatly by te admiralty f l-

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