wht jvjtiim sttt bftsz sevemyrnf yer no so acton ontabto thursday june 20th 16 ntee heme-pran- page fvs caats we salute the canadian farmer council approves plan for physical training in acton not m t a catmiraeud to part far ujffu aj btnt- im bin tvavdt li oalklmiw maotfrrrtinalhg osmmal u dma 11m to tl priililnm coaaln rsm mul- ututve dhwiimm arl on council held their regular meeting oa monday evening with councillor creigfcton beneon oekee and cook pre n reeve chart kirk prissdsg ptsor to the meeting members of the council had viewed the creek at mala and river street regarding damage problem aleawa r m ayteaworth s snow aad c lstahman a delegation repre seating the legion attended the meeting the legion dealred to have council pay or the work beufg done en the rare track at the park m they considered thle a town improvement and that it should be paid for by the council the mcmbere of th coun cil nad revolved thetmpieml from the delegation that had approached them a month ago that the legion was prepared to go ahead and do the work without assistance but would accept any help the town could gtve council agreed to consider the ma ter permission was also requested to clear the drill hall to stable the h for the coming races ai the fall fair board own the drill shed council could not grant permission the track is to be closed to traffic from wednesday july 10th until sf ter the raoes mr r r parker was preeenl tj discuss with council the suggestion of the dept or planning to limit the houses to one on each lot in the new subdivision in mew of the fart there are ontv five houses in the corporal ton and as these are single houses council did not feel it uu nesaarv to pass a by law limiting building to one house per lot mr parker also discussed with council the extension of town boundaries to include the new subdivision the y11ca board wss present and requested that they be appointed to supervise the physical fitness pro gram sponsored by the dept of educ ation the board had met with the athletic association which had agreed to the outlined proposals the ath letlc association will continue to look after the organised spon a program was presented by the y which looked after the ounger peoples recreation for the summer on motion of coun clllors crelghton and benson the board of directors of the m c a wore appointed the committee in charge of ph steal fitness the athletic association request rd that the be allowed to construct a new baseball diamond for the midgets and bantams at the west end of tlu park the screen from the hardball diamond was to be used and a new one constructed for the hardball dla mond council left this over until e timet es were secured on the new screen jack mcmullen was present again to discuss with count ii hl grievances re gardlng the water uls of the pond and the present course of i he stream in relation to his property at 10 so coats and vests came off and aleeva were rolled up as coun cil faced the last half of the m sxlon it was decided to instal an 8 drain 1 vlong the south side of queen st to main st and to grade the street to a depth of feet messrs mi ii ir an t paplllon to pa 23 icr cent of th grading cost softball league for legion zom four teams likely a meeting of zone 3d canadian ieglon wu held on thursday even ing last far the purpose of forming a softball league arton milton and brampton were represented at the meeting and it la expected ceorgelown 1egton will alto field a team the winners of zone 3n playdowns will play agslnst other zone winners and it is expected that a provincial playdown will be arrang ed it is understood that brentford legion are donating a cup for the winner or zone 2 locally the team will be composed of the stars of all the industrial teams who are members of the canadian legion a silwr collection will be taken to defray expenses mr dude lindsay was the rep reeenlatlv from the acton legion at the meeting the first game of the league will be held in acton on thursday june 30 when milton will be the visiting team brampton comes to acton on monday june 34th and acton goes to milton on thursday june 37th w etch for further announcements regsrdlng the scheduled games wei eomc hotik i jilt tuesday acton and the famll lei welcomed home again two more men returning from oversea service sergt wm elliott has been overseas for five ears and cpl w buchanan has been overseas for some tlm both were passengers back to canada on the aqullanta preliminary plans for recognition oi active servicemen council derided on community project and welcome home ija in august it a teclal meeting of alton council last frldav evening consider ation was given and plans made for recognition to those who had been on active service in the war of ia1045 after a review of the question to dale ml recognizing that the meeting if organizations had promised co opera ion on whatever plana deckled upon b council the following tentative plans wire made 1 nat the exptndlture on recog nition would be a rommunltv project rather than individual gifts to each one who had been on active serice from arton l2 it was proposed that when the community project was built it would contain a tablet with the nanus f those who paid the supreme sacrifice and a from acton who served in the port the finance committee rvvom mended the payment of the follow in accounts public i tlllltles services nvmclor a angels municipal world county helton grader bell telephone services councillor oakes and mr war 1 that a public hollda would be declared in augum when a program would be presented and the service men and wonun entertained at this event each one would be presentid with a certifiiatt from the munk p ality exprtssing appreciation of the service that had been rendered r m tntt tid v wi hpeak6s in milton tomorrow on t u krnhkdv minister of agriculture for 6ntarlo who will be the guest speaker at the helton federation of agriculture field day in milton park tomorrow a ft r moon and evening summer program for park arranged at joint meeting ymca board and arton ath id le aavodauon plan outdoor events for acton the following program had its in reptlon at a joint meeting of the ac ton ymca board of directors and the executive of the aaa there was unanimous agreement as to the dealrahlllty of this undertsk ing and a very healthy spirit of co operation between the two organlzat ions existed 1 for the very small children it u intended to provide the following a swings box tvpe and ordinary pe b slides c teetertotters id sand boxes it is intended lo have the above equipment so installed as to make it possible for one individual to supervise it 2 baseball for minors it is in tended to organize two leagues one for socalled bantams and one for midgets subject to the degree of in lerrat shown it is hoped that two in dividual game- schedules with play offs can be drawn up a similar softball program can be arranged fir girls if sufficient interest is manifest ft track and field coaching an1 training in track and field will be avnilahle for all those interested with a view to competition 4 voile ball regular arranged volleyball games for yodng and old are an anticipated feature rubber quoits and horse shoes organized competition will be ar ranged for all desirous of taking part the rubtwr quoits are intend ed for the younger age groups and the horse shoes for the older age groups and adults g soccer will be incorporated in the above program in an attempt to promote interest and enthusiasm for touts and samples of various erttfic atik that wtre procurable the curk was also to coram unic ate with mr anderson engineer who had agreed to draw plans and spec f lea t ions for a swimming pool for acton so that this projectmtght be considered council was divided into committees to head an organization to carry out these plans one committee will have charge of preparing the list of acton service men and women another committee will have charge of allot- councll received hospital notlcelir ting rubcommittee for program- re- sjojio 150 ft 3s50 13 40 harrop were to securv the 8 tile ncmury for the new drains cbuncu asrved to supply the tile neeesarfor entrances to lota on brock ave admittance of an indigent patient but disputed responsibility pending invest icatton the clerk read a letter from th- municipal world advtslne on lubjecti ml-dmlred-lnform- -free- atlon one of these questions dealt ulth the fences surrounduui the park the ruling was that the parties in volved and tha corporation should each pay half of the coat of the fence tha clerk reported a latter from continued on page tenl freshmeht booths parade and other features of the welcome home da v the offer of organisations and clt liens to help in the plans and of the ubllshmg lists of service personnel and revts- lons were appreciated and accepted by council the meeting on friday night merely outlined tha genera plan and details will have to be ironed out as committees are formed and take on tha task i at the conclusion of the actnn communlt summer park program a field day v ill be held and prises for winners of major events will be awarded it is nntlrlpnted that the services of mr john cray will be available tn the uiervilon of the program chunlull folk honor thow who served in war on wednesday evening last june wth a hearty we looms was extended to those who hsd served in the arm ed services and their families in the community by the members of the congregation of churchill united churc and the ited cross workers of the community who entertained them to a complimentary supper of roast chicken salads p ex takes etc a large number were present and the supper tastefully prepared by the ladles was thoroughly enjoyed thirty flvs invitations were sent out and twenty five were present who had en listed mr and mrs andrew molozzl were also present whose son fit sgt eorge molozzl did not return after all had been served a splendid program was provided in the church consisting of instrumental music readings and vocal numbers ihe program was as follows selections by the orchestra of georgetown united church sunday school the national anthem and address of welcome by itev a o w foreman the last post was plsyed by mr chas lands- brough followed by two minutes of silence reveille and prayer of thanks and remembrance by mrs caldwell mixed quartette of acton mr oeo mussel is miss margaret somervlll miss blanche mcklnnon and mr ted hansen with mrs g f altken as ac companist instrumental selection on electric guitar by mrs murray and miss smith of deorgetown readings by mrs bruce of osprlnge violin du ets hy mrs johnson and mr archie kerr comet solos mr chas lands brough of acton vocal aolaa mli blanche mcklnnon osprlnge select ions on electric guitar mr edmund watson edrn mills vocal solos miss joyce lowlrr moorfleld piano solos mrs f altken osprlnge at the conclusion of the program mr arthur swackhnmcr moved a vote of thanks seconded by mr harold driffin to those who had provided the excellent program ptr ward ham llton expressed the thanks of the guests for the enjoyable evening the ladles were also thanked for the supper itev a o w foreman act ed as chairman and closed the even ing s entertainment with the benedict ion oil stove fire confined to room v herb fire started an explosion in an oil stove at the residence of mr and mrs m ben nett crescent st gnve the acton nrigade a run on saturday at noon rortunntely the blnze wns under con trol on their nrnvnl and damage was confined to the walls immediate ly nenr thn stove both the new an 1 old fire sirens upre sounded and a crowd x von gathered several showers for miss irene jordan a imide ok week on r rldnv evening june 7th the emphivtcs of mnson knit presented mtw irene jordan whose marriage is to take place ahortlv with a lovely tnhle inmp a kurprtnc shower was held on mon da night june 10th at the home of mr hubert jordnn w hep friends gathered to honor miss irene jordan bride to be although taken eomplet el h surprtm irene thanked her friends for the many lovtly gifts she rcieked 1 um h was served and n social evtnlng enjojed hy ull prestnt acton wins on saturday drops came last night staff of both schools now ready for fall term itoard authorize return of 12000 to munlrpal1j sirvre art u repealed at a meeting of arton school board on rlday evening last mr e i hsrrop was appointed school attrnd a no officer following the resigns ion of mr j ii itrld who has served so fslthfully and splendidly in that of flee for twenty five years in view of mr held s years of service the supply committee were empowered to arrange for a token of apprertat ion mr stewart gave information on the cost of teaching music in the con t in us t ion school next term and other information the board felt that with the re introduction of upper school work and the other changes in the time table and the already m creased exendlture for changes mu sic shou 1 not he qnderiaken this year mr stewart furnished a list of supplies required snd a summsry ct the text hooks that would be required of local hosk stores he requested thai the school 1yiewrlter te te sir ed the i rojterty ommlttee wrre lo arrsnge nnlilanrr for 1ht caretaker in kei lak the grni rut in thr um mer api rovnl was gurn for ihr uri base of snnl1nr tuplr fr rn hr wood co accounts were n1 for n mrnt si folloun j 11 i o rxprrss v7 jl john inglli co furnmc u kcts 1 h t humlrv hhnrprn mythr west dislnfrrtlnk a toltrt supplies jo2 hell telephone co 2r3 rlhotl nro su pi es 108 cartase 44 lobe and mali ariv 11 72 workmen compensation 10 71 c anderson co books st7s copeland chattereon co dup licator a supplies 171 or public utilities 23 1 w d talbot supplies ibis smon hardware suppll s 15 is c m hendry co book su- plles 30h10 clarke iruln co books obi plndet weldlnir inu n mow er repairs ml 11 v skllling imlntlni krlvl i nernl rilms supj lies f r v s m smi j n markenrte a son bull 1 inc supplh s 10 bh i s ooprr supplies 1 4s w it i dlnlr rpalr 10 do f crlpps carpentry 17 si blue klhbon ink ink powder 100 c n telegraphs telegram 17 wntuin ilr k p milk 11 2 mnnlri hairy k p milk 12 x uilpb collegiate institute arton pupils ntt ndanct lfll 17 hlghwn cnrage welding 2 15 arton free press report cards etc 1019 actnn public utilities comm 2211 l4ify seven i h take tyvral over milton when twir inuuiaf suf f weakened daks of 42 ijva lo afkrwajve lkeakara club oak vllu took early ud and kapt it right tnraofffa acton park was the scene of a insh betwern lh two old rivals ac ton and milton ust saturday and saw the county town go down n de feat hy a 9- count the game feat- uretrt strong rometiack for the ac i nsnr after belng held down until th last of the seventh inning milton required the services of thr re moundtmen mccallum roberta and clements respirtjvely while av ion used only ityder mccallum dealt effectively with the triple a hatters until the seventh inning when his arm became incapacitat ed roberts nest in order seemed to have trouble finding the plate clem ents wss railed u to finish the hurl ing duties ryder on the rubber for acton pitched ball throughout the game allowing only all hits and watkjng only three mccallum gave the acton club four hits with roberts and cements allowing three giving a total of seven hits to the acton uuu while eleven fre trips were s mowed to first base neither team scored in the first inning snd it wiml until the end of th second that itlddell scored for ac- trn n waterhoue s single pushing ihf triple a shead milton wreaked vrngesnee in the first of the third inning hitting the scoring eolumn four limes in the persons of brush mccal lum c lemrnt and r toletika two more innings hud passed when lihd say brought in another actnn tally on an overthrow to make the score at the end of the fifth inning milton 4 acten 1 in the seventh frame mm- inn furthered their lead- with 2 runs rirrnents and houston scored as e toletika hit a bagger ulth mccallum replaced by rob- rts acton took tnthe hags at the nd of the wventh running up a grand total of five runs apd pushing the hrlrkmakers chances lower foot- itt running for u morton maaalea i indsay footllt and snyder were re sponsible for t he change in the count making it 8d in the acton clubs favor only one more tally was added in the game when lindsay crossed the plate on footltt s single the final count was tml in favor of acton the following is the score by inn ings r it milton 004 000 2f 6 acton 011 010 310 0 7 in a twilight same at victoria park continual on iage seven coming event ann tatrrtnent of lftti f s tfla f other evtis iur tin ir tlttff rkfaf i rnl p inr wuh minlhiuam tharf hr nitouait tt salute to vgrieulture shows ppreriirtion of farmers wartime job r ii ii llannant preaident canadian federation of agrirultur th- canadian rederatton of agriculture has accepted the propoaal of the canadian ueekl newsjuipent association to join with them in a nation wide salute to agriculture during the week of june 17th many farm org animations mras canada are planning to hold their annual picnics during that ufrk and it istb he bope1 that eventually this week in the year may become established bj the method of practice and custom to be national farmers urfk with postsiblv one da in the wefck selected as national farmera day just as there u i national labor oay thecanndlan weekly ewsjeapers association has always shown a keen inter st in farmer organizations and in farming in general and fr v good reason the average community weekly newspaper editor is very close to the people who make their living from the soil and generally speaking he has an understanding and appreciation of their problems and their way tft life theinamguration -of-lh-nfttlonsl- togriculturc this year li taking the form of an appreciation of the wartime job done by the farmers of in 1040 with many thousands of young men and women leav ing farms to join the armed forces a total of 450000 left the farms during tha var to enter ihe service or to go to war industry the farmers were faced with the stupendous task of producing a large volume of the food re quired by the allied nations for their armies and navlea and air force that tha farmers of this dominion accepted tha challenge and met it nobly la amp ly evidenced by tha records mrs hmel orr w its ena ed as as xltmit ii ihe c ntinuntin scho i muff at a snlnrj ofllsoo with duties -la- fc h wmih romplels the staff of both the tub lit and continuation si hoots die se retr inve a report on securing ihe neoe ary desks and equipment for the scientt room at th continuation school the boanl approved of the plan and the seen ar was to proceed with the ortlor when the sanction of hi inspector was given on equipment the attention of the board was drawn to the condition of the creek through the property and the fact that dirty waste was being put into the creek the attention of the san itary inspector was to h drawn to the condition with a request that it he discontinued tha board authorized the return to h o o h ssq00 lu all roa 1i had u georgetown park sfltuidny june j9th for the lions horse show and don t forget tha ort dav and varhty show on july 1st hnidn b aclon jujilur farmers formerly x 110 old boys ri union at 1 orne st hoot mondiy july 1st wel come h me and presentation to re turned m rvici nu n pence in even ing 493 i in 104s f6r a linking fund for new school buildings since the act under which this levy had been made had been repealed trustee present at this meeting were j chapman v b rumley l lovell and chairman o a dills hprlng h i lardetv party at al- vln v isher s farm on thursday july 4 i- ntertalnment by wm t davie and concert co hamilton lucky giite prties admtssltm 40c children under 14 20c 503 baninafadgarden party wednes- day evening june 2fth at peacock school grounds under auspices of w a of united church thoa simpson concert troupe admission 35c and 13c don t forget waterloo ontario saturday june 30th all day and evening music dancing fireworks the biggest and best musical show in canada held in beautiful natural vvaterloo park dayght saving tim garden party st davldr church campbellvllte tuesday june 25th at r30 pjti featuring rua crelafaton and his variety entertainer raw freahmant booth on tha srdtindg ad mission aduju asc children unovr w sot nz