i ttluftftday i juke h im the acton pr be press pxcb nrnmt or agweuwtrtas x gahttn pays tetlbut to canadian faftlftktts rw eooturua kave uaaarfoa la the eeapexuvely short parted of 60 years audi pnsjpseetve economic eaufn u the doeaintoe of canada la the ph au decades there hu bun ft virtual recestij of th ee- wnmlf tmunn of the natloa and th aualaeaaant of ajrirulturv ku e- arrtaad a moat tmpreasive tnfuaar upon both tha decree aad direction of the nattomal prafraaa ajrteuji- tur u the prtnrtpal basic activity aad aooiunl heart of tha country u a wfttol tnroujh it canadas eronom- lc at at lira and charartar have baan datarmlnad agriculture inrtudlnc atock retain and horticulture rive taaee fateful amplaymant to tha people of canada than any other in duttry it u appropriate at this lima l re flect on tha pnemun canadian acrus ultura huw holds in the national ec- ononty fur thu year u tha fioth an- nlvaraary of tha foutvting of tha do- on j g gardinkb minister of atrtrutture minion experimental farms which with tha other service of tha domin ion and imlnrtal leiartmeats of agriculture and the agricultural colleges hur made ttffniricanl con- trlhutloni to the ecttanremevit ot the industry hut an equal factor in thu direction hat been the industry and tha adaptability of the farmers of canada to mevt changing condition and soke whatever problems hae arisen 11 rrcogntxing the value u tha- finding of ihe experimental farms and other cooperating agenc ies canadian farmer have haen abl to trow wheat and other grains where none grew before to prodnoa hogi for the moat exalting export market and to grow a wide range of products in such apundance that has proved a bulwark in time of both paaca and war tha farmers of can ada hava bean quick to apply the value of science to practical farming and hava shown a raadlnaaa to be dlracted on how to protect land in jhe east from water and from drought and wind in tha waat i am proud to be associated with auch an industry and to aaluta it and all my fellow farmer who in the past have never failed for their country in gnod1lma and bad nor wll they in the future james g gardiner minster of agriculture cash income fttom farm products cash income received b canadian farmer from the sale of farm pro ducts in ims totalled i1gov 8 million as compared with the record of 1- r3a5 million rocelved in 1944 this la a decline of 1140 7 million or 7 7 par cent income for 1945 was 276 j million higher than for 1043 and 063 5 million higher than 1939 when supplemental pa merits are includ ed income in 1945 totalled 1693 3 million as comapred with 1844 3 million in 1944 much smaller marketings of wheat barley and hog in the 1rakrte prov inces greatly reduced the income of these pro inces and account for most of the decremae in the total farm income for canada increases were recorded in the income from eggs wultry meal oaxe tonkcoo anau cattle and calves with the result that the provinces with the exception of the hratrte ivovtnces and noa scot- la received higher farm incomes than in 1944 with average crops it i anticipated that farm income for 1946 will be maintained at about the same level as 1945 these estimate are baaed on re ports al marketings and price receive ad by farmers for the principal farm products and are subject to revision ai more complete figures become available the estimates include the amounts paid on account of wheat participation certificates the bats and barley equalization paym and those dominion and provinlcal gov eminent payments which farmers re- eewea aubtfdlee to pi t pa made under the wheat acreage re duction act the prairie farm assist ajtee act and tha prairie farm in- eoma act are not included with cash income tram the sale of farm prod- qcu but are included with the total farm cash income in l the year in which payment la nude under tha h aupplaraautary payments the sunday school lesson mndav junk tlrd t1ie bonds of christian fel lowship olden test a new command ment i give unto you that ye love one another evea as i hava loved you that ye also love one another jno 11 34 leevm test luke 11 14- jt jno 17i k 31 hi posit ton i instituting the hopper luke 23 14 ik our 1ord tells ills dls i plea that lie had look ml forward lo this last sup li with them with great expectation and longing on ihe whole 11 was an occasion of joy though thr oy tns marred by the unseemly strife of the dim iplr fur re4m1nrnre vi -m- j7 and by the pretence and effront- ii of judas ami by the nnth ijta hm of the t rtk and deaertlon of our linl by all the dl 1 17te bmm la rraaoit why our lord jraus delrrl to eat i hli pawwivrr with theiit was iwhautr it would im 111 last ojjmtrt- unit to rat of thr iaftftovr until t wltote meaning of it lmum lw ful filled in the klngtlom of od kmhi study and comparison of all trie a founts it u plnln that the isrd nnl ihe dlmlplcs atr the paaaover the night tirfnre it waa atrn regulni that he hlmtelf was hanging uton the rroas as the fulfillment of ihr tie the passover lamb when the passover tsmh was slain to im after ward ffn- in vs 17 and 1h we have a general statement as to our lord s dividing tha bread among t hem and as to our trda giving them tha cup but the detailed statement comes in ha following verset 19 and 30 tne words in v 1h 1 will not drink henceforth of the fruit of tha vine until the kingdom of god shall come clearly imply that in our resurrect ed glory while we have spiritual hod lea we shall still eat and drink ii thu do in itememhranci of mi 9 3n lite iord jesus gave thanks befoie passing to the disciples the bread ami the cup the iortl jesus in re turning thanks was thanking iod for ills own suffering and death how wonderful his love to ua that it should lead him to thank od for t hat rw ful agon and nhann- nnd death through whlth hr wr to pun foi our take hie hrrnklnu of lit i bread was not tjirnlfunnl nf th hrcakltiti of chi lit k tj oit tin- cms not a tone nf lllni w a itrokrn i j no 11 t6 1 cor ii 4 not mte i ful u vi the hieaklng of tlij hrrad was impl slgnlfit ant of thr dlslrlhutiun of hu btml among iho who should fcfmt on him lhrre has been ehdlckk discussion ax to force of the word is in the state ment this is my bodv does it mean that as jesus hlesand the bread it became the actual phvsliai body of hi 1st or does it mean this brad represents my body and just as ou eat this bread and it becomei iart of nu so you are to eat me and i will become part of ou one will find the answer to the question in ksek 5 4 5 i cor 10 4 16 11 33 eiek 37 11 matt 13 28 luke 13 1 jno 1 7 ke 1 30 and gal 4 35 where the word is is used over and over again in the sense of rej- resenls or stands for hi jesus pratng for 111 own jno 17 f h jo 31 ll was on the rroks thnt jesus fin ished the work that the father hnd rommltted to him uh 19 30 ile- irum hi had accomplished the work the father gave him lo do ami thus glorified thr father he roull now ask ihe father to glorify him with himself the gtnrv with which the fathtr would now glorify him wax the same glor that he had with the father before the world uhx this glory he had voluntarily put aside that he might redeem us iphh 1 6- 3 cor 5 3d but now this work of redemption was ac complished or would be the next dav when he died on the rose so god will restore to htm the glory j that he gave up to accomplish it iphll 2 911 jesus now turns from praytng for himself to pratng for his immed iate followers hut before asking the father to do for them he recounts what he himself had done for them he hnd manifested the father name tp then thr nam- anris tuc thai unity of the spirit but no real un ity is possible except by our being in the father and tha sod tn ut through tha unity of christians the world was to be brought to believe that lod had sent jesus a church rail one is an unanswerable argu ment fur the christian faith kvndamkntat ukquike- mknto koel ontario farm lrokjekjty by hon t1iohah u hinkjiv ulnlfcur af agriculture far ostale ontario stands on the threshold of 0111 of ihe moat important produtllun iimt lit ll history ihe year 1u46 finds millions of people ttuuughiul lite uoilit in liiwnlnvitt mril uf starv- w 1 in ll fkiida real llnlalti alaiiii lnjcl sjiotl of food cuppllea ami the hi uuh people tlytiti nlng thtlr itelu lo an ktent that w us nut reulie of hum iett duiing hie ntol ttprit 1ltk of hit ur ulltlil hum- ik ulll- klanis it is oiil natuial that hi i shouhl lmik lo i anuu and mil lit ulail lotlilailo fot lellrf fiuni lh- ondllioiik uf famine with whli h mi many million of mple ate ttirrn- iiimi so ttieie la a tall to onlailo iitiiii 111 this of rll lo again put ill ihili imi effuitk in the ptxlut tlol uf im1 mil is not a new all to ihe farm of on atlo tliiouuhout the l rnm of war they have responded to hh all foi greater produc hon to the nntlonal war effort how well they have done their part can be ii luslratid jiy a ifference to ihe pin duttlon of ontario fauns for the enr hh hiat was a dlffh ult year for the far tm is 1 he weather ton- lltons nt initial iri lods uf tha growing reason weiv very unf avoi able hieie were shortages of farm lalmir ami farm mat hlnery which linpomil hevtre hundirajm on tha farm operator ond knit hours of labor on the farm family in spite of these ondmlons ontario s re ord of protl- utltn was accond to none in the lo mlnluh and rontrtbutcil to hie united nn 1 ions larder the food products mot needed while the western piuvlnieb made their thief contrib ution in wheat and other cereal kniim ontailoi diversified agrlt ult- ute provlilrd a great variety of food proilut is in urgent demand for expoil tuipoms ami plnved a great part it hied lug hie nereis of i he hungl nilllloiik of the old woild iirfhr fim iuhtais all in dilat hen made in the pni im en of ontni lo and quelct on nnd after june 1st until further not- he must tie large white end un- wavrd cheese and is to be sold for export lo the ilrltudi ministry of food through exporters licensed by the oairy products board the dom inion department of agriculture has announced provision is made fur cheese factories to cut cheese for their milk suppliers use throughout the summer these control measures are similar to those applied in rewnt years the dairy products hoard is under agree- nient to supply ihe british ministry of food with not less than 135 mil lion pounds of cheddar cheeae in the 2 months april 1 hmg march 31 1h7 uiialk of a nixx rmn halifax cp a whale washed up on the llsy of fundy last sum mer now u the intest thing in ladles wear two enterprising nova scot land lek pragnnll and frank cole- mnn found thnt the whales balpeen a uinellke sulwtanca in the upper jnw could im dried polished and cut into ladles belts the finished art- hie went on sale recently and was pronounced a whale of a success ws and chnracter a icvealed ie 3 1315 34 57 jesus had re vealed to them the nature ani character of god tills inv at the foundation of all that he had done for them while jesus on his part i had revealed god to them thev on their part had kept god- word jesus praver was for all who should in anv age believe in him as their savior tvs 30 31 believers in the davs to come should become i followers through the word of the apostles true faith cornea b hear ing the apostolic testimony itiom 10 17 jesus praer for all believers was that they might all be one he longed and prayed for the unity of hl disciples in all ages thu prayer has been largely answered beneath tfm for coal and coke federal building province of ont gralhd tenders addressed to the j undersigned and endorsed tender for coal will be received until 3 p m ikdh r frloay june 3h 1w6 for ihe unpl of tonl nnd coke for the dominion buildings throughout the provlnio of ontnno fo le wit ee ail seeming differences in externals and incidentals all true follower nf jesus internally and tn essentials are one and there is to h a more complete and glorious answer to this prayer of th master in days to come for it we should all labor and pray there can be external formal unity- like that of the roman cath- olle church without real living ami lonilitlons attained 1 an be oh- talnid from the purchasing agent department of public works ottawa nnd the suhi v ling an hue t 36 ad elaide st fast toiorao out rentiers should be made on th- forms supplied b the department and in atcuidamc with departmental specifications and conditions nttah id thereto coal dealers license numlhmti must be given when tender ing the department reserves the right to demand from any successful ten derer before awarding the order a se curity deposit in the form of a certified cheque on a chartered hank in can ada made naahle to the order of the honorable the minister of public works equal to 10 per cent- of the amount of the tender or bearer bonds of the dominion of canada or of the canadian tfauonaj railway company and its constituent conip- a c principal and interest by tne domln- i0 or tne afcremention- od bonds and a certified cheque if required to make mlanadd amount such security wlf aerve as a guar- ante for the proper fulfilment of the contract by order j m somejiville dapartinant of publle works forhe big task ahead ws sjunl yal pttmptibu rf md w oworanaw of ha tagcacy of h graot naaj far foodtmtt wha conoduwi fonaar ho ooc44d th retponubllry whldi u his to faalnioln ond bvraoaa the output of farm products to importow u our nohonal economy and so ouentiol o relieve the crlttcol shortoge in world tuppliet provided oi he now it wkh purpose nobler thon self lntt he sett hlmtelf lo the toik wmh loitter ambition and renewed energy coo he it for that contciovft fecognitlon within himself of having a definite ond neceuory part in the nubonal welfare in 1ft doenetfic and apart oc- ttvittet zeotom it ha that hit contribution may be worthy ond adequate by hit tide ever ready lo help mote mora effective the formers effort it the conodton implement maker whote co operation in furnmung the most efficient moctunet enables him to multiply hit output and estend hit octivlmet to that today he produces more with leu manpower ond in the most oconomlcat manner yet o homed never were the opportunjtlet in agriculture more promising nmfmr wat the canadian former better fitted or better equipped to moke the most of those opportunities tn the future ot in the post maueyhorrti wm endeavour to develop supply ond service equipment thai will moke it easier for the farmer to futflfl hit plans ond otpirouom if happy holi th lak and itnomi and forastt of holiday land or your lo noy and your lo protect from their groatoil enemy lira most fores flret or started by human beings thousands of acres are blackened and destroyed every year because someone was not careful with are when you use a match break h in two before you throw tt away be sure your discarded cigarette is out too when you make a eampflre build it small and in a safe place what forests do lor you 04v yu a grand pl hallway pravlaa baaufy taatt far atff vhltert shamar 99m aaimau aarf ftthlae kaunlt caarral 4aw af walar hale avan fam maw al riwn rfcaf 4a mmt ilry up la tuatmar hale to aaiura yaarauwl mpply al hyartt aawar far yau pravlaa htautaaat mi aaa le lurahar aula waad anal alfcar l iwaai when you leave put the lira deodout with wafer influence climate te as to peeweitl ealeamea