the acton free press thursday august 22nd ima cash in on lambs before september 1st in view of the facta that the present vlamb carcass celling price expire august mst nest ind live lambs marketed after that dale may sell from three to four cnta per pound live weight lea than under the present celling lamb raisers are urged to take advantage of the market previous 16 september 1st and make an effort in connection with the feed tng and finishing ol the lambs while the ewe are still nursing their lamb lamb crewpe may be provided into uhlch the lamba may pass and feed upon specially prepared concentrate without bajng molested by the older heep a creep is simply a slatted pen with ilau sufficiently far enough apart to permk the lamb to go through but cloee enough to pi event the larger shep from enter ing folowing the weaning of the lamb they should be treated for internal parasites and dipped for eradiratlwn of external parasites tney should then be placed on fresh pasture such a meadow afternath or rape n1 given arcem to a trough in whlrh at the beginning of the feeding period whole oau should be placed lter some barley and oil cake may be added wi the proportion ol oat thre part hrl one part and oil rake one half of one part where malt it provided under shelter from i he weather a mixture of ten unli of it and one pound phenol hlaxlne may he kupplled frrith water should he available at all time and during ehtreme heat provision for shade will add much to the comfort of lambs and sheep in the special pamphlet o 70 the 1revrntlon of disease in sheep full directions are given oncoming the control of internal and extern l parasite in sheep and lamt a copy of the pamphlet may be obtained from the dominion department vt agriculture ottawa on request do itthrough the chartere d ranks announcing in parliament that the canadian coppercolored nickels are being withdrawn from ctrculat ion and expressing the belief that the movement will be completed within the near future the finance minister added that the withdrawal was being carried out through the chartered hanks we see ao many statements ol that kind- that this and that aid the oth er thing la being done through the chartered banks that we pay little or no attention to them any more but we should stop and think about it there are those in thla country no large number perhaps who count that day lost that does not provide them with a chance to criticise the hanks to hear that kind of talk you would imagine that the banks lo aa they please with other peoples money and their own that the carry on without let or hindrance making their own laws and regulat ions and generally amassing fortunes i for their executives and directors the fact la of course that banking in thla dominion is hedged about by the moat rigid restrictions and con trol ot in these times of control alone but always in season and out of season in peace as in war the banking laws of canada are the most acting or all laws governing canad ian buatneaa activities all banking it done under the eye and aupervalon of government and no banking system in the world is sounder from the public viewpoint the banks or canada did an im mense job in wartime add are doing an immense job in this transition period the fact that the public heart little about it is an indication of how thoroughly it is being done without grounds for serious complaint how much free or nearfree serv ice the chartered banks of canada give governments and the public we do not know but it must be very ex tensive tndevd look at the line ups at the bank wickers each week or month of people cashing government cheques it is just one example of the service the banks are giving the public without much percentage in it for the banks this is not a defence of the banks or an apologia for them it is merely an attempt to give to the banks of the country some small measure of the credit that is due them editorial halifax herald july early use of birch bark every holldayer carries a mental picture of the indians in their birch hark canoee skimming the waters if our northern rivers and lakes in wandering through the indian galler ies at the royal ontario museum one can observe many other beautiful utilitarian objects also made of birch bark the first moosecall horns were ef that material and under the in- fluenoe of the french the indlsuis or the st lawrence valley produced vry attractive and ornate luxury articles such as bokea and mat the french settlers early took to the use of birch bark and often it ja difficult to distinguish the work of one from the other birch bark later became widely used by the pioneer english peaking battler because of its water proof and flyproof qualities the web at ottawa by h dent iiodghqn ottawa cp a minor revolut ion in canadian economy may result in the next decade or so if the report of the senate committee on immlgiat ion is put into effect after bearing evidence from scores of wuneasa the committee i ame out with qie of the moat forthright re ports of the session making definite recommendations that canada take aggressive step to get the best type of clllien available in the crowded countries of the word and get him as soon a poauhle the concensus of w itneases before the committee was that canada whlrh has not ednfitted immigrants for year must increase her population in thu way if he is to hold her new stature in the world and maintain and improve her standard of living itie rrport also crystallised con siderable comment heard outside the committee this session to the effetl that we mutt develop our own na ufa resource vt it ri the aid of new citizens or somebody i golnx to muvr in and do ii for us instead of walling for piom tlve immigrant to apply the rrjr said we ihuuld send lirinttgiatlon ami in sped ion oflitei abroad to heek out prutpevtlve i it u 4 ns who would help hve op our aunt ult uia mining in dust rial and ot her reaou ret- phew should not he persons who would pro vide a cheap and docile labor forte hut ke personnel men who can do things with our resources and pot- cntialsjjot rt used or who tan 1m prove on methods now in use in addition to an objective search abroad survey should be undertaken in anada to determine difficulties to be o ercome and preparat ions should he made to start immigrants moving as soon as shipping become available limiting numbers only to what from time to lime appears to he our ahsorbltive capacity and by practical considerations of trans port and establishment while immigrant should be care fully aeletrti with a vtrw to the best future citizens any suggestion of discrimination based upon either rare or religion should be scrupulously avoided both in the act and in its administration the limitation of as iatic immigration being based of course in problems ot absorption the immigration report was only one of a series of recent actions which have given the upper house oft mooted in the past as a dying body which should be eliminatedan en hanced prestige at the chamber of sober second thought in which hastilypassed common legislation can be reviewed at more leisure the senate though largely liberal pollt ically has on several occasions this session turned thumbs down on gov ernment legislation last week the government s foreign exchange bill which would continue in statute form the wartime foreign exchange control regulations came up for senate approval and met out spoken criticism nearly all of it from the liberal rank the senator objected among other thlags to the bill s taking certain affair out of the hands of parliament and placing them in the hands of a group of civil servants not reaponalble to the people they aent the bill to a committee whence presumably it had little hope of emerging before the session con cludes before leaving for the world food and agriculture conference at copen hagen last week agriculture minister gardiner made a serlea of announce ments concerning food contract he stated that a new beef contract with brttalols pending that den mark in a recettsgreement with brit ain did not obtain anyadvantage over canada and that the threesrent pro ducer subsidy on milk scheduvd to be dropped september 30th may be par tially retained meanwhile trade minister mac kinnon announced that the partici pation payment to western wheat growers on their 1044 crop will be considerably higher than the 16 cents previously estimated but that the payment for 1043 would be rel atively lower while ccf member approvedn principle the government s fouryear wheat contract with britain pro gressive conservatives ranged behind their leader john bracken in critic izing it strongly mr bracken said it was mmprovtd enl and would by it nature tend b restrict trade with britain and trade ffenerallv he felt the contract would fall through before its term was up canadians were informed last week they now could tear up those regis tration cards which have been stand ard acceeaorie for street wear since they were issued in 1940 as a basis for mobi illation of manpower resources discontinuance of the cards con veraely spelled demobilization and all that went with it the 14000 mil itary absentees and deserters still at large were written out of the ser vice m deemed never to have served in the forces their only penalty now will be deprivation of any postdis charge benefits to which they may have been entitled minerals play important part in balanced feeding to many livestock and poultry producers minerals are toaffir word the following- is a bjruf resume of the part played by the tore important raineralfl fcr a o uaiberg bji-a- f c xc the important part played by min erals in the dief of livestock and poultry is wel recognized careful feeders are constantly on he alert for mineral deficiency high priced complex mineral mix lure are soon a thing of the past farmer who pur chase this type of mineral mixture and ay exorbitant prices should study the fads as presented below and use their own judgement most rep utable feed concerns have mineral mixtures tlytf contain all the nevr sary mineral supplements and the prtr is reasonable i rain and roughage contain lm port ant mineral tlements ihee minerals and their amount may veiy from farm to farm depending on soil tle soil management and the fertil ring program prartlred in many cases individual animalm appear to have e lal mineral needs many ua alled areas may iw defu lrn in 1 r more important mineral sue h jitml huruk ludlne tuhatt et hese problems mju tr spet lal attention ly the lkrstotk and lie poultry ferder phe following list will identify n of tin- more imrtnnt m net u itnd how hit ontrtouti to the alth ol liwstmk and iultr oalrlum alt lum for livettmk is needed fur kood twine ttruiture fur the hlood kland and vital organs and for malntename ot hitch milk production here is a dally drain of t alt lum from dairy herds that must le replac ed in i mju it ry it is euentlal for gotl uallty shell 1 he assimilation of cat lum by hvemlock nhd poultry is lowly aortatd wllh the nnkmal supl f vitamin i and the phom phnrus conlt nt of tec high c c um unit stone and orter shell are hood curves of cal lum supph men phosphorous hoph rout and calcium go hand in hand with vitamin u for proper hone formation cattle more than ny other tyi of livestock are quite sensitive to a phosphorous de ficiency and will appear listless un thrifty and show no des re for feed not onl are calcium and phosphor ous important in the diet but their proper balance is also neoessary for good results namely from 1 to 3 parts of calcium to 1 of phosphor ous bone meal defluorinatetl and rock phoahete are the beat source of phosphorous halt salt contains both sodium and chlorine which are important to pro per digestion salt acts as an appel iser and a stimulant a free choice of salt should alwas be available to livestock iodine iodme is essential for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland which produces an lodtnecon tain tng compound called thyroxin this compound controls the rate of metab olism ot the body insufficient iodine in diets results in goitre hairless plgi and probably interferes with the proper function of ex organ in goitre belt iodized salt will correct the deficiency the addition of small amount of potassium iodide to the rations will also solve the problem iran and copper iron la part of the red blood corp uscle and must be present in the an imal s body before blood is formed copper although not a part of the blood should be present in minute quantities to assist in this process both of these minerals are required in minute quantities only a defic iency may cause nutritional anemia especially in suckling young cwhajt cobalt deficiency in ruminant an imals results in unthrifty animals which have a depraved appetite rough hair and srallnes of hide minute quantities of cobalt sulphate dissolv ed in water will correct this defic iency in 1 to 7 days nutritional an emia is also caused by a deficiency of cobalt there are indications that a deficiency of this mineral may inter fere with normal reproduction at the present time investigations are in progress showing that thla mineral mi be beneficial in increasing the hatchabillty of egg indications are that swine mi suffer from deficien cies as well as ruminants cobalt is associated with the chemical reaction necessary for the formation of healthy blood maagasiesw this mineral is found in the llvtr and other vita organs it is an im portant ingredient in all poultry mash es it prevent perosls slipped ten dont in growing birds and appears to be important in shell quality and hatchabillty manganese appears to be important in the normal reprod uction functions of live stock and twine msujraeaism pe4aaaliun sulphur all are needed in limited quantit ies but are usually present in suffic ient amounts in all good ration the animal a feed is thus deficient the recult is a low crop vld nd a min eral deficient feed which will not give the best result with the animal by correcting mineral deficiencies in the soil and using a good balanced feed many of the mineral deftcienc- le prevalent today can be eliminat ed all fed manufacturers have pro perly mixed mineral mixture which ure available at low cost when con centrated minerals araxrq ulred heks kignal cxrph always on alert bee have a highly developed code of signals by which they communicate quickly with one another as for in stance in passing the word that the way is clear for plundering a certain hive during july and august a shortage of nectar secretion in flowers ause the meld twee to stay around the apiary should the beekeeper in a tarries examination of his culonle leave the super ur hive exposed for some time the heea from the strong hives will steal the nectar itiese i rubber bee at ome u the uifor i m1 ion lo the field i ee in their own hive ihrn the reinforced troop go orj a robbing pre and if the robber leea tan mrrtkjwer the guards of a weak colony they will remove 30 to i ml munds of honey in two or thrw i hours leaving the inmates of the hive and lhelr tjueens to starve lo death a dtsuttory honey flow in any ymr lias a trnden y lo i ause robbing and sak the lee exert at the dumlnon t xperimrnlal rum at brandon man i tifekrejters should exrrt ise tare lo keep the mn r ioverd as much as xnvimr w hi n eearnlning olorii- and avoid st altering honey from shaken f i aim on thr gras v hen robbing has started m an apiary all colon i e should havt their entrance contract nl to allow passage for only one bee at a unit and it it sometimes wise o pul ihjt n solution tif sugar syrup a short distant e from the apiary lo ottrait the robin r itie sugar solution is gradually reduied in stgngth until conditions in the apiary return to norm i saints and angfels sculpturats theme wlnniecc cp for eight hours each day joseph brunka uves in a strange silent world peopled by saints and angels not the heavenly kind but 400pounder made of stone and imitation marble once a woodcarver the pious pol ish immigrant has turned his hand to religious sculpture his work ap pears in churches graveyards and the home of roman catholic priests most of mr brunka s statues have sad yet bqevolent expression but he is especially proud of his figure of ill ale the roman ruler has a scorjiful mouth and furrowed brow mimt rxr wood tekti1 a british health expert is author ity for the statement that teeth of t hildren today are in far better con dltlon than those of young evn jo years ago this authority as luoted by the tepartment of national health and welfare credit the im provement on milk greater intake f milk has been noted over this same period and as is welt known this supplies essential lime salts for den 1 health kxt qtehtion miaunavon sask ri town council led with their chins whn they inserted in an application form th tjueation why did you come to shsunsvun an applicant answered no other place to go i vovuuboawo toimisy cochrane oat cp all the wolfhowls on the streets of coch rane don t come from the town a teen age set r men recently re ported seeing a wolf of the four- legged variety in various parts jf the town dancing huttonvule park every wednesday stan ihrtci ind kb 10plra orrhntn saturday evening johnny itoyi and hi 0plv orrhwtra admusion me per pwwn all plant and animal life require certain amounts of the right kind of minerals for proper growth and devel opment if one or more of theae la lacking in the soli the resulting crop are deficient in this mineral and be sure and not wasir anv frrl proteins concentrates arc at such a premium hog and dairy ration will be almost nil in the very near future we can aupply dairy ration for immediate shipment let us hear from you regarding thi matter it is urgent that you order your fertil izer aa soon as possible some raw materials aro still very scarce we await your commands order your wik oil filters for your tractor from us wo are stocking this line for all makes of tractors milton district cooperative phone 1s7 divide your dollar with your neighbour everybody ha a certain amount of civic pride that sort of pride which helps make a village a town and a town a metro politan city the grow ui of any community is depend ent upon the support given its citizens if you fail in your cooperation your town either stands still or goes back if you uphold your town by sustaining it wholeheartedly you help yourself and the community buy at home be neigh borly wiuvyour dollar divide your dol lars among your merchants and others who have the interests of acton at heart help them and they will help you to great er values for increased volume means decreased costs acton needs your support and you need the support of the town lets get together and share our dollars for a mutual pros perity the acton frefe press