a v thursday january wth 1m1 mcmmmm of acton backin1897- take from ilia issue o ftlur vt krtm of jamimry 14 imrt tho opening of a grain market tit the gtil here lift boon appreciated by the aimohi mr noblo enjoy the eonfldoncc of the farmers of thu aectloh the prices this week are wheat white 80c to 81c red 7fks0c barley 22c23c peas 40c out lfclbc the workmen a iodgo election of officers tncluded the following nam- br a j fvcord ft d graham john matthftwiulttaac francis w h speight w e smith john kenney june hals tead john meeaehertt william gurhey acton hockey club will play thalr first outside mulch next saturday ev- ohlng on the milton rink with the cfu of the county town matthews and annan smith tiro actons official auditors -fop- ths year misses jossle nicklln minn walk ed and messrs harry jeans and w stark provide the program forlha entertainment under the ample of th hulsburg bund in that village to morrow evening on wednesday the 6th inst at cwvwms corners henrietta mo keown was united in marring to mr robert g brown mr mungo nixon and mtu m nixon of ann grove arrived home on monday after a trip to arthur and guelph where they visited friend c p gootkve in advertising dreu goods blue serge s2 in wide worth 75c for 50c yd black lustre worth roc for 4oc yd black sorgo worth tsc for 25c yd shingles al cedar 75c a bunch henderson and co child a nnd mts- scilovershof vr reg 51 lo ena done buttoned ahoen 100 fog 150 womons kid buttoned gloves 51 25 pair rog 1 ro mens buff co it era per pair 15 rest 1 50 lad les fur muffs coney seal rutrakan etc nt 1 so 1 75 nnd 2 25 spools 3 for 10c john mcqueen has purphnsed the coal andwood business carried on by tames brown worn kfnni2d in tiln on fridn lanu nry kth to mi nnd mrs i ken nidy n rinughtt r moffat in isciuodng mh con nn thur8dn 7th lanunr to mi nnd mrs thus moffat a son back inw27 toni the issue of the free irfa of thursday january 30th t7 the snow 1 nvepmv tttlng deeper nnd fijt mused s50 000- dnmnj to tht taylor foiles hardware plant nt iuelph shnrtlv ih fort t losing time on wednchdni 51 n j ns spi nl during the veni on park improvements sowl k chronicles oj hello hnmornnkers what kind of brcuikrnul should you have a sub stantial breakfast or none at all 1 his is not n question to be answered hy now everybody bus booi fed and is off for tbeday gurs i should gotihftp- plng right way nor is the nnswor to bo found in i must reduce it has beon proven that good health is maintained byniiblnilhl mot at the beginning of he day and thlt is true every dny in the year summer or winter breakfast uhould account for at least onefourth vf the protoln and onofourth ofthc vitamins nnd minerals required dally some people uw dcvolanrt the habit of omitting breakfast in an of- fort to lose weight but that s the wrong wny to reduce tlnlr energy would maintained nt nmore even keel if they divided the food they eat among three meals a day rather than two planning n weltbalanced diet with tit re meals a day is not a dlf- flcutrtjnrir- tfn few simple principles are followed but with only two menjs there is a dancer of omitting some of 1 lit moat important foods which furnish the muchneeded vit amin- minerals and proteins breakfast can be plnnned from five items name fruit an ogg cereal or toast hntte orjom nnd lieverage which means milk for children dur ing conservation of wheat products serve either ooroal or toast but not both fven this economical meal will bo well balanced nnd hearty in many ways your body li like the engine in your car it taken fuel in the form of food nnd transforms it into onorgy the saprgy with which younccompllsh youvtay s work it 1 just as reasonable to expect yur car to atnrt on nn empty tank ox to nxippoiio your bodycan furnluhonorgy foj the morning a activities without proper food a good tircnkfasruih utork wonders in the wny you feel iy it and see how much if nddn to your content ment nnd the ease with which vou perform your forenoon tnsks for a happy health start on the days ntfmtlt orv brunkl u llk these if flnlf grapefruit or nrnnrl bran iultoswlth milk french toast milk or hot htvt race druhc or nianf juue poached irr on toast muffin and jam coc on or milk 1 li itakid apple ontnv nl p icl nnd 1 tilslns milk or roffe thf question bo m11 n k inys wh do the n w soap suhstltuti s nnd lost thoir suds lution cjnlt kl nnd mnk tin wntcr ginger tarm 1 lit ariiii 1 hv 7 fum sssf 1 well friends how goes it with you linvo you settled tiown to the fart tlutt we- are pretty well launched on nnothei year nnd lusve you grtel it with nsong in your heart or ac cepted it with forcbodlngor just accepted lt maybe like- u you have boon too busy to oven attempt much in the way of speculation as to what 1047 may bring forth you know x really like tan miry nnd february the llrsl of the yoar- we car enjoy christmas nnd all lt excitement in retrospect we can let nur minds relax and we can take time to catch up on the things that tho feutlvt season crowded out there are always plonty of odd jobs that have to bthooked after isn t that to i know my mending basket if it could speak for itself would surely shout to tho housetops vou said if all right all right tt b i know you arc just about bursting with socks and stockings matter of fact until yesterday i thought i would have to do tjojrnbthlng about it and then in the mkll cum a present for bofct four pakaof socks yes a present for him biuittrprleve for me what have j been doing well what does anyone do after havinglhoj hausn full offfrlondh and relations vou know only too well dont you unfortunately the weatherman was definitely against me last tuesday morning for instance thewlrwtwr on the htovo hot and waiting for the huge washing i had promised myself would be done but when we got up the power was off nnd we started the dny with candles by nine o clock it wns on again and away we went thtrwtiflhlng marhlnn nnd i trylngl to make up for loit time but at el even o clock off went the power again for nearly an hour and two more tuhfuls ntlll to go by the time t was through the weather was rally roughing it up so much so that it wns two dnyi before the sheetn could be hung outside and tho small stuff of course- had tobe dried in the house whnt with ironing nnd mend ing it wns the end of the week be- for thnt wnsh was out of the way and how we women like a job that linngs around like that but save the mnrk i mill eo thnt pile of socks rt n from whre i sit something t l me i should move the basket fnrtm r hnd plent of evtra work nt the barn too shovelling snow nnd pllhlni mikfnns ou to th road i forgot to tell you we ar bark in th milk husinc ks acnln the dairy wns short of milk n wo wereonknd i to come to the rescue another of my pmbli was how i oat in y bvuakt wi wltttl c1m 64 baifa itj myjr k4y u twt t util t1ns suul f ki him i llk tythid wintbr ampac wmft kiho winter tnnliat an ah-avtohtic- man can da uhla but jwpak hta dawoaa pt f i jumlua kfttf www ttwatii in naaii attd wa ontatto ama mm iha dlraxt ratult al unuaual and tvr tlarni candhlsnt eauta af hta ftaulbuwyitravmail by it unmad ravlncwula organtum han hydra wai abla la ruth ainaraaiieyrapalr twi ttant atftar parfr el onknta la raatara pawar vary akart wat dlractad la thli and ta ell caniumara who luftarad in ihate tterm araai hydra axprattaa ih thanka end eparaclatlan far thalr patianea and undaratandlno in a difficult end trying tuuatlan al ell lma hydra tafahiatd tarvlea by andaaveurlng ta locata llnat fraa fram traat and by traa trimmlna praaant alarm damagaa lllutlrat iha advlaabllrly ef thaia mamiadt during rhla wlnlar parlod alarms and pawar thahaga pratanl graat aparahng prablama for hydra your ceoparotlon in iha conaarvlng el pawar will be ef malarial attlttanc and much appraclalad the hydroelectric power commission of ontario n rour smatl lliildnn wi n hut nt d ac di nth in their home in 1 01 onto on baturdnj night ihe were thrrhild rep of mr c offr n daughter of mr and mrs enu rstm anderson chun li street acton a toronto sulmnur ctorgt voung look du tv j to g t to owh t tm ansui 1 tin suds of tin washing 1 passable bob ienes the enr nt the mi hindu disnppc ai as th materials 1 road nt nijht nnd li awn with it nil dissolve in tin wutit 1 ht ompuinds i dn i dont want it when the roads del net in 1 ttit ftmnirrhe solution u nrr bnd nnvw n but t juithndtol lit son 1 uds do mi d w n t o the bunk so one dnv ltno mid t stnrted u i m jl wop j5 000n n cuntlstwllti 101 othirs in swimming to catnllna inland from tlu mainland n distamt of 22 miles col stev marshall who was horn in ijmehoxiiu and engned in huilness in acton at the time of enlisting tn the salvation armv forty one vean ago is now c ommander of the sal- vati a ln new england with headquarters at mario ei uaixacf ivllson at rjio churth mnnw mx mondnv innuarv 17th 19j7 u uev a c stewnrft m a william d wallace of loti- don fi klat fciliutmlli lacwt daughter of mr ami mrs ii s wll ton mill street arton died matxeod- at his home lot 17 con g nassagawea kenneth mclood in his 9t year tin im lusicm of a rit it 1 i nt in the wnsliim compound answtr it should mi nn lhal more lmirn ir wnshitik soda hn ht e n ad ltd to dissolve gre aht and oil a small qunntltv of 1 dtttimiit on mntt rials grr n lonp wnv sftu blioukl not use it us lnlshl as semji mrs b t nsks what is tin differ 1 m 1 l tween a woollen wash product ami a inuridrv soup for waghinc fab- 1 1 us ansvui i he dlfftrenct is th- gtntli action of vitonlni wnttr a vou know wools nnd nlons do not nhsorh w ale i e ash t ht rtfon it is nd tsnltltto uiw wthuw4uh bocauso tu c mtuln n wetting agent the cltnnslng will im more thoroughly done mrs j t usks how can you iell if a new washlng compound contains on we take pride in taking case of your clothes phone 272 yttwyck c1cj ars acton i hoolmg it sinried ri nnd finished it too soon nfter leaving our gate i ud n nr b i looked tbmk hop full t didn t nctl stick m thumb out her aus i thourht my btseexhlng look would be enourh but notibltatt3 carwcntuilw- ing bv ns if i dldnt exist and in it wen two mf7 thev crrtnlnlv were nht renttemenj or were thev mny- be tpey wett gontltmem and hnd nn i idea i wnsn t o tad and maybe the were right becaune the though 1 had of them after thev had pained were rertalnlv not those of a ladv m faith in the milk of human kind- nets having rocwved such a jolt i hired n taxi to bring roe home here is a verj different little inci dent which ma gbj some of you an idea it ou shouldbe visiting in a home where there is only one woman r th w of a p an knipiv howl 1knllii clilivttnt u i trut iim vou hoaid no wbih wool and nylon i lnst ol mv vultori took in uih n compound l vacuum cloancr and gave not auvrr ou can rocorntn- it by only her own room hut all thf rooma thi llppto l it civet to ihe watar l uptalr a thorouiti bolnirover b- solutlon and b hc fallurr to makt llev m utoujrhfuln waa a tandin tuda alkaline productr tromendou help and una certainly fend to deatroy animal tlbre to it itpwy much apprecjae not wise to wah eood wooli and part- ahd heir is a tnoueht on our new el coloured clothe in thu wlutlon cltlienahlp atatua when we think of mm m t a will crickets in our nuraelvw as canadians ue mlaht also auaiumui u ithmit remeaikrhat we share that honor cv clotheft closet die evatuall without dolnjc any harm answer a cricket s chnnp indoors is a slenal to start taking action be cause they eatholes in the clothes provide othesfood juch as a uaspoon iii llsl equally with ai qther who qualify as canadian citizens the jewess who hdaa with us on the streetcar the frenchman on the train the italian is the lot of millions of homeless or wi war torn china brought to the orphanage at rlangjaaa abaf acamng boy bad onir aa empty bowl milliooj 0 orphans widows paaaaac faraiira iprooted and desnotled by war hnacry aide uxneleaa are perishing for wane of food cinch aa 1 1 1 ifi of oatmeal or a piece of apple on which ou have sprtnklad some ddt power man at the restaurant the porter who carriaa our baa through the sub way they too are canadian ctt- izejjs properly spvaklnc t should i refer to them onty as t9a to make my point clear sjhouaht it ncesaarj to mention their racial origin 7a u ttt only national atppaai toisa nsausv in tanaai within ihm rsaat tsevaiva nutnlht for chinrntm rafia red cuavtjl htaqd world supplv of red clover seed in 1946 was only sufficient to meet go per cent of world requirements can adian grown red clouar seed because of its notably high qualltv is pre- j no no no protaated the agree- ferred bv several countries mora j able fellow i wouldnt call her a than 3 million pounds of the sead togrpuu at all all i said was that produced in canada in 11hg will be when she rubs cold cream on her exported 1 lace 11 curdles homeless r shelter medical aupsuea unrra relieis eodiop yoloattrf mmndtm aw redouble their efforts china a gooltibcfkbar aad diatomer calls pitcoualy to jvov fortunate canjuhao for help in better days she will not forget t0ffvs jtina tood neighbor coil to you canalhian aid to china afalv rjtaqu naanaaiv ta ct 1mv alti to cbiva ajul asaij ta feawbuial ht 1 or loral hrnoquairters or to any chartered oank ontario committee lleadquartera hoom 101 37 1 bu street toronto 1 treasurer f j ca uia rmsn h b burgoyne st cathannis ont v icu chairman c k howntrcc london ont cise imperial bank of canad i bjv and tcmpcrji lc streets toronto i