7933f ry savenrysecond year nor 29 acton ontario thursday january 23rd 1047 elgtw homeprint pane plvo cent purchase ol jilorinator considered best oi deal btt racatotl for w000 detmav- bot npi acted upon new baguuhof for star of local uconho bbb 1 fines col- toctaol ntomm act wartiate hoaalnc dok i highway corner acton council metln regular don on monday evening with coun- creighton and r m aylsworth pres ent and reeve p j mccutcheon presiding the oerk read correspondence re- gardtng the purchase of a ladder for the fir brigade chief d dawklna reported that the o other equip ment required by the lmga3ethbij year were article such as coats boot- glove etc price on aluminium lad der were s2997s and s30s0 these were all tubular construction ladder midboi the ti m the cterlcwi3 to aecure and make inquiry on the ladder cata- logued and asked for by the brigade ai a much lower priced the clerk wu to arrange for trans fer of the fire chief telephone to d dkwklns residence account were passed or payment a follow hughc maelean publication ltddvrtlslng if 12m municipal world ltd ub- schptlons etc h w skllllng re painting at arejta w colclrk and bailiff fee acton i public utllltle com mission varloua service pell telephone co service j j stewart work at arena mwfm mocrn-upplus- at arena 6 on work on sanding street 1650 car smashed as transport skids da the extent of woo wu inflicted on a ierowned by albert harris acton when it ml in collision wlthatrorztrallrownedhytuel hamilton transport co the steel- dent occurred on monday morning about eight oclock at the curve in no 7 highway at the west end of acton albert harris with mr it shroed- er of acton a a passenger was trav elling west whrfe the transport wax eastbound a the transport swung cudpi matecfiolr delight acton crowd in second concert the guelph male choir presented jast night to a targe audience- in the united church a splendid program the choir was- under the direction of mr coed and the accompanist was mr bridge rev mr fosbury intro duced the choir and welcomed the audience the choir sang a group of three numbers followed by an excellent reading by miss leslie cray the title was the man n the shadows the choirthenrendered a second group far lhreesetectiohirohalng rlrsv half of the program the second half of the program consisted also of three numbers by the choir and a second reading by mis leslie grey which was very en thusiastically received by the aud ience and very deservlngof he n halton registry office has record year in 1946 inornian raigf tjsrfihgtpn hallon warden for 1947 1846 proved to be a record year in i the registry ohice of the county of hallon in 1041 the receipts were over w000 00 and that was consid ered to be the best year in the history of the office but the receipts of last year almost doubled those of- 1941 of this amount the county is the richer by over 3oo0o0 na8sagaweya y i january meeting at mrs clare- picketts the january meeting of the ni agaweya w f was held recently at i around the curve ttetrdte7 jickntfed th c i and swung completely across the high- i gon owd by god save way blocking harris rightofway harris pulled into the snow bank but the front of his car was struck the impact righted the trailer and knock- odaowui hvm7bpald for the veu mlar ml properties thatchanged hand and i i j- ere made for the february meet- over and above the deed where the mu consideration wa less than tldom mr norrl f core which she receive the cfibirivnd deed utder the veterans land jeahh and the chair of which there were many but or the following program on which no taxl payable there i a paper wa given by mr r ell were over 1000 more document reg istered in 1046 thart in 194s the king this wu the second appearance in acton of the guelph male choir and the appreciative audience who heard tonetarrircarcrosswlae of the would doubtlessly welcome mr road fortunately none of the oc i goad mf bridge and the entire cupant were injured but the front of mr harris oar is badly wrecked choir again friends honor mrs w cole a recent bride employee of the wool combing corporation whore before her marrl smi mm wall rm fnu ua1a 800 26010 656 400 january 18 work on sanding january 20 100 432 31 a letter from c rognvaldson re- officials named at ficsl meeting of erin council no applications for position of aaaeouor necessary by- laws approved the newly elected council of erin township having signed the de the a and a social even lismbert was an employee presented tier wltha lovely comforter and bou doir tamp in honor of her recent mar riage on monday evening friends hold a miscellaneous shower in honor of mr cole at the home of mr wal lace gordon and presented many love ly and useful gffit beatrice thanked a of officetook their seat as hnbfrrotimrtvndyjpnhr tl the- municipal council of the town- culminating with a delightful lunch jololun of erin for 194t namely reeve j arthur swackhamer deputy reeve goldwln burt councillors geo d scott albert wheeler and harold l griffin by request rev mr fllndall and bld the registry office fee the ho oi mrt cur pickett mm nearly 1200000 wa coltecw by a noberiiioj vicepresident wa in tax levied on the price paid and a set x the roll call wusyanswer- out in the registered deed all of done the slckroom arrwwmentvermadrtoirr dance to be held in the near future a committee wa to secure material this money in thl cdanlyttinfor- warded to the provincial treasurer in monthly payment the tax col- u lecled last year represent about m f l th we t0 lott your child need better teach er end a paper prepared by mr w vitu ti n u imahon how good are your hosplt- mls myrtle field the registrar i a wa b pv of deed and her four assistants are to be congratulated on the completion of such a successful year junior farmers plan to participate in county activities on thursday january 16th the ac ton junior farmers held 4helr regu inaugural seoalotf of county council held on ttwday com mittee named and bylaw jaukiarnolntincnta made at irra8eamorfother itcaw of county interest osxcluslve for acton free pre and canadian champion orman0lgjaitofjbttriiitoji and member of halton county coun cil for six year wa unanimously chosen warden for 1047 at thelnaug- ural meeting of council held tueaday afternoon george cleavo reeve of esquesing wa nominated by p w chambre oakvllle but withdrew in favor of mr craig clerk william dean de clared the burlington man a warden of the county hi honor judgo w n munrf administered the oath of offlco and congratulated him a being oaofhe youngest hal ton men to ett a snow contest was conduotedjmlajn the hlght honomn jbf court by mr norruh and wa won bymrrfj2gsnvw j- twlslt to than you all or en b freeman after the singing of the national anthem lunch was served by the hostess and her helper and a social time enjoyed by all age mr waller cole nee beatrice jar meeting in lome school the flrat part of the ovenlng wa spent in playing progressive euchre the prlzu winners were high mr r l dav idson and bob m and row mr r l davidson anddoroen tergusont during the short business meeting plans were made to take part in thecounty activities the coming win ter the first being a skating carnival in milton on january 30th acton juniors close margin on oakville team last night cloner follow of play by locals would beat the lakeahons acton junior were in an improved lunch torm last night when they played brought the evening to a close quested consideration when sewer r mr patterson opened the initial were installed and provlslpn far session of the year with an appro- drainage on north main street i priate scriptural lesson and prayer i a tetter from mrs allan smith d were tendered a hearty vote of said she wa holding the town liable thanks for their kindness in attend- for injuries sustained when she fell on the ice on lake ave the matter bylaws were introduced and given w referred to the insurance com- he necetryreadlng providing for pany irwairpouited out that the the remuneration of members of the notice wa received too late for oon- council and official no 1 appolnt- slderatlpn ment of officials no 2 appointment tae clerk reported there were nine o member of the local board of s health no 3 and a bylaw for the purpose of borrowing money from four in hospital saturday alter two car collision pran who wer in artwanr for doc taxes dlvltlon court proceodlnc were to be taken for collection of this 1946 tax the tveaiurcr eve a llat of thoso who hart been notlfledregardlnjr ar- rgwojtaxw and chief harrop nave rents had been attached a letter wu read from the liquor control board setting forth the regu lation for enforcement of the act if the town was to receive a portion of tlnnmtmpohrtorenforcementof the act it was necessary to pass a by law if such bylaw was not passed all fines were returned to the uquor control bcrl additional informal lmlwjtito be secured befor a dec- the royal bank to meet the current expenditures of the township for the ear 1m7 no 4 the follow inc are the officials and the salaries clerk geo bryan sap allaof islon was made and the bylaw pass w a letter from the ontario depart ment of planning and development cave not lor of a conference to h jjeld in toronto reaardlng community planning the clerk read letters and bldi for sflooo debenture ismue the issue would be read about april 15th the national seuer pipe co in s375 00 assessor j300 00 no applica tions reoewed collector a l lind say 27rn0thedcal health officer dr b c prior 25000 relief offic er it g mccutcheon 7s 00 selectors of juror to receive- 1300- member of council 4 00 per day while in ses sion and 10c per mlto one way rent cars driven by it o hub acton imf james wallace guelpjt mot almoat head oh t cars aibuki coupleiely wredoed hitchhiker in wallace car is most seriously injured following an almost hfcadon collis ion on saturday afternoon on the highway three quarters of a mllo west of acton four persons were taken to hospital 4n guelph and three other inv tken periods of breath catching hockey showing the result of experience plus a few practice sessions the locals managed to ring up n trio of goattt cutcheon escaped with a bad shaking u miraculously escaped serious injury the 1940 mercury car driven by james wallace 9 mitchell st guelph is a total wreck and the hudson dri- vcnhyrouand0 hube acton has estimated damage of 400 the accident happened on a raise attendance officer to be appointed the amount of money to be bor rowed from the royal bank was set at s30000 00 at a rate of 4 per cent per annum resolutions were moved and sec onded and passed as follows for renewing the treasurers bond for j1500000 with the canada surety letter stated they could supply con- co premium 60 00 inturjng the crete pipe and fittings a letter from war assett corpor ation inquired if acton stilt required hnwiimli ftjf t ymr4i inquiry wt1 j caterpillar tractor for fire and theft rcv 2000 property damag 10- 000 and 20 000 public liability insurw anre premium sv1s0 with the pilot insurance co for joining the good roads assoc i tlon and also the ontario municipal asaocutton membership fees of 1500 been mad soma time ago a letter from the good roads as sociation requested the fr and n delegate named the letterwas filed a letter was read from the red each croaa society regarding an outpmt authorising- the clerk to get in the letter vw addressed to t touch with the provincial police re- or w cc kenn who a for larding the inspect and licensing i of mumuttlyhatls tn the towiuhlp information oorrapondnc uas read from dr kenney regarding the registration ol a pruning home tn acton the matter will be dealt with by the board of health the british sailors society askd permission to hold a tag day a resolution was passed whereby ratvw mecutchon and treasurer turner were authorised to negotiate waanrlaatters with the wa a letter from the municipal world clarified the proctfadlng for filing cert i neat for an election of a deputy reeve th wartime housing proc was informally discussed by- council and clause of th agrmnt wr xara tnad th cwrk was uistmd to ftkask biqulry regahtlns undavsjv abw for th tousm surpt chaa wttwit ol th public uuuttaa comrrtlmalori presented k let- oonllnued est pag mght instructing the clerk to advrtla for applications for the position of aueaeor accounts amounting the allowing agureawere passed general accounts su281 relief accounts w7s5 road accounts hltta white the lokoshore lads counted on ty a quintuplet of times in notching five markers the staf ford entry were me amis of dame fortune and the triple aaclub were an active oppoltlpn they wuz robbed could be appropriately said pelvis and cracked shoulder here meaning their chances of fur- blade therlng the throe were galore only r o hube head mechanic at the nmln1y invisible gremlin caught acton machine shops was going to p th wavorlng sticks every guelph in the car with him were chance on an open net and believe uk foster dopi mrs ida ritchie and mr and mrs me lhcn wo plenty of these herman winters and their five year oakville club were again res old daughter ervlng most of the space in the pen- mr hube agedorsustolned five box and tlva of thalr numbfn broken ribs and the socket of his jycd a brief stay in spite of a tro- rijtht hip was cracked mrs ritchie mendous amount of chin wagelng in trusting ma a warden of the county i will endeavor to carry on the duties of the office as have wardens lnth pastrl will attetopt to attend ji meet- ings and wh appreciate hearty coop eration of the council during th coming yean declared warden craig welcoming the older members nloftg with those who were sitting for the first time six new member appear on the 1047 council including j armstrong who represents georgetown as deputy reeve this is the first year that municipality has been represented tn that capacity along with the new deputy reeve is reeve a maclaren georgetown other newl members are from esques de george currle milton ltev j wt hlgglns oakvllle deputy reeve p w chambres aeton f j mc- of room for regular meetings of the no 7 hway just west of council 1500 auditors for 1047 to ho acton james wallace was coming appointed at a later date member of from guelph at rockwood he tloard oineallh7trrjrteeori solicitor ralph bone guelph school terra cotta to give him a lift to investigated the accident broken georgetown mckenxle was the parts of the cars involved were strewn moit seriously hurt suffering a bro- along the highway for fifty feet suffered a broken right ankle herm an winters sustained lacerations on the head and face and mrs winters and their daughter escaped serious injury- tep7hy they were taken by ambulance after receiving medical attenuon are that all patients are progressing satisfact orily the wallace car went over in the north ditch of the highway and rolled over mr hubca car remained on the pavement on jhe opposite side in which it had been travelling provincial constable ray mason innrtrnnrmhto ctmll nf aotntrj result of car collision saturday d dawklns made chibrsrxcron kibe jbugajob at th annuaf meeting of acton fire brigade douglas dawklna was mad fir chif succeeding win ros- xell and orvlll brown was mad assistant chief two members of th brigade whe had served many ynl fathfun and ewcuntly rtird from th brigad thy wm fornurr chlf fed- fiamhto and archt curri new members appointed to th vacancies wr ob foitltt and kk atackas acton which they conjured means of sway ing the decisions of referee herb woods they could have been even prostrated in the sin bin last eve fay not one solitary actonlan was in a p mood perhaps it was the managements ideal t r1 speaking of managers they were probably pleased with the showing of townsleyon the left board prowl he counted two of the acton tallies and checked untiringly to spark the locals tlrive in the las period the first stanza was a back checking af fair and largely due to the efforts of davison of the lakeshore that staf ford notched two goal only onetally was chalked to oak- vllles credit in the second canto and lawrence receiving a long forward pass was the personage who lodged the fast one in the upper corner both goalies- avert called on several times in this period but robsort was in the limelight more often muffling pucks and beating off attackers to again rate a star selection as per usual the locals were burst- al jul energy in the flna twenty j jtjyee to park three puck in the osville ft xlfx goal townsley with two and one on three former wardons c v hlll- mer oakvllle dr c m healopt mil ton and john blair burlington were present as visitors they each wished the new warden success during the year as is customary reeves of the dif ferent municipalities constitute a committee to alrlke the different committees before the committee re tired warden grate sugjssted that e puty reeve repreaant nelson in puce of mr mary pettlt who wa not present following an adjournment the fol lowing committee ware selected finance w 3 hall a e whluk- er g e cleave a msclsren 3 w hlgglns education w h blggsr mr mary petit j armstrong j w hlg glns c e cleave school health mr pettlt lloyd 3 f mccutcheon prlntng a maclaren p w chambres f j mccutcheon george cuiricl county building- w hlgglns e c foster e w smith p w chambres w h blggar hospiul accountsyx e whiuker w s hall w h nigr george currle reforest ration and agriculture lloyd crawford george currle e c foster a maclaren w 9 hall special communications f 3 mc cutcheon j armstrong e w smith p w chambre county road george cleave a e whltalrr mrs petut w ii blg- gar lloyd crawford the first named i chairman et each committee solo also assisted in the twine turang l i 1 mxur rence and smith were the oakvlli marksmen in thl frame so with lady luck casting a grin or two in the direction of acton may be we can yet knock thl league lead er from it pedes we can easily picture a reversal in the score after ait nights game acton line up goal robeon mo- phall duval defense masters centre townsley lw artlcbw al ternate stewart kentaer dunn paplllon maaalea semervllle top photo shows the wallaoe ear of cqelpa after the impact on saturday near acton when four persona were sent to a 190 model it u described a a total wreck lower uletur show the hube car after th unpad with damage estimated 4 i40o parts of wreckage were strewn so feet along highway west of n c lindsay addresses junior faatmeb bally the annual ralrjr junior farar hehaet on friday evesusut al laat e m c lindsay supervisor f rural dur education waa th ajlisaf nskr mr lindsay la a baaat tatereetus ailitril reviewed th adrvlcasl ensdlaam la rur al group utroaajs th kstaii adsdt educsrjoa board aos ailchm presdawt of us itahast jasuor was in chara at us weaahisra jsauaa which wilrhadd wish a short to music proetdad by th mutoa har mony six georgetown high school board for continued on pagv five coming event anboubut of ufltiss fn cm or oikr ewvatt ss4r ihi htf r ckvsd ralt p4t t 1 linrf th i la usouhmsi l jbc valentin tea sal of baking and apron booth saturday february 15 parish hall at 3 oclock m3143 old tyme- and modern dane town hall arias friday jaauary lath gib jardaaaad hi orchestra ijteky door prtau ts and e admkeaaa 96c s3 old tyme and madsira daise at town hall acton friday rahsa 14th danousg to l ob juaati dane prbtaa idailiilm adc carahsal anneisnssd tar saaea ma vh sutl wtll be hm hs sflataa arest fsln aaiy sth vjnafiaat or skatusg by 7 toeoat ut