a f thursday january 30th 1mt the acton free press paqcjnv mrawthoe e ryan of hllblng minn la visiting wth mr and mr wnj cowdy mr c m harriaony of torohto waa in town tuesday and stayed to ae th tanners perform y sgt and mrs 3parlrydr and baby judith ann spent tho weekend with miss e hawthorne mrs hcrf hoare lie in ft joseph hospital guolph and many friend wish far her a speedy recovery l sst- ivah g chalmers of lou don visited at the home of hlrf sister mrs a w foabury during the week end mr and mrs amos mason left on monday morning by motor for a two months holiday at su petersburg florid miss helen main guelph mr yoront5 slty spent the weekend at their home here mr and mrs john stowart are patients in st josephs hospital in guolph and friends wish for them a prompt recovery friends regret to learn that mr wallace frank um is a patient in the general hospital toronto and will wish him a comnlctc recovery stttttb qhntrrb of banana acts ontario the frfendly church rjcv a waitbr t08buuv bju b-d- mamar rarsonag bower avenu ivnvky mnaujany 2nd imt 100 ammornlnjt worship serm on subject called christians 32 is prrtchuroh school 700 pjti district y p v rally quest preacher rev o r flln- dall da of balllnafed wed d piri midweek prayer and study group the klnedom of god u within you everybody welcome r 9rssbgtrrum cubtirrb la cjanaba knox ohdroil aoiom sunpav rrnnitany nd iimt mr v b rumley and mrs e w masters left malton airport sunday evening for now york they will vratwltirrejtlvc tnere for a couple of week messrs atnn collett prcsldttit murray smith and henry arblc rep resented local 2d of th6 national shoe and leather workers union at a meeting of thkatlonal executlva council held irkltchener over tho weekend reeve and mrs f j mccutcheon spent the weekend in toronto they were guests nt tho browndearlng wedding in st clair avenue united church on january th una attend etf the reception afterward at dal- frew manor i engagements j m n x mr and mrs edunrd l greer burlington announce the engagement of their daughter gwenylh patricia to hugh fenson fraser son of mr und mrs h i g fraser tillionburg the marriago will tako place on feb ruary 22 at 4 o clock in st michael nnd all angels anglican church to- onto student from knox college at both services r 3 60 put- sunday school and junior bible class they that wait upon the lord shall renew tholr strength bhttrrb af 0t albattth burtnr sunday february 2nd 1047 soptuagoktlma sunday 1100ajnilolyeucharlatniulsr mon beginners class 12 05 pm church school too pri t evens and sermon saaptiat fllnikb aoton rev w ix wallace raster sunday february 2nd 1 11 00 ain m worship p m unassstschoal branch 197 news herps a remlndor oosnrados to tote out that little date calendar and redcircle tho important date of feb ruary 4th your executive havu spent a lot or time and thought in order to make successful arrangements for the annual meeting and banquet scheduled dor tho fourth night in february besides affording an op portunity for enjoying oursolves it will btf an ideal time to advance sug gestions and get our plans in working order for 1447 the larger the at tendance at any meeting the larger the majority represented when da- clslona are made thats the way all legionnaires would have things and the surest mennn of wnlhlng an-alm-la-10-gt- out and support it first vocally and then back up words byflflon lots have such a hearty showing of members on feb 4th 8 30 pm that the old legion hell will chortle from rafter to rafter tand the occasion remember annual meeting and ban- queror acton legion dont let him get you down leader speaks hon john bracken leader of the progressive consor- vaffvo party who will make an im- itorlnnt radio broadcast over cj3 c english network on wednesday fejp ruary sth nt r 30 p nt coming aat does at tho opening of anothor session of parliament this address will have special significance to all canadians tn n town where everyone knows 7etyl5batthtmrirlwayaaimookor ready to paint a most sordid picture underwriters association based uf p hu um niuo precauttonsftnr hotel guests in case of fire hotel guesti can adopt simple pre- ciutlons which will lncroacc chances of survival in enfle of fires similar to hoo which took q disastrous toll of human life in allantagoj chicago dubuqupt iownmrtdsb8kntodrrwlth in tlie last few months according to a fitatoment issued by tho canadian 700 pjn eve5lnjjw0jshlnj a wolcome to all bbbbbbbmbbbbbbbmbsl foot ailments s treated miss allan reg- odimpodlst treats foot ailments for botit g indies and gentlemen h open mail thurs aad 8i m evilnts till 0 oeleek all by m appointment phone 1s0j 27 arthur st jj guelph y s i h ii mum hal hi need more butter tottfatntain ration production of crenmery huucr in 1016 totalled 70 million pounds a decrease of 8 r rent from 1043 while dnlr butler production was estimated nt 55 million pounds this production of 125 million pounds was no mf maintain a gounce ration in 1946 nnd may not provide i sufficient stocks to meet a g ounce rntlnn in thft tttt a mnf dairy butter production has become relatively stab hi zed at approximately 55 million pounds which means that creamery butter production would have to total 205 million pounds in 1947 if the 6 ounce ration is to be maintained rrom domestic production on the basis of r pr capita cofl sumption of 32 pounds per annum 104042 average it has been esti mated that the butter requtretments in canada would total 315 million pounds of crenmerj and 55 million pounds of dali j butter or opproxl- mately 80 million pounds higher than 1046 production each pound change in the per enptta rate represents approtmate 12h million pounds of butter ptr annum a producers subildj or 10 cm nts per pound or butterfat uied in the manu facture of creamery butter is paable under the present ordi r in council until april 10th 1017 ilcnh pack news i wide selection big stock hooks a splendid range of all the most recent b office suppues pens pencils memo pads ninnlr hilled forms and msny of the most used supplies wallpaper one of the finest showings and largest stock o any store in westtrn ontario you 11 get klrtf rhnlcflfmm our b itnclt stationery ami innumerable items gift curds etc youll find it at chapples bookstore 125 wyndbam su guelali angus kennedy proprietor dont lei him get yoti down lte11 tell you community support is lacking here and there and it seems to be his business to knock local bus iness the churches are losing support the newspaper is something or other th council is fjttfwrflnff iaa t money or too little isnt he a wonderful specimen of manhood to have around when you mlrht be needing a little encourage- rptimw a if this knocker could really auffer a little jm6 the others viewpoint a little and not always say what iie thinks to the other follow there might be still some good left in him to help the town but it is question able if he will change he is the type of fellow who is rip for communism or any other ism fo t kwdifrhl a community progress he walks on the street of destruction whnt n wonderful purpote to have in life to destroy and never to build neer to pat your fellow man on tho bock never to praise always ready to condemn remember friend when he starts on you dont let him got yu down be a booster in your own home town fire prevention association when entering a hotel clients can appraise some of tho major ffr haz ards for themselves and make plans accordingly in order to increase tholr chances of safety in case of a fire open stairways leading trom the l and open elevator shaft actj tniclrwft e a fli tu more rapidly therefore these should be regarded as danger slgnnlfl an outslnc room not too high nhnve the street nnd within reach nf auction ale or rntnrriite the underslrned hne rodhed in structions from mnfl wiari hhifld9 to sell hy public auction nt her rcvdcnce kilbride on saturday february bth akela rtgreu tht cancellation af mondm rmular meeting but it was juht on i of tho time uhen vour leaders were pressed with th necessity of being in tuq places at once and even n movglls jungle that just un t possible if- the weather holds good until sat urday there will be a 3 mile hike from the usual hike rendevoux bag- beeras lair get out your stoutest uinttr hides pack and bring a few coins to bu a hot dogjajul ehorolate milk or coffee after returning to civilization again itwould be mor exdtlng to plan for out dor campflres and cook our food but january wea ther is much too uncertain ecpectmrpy wfti hredlcted three or four day ahead meeting time 2 00 pm place bagheeras lsir if saturday ahouu b too cold or rainy akela will in form as many cubs as poaalbla about changes in preaent arrangement watch the bulletin board outsld the port office- until saturday then paekc4od slunuag c3 gregory theatre tkura frt jan 30 and 31 mude wore boots domestic comedy with barb- ura stonu yck kobert cum- mings cartoon shep shape chapter 11 tecret agent x- ktliuay iebruahy 1 matinee at 3 till the end of time doroth mcgulre 7uy madison cartoon bathing buddie fox neus monway febjfttatty 3 whittle stop george raft ava gardner andy clyde maady vou can t fool a fool cartoon pecuma foot- bair popular sdanc at one vclock the toiiowing 6 walnut dicing boom chairs 6 common dining boom chnirs buf fet book case and smoking table waif mirrors kitchen cabinet kitchen steps and stool 3 parlor tables odd uockinc chairs drop lenf toblor- sttoo v 2 tlnnr lnmpa aladdin ijimp 8dny clock wood jienterquebm cook stove with warming closet npdreaeralr faargc circulnr heater oak bed single bed 1 drtsstrs 3 set of mattresses and sprlnk bedding number of feather plllous floor mat conl oil stove nnd oven toilet sots law cupboards electric washer iooomotlvir flertrlc itefrlgerator 1 iloslsi fhytrlc hot plate fkctrlc i sttm r sinker serving machine droptu nd 2 flictrlc irons clothes baskets clothtb horse folding iron ink b i a swin i c hnh s htlharrovvs ijiwn mower butt r biwuod i idle storm door i urtain trt tt in rs flat irons quilt i in 1- r mi s launrtn tubs flour j l bests work i able flower bnskits rxtpnsion inxltux nrden cultivn tor gnrdtn toj hand saws pipe wreiu in s plunes clse quantity nf j shingle nails i square cedar shln- its sth js ton ste conl jilshti glniisart pknurej cooklngj luenslls nnd nuim rtiiis other smnll fire department ladders is preferable to rtn inside roonxjo a closed court whoteiherc s no way for firemen to enter after registering guests should assure themselves of the location of fire stairs or fire escapes nhd mako certain that no locked doors or barred windows block their escape some hotels are equipped -wlth- flro doors but if gucstsflnd tlicm blocked open with wooden weagc they should report this condition to the hotel clerk or manager as panic often sprends through in ability to unrn guests they should inquire what fire alarm system the hotel operate and what plan is in ef fect for notifying guesfs in case of fire if ojclts appear urtfinfe guests can work out their own plrin for es- capo through windows or by means of rope mnde of bed sheets which should be tied securely mnny lives are ipst because in case of fire individuals try to escnpe by the door if both door and transom to the co are kept closed thes provide some protect lol nnd delfiy the entry or a fire into individual rooms an ordlnnry wooden door and trans- nm tlehftv rinsed en ll for some tlvne before it burns through in the event a guest is trapped in n room tho safest plan is to open the window keep door nnd transom closed nnd aw nit instructions from the fire who can save m lw with ladders and nets if guests follow these iuggestlqnjtl rnrr ifkms cam i mltltmmt with i u rk dn of sh ro reserve as the 1 pmprittresi has sold h r home himifa nnd 11 ioit auctioneers r headhead clerk t02b dont do this tone lute lenses absorb harmful rays and glare because thryredltly tinted they blend with the compleitoo ami arthe same tune keep annoyinf and harmful glare from your eya- av ua about tone late lenaca cecil a carr hag 0tkl 8 daugua hl tel 1u1 guriplt oal v more salmon this year promised to housewives housewives who hae been scratch ing through grocery store shelves n s arch of scarce canned salmon for sirnl ears wifl welcome good news rfronrthe ftsh d n nnuneed on saturday last the word was that more tinned salmon would go on the domestic market from this jcars pack than in an rtcent enr the allocation for the canadian housi holders will be 500 000 cos s agnlnst too 000 last year nnd much lev than that in several earlier eays earance a special rack of dresses t rd off and more a lovely group of fine dresses in wools crepes and jerseys j good range of sizes 1 styles ia11e wi cqats de1ng sold a ihg re ductions here la your chance to save eisens clothing store r yomcan aortl o buy a new cheslerffeld if you have an old one your present suite can be re- upholstcred to compare favor ably with new ones dick the upholsterer phone 8 one weeks delivery fbhmuhhhhhhhuhhwhhhhbmmmhifhuiislhlsnuhil old tyme and modern mj ssttlti mzx town hall acton sat feb 1st gib jorda and hih orcheytra spot dance prize admission 0c tht 000 ens share of the pack ixprts stlmhtid is not greatly 1m low normal canadian require m nts i he tnlargcment in the canadian allocation has iwen hrought about di spite a 400 000 case drop in drltlsh columhla a pack t his ear while tanning opt rations for the ear havo not ltn completed the department ias it is a safe bet the pack ulll not lie much more than 1100000 cases as aualnst slightly more than 1700- 000 inst ear as the western catch dwindled it tns feared for a ttw that canada oun consumption of the fish would hae to be mashed further but the situation wns met h reducing ship ments toothereountries the hlg drop in brltlih columbia output was caused by the mysterloui diminution in tht numbers of pinks one of the five arktles taken on the pacific coast tfwe actiks standard time to toronto a to london airplan hoiitfs the plane u nearing thi new vnrk lnort shall t i brush you off sir passcntler no juljlks msilf alien ea on the around 1 afl31 am 116 pm b716ajn ssim 916 am 9 06pm 1151 am bllu p m 206 pjn to kltrhrnrr nnl rklril hun sjul llol 10 ix am 133 pju vhn j m bs38 pju 2 to p m a93 pjn 1 1 pm xll8 pja tp sumuord saly li sun and llol only bus connections at toronto iob nortiuia- montreal ottawa at london for detroit chicago los wteles fares are low round trip tan included toronto 280 chicago 1910 th6nlesuit55 l nsele ss95 detroit 1095 v surth hay s1ic5 ticheja a inforwatjoirtrr larold wiles phontsi