Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 8, 1947, p. 6

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tace six the acton free press kriis messrs dicktort hurl tnxtlli mnnufactuum of ioronto hnvt h au d the brick bulldlnguhe-propjlyoi-ji- a gear arid will hidull mnchlneij and get into production juul hw quick ly a itvan iw lunngtd rhty will employ a numberrtf nu n nnd worm n and have contractu to keep their prsent machlneu nt full capacity for two years you will lie henilng rnoro about this in due course in the early houm rf monday morning the ro oh the fitrm tw tup- it d by cnve rinnty on tho fifth lint frln at cedar vhiic including mw hem ri qunntt of food nnd conl whs destroyed hv flr of unknown oilgln for fl time adjoining building woie threatened but the wind changed nnd tnp were out of danger the hun hurg brigade took chemical flie fighting apparatus to the scene but arrived too late to snve tin building advocate recollections 70mtct0n milton burlington a program of exceptional tnlonl won provided hv the student b of burlington high school home nnd school association on tuordav even ig thi three winners of the clnik book ttevlewi orlmiri o th senior wctlon nnd the uh4op iwaoi rouan fnoke both young nnd old gathered in grent numbers to hear the vnung man svl apps who hns hnd the greatest influence tr good on his team mates nnd on those who love hu cleajonntr rhttn mrr nrhr miin to nlftv on the mnple tnf hock team apeak nt lrmitv sunrjav night -jcr- monday evening was the occasion of the annunl ijirilos night of thi lions club vi hen the members intci tnlned thelt wives to dinner nnd n evening of ent rtninment i he gnth ering proed n most enjtvnhlt one nnd nt the outsit n lunitv welcome was extended to the- ladies h presid ent frank virtut who presided nittt georgetown back in 1897 i roiu the imtli of ih i ree ipreui of thursday ma 8th m1 council mi t in regulnr nension on monday members nil present mm ed h w m brow h seconded i w h hi nnov tllnt the offer of llirvev vnnnoiman co loionto i ii 2 pairs i ubber boots for tin hicmon nt 2 1 per pair be accepted nso thnt o ultn percba itubber co f ii 17 rubhet coats nt 2 7s 1 he committee on stree ts nnd walk hi ought in their repoit saying i hey hnd made a careful survey of improvements ind repair necessary foi the curient year and requesting nn nppioprlntlon of 1 000 messrs lalng bros of thin plnce ire now engnged in holding public entertnlnmenth in new york state with the projeetoflcope nnd mngnl- jihonc the pmjectoscope is rtn apparatus hyswlelwuuor moropirtnrgaon nn canadian trend in nupply and do- snand wan tne uubjoot of the addrtsit diliv ltd by b meklnnon at lh ingular meeting oflltokflkon carindt ian club on wednesday ovenlng of laitt week mr meklnnon who wua inlroductd by di w mccuttheon it research edltoi for the mclean hun- tt r publications for over uilily two years mr ins i bell has been the efficient nnd nb- llglhg cnr agent here nnd last week he wnmtrajiafertrctto collin jemooci ijist friday nflernnon a deputation fiom milton headed by mayor cordon rowland werfi in toronto nnd inter viewed the deputy minister of highways urging thnt steps he tnken to put n pormnnent mud surface on no 25 highway from milton in acton cnnndlan chnmplon ondli ss film are cnused to pnss through n series of i oilers behind a lens which is hrtlllnntly lllumlnnted from the rear bv n calcium light the pi ojectoscope is edison s latest improvement on the kenotojtcopi nnd has been on tho ti niaiktf only three months it i- xjso in tn hnjriench rns cnn idlcahh lh ttlms ns well ns ap- ross pitth nnd link mi i i nd nf i nglehni t ft u how student l ft fridnv fr n time vcek txip to bi r muda oftli limplnlnt th ir yuir s studies at ajnv i ht trip is undei the nnvnl trai int ilnn ui the unixers jtv iinrcssp prosptits nn hnght nt norvnl for nn inttrmtditite o i a en tr ns n comblni with brnmptgn if this fnlls norvnl will enti r n buh league tqim ns inst war otti r g with conches will he luventrf under 1r lim hit n midgi t undtr l clark i jons bnntnm under 11 nnd pe wn lundei 12 bev i 1 sdf all ngt groups an as of innimrj 1 19 p the meeting for british flood b in f w hi di wn ntt by some it k pit nt ntatlvt indies nnd mon p1- fctcd ji slnte of dffictyrs to jienr the lot nl orgnnizntion members nre chairman i ainott fnrlv vicocluilrmnn b h ireland i reinsure r hnrold biculo si cretnrv mis v f uint i nd b pust ntntiv mrs ann 1 iw son packing ii j new man cnnvnus ale mac inrt p mrs iiwson will b in chnrgi of iwndinittng the work am mg all inc jil ladies orngn tuitions tit camn- ii hp j ill during the first two patduiulixerc purchased nf tjtlonjbi his inbomtory the brick woik on grindell s mn him shops is npldlv advancing the indow nnd dooi frames have nil been t st f the nw eloctxlc fire nlnrm tong will lie mnde prohnblj to diy oi a morrow fi m the national recorder pf wnshlngton dc we notice thnt mr mm iv i nnc iof tohnatawn ny has invinted n n w ind improved glove sime vr good catches of trout win mnde in henderson s pond on mondiv diiuty postmnstcr mnt- ilicws 1 ncn in the number and size of his itch messrs i b orr nntl slatk nisi did well nous moorf at wright ave toronto n thliisdiiv 0th april to mr nnd mis s h mnoi e n dnughtei nikn vuii1i t hi residi nee in milton nn monday v iv ird tohn white i mp ftg ri hfi enis somctjscfwl hints for shearing sheep with the wool harvest at hand a few hints on how to remove the clip may be helpful some rheep raisers ate inclined to view the wool returns from the flock ns of little consequonco hardly worth its removnl from the sheep cahfrdontmmad4 1040ftpptojanv ntey 90 million pounds of grease or fleece wool worth about 23 million dollars canada s nnnunl production of grease nnd pulled wools approx imate 18 million poundw lerrvlng 72 million pounds to he imported from other sheep growing countries of the w nrd cnnndn hns n market nf p world value for the wool of 1jr57i12 cliaapnr prftcftr tfff mi 4fi ba01nt927 i roni the iwur of the tree pttm of tliiirtula imty 12th 1027 in mav i nld oakville mrs a stewart brock sheet has nrld hrr- tirte residence to mr e -j- p ititr mrs tohn ginnt left last week to spi nd n ft w months in scotland visit- mi the home folks on monday evening the young piuph s guild of knox church v islt- id the young people of knox church toxgetoun nnd provided the pro- mm miuon chornl society gave an ex- iptionnllv tine progrnm in the town hall aclon on wednesday evening i he socii tv c omprises nbout fifty nu moors nnd mr c stunrt hately present sheep population as n menns of increasing yield oi pioflt from the flock rnt cne shouul be show n in the i emovnl f the wool clip ih shenilng sheep th following points should lie ohsorved provide nn extiemoly clenn plnce in which to shear shear only wlun wool is dry never when damp or wet keep the holding pen for the sheep clenn nnd free ot droppings which mnv discolor the wool be gentle in hnndllng the sheep set the sheep on its rump begin shenring on brisket then belly crutch right rtnr leg left renr leg nnd over left side of rump for hend net then brisket to jnw nnd over back of hend now clenn the left front leg then lowering the sheep on its bnck begin nt rear left hnnk nni shear to front left flnnk or length- w ise of the hody cat ry on this stroke until just over centra of the bark raise the sin ep nnd finish right side b shearing from thejplne tnfrontof neck following-down-over- the right front leg then to belly rear right leg nnd finish nt the rump the technique in simple nnd may be done with comfort to both shenrer nnd sheep trv nnd avoid second cuts mnke n smoth job it ndds value i 3 the clip thtr construt turn of thi proposed new uiikvilh nnd ijafalgaj mimorl it huspltnj planm d for this venr wns mult finlt lv post poind at thi annuil nutting of tin oakvilu iind iynfnlgol mtmorml hospital association lit id in miiminit ilullonfr rldav tainlngl it- 1 mrd if govt i nois was impowered t i invistigntt tht p ssihillties of pur i basing tht onkvllh ft mpornrv hos- t il from thi t otm club mnking n t fssu rv altt rations and opt rating t until such tkuu as a ptjoinntnt hos 1 tul tun bt built t hrlstopht r k spi t if 1 u n i unit r prof ssi tuil ti kt plav r ml well known umnli in bus b til i oac h unit nutnitk i has httn aj- imtinttd n ttunh and manat oiik siiu h intermtximte msfball learn lbs si son b tht oakvillt bliselmlk juh t tins as tu is known to sports fans lias jusi conn to t wn t i manage the oakv tilt hott 1 and his appolntnu nt innduitn at t crmrgrt the- prt sent nt ion of the coat of nrms of at ton fnglnnd took place hit acion community glee club pnld the teturn islt to milton on i ut sdnv cvtnlngand were greeted by a full bouse boua inctnt in acton on saturday mav th lu to mi nnd mrs enr ii mct nt a son dikd pilol j in i nit on vatdni sdav mnv i lltti lu i homns ptout nged 79 mhis kfnnrim at her home lot 2s toni slon r fsqueslng on sunday mav hth tj mnrv mcarthur be livid wife r thomas kennedy in hi i nth venr afcidentalxy mlstrtvs how did you brtnlc this a si mind i was accidentally dusting as nianngt i f tht iviill ttsani has been mudi imixiblt ltvrouili tht iti oh ru tun oi uthnt ilhi owntsr of tu lo- 1 pat it ni t rahani njt tt u a pu i of st johns sundjiv s h ol won the irovtntlnl award for ht r ilshv on the tittlonat tempeiancr study tourse if the ctt titing foi flist platji vkllb tim ktrkw od of balllnaftd sunday s tun 1 l ijist sunday nhe wis jirtnented with a book on princesa 1- llzabeth tiv oial ung supt rlntend eri of itmperance of st john sun- ti jhhmil darltne has also won husal and halttm count awards for ht r etvsavs rinoidstar ajlaydsmitl jeweler v atctik8 clocks jkwklxbt 7s quhc sttmt wut guelph ont vtogetvnu seriun to i k tkporli to tit itnlled kinildnm u to thr end of tt4iiubrv 1947 of teg etablf imd ir durl in canarin from i ha mg i kip had a wilur of jj5fi lv milpment iniludtml lttturt onion radlh jm n and vegetable man aedk ltm larsmit slnglr oonslifn mint ubi 1 t66 791 pounds of peat valuml at 1109 000 milton weljding flrctrtc and actlfi walduta kepnlr wo i ding at all typaa portnhle eulmant phone 348 mil j kt mtlton thrips control on rhuliohis covins i hi n ih no nion beautiful flowm uioviiihninb glndnlns ltrtir-bt- gtown in nil pattu of ttiuulh htlly pihivldlng itu pi hit ipnl htimy uut thilpu u lontrolhd hie thoioituh tienlnvent of thi uitiii- in the hpilng immi dlately liefore planting u of vital imporhtnit in niitrolllnu the wu jjperlhinli mid tmpttrlt nee over it numlier of ytmitu huvi piovtd lhjd lhimhiim huiuible lo llvij out of divors during the wlnh i and iliul only lltofte i it hoc ts that iind heou riifrled into the htoingt llnr in tht autumn hnve ih n nhh to mirvlve 1 borough titntment of hit rnrnw before plant ing erpuiu n clenn crop of bloom provided thnl the gardt n containing the pmttcttd tonus nre not invndtd dining tin mimmnr by thrlpu nmlg- lnllng from nearby lncjrttd ploui 1 here nie several appioyod mth- odh of treating gtndlnlus eormu but before any treatment is mnde it is neceshnry that the ooims hav hn t horoughly clennevl and ripened among thi older nvethods nays alan g duiitan division of fntomology dominion department of agriculture the use of corrosive sublimate ih still recommended tnrtye tots of coims mny he more enslly treated by f w eyawhle o- mrthyl bromide dlppng in lysol- n chenp nnd effective method ih nlso populnr nnd recently ddt dust have bei n used nd given excellent rt rums full directions regnrdlng the differ ent treatments will be supplied on rxjut si by hie dtvuuon of entomow rv iomlnion dopartmont olaarjcx ulture ottawa power equipment in cleaning land in the operation of powi i equip nu nt in cleonng land for firms a tractor bullriost i cnn root out a 20 inch stump in c0 si conds which would ietuire 1 to 8 hours of lnboi to ri nrnvi by hand and team mt th ods so the i ngineerlng section of the division of field husbandry do minion kxpirjmcntal farms service uemonhtrnttd when gntribprinform ition for the revision nnd expansion of the bulletin land clcniing nslderntion was given to nil up erntlons invoved in reclaiming land from the removnl of henyy timber to breaking and tillage operations tho informatlpn compiled includes details on the removal of timber pulp wood brusli shimpshind htnnogtho uso ot evplosives tcqpipment power mnchln- er nnd information on breaking drninnge nnd seeding operations a copy ofthe bulletin publication n 719 mn he ohtnlned by writing o the dominion department of agrl ulture ottawa j cm vuiat nlvouj the future for tint president in-surt- pantw eitanem ar heirgo hwmm wayrlttit meaa while jnu rant help montleniig how to give luni all the ammunition he can handle for thr hip battle ulnlr you are projecting tue career of tliat juomuin tnii or tluiigliter thrren a man who can tirlp jtu wiib thr- firht iinpctrtant htrp our north atnrntan lab n prrfit ntativr can hliowyon how to tfiwrantrr the nrcea unrv fuudu for romt rtlitcation and a good home n mntirr uhat hnpttnn to yoti such pi mm are mm pi lirgun eahilj earned out brglo mug vkith nw little on 5 a month yoiirnorth american i ifr rrjircmciilntivc iiuh a mtrp hv htrp progrum which rrumvrtt many ipicnlion marks from the future youll find that aim m ilttmiomt are more chhiiv untl winely ntutle if you are working on a longterm plan tu males the inimt of tlirnlirr ill in the fsortli amrrujii ijfe man hi advice in hat let hv a mutual com pinj with a tft yra rr ord for in i in the huilding of good citizen howard graff representative al17tprofits for policyholders- canadian national the largest railway in north america can take you everywhere in canada from the surfwashed shores of the atlantic to the evergreen pacific coast there is type of train travel for every purse and purpose berth or enclosed space coach or chair and for everyone canadian national courtesy and service get to know yovr country via cnr the comfortable dependable way to travel inatxonal the railway to everywhere in canad t n i n n iim i t il ut us mp pfdfi your trip ttckrt jfic mnj ltlk ti 0tr wm

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