a paob six the acton free pkess thursday june 10th ims news and views o lultum pwrm intnrt hpamylnjr oowa jrmlnt kim aprnylnf fairy milmi1 it kn i oh t ftlim lit rkulnt intorvitli durintf thr ummtn month tdmuld he n miiirt in thn routine of herd mnny njrwnnt spraying thp hvworw khould im ho gun nt nnro if notion in thin dlrwllon tin not nlivndy bvn tnkon it should ho continued nt rogulnr ihlorvftls of i rmn two to flv wooks dciwrniing on thp durnt- lon of the ftffpptlvpnpti of thp spmy usid aft it oxrpmuro to honvy rnln nddllionnl sprmlnr is norphwiry there arc n numlwr of romniimc- lal sprnys nvnllnhli some of those tont ft in ddt nnd other poisonous inkiedlenl while others hnve vary ing concentrations of oit mk- ed with intei u paraffin a1 a ipstill of tests nimlp nt l hi cvntrnl kxpoi imeniiil kurm hip following ptn i- now being usid on tlitii dnli inttlp mi one pound of 50 hm rent ddt iati tipprshtp powder in 2 to 5 rk of wnipi this gk s a cone enli nl- i dm of ftom ono lo tuo per pent spi n 11 h 1ms piomi sjitnfnrl j or foi i imttiilllng flics mi cattle a smilai spin hut of gipflnt j i d i cunipnliation k used hi i nnd nboul dnir mnbles topontiol tllle flips ttils sprn is miido up of ono pound of f0 ddt untii j lsprsibie georgetown i alexander m baxter principal of alton high school mum been en- gaged ag science tmchr tit ceo- rifptown jlgh for nt term mr ilaxtfsr will kupcetl mim j etude b wilson who linn resigned dup to 111 health coftlle jack rhodpm rhnaen by his teammates as the most vnl- unhle rplnyer on cloorgclowrivgnt- nrin championship intermediate a hockey twm wai presented with an oiia cup by tory crgg nt hip hockoy dlnnor in the liana i loom innt friday on saturday mny 20th thp mnr- rlno was solemnized of donna tyynn daughter of mr jamef archer of llrndford and thp into mrs archer and rcrt mnrclimenv son of mr nnd mrs walter mnrch- nipnt of ien wllllnmi da id nnd richard orirliton sons of mi and mis d p ci ich- lon ore both grnduntlng from thp school of pi nc ileal 5lpnro itnl- mrslty of toronto this pnr rlrh- atil one of thp most brilliant stu- drnts from leor uptown consist ently headed his ilnss lnpuhlie and hili school hore ha tnltpn honors each eai and uiaduntpd with 1st chw- honours in i hniileal enjiiappr- mi ileinld the sunday school lesson hlfnltav jonk is 194k tub mfsage of tvus book of kstiikil golden text who knnwolh whpmipr thou nrt not cmp to thp kingdom for nucti a tlmr ns tills rst r ir iplson tptt 0 2w 22 2 eviwvslllon 1 rslhpr hpftltat- lon nnd mordccarfl faith 4 1014 thh iwwik linn been crltlcaed lp- rnnu thp nnmn god nowhorp np- mnr in it but the prpnencp of god is iepn piprywhprc throughout thr iithor a- 1017 burlington del in one gal of mks juki ina cairolt wai nmnni the giadiiatps u ho reeeiipd the de- w it bat helot of arts nt the comorattnn held at the western university inuliin lllvivtinu irdm wfiul p ttes i honk ilerodotun in form i it hint i ever rfiipp the reign of dpiocpa king of mpden there was n inw for j hip security of the kings person thiil no oiip should ivp ndmlttcd in- j to hli presence am buslnpis musl he tiansneted wllh him through his ministers how stilrt this iniv was nppenrs in v 11 anil it npplled to the miiepn as wpii as thp otliors uslher hod good oxchw for heiltnt- ing to carry out mordprnli ehnrgp to go in unto hip king 1o mnlcp suj- plltiiliftn nnd ifnjuest in behalf of her ppopte v 8 slip wns no at ill sure of her own hold upon the icing fnr she hnd not hemi talhnl ti iwippar bpfore him for tjilrty lns moipovpr slip was fnmlllnr w itli his t rent men t of his former ijue n vnshtl eh 1 1019 mordecai had no doubt but re- l nw mi m ails 5jh thnt nil food oi drinking ves sels are covered hefoip sirnving since ddt is poisonous when swallowed in huge amounts thefiulv rare per- dellver thomo whom it lit in bin power to driver will hlnujdf suf fer by it vr god will cp it und putilhh fprooi21 1012 if knlhcr utul shirked hvr ijity ami nought her own ftecurll wie ymuldbnvi iwirt guilty of frrom itigrntltude to goil as uu jinil tlesigniml her for iiih work and provldonthtlly open ed to her the opportunity of forming it 11 eiithera decision nnd prrrpar- iihnn for hie wjrk 1517 kit her proved oqunl to the nc- cnnlon she took up tin work hint cod hnd set before het recognized hip peill but said if i polish i ppilsh if flhe hnd lost linr life slip would have fmved ii luke 0 21 the church neevls men nnd oiah1m6 jioir prom pi wfteltly brvlep nn all vom dry clniuilna put caiid in window kacu monday on piionk 103 atrron pnrds mny be secured at coopers clothing store or from driver master dry cleaners iok woods tld carol vn i eaus herusled in god nnd he hnd ii ch ibuton ttle tnimaiul tripp the national iionieln sale held in the onkville arpna on mondn nfternoon of inst week nnd the tolden iluernstn sale nt the onk ville sales atenn on wednesday evening of the same week both at tended cnpncilv iovdi an animal conslnnei h j j k mc- cague of allkton toppl he hol- utein mile bringing s0t a two year old daughtei of sovprelgn cnyisigned by ahmmi stngg of onk ville brought 2650 while n para gon dnughlpr hipd by k j mea gher of onkville hrought 1500 at the golden guernsey sale n heifer eonalgned by w s brooks of parts brought the top price of 1450 the top hallon holler bred and consigned by m t mcnabb ajtd sons of georgotwon brought 735 other halton guernsey fcroodora making consignments to this sale were- wm g booth of muton and valley crest farms ltd oakville n r shortharn wlute adreasm a twilight barn meeting was tield recently at the farm home of j e peiren well known and pro minent shorthorn breeder of ac ton a goodly number of short- riorn breeders of halton and well- lngton counties were in attendance in addition to members of the ac ton boys and girls coif club and the members of ther baby beef section of the halton calf club h r white secretary of the shorthorn asn of canada nnd prof a d run ions of the detpnrt ment of animal husbandry guelph were the chief speak two excellent classes of shorthoi w ere selected from the pearen herd the programme also inclu- ded demonstrntlons on cuiling and j showmanship by t c amos of i moffat and agricultuml repres entative j e whltelock a delic ious lunch setved by the pearen fnmtl brought to n conclusion one of the mast succtssful farm mtet- irigs hold in acton district in wme yen rs welns dnughtpr of mr nnd mrs v wiubs 1 dclimnio avenue on thursdn lnt had a birthdav crt nil her own singed by the nufjofi nt loionto general hospital where the child is being kept for obser vation following the critical oper ation performed b dr llordon mtu i ay on may 7th mr and mis thonias m isse cetebralexl their golden uptldlng anniversary w it h n family dinner al their home is smith avenue on saturday last seventeen members of the family which included grand children were present the girls in grndes seven nnd eight of the east burlington scihio singed their own fnshion show last thursday from 3 30 to 4 30 the idea started in their home econo mic class and from there wns car ried on hy the enthusiasm of the qlru with the help of their par ents mrs serena a sewing teach er nnd their home economics in structed miss v buttenham the girls made their own outfits to prove that you can dress reason- ahl well on a limited budget gazeuo a dover to calais tunrl would take nine years to build and cost an amount equal to half a days warfare on the 103945 scale 0ldat405060r man youre hah tut m4 tomim wfl s i l kit traw uwh mhjw delated expenses is not profit by jonefth ijster ruumjtr mudi of the profit that klltijj ciana and labor lenders and vurious l pressure groups are usng ns a peg on which to hang their leftist arff- t uments arc mythical profits how- t evvr they mn appox on n bnlnnce jiet offseting them in greater or less proportion is an item of delaed rvpense hiat is not shown mr w a mather new ly np- lnted rtsident of the canadian j pacific railway made that fairly t clear when he mated thnt it would jf ost sti million to replace the f iompanys rolling stock that had civst originally 415 million a rallritad without roiling stock is hardly n railroad therefore to maintain only its present services there is an item of 385 million to be found someu here vhere else pan it be found but from the pro fits provided by the current rolling stock rewervea to proare for this emergency are a legitimate deduction from profits as must be admitted by any reasonable man or woman it would be better to write it into the records than de clare profltsthat would be profits only if the operation ceased tomor row 6wfwese r united slates dollars al lowed for pleasure travel are limited to 1 50 per person for the 1 2 months between nov 15 1947 and nov 15 1948 a form h permit ob tainable at any bank is required by anyone taking out of canada more than 1 0 us or more than a total of 25 in canadian and united states funds special allowances of united states funds for strict ly business travel may be secured but applications must be accompanied by certificates from employers applications for us funds for travel for health or educational reasons must be made on special forms obtainable at banks this caution is gjvan for m guidance of thm pubitc and to hsip avoid poxtibj mborraxsascnf at bandar points roftoctt oetunfie cohtbol mum rant is own sure word for it thnt the jews should never jie destrnvpd ns tinman proiwvsed niim 32 lfi 27 311 jrr 30 11 33 2ilt 4 2h amos 0 h 0 no enchantments agiunsl israel could succeed num 3- 2221 and we mny have n sim ilar confinvnop regarding hip church lodny for whatevpr ol- stncles nnd fjmrils mnv arise in the way uip gates of hetl will not pre vail against it matt ifi h eilli- er might llnnk herself secure im- cailse she was in thp kings hous hut hip vengeance of god can find the one who fnlls to do his duty in the kings house as wellru every where- eke nnd when he seeks to save his life by neglect of duty be will lose it mntt ifi 24 25 jno 12 25 the one who faints in the day of ndversily nnd danger forbenrs to dont do this tonr lite lenci ndorb harmful rnyi nnd alar becur t hey orcdf llcat ely tinted tbey blend with the complexion md at the tame time keep annoying nnd harmful ylarr from your eyei aat ns nlmjtit tonelite lcnaci cecil a carr hva optical 8 douglas st tel 1001 guelph ont women who do not count their liv en dear so hint they may rlnuh hip work that god gives them to do fae 20 21 21 11 phil 2 30 km her wan wise in well as cour ageous she made uioiynigji pre paration for the work in hand first of nil wns the humiliation of self nnd pevmlc in- fore god and wallliir upon him in prayer there in no mention of prayer but it is implied in the fueling for among jews fnming wns tuilo prayer the ancient way of seeking giids favor was bv fasting 2 rhron 20 3isa 221 12 joel 1 14 l 2 1217 jno-3- t 0 there in power in such n recognition of ones un worthiness in gods ulght ns leads one to humllhile ones self before illm by fasting and praying jas 4 r10 and there is power in thai detei mlnatlnn to seek gods face in prayer and not to let illm go until hie answer comew that leads one to turn iiik hack even upon his necessary food that in mav give himself up to one thing waiting uflmin god pan 0 3 4 esther demnnded hip roopfuitlon of all tin jews in tbla humiliation of self befnie od 111 eslabllshlng a feast of grn- iii tide i 2022 2fi27 i lav in g seen i he keh vet nri p of hie loid mordhkwrllei to his n howlews in exlli hie l peord of lulls linn vmihi piovldenie this was a onfin mathiii of fouls prom ise that llieie would nlwiiys he a leinuaiil jneseivid b illm kek ii if the levy who were lo he sjih t wen- expected to lealle tbeii renin ml pi lhks arid dut ies goek 17 22r ro lj- t tttft notice poultry men we are paying tpdny oc ikh ixy vok ckadk a mrce whitb eggs lie per pound for heavy dressed fowl halton poultry products ihnnc lv milton tttt tn7 tmlsi r ulflfllniiliiilintlllml hg-pnii- shin inlikunk shtilmfs hosnn hy lot inr thill ujisoii the jiwluh ifrth limit tuu ih witi tn live in the cihsiii wnv if t jod whlcjiiilni ttn- linvi uol lon althnuli thy hiirt the fcnst if iurlm matt is h arc nmny hrltlnns whfi imvo niifiitth t in- iiirivkimis ttf lorls krai in lens oui lord lining nny iwtli i i in- i- 17 5 ii itiv 2 pollock and campbell masuftiuwrs of high grade memorials memorial engraving g2 water st north galt teletiione img save you money they last longer buy them y the carton at your hydro office t use classifieds for profit ttu prhmntt tf ctutis kts fm prntitj mti mfijcilti tin bill d tthfltmt ctmfmuy cmujm hire is wist tkjs act mtmt t a i itupithtutiut puue more and better telephone service a period of unequallej growth li ihc 34 montlif since vj day wc hove added 350000 telephones many more than in the preceding ten years we now cnc 1 160 000 telephones 22 for every 100 persons throughout ontario and quebec we have never before provided so much new service in so shore a time this unprecedented pace hus been maintuined with the aid of new capital from cu nudum investors more will be required the continuing demond for servke yet despite this rapid growth we still have 06000 unfilled orders for tele phones and another 69000 requests co change purt lines to individual service tliomiind of new orders arc coming its evcrv month long distance calls are three time prewar levels many new buildings switchboards lines and other equipment must be provided as rapidl as possible hie next decade mu well see more telephone construction than during the preceding 68 ears of our history rural telephone servlto rural telephone service has expanded and will continue to do so in the terri tory we serve 55 of every 100 rural homes and businesses have telephone la 1945 only 9 had service vast construction program continues parliament has given the bell telephone company permission to increase its authorized capital by 350000000 the company can now continue to go to investors for the money necessary to further the greatest expansion and improvement program in its history this construction prbrum is neces sary if the company is to carry out its obligation and satisfy the publics con tinuing demand for more telephones and more telephone service our objective it to xtaitd and improve th mrvic to that ultimately w can qjv vry applicant th kind and quality of tandt urn wants whtn and cu ha wants it our farm program caus fox full nioce telephone for fewer partial on cacti line and cor more new switchboard dial telephones new dial cqutpmept i being installed in tremendous quantities today wc have more dial telephone than the total of all our telephones to m42 now 70 out of every 100 telephones are dial more exchanges will be con verted to dial operation financing the program much of the new money ncceary to extend the telephone system must be obtained from thousands of people who wish to invest their avmg the principal means of securing this new capital will be by issuing additional shares of our slock from time to time with th approval of the hoard of transport com- musinners it was for this purpose tbat the authority of parliament was obtained best service lowest cost the skill and enthusiasm of telephone- workers will be devoted to turning the materials obtained with the new capital into service of the highest standard the public can be assured that th bell telephone company of canada will ooatioue to provide the beat telephoab service al utc lowest possible coat the bell telephone company of canada 1 i i- y-