ami the a fess hfmaj- i nniversary specials fromjryan s guelph ihebratiiigg war of servietto tin- ivople of gulth and district rviin mark this birthday evnt with outktaiuliiigvaliih for thrifty sliprr thursday friday saturday february 10 11 12 col ton wank iyorkh 263 annivcrtarv pccial szkft ii u i- ii 1- lo 41 44 tu colour- iil uik muii1 faa- irinii it in it a all im a gvoliidi kl n- in i 1 h t in 11 4alaiia ihi- a a tl f 1 u rtgiu- iii iht ii it if wli uttou frixki fi in ii i mi imnui hlm ltmmv1 i nit f r lh lln i rm it hikii uiti wi mi i m i ntiu y t lr an4 a il i 1 l ltl 4j ka b tviutuk 1lk kaiikic sups woiimin knglish hrimidrlolli ulutisis annivittalty juf siwiai mttil m4ulhy u- valua 0iwr ukjlr hjtw 12 to 20 silk 9 nirrccrird hroadiloih tanftrifod shrunk oisplv tailored with trim mitifird tollar and short slecvea 1stra long length for good ttuk mi older srvnal of these good looking hluuvr or hull tuiiuv all pifwrr hphtiai sxltfkarh oolloii ivmnaml imain ltnalrotlis 42c u anniversary sptcial 199 htyuur tfto value k i ii ii i i- k i i hi- h 11 ii n w i i i aij vi uidr anmvkusmty mki iai tc id rtuulrly is varrf h kill ill mild wtftlmmjl litih ni i i i i hi in muvs wovkn ilkoali- cutii hjiiltts annlvetuary rceuur ww vtu on ef tk s thlrt vat i canada ta tfy hh i- ialiali wn llnal uil f 111 him ii h l 11- 11 t ildttlr ilctl k niafy hi- 14 i it atiwarsary i at pu c i iiiiia nhl ink y mi i liiiini ntr f i- tli oliii sluciiai vic yd colour whita only staaa 12 to o ii o it a n rtlii io ii klli mm mmhtllo kill m ill i rtl iii bu llktll ill i 11 nl it i 11 ni i i lit i l t 1 1ltll 10111 i i k mi 1 1 of ll 1 i ii il i iil tr hirlil ill 1 h im tiiitiwstiijs in nun 1ntks ttwlalandamla annivcm8arv qq special pair 77c huwjar 1 60 lo 2to valua nil i mi ik m tit i to tint lt ull rul nrl 1 imiiiioh 11 of a laallnc inaiiurar 1 nkiirl tlnnnaliln ltltm llilrfa tiny rnall bi1 aid- wool islankkts annomtsain aq uruular 7 vjiw jrh full 1 11 r 1 wiif 1 1 i hi lit niki in f fr mttivr ain ir it for you 1 im iu for hi it all m l mill illw 1 if 1 i u in i 1 ilmt it is m k mllxl i i 1 r f i la llljki ii lrll ni 1 uik 1 t alll1a fi 11 a ii kit wn liiliif- tlf hrwl jualily imllow slips nmvkitsay 7 mhhu kjmii dl c ha tc valua i 1 ntli ui 1 til t -i- in ii m 1 kn m l 0 1 lll h y riii optclal 4m cath 1 r m mi w ihc 1 nil m 1 1 a m m 1 hl 1 jtr a ar tpaaial cah 11 ili 1 ie valu llilflr almfia will tpih 1 ii l t lur llf fimtlla liljl nalllirllt hfllrmlip lall i i iii ra lln tj jinxa tlitk- at all r luunl i 8lf8 a to oannivkriarv pccial um pair i f wtiti fnnluinlll jhfr s hrt hhrti wllh tiraily inltoril tf hanl alt with firmly rlaaltaol wna lit colour mltiir- on t imill nirltum larc nil tarrr hlkcial he pr coiton sheets annivrksakv q ci silxiai j0j krcuur 191 xtlur krh in iiuii in iilih iiil ml i iln nnlhfs1 nm i in tli rniiua trim4 iujlly un lk i hllhl a ill iunliil lr lu ma v ii ii r 1u rrtl the sunday school lesson sdntkav fvmrhabv 11 judnc ciiaj0bnue anl optxsrnon oomfi tl oo not he ovr- enom y vll but owrcom vtl with good rom 13 31 limmm tvtjik 3 vr 16lfi cspaaltlon t jcui honors dtuh and aniwffi crltvcum 3 3- a jecuv sermon u interrupted by a cmr of dlrt dlitr broujht to lllm tt tour men who faith and ertwtnei would not be ton ped from retting into hit ery pre- j enc it required four men to get the one man to christ but it l voxth the moat pert tent effort of four men to bet one man to jexui and it often requlrea it th hmnicht the man o jetut becauar thejv aa no one elae who cottd hlp ll took much permlttence and chemlnn and toil to get the man wjut bui ihey never cn up until th man urn at jeiui fert jeavu could be reached now pro vided the were earnrtt enough to overborne trw dlfficultiea and pe wre it i bevauae of the r faith that jnui did what they aought thmr faith vu i faith that could b men jesiu um their faith true faith always can b ae4n tt materlattset in workt tjaa 3 19 nothlne it mtre needed today than faith that haa g and hands and feet their fa th ia lmpt the j absolute confidence tha jeiui could and mautd taw thetr fhend luke 7 m 8 48 18 41 42 jet- us forgave the man alna before he healed h i pau hv- need of forgl was a aorer and det- r need than the need of heattnv and tin must be gotten rid of be fore tlcknfa can ifuv ould re- qiovw mlseruomuit flrsf pemove tin ta 13- 30 ax ajuaja in this case the profeaiiona faultfinder uas pre sent auid he was a hgh ecclesiastic va acrtb matt 33 3 the scribm were there to find aome thing to trllltlxc tluke 5 1 jno u- and lhe found it the real mo- ret of their hostility un en tmk 15 10 jno 13 19 thc made wr hea and er rmmon tharge against jeui he hat vhemeth fmk 14 w jno 10 v their reasoning um right up lo a certain point no one buttiud can forglt ains and if jesus ul not iod he uas a hlaiphemer ranted the unitarian conorptlon of jrm and the acrioes eere right and m execution juatlflahle llut if jesus u ooa then it la the srrlb- ri who are the hlasprhrmer jesus demonstrated to ills startled ac cusers that lie was divine and had power to forgw sins b reading thctr secret thoughts 3 oiron 6 j w jer 17 9 10 ta 139 1 2 thrn he give another proof heals thi piulett man he uishea men to know that the son of god hath power on earth to forgive sin so he performs an act that we can and which demand rtntne po- wr for ms accomplishment ii ih5slclanif souls 2 lfi 17 lel made a ere feast at his house luke 3 i9 jesua attend ed this ja part i4tk purpae w eidenunot to d pla hl wealth lie nought to gt hold ot his old bulrvis and frieruls he succeeded man publican nnd dinners sat viwn with jtus jcs- ui directed the convcratlon quick- l into oiispel channelv the scrlb- es and pharisees wvre around atj usual to find fault it did look odd at aral sight that one who was w pure and hol and who taught such loft ethics should make friendships among the abandoned and the ue but jjus himself gives the solution of thu enigma the thsh are whole have no nitm of a phsicln but the that are lck uhere then is tfie church true place jesus came to call sinners me hasno invitat ion of grace for a rtghteowu man before aman can get rnythlhg from jeouvhand he must ukehij proper pace that of a sinner at jesus let then he gets all tluke is 914 xtlml 13v blessed is the sinner whtf hears the gracious call of christ to repentance ac 3 38 36 18 lujce 15 x 10 if the sinner turns a deaf oar to this call lbeiy is no more hope luke 13 3 iii mercy in the ireience of malic- 3 1fi it is lawful to do good on the sahiwth day uatt 13 13 xi r- cv and love are more than divine appointment god will have mer cy ant not baciifloe matt 13 7 love is the dlvlnest thing in the universe 1 jno 4 8 ftherofor the demands of ceremonies even though divinely appointed must give way before the activities and exigencies of love which is itself tttvine lower law must yield to higher law the pharisee them- rlvri acted upon this principle where it concerned sheep mat 13 i 11 hut not when it concerned men th had not learned that a i man u of much more value than a sheep though the pharisees were kllencrd thev were not aatutfled the went out and took council hot the might destrvvy ihm very religious but murderer at heart tm m thod of the cure was deep- 1 ognlfitant he commanded the mm to do what quite likely it was natural u mpovkme for him to do v m but with the will to obey came the power to act jeui christ nftpti rommahds the impos sible but if we will just bellexe hun he will give the power to do the impossible fmk 9 33 the command was simply a teat of fmth georgetown vanwyck cleaiiers pickup and delivery service phone 272 itob4hbb8sin dot cleaning- with 1000 reserved srata sold in advance and the riuh seals well rilled the skating follies present rd by georgetown girl llpe hand last friday was an outstanding luccesa it was the most elaborate carnival ever seen in georgetown featuring ki painted ice a special dressing room built on the ice at the far end of the arena decorations spotlights and all the elements of a professional show p treasurer and james f evans sec retary of georgetown board of ed ucation at a special meeting last wednesday at the public school the positions carry salaries of 330 and 350 respeetlvery the annual meeting of the es quest ng agricultural society was hed on saturda afternoon in the municipal llulldlng while the georgetown fair enjoyed le best jisir n the hutory of the kockty it was unfortunate that- a deficit of 140 00 had to be hown on the tear s business herald burlington after negotiating with the teach ing taff of the high school who jlactd before the board in iv cetn b r last a requeal for increased salaries the hoard has made s ary adjustments totalling ten ir vnl this wll mean an increase of between j300o and sm0 over the salarlea paid last year we un n ret and that the demands of the teachers wer for a higher in crease in their request hut that n harrison was imr no1 tcr thcjr wcr able to obligate themselvaa to any furthey amount at the present erin at the annual meeting of erin agricultural society on saturda afternoon emr mcklnnon was elected president ernie teeter 1st vice pivsident jas delanej- 2nu vicepresident r a moodie recently received the appointment of postmaster for erin village and took over the po sition last week elmer muler who has been in charge of the office for quite a time tendered his resignation last fall with the exception of march wh u slated ta be stormy and cotd there will be iml change in the present open winter according to ia j cundicjc prominent kit chener weather prognosucator mr and mrs alex mcklnnon hulsburgh observed the fortyfifth anniversary of their wedding at their home on thursday january 37th about fifty guests assembled in th evnuigwhen a happy time was apent and an lmprofnptu pro gram enjoyed advocato at the close of the installation of the officers of the young peo ples un on at the trinity united t r urrh servlte on sunday evening itev 4elth 1ove invited the offic ers and executive to t ivc parsonage to view hu amateur hortwjtvw hroadravtlng outfit and participate in conversation with other short wave kiatlons at a mrting of the ntm twp scnol ara doanl no 1 held n the cv nwond school on monda vcniglt was aanoun4 llian nptn had been obtained m a por tion of land on the farm of mr f w harbottle lowvtll f new school to be ervcted north of ouodaa sreet the board had looktm over sev ral sites and aftii due consideration decided tht low lie propert would be moat uiit- able for the nau school gasett floor sanding finishing hulk tu babbw lib putl wu til w aupfklr or atttf clement mountain experiments are advancing in sunheated houses the method u to capture the suns rays through large windows arid store the sol ar energy for use on tlull days sldiiiy men women fli5rlolste aila rttmats- when housecleaning dont put abide pubnttubb that can be rbupholstebed our new pttternft and colon and expert workman ship will make them better than new fur the beat in cheaterfied reupholtterinc lhone 87acton 7 day acrvlee no waltlb kmmj pfmmmu mrrajia if alr mm alwliliin aatf vvw okrilh vp to l ummimm u 17 jack sldebhann ot john dick and son wanted dead stock highest cash pfflfces ctftbt5jwdi banmtsmtm- bojpr all according to size and condition call oouxot- salt itu darling co ltcl a jr