ywv rxbkuaxvm lea the acton free press pao errat mr u uh wtmlijt cof ban a yvseuln nl bataowy rltb jtett of toronto pent tb vhttad wltk bar frbad wat buby cluk mr anil hit kofcert hell of wlnrham epent tb w anrf wi mr w j iu11 and usrtaet barber aao sandra devldaon af ste waaa ags tb wk ana at tk he- af mr john c iwull atr w j beetle uwl 0rft agea leaf wsa mid la montreal and hnlt uu canadian haw york bky aaa ia tk iporum gertrude aaael and lmu pbtvi end winn herbert ead bdward rlynn of buffalo h v atlandsd tb funeral in acton an saturday of thlr unrl mr jama klynn editor o a dills attended a raeanuoa on tuiiiay aeealnat at uu ontario quo la toronto wban weakly a sollore frnra ae ro panada takkaraa wttb eder- itaflj eaecutreae and edvertlaln avaaey rarasaatauvaa fftwixfrwt bo toftn lnrelea wiwaif a sunday february tlk ims 1100 eja th flour of ortwftww worship moraine lrww ear ls our prophet waritae fourth diaeottn mlenh th prophet af tk fear 1130 pw tk co0mmtlon of tb0udre of th church our cburth sehoel la campbeixvxlij2 mr and mra william robru and mr and ura cluiul robru attended tk wedding of mr har- vay roberta in toronto last sal urday venlnf sympathy u eatendad to mr wufrad ornlm and ura uoyd crawford during tk rerent loaa of tklr aunt ur frank small of velene aged 93 year who waa burled in kllbrld on uonday lira van sickle sr autbr of ur william van sickle buffered a heart attarh at hi ham hr laat friday w wuk hr pdy recovery tk naaaaaawrya federation aerrtrultur and tarm forum kald a rally in urookvllle 1uu on uon day rvriual frbruary slat wltk an attendance of well ovr on hun deed proplr six forums gave fine reports of their artlvhlr mr r s hralherlneton spok t u on the nw cooperative automnbtuulnsurenre plan ii al touched un the knotty problem d marearlnr which w hop will br enlrd in tb near future 1m p eventide talk wortk fourth tasptalioa a walnnai at aa heer cvaalaa servte a oa ward af eret word kv boauest ulttfita ttutubtt if ajuajrybonq kwox imuma aovoh suwday fioutuaky 77th 1m ii m ia- dmu warakla ii ii pa bandar school t pm- dlla woemjup thy tkat wait upoa tk lrd bkall raaw tkalr atraacth- thtrtbtt dhurth acton a crab k oowks attauin vlday fb s i pm ii y u at th churrh vtlnoay uuuaity 7th lsii 10 jo a m sunday school 11 jo am mr zlmmci ivaaton laaamaaa la m w o i rtia ba toronto man fomif guilty in halt on court jniay prlutuaity 7lh ijulnquaatauna hunday sou am lloly communion 10 00 ajn sunday school lion am horning jrayr glnnera claaa 7 00 pro rvrnlngirayei a walooana awalu you 1imj tanners trim bridgeport lose to georgetown continued from pag on holding tk goal judg lav a gift whan k bllnkad tk bulb on jun ior baaumont a drlv evan arg ud that tk dlac had only creased his pad but to no avail finally leno marxo pushed on past lvr to put tannr back in tk gam but frrl and j beaumont again parked th light w i thin a mlnut to nullify maraal traal ooonogkua potted actons ind with storey in th sin hln before uartui counted haiders sixth wltk un seconds left in th frame tanner started off strongly n th final atansa by whipping two past lvr and uirwauedng to u it up out storey unmolasted started off two quick goala then wluuflayusa off nsah gsve raider af five goal margin with a lengthy arreanad sfct atundanre at die gam was u low par for a playoff future and georgetown coffrrs were 4ut over filled wltk playoff jool torgetowa coal levr d fenae lalterson naali centre storey wings currl u flrad bury allernates i- llradbury wrl martin o lleaurnont kem head j iteaumont alelanson chappell union actin oal ivani defense uaytlsa llrusli emir cos wines ihirant jlllaon altrrnalr odonoghu kentner sproat uar itefereea k uralthwalle hodgson tnrq d ftrss fertaj eorgetown storey m jtrad bury ourry uaorsmlowa u nradhury htorey xlrry ienahianon roxy monday to saturday february 28 la march slfa wssnil farlad en j lleaumont eonrel r t i ornl do you know tht roy i taxi fcu mdt trmrtd mnothrr car to mhl um lo pitmr you itiji better f vie our publuar umu lntmtd in tndino out thmt wildemt ctttvaarr i uist umtt qf cjtat tim tr conatt do you know ivharr thmt tf j to ort yon thrr or any othsr pise u hire only rtljlfd dhwri and chartf ronabu rntet i claue kaovh taxi phone 128 acton iorgtnwn arton umrwo konintr frootvl0wn ini irhvklc t limumont acton o donnfhu llaylua irtrtuwn martin nath lilib vnatlmi uurant i hi bury astorwy urtansnn twfkj vru arton llllaon oy 145 arton luyllsa ft joy h 15 conrrlown hlvry iny 13 1u town curry storry llradbury 15 jo town naah i1 ilu- mtwit frrt ik jo ivnalmin durant luyllaa j naah a suprrmr court jurr fniinrt murray ling s3 al toronto tuilt on two counu one attrmptxl rair and thr othrr ajuault ocajalontng bodily harm to a 17 yraijold tra falcar townahlp mother of two children last december 17 th honorable mr justir wuon pre aldlnc adjourned sentencing the ac cuaed fotlowlnf tha jurys decision in announctns the adjournment ihj idordahlp stated he wished further madlcaj evidence retarding long before he passed sentence laocuj will be taken to toronto on thursday morning where ha will appear before his lordship to be antanced it was exported the medical examination ordered will haw taken place earlier this weak your nortlttm okirie leonard refrigerator standard mod css 30 dkuix modal cs s349 super delux670 s3t9 aj1 model are 7 cu ft 5 year warrtrity gtt sealed unit the bert rejrtffentloa eur vannorman plumi 24 mainst acton out ttte onurio munidpal hoard in the mattes of rtvitwi kulutm of onurio 19s7 csupuc 256 sctkm 2x m t- mhea by oa lm ctapter m sttioa 2 and indd by os ltm oimpccr 60 sthitm in the matter op be ap- plintioa by tw muaawpau conhiruloa af tht vuufw af acton to annex certain par- celt of sand situate in tb tovnaltlp of eftquesbqr tlea- crtltaafolaimra 1 part of tn waat half of lot 29 con- obfalan s 2 part of use nortb ut half of lot 27 cowmion 3 s part of tb soutb woat half of lot 27 cosknaaloa s notice 4 notice is hereby jriven that ne ontario xlunlclpal ikiard in tends tn issue an order under date of the twnt eighth da of eb- ruary ad 1949 grant ing this ap plication and any parson or persons oppoaing the issue of aucti order should niefhelr object tons with the iindartlftiod tha secretary of th ontario municipal toard on or he- fore the isth day of march a u hm9- otharwise a supplementary order will be issued fixing the f fectlv date of much annexation oateltat toronto this sixteen th day of kebruary ao 1m m b sanderson ud sanduwon bexntm akv j mcokaxra clark of tha corporation of acton siii r terminating the ten game inter mediate schedule actons unpre dictable tanners srrstchod through to a 34 decision over bridgeport vets at heapelrr uetnorlal arena last thursday night ronanlldatlng their fifth place position in front of over 1 000 mildly approving fans in a wideopen contrit thst devlop rd into a net mlndrr s nightmare tanners inflicted the fourth drfrat of the season on vet who share second place with weston as the loop vrnt down to thr wire the tilt could have been remln isccnt of thr previous 3fi penally fixture in acton as official im pojwd 21 penalties- 11 to the tan ners and the remainder to vets if it hadnl been for the clampdown tactics of the two officials they banished players on both teams on the slightest excuse casting a dark complexion on a tilt which had nothing more than the cus tomary exchange of heavy checks to mar it in add i uon watklns and shep herd awrdod one of the strangest goals ever seen in intermediate circles to th tanners tn tha first period as they laboured under a 1 1 deficit th goal waa attributed to ben bayllaa who fired a screen ed shot directly at the wide open robl h hantikon omoiimusi or ouelfh will he at dr g a sm ofiice tuesday gomfufhs wmtmabk wednesday thursday march 23 charijh dickris immortal robert newton alec uinesn stecial matinra wednenday at loo pjn thtlmday at 4 00 pjn on our staee thumday duke of devonshire and lakeside chapters iode irrmiuuan friday and saturday march 4th an 3lh wbmk in george on civvy street plus sun laurel oliver hard in twice two j ing by evans held thrm off first lartad d glaasford iwrber howry 0 30 b gamer irickert noo a kentner odonoghue bay lisa it 22 a day tin delayed goal pens sproat o donoghue net while tanners pressed hard for sch 2 schmidt coxe tha equalizer tha releaaa appear ed to go in the net but amailngly the puck waa discovered in play at the extreme edge of the net in credulous bayllaa resumed play and didnt accost the referee until the next toot when he invest igat ed tha possibility of some slip up on the goal judges part to his surprise he found a gaping hole- in the cordage that tha pucvavldently had passed through caroming off the back boards and consequently into play agin despite the hostility of the vets officials conferred with the goal judge after bayllss pointed out tha large sized rent and then resolutely awarded a tying goal to acton and besides cancelled a penalty they had previously a u ended to coy af ter the duputed goal was scored although it- cam in somowhat mistical circumstances the mark cr eventually proved to be the win ning margin the outcome of the game meant nothing to the position of either club however incidents like the foregoing marked play throughout there ure many and heated argu ments that continually disrupted play play was tuned to full throttle all the way with little defensive hockey evans and woolner had to atop shots galore as attacking units repeatedly bore down or them through a leaky defense kontner duraht and evan shona for acton with bayllxspuy- ing t sparkling game as well dur- mt and kentner potted the pret tleat goals of tha night as they wvaved in clou tobeat woolner all bridgeport a goals were counted from a play vats hae tie vised around tlie nets in the dy ing minute vets pressed hard to tie it upend only fine goal-tnd- baytiss htwand parted b wlldfong tllowey 0 12 a bayllss durant t 8 21 a o donoghue kentner ib 40 pens glassford ms no wild fong durant 2 brlnkert bay llsa 2 third rvriod a durant coxe lib b wlldfong schaeffer glass ford o 40 pens hahn dmnkrrt baylis durant 2 wlldfong moucy roxy thcalra acton tci a sat feb 25 26 plus william boyd v hopatonjt cassidy in i dead dont dream funeral in milton of officer lemon largely attended many friends and relatives in eluding a large number of fellow officers in reverence paid their re pectx it the funeral service held in st paula united church last friday for el wood al royal lemon ho passed away suddenly wednesday at his pearl street residence nearly so police officers rep ret cntlng the ontario provincial pol -c- hair 11 ton police department nd officers from nearby commun itlrs paraded to the cemetery ss ijuard of honor to tha deceased of fictrs rloel rtlatcd to constable lemon in hu work were pall bear era itev hussell mcglitivray con ducting thc scrvicx paid high trio- utc lo constable lemon in the performance of his duties and re spect to others not only has a friend departed but a friend who was performing a service to the community and also his fellow man the pastor observed the guard of honor included inspector a r knight senior staff inspector e doyle sgt- douglas darby hamilton provincial police detachment along with nearly 45 officers from as far as whitby and pans inspector fred eddendrn and other constables representing tho hamilton police force chief fred oliver trafalgar chief lee j smith burlington chief john derry oak v tile senior constable john sheffield georgetown chief tiarvey hunt n active pall tearer included constable ray mason acton chief hugh wartnington milton con- stable george green bronte corp oral allio jackson oekvllle con stable- j a mcniveb milton and chief morley hamilton east rtam- boro township t interment was- in evergreen cemetery mihon i wanted dead animals w are paylne th hsfhaat bravaluatj prvaaj far 4a4 ar crippled tana ak horses cattle hogs tlphon collect tar tramaiwat tin ins laing cartage opckaiino roat oobdon todho udatraw new 1m9 ford 2 ton 158 wh chaaeia and cab used 1919 monarch sport sedan 1936 ford sedan 1946 monarch town sedan 1935 chevrolet sedan 1946 chevrolet sedan 1946 plymouth coach 1941 ford sedan 1941 ford sedan coupe 1938 ford coach 1934 chevrolet sedan 1934 ford coach 1930 ford coach 1935 ford v tf panel i uaed ford tractor earlys sales service robd and monakoh cuuf v r roajt iwjcbm j roup thaotoka and nmmmrta phone milton j82rs y cuntbelxvlllk ont