thunsday novembrb s ims the acton f8ee wjess page nv jreiaonal mr j c lllf calgary ah visited in afton last weak mrs peter uurray and uk b sopr vuited mday with friends in cuph mr john a chapman returned this week from a visit with ur end lira phaff at trenton mr and un krrd warren and jlmmur uf toronto vlalted at the taomr of mr and mr john wood an sunday mr rrct mmiiibii vwtted with mr and mrs gordon itawn and ithe n lallvea in hamilton durtrtg he week and mr and mr john taylor and son gordon of cuelph visited on sunday at the horn of lfr and lira root darby mr and mrs jo vunlere of london ontario visited thr brldea parents mr and mrs j i mi than aid over the weekend f v v benefit llwtdji h further wheat varieties canada grows canadians may justly bs proud f l ha whaat they grow the reputation they hava enjoyed tsar so many years hu been built usaa she high quality of tha wheat far flour making purposes and for tha uniformity of tha dlcfersat mo nvarclal grades or what from yaar to yar this high standard has been vigilantly maintained by licensing only varieties that hava shown high quality not only in tha flald but in repeated milling and haktng tests for over twenty years samples tlrswn front cargoe leaving port william ontario vancouver ii c and as frequently as possible from fort churchill have been analysed to ascertain what varieties were nctuamy being shipped nut of the country the annual survey has i juat hwn completed end i hi data arc ijullo gratifying the trend in the upper grade audi as nm 1 2 nnd 1 manitoba north- rn hail been for an inrroase in the am ounts of marquu and thatcher artel le in ahlpmenta from fort william while in thoa frum van couver thatcher has increased very materially the amount of lied hobs in the fort william sample htn rcmntned much the seme ai taut neaaon but there has been m dm ided decline in thli varlct appearing in tlie vancouv er shipments amounting from four to at er cent in thr different grades during the past few rars the total peroontnur of these new ruat realstnnt varieties thatcher apex hen own and urgent shipped from fort william and vancouver hna had n wry marked effect in driv ing nut some inferior variatlt the poor quality wheats have now reached trace proportions it is expected that the introduction of t he neu redman and saunders varieties will still further improve the quality situation amy j q c fraser cereal division central experiment farm otawa tto slate neither of these two varieties tut appeared in the anunal survey as nearly every bushel has haen used for seed owing to the great demand for luch purpose it is estimated that there will he over thirteen million bushels of redman and one million bushels of haund- rs produced in 1im9 much of which will be uaeff for seed pur poses ittttrb tftptrrtr of ojawoa aatmtw wjaiu e rkv ijchrth rwxksuno mlal i r parsonage liower avenue mhs o m lamptra wcl organist and choir leader kunday novkmbkjt gth 1mb 1100 am the storrsmsnt or the lords supper harmon the significance of the dearth of ctirlsf m 7 00 pjn hermon keason and kehglon the lhurcuholr at itoth barvice rev a o w foreman ii a will conduct tool h services and preach all are cordially invited contribution tin nastlwll hen m fund con hutu a to merit mipport frwn many titlrni and thta week the following a kiiowlcdtfi menta ur mule prrvlouly arknuu leaded fio3 25 jlrrtetrtftrrtarri iburrlj tu tfttttasuj knox ffuausl aoton rev wummrr il auusrmahu nd hublln w i sullor v 1 wright atton miiii anojiymoua mm i mioi hofthmi hl attonytnouo i iph 500 3o0 00 1050 200 200 14 22 noo 047 47 hollywood and urieklayinfj by lmrw villi llev truest 13th suntay novfmhkh rth 1w0 mualonary sundsy 1uv am morning worship 1 j 15 p m sunday hi hwi blbu class too pm enlng hervtre hv pm ywa fireside a j ahtrr 11 a speaker anniversary serwlcee nov vaaaaaaakaank mtfui h hurt ij aotow rsiam k oowmat suniuy novfcjwiult ech in kt a m sunday school 11 v am the field of service i the world rjtl pm 4ommunkin friday a 1 pm mimihh hand hod im ii y ill servlc commlajtlon mrrtlng i uri nov h mlftsinn o ir thank oberlng mitiiiiji aptikrr mm lengale it you havr no oiurth txinx virihii with iu i albana stjurrlt aaglleaa ftewae m w o laustaa iia siinlia nov mmh it iiii tunty sctirmtl tfi ti m i i ci a in molt ntnmiiiikn it iiiix i lnwt ti p m 1- mi it ik irnya r a welltune awaits you incrvtivk hhtkm ih lutw ui thr contracting job er conlulrntlally offered mr a dollar n umk moin than the other cnrtxntrra- to set the pace and are that they kept pace with me aher the job wai finished the men all gathered for a celebration i luring the course of the ewnlng talked about thr job and the ixass lies a swell egg one man ntd why he paid me an exf dollar to keep you guya working yea he was a awell egg he pui every one of us an extra ilollar a week to set the paoe the headers digest banmockbusn w i hiai tlrvmts at octobet meitino th monthly nvetlrtg or flan nor k burn womans inautut was held on wednesday october lfkh i the home of mrs k kvsns there were fourteen members aad one visitor present roll call wu answered with my mothers mslden name in the absence or mrs t qordon mrs h russell acted as sarrstary the report was read for tha booth which the institute had at young n no there auction sale the convention delagatea report was given by mrs 1 tuby the mam hers agreed to hold perls meeting at mrs 1 russells for the purpose of starting a quilt a delicious lunch was aervad by the hostess and her axajatanta and s social half hour wu enjoyed by all warns on laxatives oars of l he iu i uilr mitouen- mk of iiiullnatlun mot of hlii n vt r happtn helped tits wh of 4k m lllon worth of lax- ntlvih in tin unluil mates alone ihsi ear some 3rug niajiufart- on rt have played upon these fsars in mlvertislng athartlc plll and tu i ri modles h tlnfk in rimij to oimumer in the orlob r iuud v ui rung that this state f affiilrm u ilangi mm dr cilafke wi that drugs uaexl in such las ntli ait imcnow thiy irrltatr nue the digestive tract o forward its cunlrnta faster j limn ioriunlly in kant include i w n tn athiirtlr like cancara nnd instnr oil nnd uimnr at hart ut mii h aa i- i4hi salts magnesia ni illit pkrwxli t and talomel hiciniw of tin i iojm auutclntion t ncrfs nnd dlg itlve tract rases hi ultitk a friend who luid jus rturad from e major tour in the united matei told me of a fuaay lah- ent he had wltnasd during mi llitl visit to llollywoood it that part of s motion picture wu being itaged on one side of s street slid tha cameras and lights had to he set up on the opposite sidewalk hectrlr cables were laid serosa the surface of lu street pavement sl- ng wmwi motor traffic wu pass ing to and fro the director or the plct ure fearing t hat the current might lie affected by the constant jar of the traffic suggested that the larjrnterm who were standing by should lay planks on either tide of ihe cable after some consultation tht arenters decided that accordlni to unum rules it was not their job to lay the planks that wa the propei ty mens job so tha shoal ing ot the picture had to he held up until the pntfarrty men were brought and the planks duly laid in posit ion nut wllh the jsrrlng of ibvuimi ti a ihe traffic the planks war jostled i t- out of position and ihe director tvhr a truhi uggealed that they might be sec- j mi mull o s ured b a few spikes the property s ioiijafcn men however said thst aptke- svmoo i tlion driving was a carpenters job as m van il t the csnhters had disappeared in th v w i the meantime they had to be i bl known brought back and after nonaldee iuik able delay the shooting of tha pl lure proceeded it la a pity that this little trvrt- dent was not included in the ptc lure as ll might have provided s comic interlude hut my frtend rays that such incident a are quits mnion at hollywood and that the above etample of strict untoa rule for studio employees la not a ridiculous as some others thst mtur in the process of making a plilure thr idea of course is to fpreail out the work and provide itiploymmil foi an man people aa imiujhl even though ii means thst fnt the mot pert the aiec allats nn at sliding around idle itul och i-inml- of lull xihb unhtn rule are not mnflned to l im niittici ptrture indimtry in itet ur william liu hallv weklv eolumna appear keadcra digest lnc in ihe onltla park i mr j it hm leferring in a ri ured loial ti h kins er writes uimlcnnsaunce xticially 0mned an scout home timlihurit frum faye our j th meitioit oi roiiiti il ln srini m m mtw ra of the tonfitti rai v siout hill oon im thoir aas mh bd in the stout ilnmiw all ih ljtom lose lo tht hulf bule of th siiiil ami toll mnlv ola nlnl lu tin trtarnle tt tin avu whuh are familial to all ktoutt v re intiiwloettl to all the wrlioini gnrtli tin different sitmil n lnt a law w mumletoli si i trent of the atton iti v kiout auim latnut ave a ditallal r iirt of ihe thing itm mited utlh he plnnntiib and umi tin tton of hxi niwiirr mi mill ii too ipiitiit lbt itiv mir limlil vfc to tw li i nit it tibtter mi mix t mmin of n a t at the offn lal ow runic or ii a to s tl ot iolitr mimi iliownl 1 mv kr1 ly 1 mi w wmi v llll j ii uiy k j r t nil n k m urnilr niittiai mi nii tmi lr s sn iw m u a v n lit wl wll cm im it 1 iii rffott in ihe ho hi itlom sloor f llodenosewnee wii al pimtitiil of these griillemfn a 11 lai hait r mentis i un to mrs agar mlu ka ii mia w i m mla s v mii a dill- mil j ii mm w mlimleton mr u jon mia a kliktteaa a 1uhman mrs mc- kol mia ii maailhur mm w l r smith mn s simw mn t tvl i mi a vim calls mi- s noi1i mi 1 walmn mi wili hiitm f th loop mn ill i ml iitli olid it m w valth n ml i mii 1 in iae ry ant ed mncr mr 1 on n r 1 w ntnma i vk n h a i v i 1 n mi tinde mr 1w over richly in hm day tie or anv other good 1 i klnvrr would la ijlin hmiks n u he w ould think there waa o m ll int mng if he laid sny li- s ll i n ton nto a brick ln r 1 am told la rwi brlikx i t it iii live s 2v la i2v in olli t brtckaer today takia do a day a wink for avs in toronto he geta la i kill m bll it k t othlm 1 iii 1 it ruled iii it i 1 in h ii ti e e recti ii tmh h iiiir n i p iti rr ii it 1 f in the i bonn nethovcevs hometown west germanys new capital sound wpotalilr the cgetnliles left in the hack vatden b tle time frost cornea are well worth storing often the iuintlt is not iftrtfe ntul the kinds not nitun ivrhnps sonk potatoes snrrots bct but w ft h arc apollngv mn in- pint until well into the winter lenornllv nn elaborate storage room is not n tillable and some rctimuiahu cool plncv- in the base ment is usid whntcxer the condi tion sincessful storage depends prlnclanlu on having miuml prod ucts nt the start cut bruised frosted nnd damaged material should he dlacnrtled or placed aside for immediate use the storvd producu should oe examined frequently if wilting u fewer young ortsnders aged 16 to 20 inclusive than in any year a i nee 1m0 were found guilty of in dictable offences in britain in 1m7 this is revealed in the latest snnual report of the united kingdom commissioners of prisons published recently males at 16671 show a decrease of over 1100 from lwe and some 3s00 from ims females at 2032 show a slight increase from hmfl but a sizable decrease from ims of veif irritation produce psychic jt whlth la quite a gtod sum it deprouuon and d op in ess dr lnfki stuiiv nausea la common in this condition and vomiting may ic ur to ease hu misery the patient usually take more cath artic alarming terms auch as auto intoxication toxic absorption nnd colonic stagnation are buga boos the suthor asserts the colons lining is a protective mm- hrane standing between the blood i not anv wonder that building cokti a lot ttiese daw other trnnra are more or less similar 1 showed a clipping of the above to n toronto architect and asked htm m hnt be thought about it he an id the ii pure were not qule correct but be addd ita a won der to mr thai there la any brick bulldlnc in these days a union man will lay around 4fto bnrka a day this means that with hit kiriu i ihe tirt its your money stream and the products inside the helper ver of materials hrlrh nnd ansorhs nothing but mortar etc you cant build the prescribed union colon waier materia in the normal colon can be thought of aa outside thi body doctors help people with so- called m colons by giving s hulk producer auch aa agar snd others which absorb water and swell up to become bulky in the intestinal trsrt such remedies ere not drugs but nonlnitant mechanical helps mineral oil is not an irrltsnt like moat rath- j order to make up for the slack artles it li a lubricant and can n no work netioda but at lesat be uaed in its nstural form or ths thev might render a good daya more palatable emulsions some uork for a good dsya psy snd doctors however hold thst mm- thus get on with the job of pro- soi ml sci urlty payment by the federal government last year tot alled 7to million thats slmoit brick house for less thsn 10 rent a brick it li not that they ear- a not lay more bricks for i know of wv nethlrd ihe entire ss- case where brlckuyers have taken i bendlture by ottawa snd slmost on jobs bv prlvste contrsct after p mnr th th p houra when they will lsy brtrkal hun 1m1m ludged by sny standards on- far aboe lm it rirlrklsylng of course li season- hie work and it la only fair that the men should be paid high wsgea hmcecl should tjf muitidit creased by sprinkling the floor with water or moistening ths sand in which root vegetable may be tmrlcd vegetables which are beginning to rot should be discard ed as they will affect soujid mat erial near thorn rotting vege tables also develop heat and males it more difficult to control temper atures another point to remember is 4h t gfvlv n ba trant- ferred to the cooler basement tnv rnwllstely after they hava bsan taken from the garden this is how commercial produce is hand led u la coolsd immediately thus prolonging tha storage ue save now omens dress shoes women s dress shoes in all the latest styles for every occasion work or plav choice of high cuban ot low heels sizes 4 to 9 regular 595 t 565 now only 298 395 maher shoe stores mill st opposite ymca ernl oil absorb the fatsoluble vit- amlha a and t and therefore ahovild not be used regularly low enemas nnd simple luppositorlei nre recommended ldlng rraaonahlv priced homea for themselves and all other jrorkers if there wn no shortage of houa- inc there might he some excuse for gone s1owl hut the principle in rnks of nppendlcltk the first of the thing la wrong as applied to pain is often felt in the pit of the momnrh and is attributed to indl- gpat on kelftrentment of such cnaes with cat hart let dr fllafke warn 1 ads to arrlom trouble anil u responsible for mam death am job or occupation and ita ffci t upon nn able bodied work er cannot be otherwise than de- crndlng there li no finer feellnk nt the end of n da work than that one hn done a good honeat j oh wdtalbot tnalag u a euaeare wtl tkb lahoau saai he steadies ho besag he pieaears asset a toaoa ea haas lap aw asta ooabol aaa laa watey ppltae lastoat pta sae ftetk waaaa ate tree to aide ik stalks frose to ulltuluaa sir it work iczitt h satuiday nov 54 al 10 in a imiawiiiui in for ihe itnty lady talbot hardware aurkerlied taahy dsaut biutain mean iii rincfw brltjln renlh mentis bulnev in her dollar export drive uritea flovd s oinlmer from iondon in the flnnnclal post a former editor of the post mr chalmers ti now eecutle vice- president of alea4euuntepub41hing coav pan mr chalmers continues aerea the flnanc al post that la n movt tubstantlal sum of money t een for a country as rich snd prosperous sa canada with pree- i ent bufaant revenue the outlay la only poaalble by taxation thst would have been considered fan- laatlcally high as recently ss 10 j eara ago if we encountered more difficult times snd even sn optimist an hardl discount thst possi bility in viei of the uncertain world trade outlook meeting auch n bill for largely nonproductive fcocla servicer might create a irnt ir tilem indeed hut high aa our present hill i f r fnnll allowances pensions national health etersm affairs find other vurh services there l tteart pteniure on the federal ernment to hand out still more it la time that rver man wo man and child realurl that the nmne for wlal aervlces doe not trow on tree or cannot be pro duced simp n b mavlng the mint thehrst di i opened my den- put on n ertr shift there w onl one place that the rvimlnton oemment or any other can get an money eery trrast be prov by t sta ktkrt tpkr tal office an old lad came in ood morning she said i need i tilling in one of m back teeth i looked nt icr mouthand was p taxpayer ether directly or lndlr- ectlv before government can impend it muit first tske sway real bkavebv urprted to und that she had s this was not true a ear ago ull set of false teeth with a few then there were a lot of speechet fillings in both uppers and lowers being made poope talked sbout but ou cant posslbe i ba the dollar problem but mostl on gsn ihe theoretical level young man ive worn dentures toda british industry is get- for 40 ears every young man when tommy came home from ting down to the practical facts of need a boost to his moral to get school wth a swollen eye and the builnes started and i cant help ydu oung bruised lips his mother said re- manufacturers who had a pro- fellows any other way tve done proachfully oh tommy have fit able and comfortable trade with thesame thing with seversi young jou been in another flghtr india argentina and the colonlei dentists and it seemed to g we them j uftt j keeping a little boy arc suddenly going through a not- n laugh and s lift i jjn being best up by a bigger painless process of reorientation without further argument i took boy he replied hundreds of firms are involved la her lower denture and added an market studies eriglneerlng in vestigations and sales trips in un- well that was brave of you other filling to her collsctlon dear who was the little boy from ufes like that in the jif m ths headers leaderadti twice niohhy dears open 6 30 m musical vsrlsilsa fram 30 to 7 00 p m hmd ay and iatu10av sat mat in 1 1 nov 45 plus short siuj cartaan monday and tuesday novimmt 7t 3 cempsnien fast urea george raft aiaacaai e mmmmi mwi umt ium wednesday and thurxday a novemui 910 garycooper in ma f rl roaik s nt pam uhnair mttt graalir a ihmb wtrjcia neal plot latit nwa and cartoon last showings today- the loves of carmen adult entertainment tfp7tncentrta time scheduu catamit jane and sam ban 7 31 outpost in morocco7 41 10 00 some of the best- 7 00 9 19 fountamhead7 22 938 9 27 coming- the great dan patch loaii tnf tk coj lohtbt w laa 7