thursday november st 1852 the acton free press acton ontario page nyi trafalgar twp ttrrvr one to bo elected e v ford b k snider drpufyrerwr by acclamation robert marshall council one to be elected in each ward ward i robert brownridgo krncst henderson daniel pope ward 2 william laurie frank stark ward 3 w s hall mr a p miller ward 4 donald bath acclamat ion ward 5 alec phillips facclam- tlfr school trtiaters throe to be elected marcus auden e j jamas denill lawrence percy merry p v c commissioner one to be elected philip bcswlck hnr- vey lyon the driven are swfell the next lime i go to sea uncle ed im joi ng to go on the bus last week grandma and i had long bus trip and the drivers were really swell when we changed buses 1he driver helped grandma and me to pick out our new bur and he told her not to worry about anything the new driver was swell too and he told me he had a little girl like me at home i sure like going on the bus baxters lose first game 62 sunday in the find hockey tilt of the itea- ion for the loop of baxter labora tories of alton georgetown buif- iicttmi n smith and stone and burns tinnsport acton lout to the businessmen 02 in georgetown anna the name until the end of december are heme iced in the georgetown arena with the teams considi ring a schedule in acton aiena in the new year if thoro is ic here regular kami ftn acton would be plaved on week night officials expect ni w plaers with the acton team on sunday were red andeison in goal bob itumlev scotty mccils- till john and boh cunningham and bob tler and webster mini- chances are- expected rtgulaism lhejame were earl masalcs lloyd thmsnn vic mas ters j zajac and km allen miss ing were stewart coleman brothers somervllle duval jordan and timmins it was felt the teams loss was partly attributable to the mlss- inj line minoi penalties w et e hanoi d out to robinson tyler and ml crista h official at the game were llcvi- mont and larussn the president of the baxter club this s ason is mm old kinrad the plamg managoi bob marslinlt and in chaige of properties and public ity sonnv itognvaldsan follow ing is the schedule as it h is been arrangtd so far for games in gcorgctow n ai ena sunduv iftor- noons nov 30 baxters s smitn and stone bums vs businessmen december 7 businessmen s smith and stone bums vs bax ters december 14- bateis s busi nessmen smith and stone s burns decern oer 21 burns v- biisihe- men baxleis s smith and stone december 2fl burns vs bitors businessmen vs smith and stone acclamations seem to be in order this ear as the time of choosing public oficials swings in in esquesing all last years officers were reelected with out a vote acton has appoint ed its officials by acclamation and nassagaweya will vote on councillors and school trustees its the time of year to ex tend a vote of thanks to all the municipal officers councillors school trustees and public ut ilities commissioners who have devoted valuable time and ef fort to the affairs of the var ious municipalities but there will be a change yes on december 1 the prce of coal officially takes a boost and if you re a wise shopper youll take adavntagc of the few days left before the deadline place your order now later may be too late j b mackenzie i son br bob frank fares are low round trip boston los angeles st louis washington 2510 9200 2730 2355 tickata and information at harold wiles phone 207 acton aw rive him j djtc to we can ro on with the fight drop by and tiia up our nifty thrifty una of paint youll navar lota whan you call on ua for aid in planning your radecorating y rrj phone j s acic verthing in pain inc i your vote and influence is respectfully solicited for c thomson for councillor township of nassagaweya 1953 voting 1000 am to 700 pm december lit puc operates sewerage system secretary j megeachle present ed a bylaw at the public utilities commission meeting on monday evening that invested control tind management of the sewerage sys tem with the commission so that from now on the puc will oper ate this system j i creighton of the public school board was present at thi metting the charges made to the school board for workmen time was disputed an adjustment wa made and accepted bv the repro- mtativenf the sthoorbmrd it wax decided to sell 5000 worth of qomininn of canada bonds to applv on the cost of the n w hdro building the other 2000 in bonds w as to be turned over to the bank as collatera1 on borrowings u was decided to purchase a desk and chair for tho office and a table in the office is to bo rimed at the sewage disposil plan for making records a letter was rend from ergineci anderson on a number of qucf 10ns asked about installations at the sewage plant some other questions have been brought fi- waid and the answers are to b sought from mr anderson a letter was read from the he pc of ontario setting the rates to become effective on january 1 1013 the neressarv steps were in be tnken to put these rate- into effect a map of the lamp holes the ends of the sewer trunk lines is to be sought from mr anderson as no rccorcls of these holes is in the hands of the puc the micro plastics made applic ation for a sewer service to their ni w addiion on bower ave this request ls to be complied with superintendent lambert reported on the condition of the road to the spring since the grading this road has just the earth on it steps are to be taken to have the road coated with gravel or ston it was reported to the meeting of some fiilure in electrical equip ment at the sewage plarft this has now been repaired the follow ing accounts were passed for payment wflfertuork acton auto body mixed paint 7 50 whithams garage cleaner and polish kit toths garage grease gas acton puc hydro accts c e hickey sons ex tinguisher recharges blltnn t perry ltd baxter labs thermomet ers acid north elec tuvec heater 22 72 acton puc insurance 37 08 j b mackenzie st son lumber 70 28 acton puc waterworks oper for sept 547 34 acton puc waterworks oper for oct 741 gfl over450lnnightclasses as 18 courses are offered ow i 110 fiom all plirts of hatton couutv lnnvcrgi d in millnn tues day for the first evenings classs of the connmtnitv night chool one of the largest night l1ioo1s in the prnvhu of ontai to d l minshall re presentative of the i partim fit of fducation community programs branch stati d that millon was wt ii situnl d to draw from the v hole coun- t classes are hi ing held eeiy tuesday through the winter in the hijh hooi publk sihool i oof hall mcduffi s shop legion hull far mi is building kno iiiuilii and si pauls united church although this wtck the liiisms in the united church were transferred to the town hall v ilalton county agrkuhuril rep resentative 1 e whitelork report ed npplkntinns had h en turned down in some full courses most of the i lasses are at near capacity one night school student from oakvllle was bejird to remark on tuesday we knew how success ful it was here and we wanted to get in oq it there are 20 night schools under the department of education in ontario with one in a county the first evening of i lisses there were 13 registered in inth- ercraft 20 in home building 40 in ml painting 21 in soils and crop- ifi in farm management 10 in home girdenmg 12 in household mech anic oil in simp work 24 in elect ric welding 12 in box loom weav ing 17 in ceramics 22 in elem- intirv tlnthmg and 14 in id inc d clothing while exact numbers in t nloring childrens clothing and in dli craft wt re not available tin v re previous n gistered at a total of 101 in the ian st classes tne gr tups were divided with as many as thu e instructors f idi group elected a primident ind sit retarv tre v urer fipohe re nt under of the h ssons nt gi-drat- itui preci tied the beginning of les- oiis in several groups students wme name tags nr gave ther nam es as they became acquainted knox ladies aid names years slate h730 00 hydro district inspector t 225 macdonnld elec ltd mer 1120 acton puc petty cash sos bell telephone 34 23 north elec nlcoprcss sleeves 35 b0 evils howard ltd pole fittings lamps etc 4007 acton free pres 128 st jones van gils rarare warehouse proffres 1088 40 hepc of ontario 10200 acton puc hydro truck insuranoe 37 53 hepc of ont 700 j r kearney corp 38 01 sanrnmo ltd meters 13923 f terry stamps 1500 2 384 10 all members of the puc were present at the meetinc and chair man j it mncarthur presided married union i marfic if your folks wont con sent to your marrying jack why dont vou elope minnie no chance jacks a painter and he wont climb a lad der after 4s0 ptt womens watches double trouble women have tw ice as mucn watch trouble as men according to henrv b fried a certified watch maker w ho advised on the pur chase and rare of w atches in he readers digest women should not carrv wttchen in pocketbooks powder dtst and pusmetie oils seep into the cir rnd clog the moving parts t ue oft vour watch when washing vnur hands mr fried sas don t wear i while cooking the he it from the stove affects the oil it is easier for steam to penetrate an opening than a drop of water ani either can rust the delicate works do not w ear vour watch in bed because of the lint in bedclothes if vou drop vour witch in water dip jt in benyine at once and ake it o a jeweler its soon as possible when a crvital breaks the witih should be put in a paper envelope never wrapped in lintshedding cloth waterproof watches are amp- posed to be actualu waterproof but w itches advertised as water- resistant miv or mav- not keep out moisture a womins watch of good qual- it properlv cleaned ind oiled cverv vear or so should last 25 vears when buving a watch sug gests the article test the back ease for remittance to pressure if it vields it is not sturdy enough the case should close ao tightly that only a jewellers case opener will budge it the november and closing meet ing of the knox indies aid wa hed in the sunday school room on tuesday afternoon the scripture lesson w as read by mrs e w smith and mrs john allison led in prayer the reports of the years acivit- ies were read showiqg a splendid f inane ial return from the various projects the manse committee re ported on the painting and decorat ing there and expect it to he comp leted soon the sick and shiltins ire to be remembered at the christmxs seas on the president and the secret ary are to take care of this work plans were made for a turkey dinner the ladies are catering to before christmas mrs j dennis ls to be the supply convenor mrs f anderson was appointed to the chair for the election of of ficers for the year 1953 with mrs g somervillc acting secretary those elected were as follows president mrs f j mccutcheorj first vicepresident mrs w wat- ins second vicepresident mrs mclellan third vicepresident geo lantz secretary mr geosomerville treasurer md stanlejsmatthews pianlsussmrs allen smith mrs f ariftt fl mrs a j buchanan program con venors mrs fred anderson and mrs w mosaics kitchen commit tee mrs peter murray mrs j dennis mrs j wilds mrs w macarthur quilt committee mi peter murray mrs w macarthur mrs a robinson visiting com mittee mrs e mcdowell mrs j smith mrs d mclellan and mrs a m mcpherson mrs anderson paid tribute to the leadership given by mrs mccutch- eon during the years she has been president and urged her to con tinue until the various projects underway were completed mrs dennts in moving the vote of ac clamation to the president secre- ary and treasurer was unanimous ly supported by all present mrs mccutcheon was welcomed back to the chair and closed the business with the lords prayer in unison mrs j dennis gave a reading the ten commandments for success and mrs chas dav idson conducted a contest with mrs mcpherson and mrs somer villc being the winners the group of the month xvirvzd refreshments giving the social touch to the meeting mrs r l davidson voted a deserving thank ou to those who had entertained so well seven the highest for acton families there ire five families in hilton county with 10 or more children but not one of them lives in acton in fact legisti red in acton there is not even a family with nine nor one w ith eight but seven child ren that where acton begins at the top of the ladder so to speak there are three families in aitn with seven children nccod- mg to the tai st booklt t of tatlsi- us rt leased following the domin ion census last year this information tells the comp osition of families all over can ida a family consists of a husb ind and wife with or without chidren or a parent with an unmai rnd child or children living in the same dwelling in the whole of ontario thte are 1 017 families with 10 youngsters or more to love and contend with quebec lives up to its reputation of lit ing the province with the big families in ontario there are 1 112772 families alto lhesclg37 ujulvvw chili ren in qui4ec there are only 056 041 fawfilies but lofmi of them have hnti- and hands full with 10 or mi re are four families in acton ih six children and 13 with five there are most of all in the no children at all grour 274 then lofl with one two children each make 160 homes lively and three children 02 homes even livelier a quartet of kids were counted in 34 houses and five children in 13 a breakdown of ilalton statistics shows that of the five top ranking families with the most youngsters four are in the rural parts of the county and just one in an urban part more statistic searching shows that that one family et that record for the town of bur lington about two thirds of all the hal- ton families live in urban centres of young people from the ages of 14 to 17 in acton 84 are listed as at school and 31 in the labor force from the ages of 18 to 24 there are just ii still at school and 99 at work the government report has 1-ste- 399 children under six years of ag in acton in the six ears up to dec 31 1941 canada admitted 534 694 im migrants and lost 206 500 emigrants camkeuviui receive thanks for indian school bale the blair evening auxiliary hmd its november meeting at the home of mrs r b elliot on thursday evi ning mrs robertson opened the meet ing tuh a ptkm a hjmn wa sung and prner given b the president the siriptun lesion v is rad hv mis l andrews mrs huinbl re ut the niinutt of the ii mis mi eting and the chet r seen tr reported one card sent a letter of appreciation from mrs rusaw at the btrtle indian school was read expressing think for the bale sent to them in sept ember and which was a complete 1 1 ette the bale w as v alued at 29 ai the allocation for 1053 was also read mrs t watson rtad the clositif chapter from the studv book with special reference to the church work in british guiana this study has been found interesting an art- icle from the glad tidings a day with mrs gelm in at vellore has- pital was read by mrs j wal lace power was the word chc t n for the roll call the meeting was closed w ith praver by mrs j bavnton a social period followed which all enjoyed more than half of canadian farmers own an automobile and almost one third of them own a motor truck board of directors meet in oakville the november meeting of the bourd of director of the child- ions aid society of the county of hilton was held in oakvllle at the home or w g mackenie robin son member wi re present from n i s agnweva township milton fji orgelown oik villi trafilgar town hip and burlington owing to the nlisc nee of the president mrs w a weaver or burlington mr robinson presided the super in tenden i g f thomp on of milton reported at the meeting on the s itisf ictory m inner in which mrs mary gill- iiinur the new social worlti r wis tarrying out her duties at omits for the month of oct obi r amounting to si r0 i fi7 were approvt d for p lyment the mi i ting review d the soc ietys grading report from the provincial depirtment of pulili wolf ire for the year ending marcn tl 1012 ind disrtisfi d the mannei in which he suggestions contained thin in might be implorm nted in thi i nstiing vear the rt numeration for society w mis in private hoarding homes rocivtd eonsiih ration anil the superintendent was instructd to obtain information from neighbor ing sot n ties in order that a run- p inson might be made it was decided to send the foster mothers separate cheques wth which to purchase chrlstmis gifts for the children in their care by n solution it was dot id d that the iiecember board meeting be dispensed with and th it nil future meetings would be held on the sitond tuesday of the month after the meeting adjourned a otial hour was spent and refresh ments served by mr and mrs rob inson cecil a carr optometrist gueiph b douglas st tal 1091 french hybrid erapel are nnw bentf rrown in the niirirj ivnln- jiula for winumuklnr world ol youra tor heres a giftn tlie clinoninri excit ing prenentn for every big and little one on your lint credit sflm 5sl aah m shop now avj pay next year xtj cio s ate 1c i v y y v iv suitable gift suggattions from our large and wall assorted stock shop early for best selections icxvcwwwwclcwlivwilcxwtlcicwwiwcvwwlxlcicclcwvclt nyion hosiery by orient or weldrest smart new shades 119 to 75 docwinwticwocwwwdcif lingerie sweaters wool or nylon cardigan or pullover styles for ladies and girls 298 to 595 wwmwlfwwnwa girls dresses spuns checks sizes 2 to 12 years corduroy skrts 3 to 6 225 icicicicvwicwickvwwwvwvvwvwtwwwciakvvcwwcvricwiwwwavf gioves mitts rayon pyiamas gowns slips panties briefs lace trims or tailored styles to choose from handkerchiefs j head squares a wide assortments m silk rayon s wool or chamoiset w wool e 10c to 175 i 79cto198 6 100 and up wwtawwwwwvwwwwwwvwtyicwnwwniraitwcwwrawwwvwm mens dress shirts while stripes plains by tooke or forsythe 395 to 650 wnvimiiniim ties smart patterns 75c to 200 mkicwwkwcvriwawravii scarves white colon 195 to 290 wool blankets large slza plain and reversible 1575 to 2175 rawonm towels boxed sets and singles 79c to 349 sheets pillow slipa tea towels table cloths and many others socks 5 m y s ibex blankets a wide selection 75c to 150 pr uvnmnnnvi sweaters mitts t gloves jj kin wool or leather size 70x90 only 469 pr dolls gaaaes toys doll clothes and many other unas see these our grocery department for your baking needs a large and well assorted stock of materials for your christmas baking iiw n