Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 27, 1952, p. 6

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paqi six the acton rree press acton ontario tiimimiay novkmmkic 21 loria ha i ton kxihbitork mtomlnknt at boyax tho id2 hoytd in cm fvnl of tlw pul an w- intlmntod in our col umn ibnt wnk hnlton cxhlhltnra would kive itn outstanding account of uunimlvh and thty did wp cnnnot hon to rover nil of th win in in if of ml hnlton exhibitor hut jul midliin to ndd thev wirr hiv hro h yew of thp hliihlluhtx which came tt our attention irtrnty his aw kvory province in cnnndn with tla exception of newfoundland wns repnyiented in thl uient nhnu which in our opinion wns the finest jnctvy show it hns ever been our privilege to witneut no than m breeders mnde entries nnd the nrlrei wore well distributed with no breeder domlnntlng the show kn kiln of hornby nnd m c nty of milton rjt no 4 ench had a red ribbon in the cane of the klin herd thfs wu on their senior yearling heifei tin milk in nddltion rvk kiln jer- neys also brought home nn eighth and ninth which in elates ringlnn up to 30 or more head in no menn achievement bentv lindnle herd also had twofouiths twoflfthi and nn eighth in addition to the red rlbluin their u inning three vear old in milk fentherwtone tiros avonlea herd had n third a fourth n fifth and n sixth clernld cjrnhnm of george town hnd fourth on hit treat noninr calf and elchth on his three year old herd sire the fact that thin animal was grand champion male at the hnltnn show inwt september and reserve fir and atthe weutoi n ontario championship how at sim- wjilbivp some idea of the qunt- uy of thin treat show fialf ktar jrrwya 4 1 070 was the average of the nni- i main xold in this treat sute prnml- nwit american jersey breeders pre sent stated that were it not for the prevent embargo the nvernge figure realized would hnve been doubled this again is another indication of the high quality of both the sole and the show gerald grahams 4th pi ive senior calf namely graham farm gold- bam cnrrnmnc brought flo0 arvatherstone hros sth prize three yar old in milk avonlea basils wnn pet brought 1000 while maurice rent s lindnle bnsl princeju the winner in thls clivw was knocked down at 3 flw it will he recalled tlyit princess fs clncslfied excellent in her own right nnd wns the grand champion female not ohlv at the in ton show but nlo nt the western ontario championship show from the herd lindnh ram i rosphav nlso classified excellent brought 2000 fiurnwy show four of hnltnn guernsey breeders also competed in n strong show joyce bros contingent brought back one second twothirds one- fifth and twosixths m t mcnnbb nnd sons of georgetown won two thirds oqe fourth a fifth one eighth ami n tenth j ij chuholm had five fourths one sixth nun eighth and n ninth while wm o uooth had a third a fourth and a xlxth koluirt hhow a g hiniter andjvlletterro hios wei e the onlv hnlton i epresenta- tlves in the black and white show worthy representatives in tho nen loi yeinling hull clans a g hunter hnd second on hunterholm h a supreme this nnlmnl inter was declnred reserve jtinii r ehnmplon mnle hunterholm also had foiirth on his aged dry cow sixth on n sen- ini heifer cnlf while asiivilh foims hnd as we recall fourth on heir out standing milking three year t id nnd fifth op their progeny tam worth hwln in this strong show hnlton wan npresented bv a gient liht of entries fiom the herd of t j brownridge and son of georgetown when we passed by thev hnd nlrendy won four firsts in nddltion to quite n number of seconds fourthh nnd fiftmt in addition they hndjoth the grand champion and the reserve grnnd chnmpion boars nnd the champion sow hampshire sheep down in the sherp barn ue found the entries of 1 h willmott and son while not quite ns prominent ns normnlly they nevei thelesj won their share with three seconds one third two fifths ind n sxh hh or thorns unfortunntely w4 didnt see much of this grent show but we did lenrn thnt grnnt cnmpbell hnd the junior chnmpion mnle on his win ning junior bull cnlf unfortunnte ly for vour reporter judging was still in progress when we hnd to lenve scotsdnle cnmpbell merrv brook nnd amoslon nil had some top qunlitv individuals in their re spective lineups nnd needless to ndd iac are confident ihe v onld get nt least their sharv- of the top u arris queens gulnras thursday afternoon or last week saw the judging of ibis popular event standing room wns nt a pre mium around the big ring in the coliseum when the 05 club mem bers parade thou- bnbv beeves charlie yule noted judge of cnl- gnr hnd his work cut out with 42 entries in the shorthorn section 3fl in the aberdeen angus nnd li in httetords this venr hnlton was represent d onl in the shorthorn section but whnt n showing thoso three young men made nil three when pain strikes at the firnl twingr of rliiiim ilu pun tilce tiup1runn 1 u rt a mil lion tit cm lined rvrry mmith lot rimii rt lief from min i iiimd l rlu it nuillhin iirlhritlh nruitltii luinliitn nnl bciititi h it u tfr r nrcllthhl f kit p t r l aon liuiit and line the m prinitly only fsi 1 j5 at dru louulrm t 841 v sa1am tea fey man in canada if you live in an cragc cans dian communiry you can casil tec that it changuiff everywhere you look new cooitruction tells a story of progress here perhaps is handsome new store there m cw bridge office building power plant high ay housing protect or some other itl development that makes life better for all but do you know tbat mitiv of these developments are made possible b a certain kc man and can you guess who he is ffei tbr typm lifr r- sme poltcyboijer rrprnrut- me mill oh x of cauojtjut how cjn he do all this uit by owning life insurance because a large part of hi premium dollars is imesrcd for him in sound securiiies which help finance man such projects each year more than 22s million life insurance dol lars are put to ork in these useful ways from coast to coast the lilc insurance policy holder is a helpful citizen to another wa tor the monc he puts aside for the future helps safeguard bis family trom cef becoming a financial burden to others all in all hes an asset to his community and the nation namely airy bin liiinii cliff nor- ish nnd john vilhuutt wound up with their iexpe tive uu eiii m the fltht pi e gioup nnd ix it i still john willmott had the teseive t hamplon shoi thm n steel with snndv ilucluman chme behind in foui th position by the wnv the qui en tluinens went to the heiefonl champion ex hibited hv wm dunhni of guelph with the angus champion fti isefvo truly a gieat show hoy r glrlw ktahy ktrf content here knthnrine mtrry of onk- ville hnd the winner nnd her club steer took third in the open clnsi for summer yearling vv k iu-cktn- rirat rt wlntrr vvhat we nlso took a flying visit to the outstanding grain nnd vegetable show nnd we noted thatw k bn e- kon or burlington repented his triumphs of foimer years winning first in the white winter whent clnsn tinrao tennnl the people upstairs are verv nnnovlng utmt night they stamped and bnngcnl on the floor after midnight landlord old they awaken you tenant was still tnhn no as it happened i up practicing on my recent surveys show that only nil of radio hshnlng in canada is to cbc produred piograms highest deposits ever for b of m forckd labor a salesman tapped on the screen door nf a house where just in side nnd plainly visible was an fl yearold boy painfully practicing on the piano sonny the salesman inquired is your mother home the bov threw a murderous look over his shoulder then growl ed what do you think mister ttiflifllng the swift inle of cam- nd is indtislt ltd giowth the bank of monti enls 111th annual state ment just published features rec ord figures for deposits hums and total resources mast nntnhle of thine are depaslts of 2147 000000 the highest total in the b of ms long hlstoiv these deposits mm- pilse the funds of more than 1- ww 000 customers from coast to coast fully half these deposits are modi up of the navlngs of private iti7ens was the comment which coidon a oder the local branch manager mnde in n messnge luil todi by the b of m in reviewing fur its eustomera the hluhllithu of its nnnunl statement the report which is for the yeir ended october 11 showsfl nn in- tiiwe in loans of 01011000 ove- the lomvipuie this brings totnl ions up torhohjghest recowl in thejinnkh history 7i217004n these loans the message from th manager stntes were made to business nnl industrial enterprises foi produellon of every kind to firmers fishermen oil men min ers lumbermen and ranchers to eill7cns of eveiv calling and to provinilnl nnd municipal govern ments and school districts fair qukrtgon in texas thev tell a story of the davs when the redoubtable mn ferguson first tossed her sombrero into the political arena she cam back from a succession of slump speeches all overthe state nnd le- ported hnpptlv looks like im going to sweep texas pa fer guson took the pipe out of his mouth nnd said how about start ing with this living room junior farmer loop slate has 15 games hid tun jimmr km iner officers nnnounied u ii game k hedule with atlon milton norvil and palermo elulvk icing luinm the following im the ihedule with two gume each night from eight to nine p id nnd nine to 10 p m nov lm aitnn vi milton nor- vaiv palrimii uec i milton s pnlermo at ton vn noi vnl 1 e it atton s palermo milton vs norval i4 c 15 palermo vs norval mil ton vs alton dec 2j acton vs norvnl paler mo vh milton dec 20 norvnl vs milton paler mo vn acton jan 5 acton vs milton norvnl vs palermo jnn ij milton vs palermo ac ton v norvnl jnn id a tnn vs palermo mil ton vs noival jan 20 palermo vs norval mil ton vs aetnn feb 3 attnn vh noi vil palermo vs milton feb t not vnl vs milton palet- mii s acton fih 11 a ton vs milton norvnl vs pah rmo feb 21 milton vs palermo ac ton h norvnl mm ih 1 alton vs palermo mil ton vh norvuf cilfficrnt wing u k lin raft designers are bus ily wot king on a revolutionary wing design it is crescentshaped swept back from the fuselage ind then straightened out ngaln to wants the tips the crescent design takes advantage of the best features of the delta the awept- iwek and the rnorthln straight wing nil designed for flying neir the sjieed nf sound w a grand hew waq to satj merry christmas give a train travel cdtyto fat thoik you lovo mib tkli chrlitmai n vnl tliyll nvr orgl ctmdun nitlonii olfart an chrtellva gift carllfletl covering train travtl inywhr to any rail datuna- ion or any amount you with on iala i all canadian national tlckat ollleai eaiyta buy aiy is uia a gilt thats aura to plana canadian national ihl only haiiway sihvino all un htovinch want ad page whero bid friends meet rrr s thekadmueyamce excitingly beautiful it s here brand new from tip to lip leading the parade in beautyfperformanea and value with stores of stunning new features actually the new plymoulh has 38 new performance and safety features 34 new style teaturn 21 new comfort features here are just a few you ii sec at first glance the new one piece optically designed windshield which minimizes reflections the mitching full vision rear window the hroad low hood gtvinp wonderful road view the long air slreamed body and fonder lines the luxurious interiors with 8 inch wider back seats the huge luygage compartment with 30 more space and scores mor features that put plymouth far ahead of the parade i s if con n illuttmhd include cvtom tra quipmonr ifmi caxi with your local dow far mormolron on uondord qutpmvil amazing new balanced ride bui yog muh dnve ihe new plymouth experience the amuinf bilanced rid to lejlue ho in hetdit leilly ij balanced ajahjt coll pitch jounce the new plymouth hu big cat stability feel its imajinj smoothness learn how easily it handles and clings to curves you ii readily agree that no other car m its class has ever demonstrated greater excellence in fine engineering or riding comfort see and drive the new plymouth now se mmfflfta53 cambridge 4 door sedan suburban cranbr00k 4d00r seoan club c0upean0 convertible coupe belvedere hardtop savot rtfc tcstf mlm l flwl llll the life insurance companies in canada rr a cooo cmuuihir ro own ijh msuaancf- l ud macs wain motors phone ss acton

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