coronation huppikmfnt colourful coronation ceremony every detail of stately ritual has its special significance no i tht ild i iiitiunj mrful so lomplx ii i nti tin row mug if an rngiih sovrieigti thi sense of ik spued bv i in in t in o if i lie ituxi dislinguihel people in i in world ik miijiwt ifwsl minxler bht its if us krt y stoics stened hi ihc histoiy of rcntiiriis trie hrtllunt win and uniform tiuru nieduln ami or ders jtittlhtting i the mallow light thi stalu nluiil the piavers tht mumr nnd singing it is a synipliutiv in sight nnd aoiind hut it in of nurst vi r much more than that it i a mnicc of dedication ivolved over thousand year it in nrh in nuiboltimi niiiiiniraoiiwvi bj suh ban- i unit rituuja und objects and ihi ti mix imiunn lubli auivivals fiittu the certnienieh of long k qurtn rfoknurd one of the oldest in probably the ienmonv of lecognilmn a di ii hiiimmii f ik old ustnni n anj snx hi linn n of tin i let tmii of kings bv tin lutliopm mid people as thi royal proci union moves up hit chinch nnd the ni tionul anthim is plavcd thi qui n reichri n inml d lit iwlwin the high nllnr nnd thr fhon the archbishop of iintirbiir mirtin logithr willi thi 1nrd ihitnccllnr urd final hnmb rhun lord hich const iblc nnd i lie karl mir ihul to firtft mil idi i tin singe ud thui iiiulbii that th uail ng throng arc nddrtsied fitn every direction i hen he mnkes his derlsnitioii and appeal sirs i here pn m nt unto vou queen rluutheth tht und lubted qurn of this jualm when fore ill you who an conn this day to do your homage mid service are iiu willing to do the ssmi dramatic moment while thcte wirds an apokrn the queen stands hv the ihair and turning shows herself o the con gregntion in all four directions this ta n dnimatii momi nt and one that seldom fails to bring a lump to th throat of a malting spectator for the concourse sig mfy their approval with the fer vent cry of sa r tllr qiikpni tlu chi m the peta blare and we are ukm hark over fifteen hundred yearn wlnn kings were elected bv the spoken mile of their people now the rial orcmon of or mat ion begina for whin the bishops and choir have aung the ijlany hoh communion ik cele bra ted solemn oath the coronation oath which is lext administered haa changed in wording over the centuries in it earliest form the king haa three main da tic to maintain the peace of the church anil civil p ore to prevent wrong doing and to uphold justice with mercy their office wrote professor treelan was sacrosanct a commission from god not to do jiur own pleasure but to enforce thi law b nnd through which they reigned in the past there has been dia iul it to whether the oath bound the king to accept future parliu nienury legislation charles the pint was disabused by losing nil head james the second who wanted to make lawa us well as uphold them was driven from his throne by the revolution of ic8h when will mm and mary were wel corned by parliament as joint aov reigns a new oath was worded and except for minor changes has remained substantially thi same iver ainre amendment necessary the union with scotland the disestablishment of the church of ireland and the changing constitu tional suitua of the member coun tries of the oomnmneollhhnye of course necessitated ami nd in en tn because of constitutional changed which have taken place pi nee thi coronation of king teorge vi some alterations will probably have to be made in the wording of the oath taken by the new queen if the oath follows the form observed at the last cor onntion the archbishop of canter bury will demand of the queen archbishop will you solemnly promise and swear to govi m the leoplim of final llntnin ireland minds australia n w zealand and the union of south africa according to their reaped ue laws and runt inns the queen i sotitnnly prom me so to do archbishop will you to your power autu law and jutttio in mercy to be executed in nil your judgements t the queen i will she next promism to maintain the protistnnt reformed itch gion i stublishid by 1 1 anil pn scrvt thi m ttlement of thi hurch of hngbiul nxl f dbiui th m st solemn moment of the nmnnlmn suvicethi stiomting tin ilioir sings the hymn vi in rt nlor spintus after which thi ieh bishop in a pi ii ye r will na o urd llol huth who by anointing with oil didst of old mak and connect at kingh pnihts and propht ts ihihk and sunctif th ehiw n mnrnit hli7a1itll whi b oui offn nnd nnnislr m i iw to be anomud with this oil and ton sect iled qukii or this ri dm nointing ceremony the queen will discard her ouh r robes nnd sent herself in the an cient coronntion chair containing th scone sjom on wlmh kinga were crowned over eight hundred year ogo the chair itself was finished in 1 101 and lui betn used continunll nu mnr tht holy oil is piuitd into a sijm i gilt spi n from the ampulla a gold vrs i shaped itki an eagli nnd th qui n will be nniitntel i ti thi heid tht bn ist ind the pnlnis of both hnndn bv the archbishop as solomon w is anointed king hv 7adok so be you anointed blessed and consecrated queen over this people the ngnificnnce of tnisc vt rds is that b the n remonv of anoint ing evidence was given of the di i w0i ill appear to coronation vistlorn i pausing under admiralty arch on the way t veat above fa pictured that of the late king corge vi minuter abbey vine wwlioii of the kings of israel similarly the soereigns of ilnuun are bli ssed to their res ponsiblhty symbolic of power now conu lh embh ms of u m porn i power the golden spurs imblems of chivalry are removed from the altar by the diaii of westminster and banded to the 1ord chumb rlnin who touches ilcr majestys heilit with them the magnificent stati sword niadi f ii if ihi ft r hi oronn i inn of eoig iv in 1kji is hand ed to th qu n bj tin archbishop imtli tin iiliniinituii i ljiih tice stop lh glow ill of iniuity pmilect tht hoi huich of cod in ip und dt fi ml widows and or ilmns u th hnd of the hilt in u hugi diummd hedgel in with rubies tht nut is iuavily hi ciumtid uilh diamonds wh b the seuhbard is pure gold ihix sword is girt about a king but will be plnced in the queens rilit hand it is hnivy and will 111 i b nil i nnd f i 1110 bhill uilh itter the queen hns placed it herself on the nlur th pont here m that at lln mom nt of handing over to the sovereign the sword becomes the prop rty of the hurch but is inter recovered by the vreper of the jewel house from i he archhi p regal leris ihi iinblmih legihl fill w th biautiful imp rial kobe in r rli cloth nf gold embroidered in pur pie hi ik and nnched with eoron is eagles tudor row s nnd othi r em minis its shapi ib nn ant to sm bolise the four corneht of the world the roynl orb a globe of solid gold six inches in diameter surmounted by a diamond cross set in a large amethyst is next hand ed to tht queen and when you see lhi orb set under the crops the arch birthop suyh ii member that the whole world is subject u the iiw r and rnipire of hrinl oui ked i mer hund tlim is 11 u iniikfi of qui ni dikiut und of di fi net of ihi tutlioln luitli ti soptis li willi u mm 11111 ullollll 1 wltll it in a symbol of the riiith she vn nwoni to deft nd liong awaited homml rhe ring in next plaed on the third fingtr of the queens ngbt itrituh tnvtl a i kmu the ampulla in the form of s golden eagle with outspread wuign the anointing spoon parts of which date from the 13lh century and st georges bracelets the bracelets which are f setid grid are not used in ibe toronalian ceremoay now oimi lb- mimiil for which tli world lux wuitd tl pulling mi of ihr kiwii ll is not ihi mi si hiipitttalil feulliil of um tiioiuilkiii whuh im piimaiil a religioiih n remimy with th mioiiit tng as its niont mlemii moment hut the crowning ik n climax th placing of st hdwurd rown on the qucna hind n the signat for iremindoiih cheenng the gray atones nf the abbey will echo to the simple bill inspiring words fiffd savi- thr- qittn tho peers doti thtir rnmnets tho trumpets sound and at the tower of iiondon the snen nt rannnn boom their salute thi queen will then recti vo from the arrhbishup th ilible halie and pat n of th illble he will tell her that tt is the most valuable thing that thin world nffordii mire is kisdnm this is the itoval ijiw tlie hsliet and pslt n of pun gold are the rum muftion cup and pbte used for ilol ommuniuii th ron t ion n nn m will bo ovtr pnnces and peers will pay homage the ut ij procession will line up and leave and a bush of expectancy will iprcad through the crowded streets out bide where the queens loyal subjects await ta pay their own personal tribute to s young and lovely sovereign hmory ufou ml i arrtt in her coronation progress queen lhxabeth ii will be seen by a vast concourse of people in the mall one of london a very few straight leafy avenues in five of its famous streets whitehall pall mall st- james street piccadilly und recent street and in others in trafalgar square and hyde i irk and on the embankment the procession will not go within a mile of the city of london as the once walled city over which the lord mayor presides st iiul s cathedral arises and the itink of england broods is still cillrd nor will it pass near the h ill of the london county council the centre of iiondon government rut the houses of parliament will be tnwenngly in the pklure tears alter route much of the route of the pro- eesiow ho a changed too to those who can remember the coronation of f d w a r d vii buckingham palace itself in 1912 had its face lifted from puster to portland stone the vieton memorial with the great queen siting high over marble fountains seeming on occasions such as this route sf the corooattosi proeesw the processional whitehall ockpvr street poll mall st janes a renew the routings and goings routr wttl leave backngfcm palace an the way to street piccadilly hyde park corner east carnage of her descendants was erected in ft estmfeutet bhej and will proceed vta trafalgar road marble 4rrk oxford street regent street king edwards time and the new qaarc northumberland avenue victoria embank pkraditry cirrus hay market to trafalgar square mill with the pillars hd statuary ment bridge street p square broad l and through admiraltv rrfc into the malt and then the gift of the commonwealth sanctuary to the annexe at tne went entrance of to buekinghani palace were all part of the plan for a the bbry tho return rotrto w3l be by way of proce appronch to the along route of royal procession are famous buildings monuments paisce earned out in the reigns of hdward vii and fnorgc v tho quodnga on wellington arch at hyde park comer it symbolises peace and was lust there when zeppelins dropped bombs on lou don m world war i and the admiralty arch at the east end of the mall were part of the same scheme in world war ii bombs fell on the royal apartments of the palace whitehall was unscarred but the house of commons was destroyed now rebu it and the abbey damaged london beat statue the procemion tn the mall ries marlborough house built the founder of the churchill greatness and now the home of tbo queen mother passed henry vlfts st james palace where charles ii queen anne j a me ii and george iv were tarn md qtfeelt victoria married passes bnghtly painted carlton house terrace where pa mention gladstone and curznn bved ami u traiajjot square there vn on his column bos long pres ded over the open air meetings of every eon ceirable party and creed at tho top of the square m front of so national gallery are gnnlmg c b- bonss statue of james ii and roudons of george washington at charing cross n i rd ii rt btatwe i soeors charles i the continued on page 8