fchc titn jfnt tft seventyninth year no 3 acton ontario thursday july 23rd 1953 ten home print pages six cent accept 136980 high school tender courts of revision are sitting today b yoar name a the ten list p w cooke ceenty betnmmg officer reports that there are mts name on the acton hat and a total of 28401 n the bakon im la roar name tncindedt earal cearts of revbdea are att- ttng today the lmh jay before ntnc day between 10 am and 10 pjn in acton these are being eld at the enameraton homes urban coarta in oskvflle and bnr- haiton win alt friday and satar darn well a qaallfed elector whoae naaae la not entered on the voters list on poffinc day stay still vote tf he at uj for by an elector whose name at on he list and takes an oath to vote a i train anat be 21 yeara of ace a can adbn ettbten or other british aab- jeet and resident ba canada for 12 two men injured riding motorcycle two acton district men were seriously injured four miles west of town early sunday morning when the motorcycle they were riding hit a soft shoulder and plunged into a ditch george allan 27 of rr 3 acton was taken to guetph general hos pital with a possible brofen neck the driver of the bike ted cole 22 of rjt 2 acton was also hos pitalized with severe head injuries and a dislocated shoulder x rays at the hospital revealed neither had fractures their condition is satisfactory the accident occurred about three ajn at sllvercreek four miles east of acton on no 7 highway poison ivy can be controlled by spraying with a solution of 3 pounds of common salt dissolved in a gallon of slightly soapy water enjoying a dip in the recently completed umor swimming pool are acton child ten from two to 10 this week the pool was officially opened on saturday as a good crowd of children stood arfxiously at the gate waiting for the first ducking no special ceremony was observed on the occasion first two swimmers in the pool officially were johnny and heather mcgeachte whose father was the arrv bitious secretary of the proect shown in the inset with the children are amos mason chairman of the swimming pool committee and jack mcgeachie secretary of the project supervision this week has been provided by miss nellie hall who volunteered her services and chairman amos mason has been on hand most every day making observations for corrections that may be needed water is supplied to the pool from the town system and chlorinated from time to time miss e hawthorne honored on radio miss emma hawthorne was the good friend and neighbor hon ored on alan mnitlands roses n rose bnnd progr im over cjbc recently irs fnnk wale of orangevllle hid htr it lit r selected on the pro gram she wrott of the many kind mines miss hawthorne has done for neighbors and of her work in the women s institute and church organizations a beautiful bouquet of rosea was stnt to miss hawthorne mrs wale the former ruth jen nings of acton was a neighbor of mlss hawthorne for many years two cases of polio reportethiroairty twr cases or poliomyelitis nave already been reported in halton county this year the halton coun ty health unit disclosed this week both are in burlington both cases are in young children and one has produced no paralysis in 1952 there were only six oases with no fatalities and a total of 21 was reported in 1951 enjoy meal games on musselle lawn the alert evening auxiliary of knox church held a delightful sum mer meeting at the home of bars george musselle on wednesday evening july i5th tables wen set on the lawn where a bountiful supper was en joyed after which games and con- teats were conducted by mrs a mc- isaac and mrs les halllday prizes were awarded the winners and bal loons and candy given to the child ren junior pool opened saturday supervise youngsters swimming ranging from expert young lads with underwater goggles to timid young ladies not too anxious to let go of the jedge at the shallow end acton youngsters are this week enjoying the new junior pool in acton park children 10 and under arc allowed in the trim new pool the pool opened last saturday af temoqn on a hot stickv div be tween summer showers active young children alrcadv damp with rain waited anxiously by the wire gate until at the appointed umi the pool was opened to them between summer showers tht president of the swimming poo committee amos mason presented the key to the swimming pool to mayor pt r g oakes the xirat two youngsters into the new pool were johnny and heather mcgea chic children of swimming pool committee secretary jack mcgea chie not far behind thtm were other youngsters who when they learneo the new pool would soon bt open ed flew home to change inn bathing suits it was with delight that they jumped into the water to inaugur ate the new pool one edge of th- pool is shaded by a large tree while this is a favorite spot on hoi ind sunny days at the opening of the pool this was the shelter from showers for members of the com mittee pirents and interested miss nellie hall volunteered to supervise the pool for the in wctk the pool has been open each dav since with supervised swimming periods in the afternoons and e tnings sultry weather and enthus issue reports from acton s voung set have ui creased the attendance steadily for the timid tots the shallow end is an easy introduction to water fun supervision the trad ual slope and the limitation of age make the new junior pool ideal for young would be swimmers and enthusiastic but inexperienced ones the pool is open each iftcr noon from 2 30 to 4 jo pm and t ich evening from 7 to 8 30 pm rain forces events to arena saturday summer storms forced some of the activities at the guelph assoc iatlon baptist young peoples un ion annual picnic at acton into the arena last saturday afternoon about 75 it tended the picnic from the district games and races in the arena wire under the direction of bill curne of hillsburgh supper was also eaten m the arena while rain poured outside some tnjoyed swimming in tht pond despite tht bad weather tht group gathered in the base ment of the baptist church in th evening where doug peck presid ent of the eastern division of the guelph association was in charge acton young skit and devotional was held rev currey tells of home missions the woman s missionary society of the united church held the july meeting m the church school room last tuesday evening the study for the month was 1ord of the lands make canada thine own mrs curre led the worship ser vice with mrs bennit reading the scripture ind miss d simmons singing the responses during the meditation mrs rcv palmer of davidson sask sang two lovely solos accompanied by miss f brown at the piano rtv currey was the speaker and told of home mission work and showed slides of the work and also slides of canadian scenes mrs mow it thanked those taking part id the met ting closed with god rev currey hydro operations clear 800 six months estimate was 5000 acton put lie utilities commission aulhorired uii purchase of two streil in hi tiuu to hie spares on hand for i nn rgi a il ui regular mttting n thurvdnv vrn mi tt r w i read f i n th hv dr floctric pimr ci mn issi n stating th i had tht mx month audit un dr consid nti n ind would take tht matt i r up w ith the proper auth ontics at an carlv dm during tht first s x month i pi ration a little ovr s00 hirl been mad in tht opt ratit n of tht- hvdro department and nearlv 2 000 had been spent on capital account over the amount of operating fiini th jiir amount on operations profits 5 000 for this period is raised on rates set b the hjlp c superintendent mason reported that the half carload of poles had arrived and been unloaded the account was passed for payment less the freight paid to the c njl superintendent lambert reported that a mechanic from consolidated engines had been in town recently and an improvement had been made tn the valve springs at the sewage lift station when a spring breaks now the whole pump assembly does not have to be torn down to make repairs the matter of levelling the sewer ind water trench in front of mr r bnlli nines apartmtnt wis brt ujni tt the attenti m of the fommisi n thi mitttr wi u ft with the chiir man ind thi chairman of streets ind wilk n mmittet of council lo arranc at a ji int met ting if tht d ligation it wis decided to have th rnder uvil this bit if trtnch but if the trtnch sinks mr ballen w i be responsiblt fi r filling the di pression the chirgc from tht town for f 11 ctona and brock stret ts wis accepted bv the commission but th account fir filing in under the sidtwilk at mrs b cht w s was not i as the itrrl uu- thev bad not excavated this hole nd did not see whv thev should be charged for repairs the work being done around the sewajre treatment plant was review ed and it was felt that the work should continue and not leave the job partially completed ditches have to be stoned or uled as the roadway around the plant ts wash ing away fth the rains and at the present time is verv narrow in cer tain parts hydro accounts totalling s19sj6 and waterworks accounts totalling si 738 is were approved for pay tnenl seek larger share fines commit to inv i can set m reason whv we shouldn t get a greater percentage of tint- batk 1 1 nc llor l ndsav declared at tht regular meeting of council tn mtndav cimmmlinc on thi fact that of fines livied in magrstnti s c i urt ink sfi ki wa rt turned li the tow n on about 300 w rth of f m s 1 hivt ii n a g xtd m irrt that a breakdown if thi distributim of fines cm tn dtmirdtti b ci i nc 1 i think wt shot id ri hijh and git that bnikd wn it ik met t ichi pi inted i in tht situ it on had be n rnu nd two v t an ij and n siiisfictorv answ er could bt obta ned at nr t mi the i idii r had tntn nt u tht attornev gtnerals dtparlmtnt ind t 11 ni ititiciorv txplanatitn of tht distribution was received c uncill r l mu declared good auth ntv seven room high school planned start in august at sevenacre site steering defective car rolls in ditch when the steering wheel became disconnected a half ton pick up truck driven by nick schewschenko careened into the ditch and rolled ovtr the iccident occurred at 2 45 pm on saturdiy afternoon just west of acton on no 7 highway near the first line mn cathenna schewschenko suf fered abrasions and bruises she tod bydrvkenney and tak en to guelph general hospital she was released almost immediately damage to the truck was estimat ed at shoo plan storm repair set fire call fee the under of j b mackenzie and son for 136 980 was accepted for tht building of a ntw high school in acton by the north halton high school district board at a meeting in stewarttown last thursday even ng the contract includes the building of stven rooms plumbing heat ing ventilating lighting and mmt landscaping ttndtrs for additions at milton and georgetown were not accepted a mttr from the department of education disapproved of the proposed basement utility room at milton and gave reasons for duapproval the iclttr tated that tht board must assume full responsibility if the work was proceedtd with grants would only be paid on the classroom origi nally approved in view of this letter the board decided to ask all the contractors who had subm tenders to submit new tenders on tte library classroom and the architect agreed to have new specifications and al terations to plans made tender prices for the four room addition at georgetown were con sidered excessive in relation to the hold surprise party for mrs b tennanj the borrowing of 15 000 on de and f at the w benurts was finally authorised by housing lit id a surprise party erin council at its adjourned meet b trnmmt wednesday ev ing on jul 6th the sum is for ju abcu 6 it i phone repairs and recomrtruc h and h a necessitated by the dsastrous h t left for cost of erecting a complete new building in view of this a motion was pasted asking uiej2eiartnvtfi to reconsider a complete nfw school in georgetown messrs pickett coon brown biebn r- bcrt and the secretary and achl tect were to confer with th dc partment at a meeting tharsday on this new proposal mr milton gave infop ice storm of the past winter a d legition from the erin vil lagr fire department interviewed t inj sia md ed the polict t mm tiee was in ructed tt investigate with whai vtr source possible and trv to ircn a satisfactory answer mason and g a dills plained council the junior pool the larger poi 1 withiut filtrit plant or bath houses counc 11 r lindsay said he fa tired the bath houses and sh w r- smce they would be of geater benefit to the athletic orgamzati i using the park than a swimming ilng pool was iis operaiioi but a leaky valve was not remedied yet and the committee was not prepared to hand over the pool un ui everything was satisfactory m- mason said the committee would look after the supervision of it un ll the pool was formally turned over there has been some suggestion that the committee consider build mg the big pool rather than the bath houses mr mason pointed out about m500 would be left after the completion of the junior pool and a grant from the provlnc lal government is still available it 1 was thought about su000 to 1 15000 would be required to build mason stressed the import ance of regulation and supervision at the junior pool suggesting that possibly volunteer supervision could be used for the remainder of the season an amendmeot to the by law governing the insurance minimum earned bv taxis was approved the minimum was doubled and pas ac hazard added all taxis are now required to carry 10 000 and s20000 public liability and s2000 property damage and 10000 and 20 000 passenger hazard coverage a meeting with r f bean the fire committee and the property fconrhraed on page tel c unc i regarding i between the firr department and the ttwnshtp is to services and the rile f pa f r fires in the town shp after ct nsideratinn council agreed l pa to the utasurer of erin vil lagt s1s00o per call for senices at an fire in the township except for m li r vehicles on a public road thesv calls to be at 25 00 a call a tandb of 300 commenced from julv 1 the contract to be subject to the approval of the erin village iunn and the township council england this tutsdav thret children on behalf of the k i agreement mcknight presented mrs tennant th o trav tiling alarm clock euchre presentation at davidsons home a very enjoyable evening was spent bv friends and ntighbon at tht hi me of mr and mrs charles davidson rr3 acton on july 15 n honor of mr and mr robert wilson on the oceasmn nf thr rt end tables lamps presented by friends mafriagi seven tables of euchre were play ed pnxes going lo med s high john kingsbury ladies high mrs root wilson lone bands james van fleet j j stewart then called on mr mondav evening july 13 a pre j wilson and his bride and in a few leaving prices and details on in stalling electrolux inter osdnludl cation systems in the thraf wh a lettt frm the ontario hydro electric power commlsawn wa re ceived regarding the removal of poles from the acton site and was left for reference to acton council the board has agrwd to pay the estimated cost of 3000 asked by hydro fur removal of ave poles a letter from the department of education approved the plans at acton and georgetown for legis lative grants on 1210 000 for acton and 120 000 for georgetown the secretary reported the purchase price had been paid the solicitor and the deed registered for acton hool property accounts passed amounted to 2 3000 for june and 106421 for july a motion confirming the en gagement of mrs phtllii hess as commernal teacher at acton at a a of w p d by lbs board messrs martin oaate biehn carbert coon d0u beaumont and mltoe were and presi4rd srnuuon was held for mr and mrs i john bousfield at nassagaweya j township hall mrs bousfield was i the former eileen allen the couple was given two bksnd step end tables and two attractive table umps miss donna mcmillan read the address and horace bryth i bnce barber stewart mjher and i douglas anderson made the 1 tation well chosen words asked the newly weds on behalf of all present cept a lovely tn hfht lamp both replied suitably mrs j j stewart assisted the hostess and a dainty lunch brought a pleasant evening to a close a midwest habitual robber dt years he in for the time fi his luv atljvtiom t it is dangerous to take ymtr avaw r eyes off the road even moment arily sfgntseetng should be ifg ior roads away from busy thiuugfc highways- when speaking wttfc your passengers keep ynr ejat ahead they will be able to beer you even if yon dont turn aa- look at them