Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 14, 1955, p. 2

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rabmhwtiwiiwffl jbieivl r rtikf ii ifrt ijiiuiiti imr i tiuiw i jiruiu iiin- jpj- 95ffl89- pack two j tmeimftsnrrrp jrrs acton apfaric tjft ji 1c 1 if thursday- atbitith jgssh sv world champion at few w nwrvtrkld 1iv th personal mn isfachoh that h iborm to sir winitov churchill vvho trepfiecl down print miivtr 61 eivalarui virjiil h wt itill mjer d highly ii rvof thflwlk tjx mn who cany it- buttyris h i h bert hav their career teirtafsd by vih with no opportunity to step aside rd view in retro- piet the gireet era throuoh which they havebeen a star performer all wjsh for this great british statesman many more years in which to enjoy the sunset of life removed from the turmoil of performance there have rwn many tribute paid to sir winston churchill by those who know him well some way or other britain always produces a man to cope with its every emergency no greater emer gency in history was ever met and faced than that with which sir winston churchill was confronted jjubbish remember pipes and chimneys have the he serve his day and generation in a measure with which few individuals could compare we all rejoice he has been spared to see the fulfilment of his task and that his retirement at four score years came in his life when he was still going strong not a exp it doesnt seem to make a great deal of dif ference whether its the municipal tax rate the provincial rebate of tax funds or the federal bud get there appears to be a good crop of tax ex- itfference -is- i th n of e perts that blossom forth of course having the largest field to draw upon and the greatest num ber affected the federal budget presented last week brought forth the biggest crop tax experts these daysseem a dime a dozen they have the most of the public thoroughly con fused those who pay taxes and that includes most everyone are pleased when taxes are re- duced but-the- experts whom we presume must also pay taxes- do not join in the general acclaim we find those who are critical of the provincial assistance which came unexpectedly to ontario municipalities we find othprs who arp rr extra car noodod now thlsltth tim ot yt v1iw mr vir no tions ar caty if ttt dnmo i to l kept ty a minimum tod the woik oj thi tiii liiiyailn kopi i noival lim lh ira tin tfivwy yn tltfht cete can sootvjfl ooj ol cowio m t at tnitic nsef what stails a can ootv take in an area that has huildinq in ll path an i d iitetjble daniaye uv ytnhlft t always the- org and the mmh to bum up the winters acvomulation ofruhhiih oefouo you stait the bonfire b tore then l rto tnmtfo and that your pileof lubbith is in a nwtal con tainer or held in place with some wiie it takes only a little bit of spark tostaita conflagration that soon gets out ot control ifs not a bad idea to have handy a few pails of water and some old sacks to stop a blaze in the early stages dont crowd the furnace with an overload f winters accumulation of soot and dirt a chimney fire can take in the whole dwelling and sparks may spread to adjoining buildings its spring cleariup and a time for great care with fire j 1 c ft am the of in trtm prmo tittirrir l ims thf mijlllwi roiinl minlr rntll tin gfwri frrirrith first on whmi ofi xvoriln hm ufflrjrit 1ft th in1ll until now it ruirx two lv rfn1 twi vrlfijf thin yr llitri junrn m rntrl in iha voit ovril fimylti th itfptloi at utik n rnikl u girt hor hh ir artfin tki wi4t titti tor the lf doolli irit tmtuuil tor th nror iolr mit fict tur tt vl vikk choir in th ao u- hull vlrarl won flrat nrl itlty mur t jiiytf ixxmrrault first m tn rta it thlf hum kamrny firunnllo firtl flllie- fto1ttr fir xt nt fnrtltit m bona mtujtut- wrrrf jjll kb the mr m if moor ianlm l prlut tor ihf oott olnja wi hy an unstaple theory banner headlines and special articles pre t public fo the n big are hrr when a deficit budget is presented at ottawa and taxes are lowered qn certain items we wonder sometimes if its not these chang es that are bothersome and so controversial a guaranteed annual tax rate might spell the- finish of the experts or would it be only the beginning cf more expert planning and regulations we hear a lot from a few people on taxes but its surpris inghowmany canadians there are who realize their necessity and appreciate any lessening of the load from any quarters or the necessity to pay for- those things that taxes provide for the inhabi tants 1 prr channeling education perhaps the answer to our educational prob lems lies in the use of television in the classrooms atanyratef urtherrexperimentation in this field has been recommended by the national advisory coun on school broadcasting there are unlimited possibilities certajnly studies would- be in the same channel if johnny had the measles he could get his studies at home i might even eliminate all theschool rooms and equipment and put the onus on parents to see that their offspring kept his eyes open for the lesson periods and didnt switch over to a more entertaining program everything would be expertly presented and the course of studies would offer the same ad vantage to all of course there would be disad vantages too the slower pupils who didntgrasp the work would have no individual attention like all assembly line production we might have gene rations who were robots instead of individuals it might be the start of the end of democracy and the beginning of a communal way of life these are but a few of the many things that come to mind when assembly line education might come to our seats of learniagand4h point of all thinking is concentrated in one chan nel upset labor the guaranteed annual wage its surpris ing what unanimity there is on this question everybody who doesnt have to back the guaran tee is at heart in favor of a guaranteed annual in- cpme the problem is n in t proposal but in finding individuals or groups who will back the guarantee a few years ago we printed a quantity of guarantees that were going to be issued by a tradesman who didnt reside in town he forfeit ed his deposit and never picked up the guaran tees we wonder what they would have been worth if he had issued them to his customers even the government monthly pension cheques issued- for old age security and assistance to raise canadian babies backed by all the resources of canada are good only as long as our country is solvent drop a few of the destructive bombs such as are being tried out in the nevad on some of our large industrial concentrat the guarantees go up in a cloud of debris guarantees are fragile contracts they things which endure forever they are as frail and unstable as humanity most everyone is anxious not only for a guaranteed annual wage but for a guaranteed lifetime security the school books used to carry a quotation that is still applicable photo by esther taylor springtime in the air brings new life to nature and her creatures with one of the most welcome signs soon to be seen on trees in the plant shoots and bushes blossoms n b ast o r t h 3 o u t h est whln itnrfer are riehesworth the getttngrtheymust bebrave ly sought with wishing and with fretting the boon cannot be bought in this as in every age there is guarantee which can be secured for you except the one which you strive for yourself no one is going to guarantee you anything which you- have not earn ed by your own effort brief comment the port credit weekly quotes reliably sourc es as givingjiine 20 as the date for the ontario election the easter weekend was as usual marked by an unusual number of motor crashes perhaps not all so accidental either running through our exchanges- it seems that mill rates for towns villages and townships run from the 30s mp to the 100 mill rate mark havent heard of anyone objecting to the cut in tax accorded- last week in fact any of jfhejreductioris oniy objections are a call for more regardless of a surplus or deficit e london england found out duringa strike on all the metropolitan newspapers that other sourc es were entirely inadequate to meet the needs of a people for hews of their own and other caun- um londone scanne outoftown papers reaching the city for news of the resump tion of their home town newspapers in georgetown ihe robbery in a yea occured last week when thieves stole the safe from a local order office store situated across from the police station an estimated 300 to 500 was contain ed in the locked safe its report ed police have no clue to the rob bers or the whereabouts of the mis sing safe a bigger bnrlincton in burlington plans were an- nounceclxrqm the integration cont mittee for a series of meetings to mull over plans for the amalgami- tion of burlington waterdown and lower portions of nelson and east flamboro townships it was empha sized that this proposal is not for a metropolitan area but for the for mation of a single new municipali ty the meetings are to be opened to the public it was reported tried and tries again in georgetown a local supermar ket has made a second attempt io beat a storeclosing bylaw in the courts the case is hinging around the validity of the bylaw which requires thursday afternoon clos ing after hearing evidence last wecksimcoe county judge jmorley has reserved judgement and will hand down a decision at a later date too much mad in erin difficulty in moving furntsrnngstduting mutnernr and muddy conditions on tfie grounds have persuaded high school district trustees not to attempt to move into the new high s b until fall during the interval it is ex pected the board will haw the grounds landscaped and a lawn seeded for the september opening new found revenue in nelson township officials have their eyes set on some new-found- sources of revenue- says the bur lington gazette if anyone has i hankering to stage a menagerie riding or similar show o even bringin a cirous its going to cost them 100 the paper goes on to explain thit thats nne of more than a dozen types of previously untax ed businesses that iri future must apy their way to set up shop in nelson rodeo for teen- age drivers in burlington something new in the way of a car rodeo has been devised by the local safety council the group is sponsoring a contest to pick the best teen-age- driver in town teenagers who have a drivers license and no record of a moving iriffir violation ire eligibl to enter the may event winners will be eligible for provincial na tional- and international competi tion start forceful action in milton the council is taking forceful action on delinquent water consumers who ace behind in pay ment of bius last week town workmen began the job of shutting off water services on instructions from council who earlier got a hint from the auditor that the town better do something about mount ing water rate arrears ice years young in milten the towns grand old man george hemstreet celebrated his 102nd birthday last week a former council member clerk treasurer and photographer in mil ton the centenarian has been mar ried 73 years jfis wife will be 100 years old next month mr his the good old days may have seemed better i r- back in 1935 back in 1905 vira tl tttnt in fa of turn 9tm pna at ttinrwfar aarwm imc ti ftittt-rx- f rough hrul nrmmfi- hmto triiiwi piny in ivtrkt cmtrnxl i tin irntt1 tiri tmwa in mkf rftfrtiih u ihl tfnnv iri fnori- rr mtt fiutrriaii h turmi tiff ii tfr and ikaf ny rnori vilify of ror jjar vrm tr tui tjtirr thr jt4ltm trm i- aatdtho jury tnitt ftmvm grmtt tarur rr fntrrla ha m rrttr gtittf of im often- anvmld m ruurfoft ur th uitrru una tor th d oltnrsm ttlii rm fiilaif hh titr tttm 3sr fitotkku ml arf4 tm rurvr rjtthvty tttnv fit ltf lift irut muuin im ujifa ulr ttv sa rukftf t tta inmitji nit m btrm- ftfi rsl icttsk ftiu tiaa hto lut ll uti kxtf rtrjtljc for rrrt if yonn tr- rt7iif9rrrt i tttr will ritljtii mr fir u fti his gir jtfaia tti- kt ot it rjifi himxttm fcia jrrriy i miss hritr swprjfftwts gy1 s highly rurirg ievriimrja ia iunr iru tj t- zfzi i loun at th- eiwonm ijtaiit en v- lma rirn t tihrri i i actarj ovrrirt baod lvitt aho hai lieft ud arfin fuf at th- regular mrrtra ot rountil i mr j wixrfj on lifihiilf ot ttie hon- j na metii aalatlofi irirstnled a i ijilltlori riiatinj that the council tia a bylaw rekulatlhg the rltirj of nhopa within the municifiality it wi noin nut 1h- puio waatotrjr to get urhformity in hours ardr aur better feifling urnonit th- mer chants of the town th present ar- lungeriient wui vtrry uniatwfactory to all and was confusing to rner- chanta and cuxtoinir the associa tion was tn secure iiinurhl ugna- iures to make the iiatnlng of the by law obligatory a tempirature of 20 ahovi- wpj on tuesday mornin was rather un seasonable some daily papers seem to be running a close race with the scan dal shecrts in toronto in securing imaginative stories the acton program adopted by co foi tlie silver jubtfce 0 tstrada tntns yoprrgtnanhood king jeorge v should jiroye very go loathe town hall totiightajdj fitlihg there will be a parade and hear the discussion a day of rest service in seven everyone should be in- rev and mrs stephenson and urested miss jbyce james of limehouse jmmlgr to western car- motored to arthur on monday to be ada fr unllml statea with mrs stephensons parents on srin wlii probab rcach aoooo that the accason of their 08th wedding ls to increase of about 50 per anniversary anniversaries as cn 0 ia3t au numerous as this are rare indeed the acton farm womens club t moore cltrk advertisin held their monthly meetirfg at the for a mun officer for tbe home of mrs george somervitle jsalarxsol upwards of 200 attended walker tn are assuming the pret- lodge meeting on monday for the vernal tints official visit of the district deputy the machinery for the construc- grand master the fine lyw lodge tion of the new macadam roads has quarters were taxed to capacity arrived if- si o pritidirt rtiaujcing mr town o mr williarn wilsn father of rev j c wilsurr diid at hia home at macviue last week he was a native of enniikillen ireland and came to ih tt professional directory and travel1ers guide medical real estate and in8jdraifcat hemstreet enjoys good health wife however has been confined to bed for some time white robin last iueek a resident of the blue springs line was startled to see a robin hopping around in his yard not the first robin of the spring hot white bird george collins wonders if any one else has ever seen such a unique robin every member of the canadian lied cross corps is- a volunteer at th atyr artott wvtt 1110 bus in tke only paper ever rwbuaaed t ae founded va 1875 and published every thursday at 3d mill st e acton ont member of the audit bureau of circula tions the cwjia and the ontarioquebec division of the cwna advertising rates on request subacripttona pvy able in advance tsq in canada 1m in the united states six months 1j siixle copies tc authorized as second clasa man post office department qtuwa ruumsrttimlkrnslhtwlr g a dills editorinchief dava r dills production maaa jwneai dflla john msekcaaaocjat 1 ad epitbriaviofifice telephone i4 united churcrl of canada aetaa ontario a frienply church eev e a carrey ba bd minister parsonage 29 bower avenue phone 00 mr george elliott organist and choir leader 76 bower ave acton phone 6 sunday april 17th 1955 955 am sunday school imorc presbyterian church in canada knox cburch acton rev kobekt h akmstkono m bj minister or w g c kenney physician and 8nrgeon office in symon block 43a mill st e acton office phone 78 residence 115 church 8t i phone 1m dr da garrett physician and surgeon corner of willow and river sta entrance river street acton ontario phone 238 dental dr a j buchanan dental surgeon office leishmah block mill st office hours 9 am to 6 pm v xray telephone 148 dr h leib dental surgeon office corner mill and frederick streets office- hours 9 am to 8 pjn telephone 19 acton f l wright 20 wilbur st acton ontario phone 95 appraiser real estate anal bracken w r real estauf phone 2d actoa list your farms business or with us we invite you to use facilities in securing a purchase for your property f bean limited real estate and insurance 83 mill st acton phone 585 r h elliott real estate 76 bower avenue phone representing g w goldstraw broker milton phone 349 complete real estate service covering halton county use ctur facilities miscellaneous veterinary f g oakes bv sc veterinariaa office and residence 24 knox av acton phone 130- friday 8 pm preparatory service sunday april 17th 1955 945 am church school 1100 am the b d young bvsc c l young dv m veterinary surg tan office brookville ontario phone muton 165r21 legal ru funeral home heated ambulance phone 099 night or day serving the community for 46 year t travellers guide gray coach lines important than ever 1115 am morning worship the service will be conducted and the message delivered by mr j norman russ student pastor of i the ballinafad circuit 700 pjn evenirif worship min- ister in charge a helpful hap- i py hour hymns of your choice sacred music thdught for the week it is not the world but the l way we choose to look at it that counts i 700 pm evening service a warm welcome awaits you st albany church angliean rev evan h jones ba lth baptist church actom- ray h costerua pastor parsonage 115 bower ave phone sosw sunday april 17th 1959 1000 amsunday school a 4 10 ajnmoniuux worship t00 pjn evening service 81s pjn bypu wednesday 8 pjn prayer ln- v meet- b sunday april 17th 1955 cfirst after easter 900 aim fcorporate communion and breakfast for all young people of the parish 1000 am church school 1100 a jn beginners class 1100- a jn choral communion and sermon dedication of white burse and veil given in orxjrfauejljeanajttoii 700 pjn evensomi and sermon the rev will services rnton jpowa ma the rector at these c f leatherland barrister a solleitar notary pahb office hours 1000 am- 1200 aoi 100 pm 500 pjn saturdays by appointment only office 22 phone res 151 acton lever hoskin chartered aeeeamtaaai successors to jenkins and hardy 1305 metropolitan bldg h 44 victoria st toronto em 49131 f coaches leave acton eastboand fi3s am 858 am 1133 2 08 pm sq prnr833 pm pm bl0l3 pm 1027 ajni 1252 pm 257 pjau 5 27 pm 727 pm 912 pm 1132 pm 112 am sun to kit chener only a daily except sunday and holi days b saturday sunday days music- oltve m lampard atcm rjjlt acton studio st albans parish ball 14 park avk mufsl phone 2m r canadian nauonal rarways y days 1000 only 801 day flyer at 637- pjn daftjr town lftll 5 rffm

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