Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 14, 1955, p. 3

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71 sw 1- thursday prtlmth 1088 4-r- jt the acton free press acton ontaricr 9 17aob thru guaranteed investments 1 amount one mav invest omtuary lived in acton 100 nearly 15 years mrs nina naomi mclean of saanichton british columbia passed away in rest haven hosplt- il sldrtey b c o march 31 mrs mclean lived in acton for nearly 18 years and was a subscrib er to the free press for the last 27 years mrs mclean who was born in surrey england was in her 78th year she moved to saanichton vancouver island 11 years ago her husband john mclean prede ceased her in 1939 she leaves to mourn her- passing one daughter mrs use kerr of saanichton and three grandchild ren reggie dennis and barry kerr hahon pagm of thm pttif legal foe estate and trust funds knqlllllll imvitid ml hahon and peel triisuaiiiuft4 7 colborac st e oakv1lle vi 4s21s letter o low thomas coulson continue to shed more light on history of nelson twp bv owe this week we continue with ex tracts from letters written by thomas coulson of lowville which throw considerable light on condi tions in nelson township almost 90 years ago y june 1866 to a sister in eng land spring crops but fall wheat was so badly killed fat merfi will have their biead to buy i think the time is past for canada being the great tyheatproducing country she once was farmers will have ti turn fum their attention to stock raising and cereal grains the manufacture of cltieese is engaging the attention of farmers and will pay bettar than growing wheat a good cow will make 2 a week for four months by selling the milk two cheese fac tories have started this summer one at milton and one at lowville low i think we will have pretty good ville gathers about three ton of milk walls food 122 brant st plans burlington write for our price lists of quality frozen poods for home freezers all meats customcut to tourhndividual specifications quality guaranteed prompt weekly delivery to acton phone ne 42353 in a day gst 1867 to brother and sister in england we liave had a very changeable winter plenty of sroiw but little good sleighing there has been much sickness old mrs who has been going to die once or twice a year for 15 years has succumbed at last mrs fcatherston of low ville died- very suddenly two weeks since of malignant sore throat we are well at present and hope you enjoy the same blessing jere miah is working out he has 13 a month all winter and 14 offered for the summer we were pleased with your phntogiaphy my mothei says she will send her likeness and some more of our bro and sis ters in my next letter september 1866 to brolhor-tn- inw in the usa i am sorry you won t be able to get ovei to the 1iovinciul exhibi tion in toronto this week the fenians- talk of coming to help us run the exhibition i wish they would stay home if they come i hope good gaol accommodation will bv provided for them all and they be made to udortt huge picture frames kindly provided by the gnvei nnunt fur such woithlofi april 1huii to brothel und sis ter r we had u very diy summer last yeai i nevei recollect one so dry the old suying the indians win ter no come till swamps are full was wrong fn once we had no fail lain at all we decided to die unolliel well we sluiteti lust full but did nut fin ish until murch you will under stand why when i tel you we dug down 90 feet stone wus quarried foi it and it look us many loads of stone nss it was feet deep we be lieve it will uevei go dry although tlieie is only ill inches of watei jimuuiy 11117 to friends in england we hud a very sud accident here lust week tlnee brothers were cutting sawing between heie and the sixteen one brothel was ftu- 1ik u tiee in the opposite dilution to wheie the two weie suwliig the tiee in going down struck u dry pine it- lebounded bioke off and ell on une of the suweis killing linn instantly ills name was elson 20 yeurs old unddut ty be mulcted h about u week bread monuments brampton monument works designs submitted cemetery lettering corner posts and markers a good display in stock wm c allan prop 68 quean st w brampton shop phono 1410j rm 313 rep tom nicol phono brampt 603w to liotbi inlaw mai i led uuuin young people man 11 ih7j in lit usa john i cull was vesteiday so tilt ttioiiisht to kiv him a thlvaiite or musical entei taliiinent to show tin il i espt c is to the new ly nutrrlt d couplt about 30 perfoi nier look uut incliidiiiu mnial ntgio inmst- els the minstrels hud a lurge tttmltitnt tn the f oft aix- foot tlrvului saw ii produced very ablt inusu i i in assiut you ti urn at1bo7ia-3grvtre- cam out and gave them 2 to drink his health december 1870 in this letter thus coulson speaks of u trip to muskuka to inspect free government loud jeriy will coulson and my- self took the cars on w northern itailway to buirta thenhe steam boat act uss lake simcoe to wash- ago then the stage to gravenhurst und finally he steamboat to lliuce- britlgtv we were then within n few mites of bee giant land it is not such a bad count y a inuiried man cuu get 200 jtcica fiee of charge buf must commence settling duties with in six months llinthfi john took up 200 acres in a later lettei the wiitel savs thut john jeriy and hubert took up 300 aeies betwetli them in the mus kuka district apt 11 1 11111 lo rrjinls in eng land john llewson will have wiltttll you about tin melancholy event in uikii- jumcs family by which cou sin john s wife und son perished in the flumes of then binning home the child a body wust wholly con sumed und only u poitiun of poor jane wus rescued the house was divided into two purts but with only one staircase between them john heard screams of file and unshed upstuus to rescue jane and the baby but wus unable to find them appart ntly they tried to ea- cae through the other purl of the house und weie trapped by the flumes thomas coulson s account of his own family life after his inoi riuge is liaeit to buy the least and yet so typical of the times in lbflfl he wi lies happily of his marrluge in jim 21 to margaret addison i jil i he mtntions u little daughter hllsabelh i lily i who ut the time of willing wus 10 months old hive yeus juter iii septt mber ih70 he writes to a man it d sister was the only one out for supper log marks 310 miles for the day june 12 wind blows from the east with fog and rain ship pitch ing j badl v and occasional lyshlps a sea most passengers seasick what with children crying and people trying to throw up and cant it is a state of gieal discomfort below and above deck log for doy 210 miles june 13 very cold foggy shi making only halfspeed impossible to see length of ship stay on deck und you get half drowned with spray only 100 miles today 14th cold and foggy captain has not got an observation for a day or two and is anxious does not know when he has encountered such fog afraid of ice 180 miles today 11th passengers all tin deck eri- joylng ihemseives sickness all gone iso miles today ith misty rujrrr disagreeable day ixig 20s miles 17th morning opens mjsty but leuis uwuy about noon log 290 miles the rest of the letter is miss ing ii keltrttaltu liii llllla irilltlitg llllil uir piililllilng company auction sale 40 ljad dairy caltler new power machinery dairy equipment farm implements furniture the undersigned instructions from have received oeoroc a ewino to sell by public auction at hi farm lot 27 6th hue township of nussaguweya blue spring line 2 miles south of no 7 highway 3 mlls southwest of actcn on saturday april is commencing at 12 oclock the following registered hoisteins reg holstein cowa fresh 1 i an lixlstcin holstein cows ctiws due in may 2 in full how 1ct piners alsn tbt ii umptls ut re tin dinni i hoi ns tht rt win fiddle playeis loo and many othtis my power of descrlp lion utterly falls me in this case so i will only tell you that they must have satisfied john peart for he 3 reg reg nul bred 2 og holstein cows in full flow bred jun i reg holstein cow bred in oct 1 reg holstein cow bred in nov 5 reg holsu in heifers under 0 months old registered jersevs i leg jersey cows in full flow bled o ju u jersey cow in full hnglund my in i i is sai jis l flowrbrerf dec 1 leg jersey cxnr mom n the loss of my dturwift who in full flow bled nov 2 reg jcr- du d a 10 in tin hope of ahiy cows in full flow not bred joyful lesurrection in the midst of grade cattle 2 grade hol- my soi mi w i have the consolation of stein cows due in may 2 grade kiuiwint slu died happy in the special spring showing at your plymouth dealers fas5t put z of the yeai when its a rush order hove it shipper parcel l x press v a t i a aqcnt gray coach lines iv the long 1ow beaufui plymouth toko look of ty1ri the sculptured beauty of mouon- deaikn for the forward look puts plymouth distinctively ahead inrtyle praaaiaea to keep- its value high for years to come itv style tbat fivea you extra visibility t extra padous- aaav and a maw kind of bartering convenience with a rido thats admittedly unsurpassed to a fwfooir of this- yaar plymouth offers a far- ranfing choice of power with stepped up sixes and a gran s tmkmmalook plymoutha commanding m ha full v- ssa lesjtapajaiingwithnmitioodmiyb for the forward look hon usoral for that ifaanvda too for true luxury wal amaao yoo now to y v8 youll want to try them on the road and chock their lively action luxurious quiet amasmg smooth nans all plymouth engines deliver their superb performance on regular grade gasoline tofco o do loo wt valubl plymouths new beauty is more than akm deep so be sure to chock plymouths advanced ansineering ana mechanical features in g chassis suspension and body atructure now as always plymouth builds groat cars in sirwtri ur chryrlrllym mocswain motors acton you owe it to youreelf to see and testdrive this beautiful new beauty of the highways the longest lowest liveliest plymouth ever youll find brilliant new colours nnw being shown for the first time and youll see sparkling new sportone hardtop styling now available on plymouth sedans and other body typos weve made special plans to let you drive and ride in these new plymouth models dont miss this special spaing showing of the cars with motiondesign for the forward look sao tymotlnrs motionoesion uttmrowad vook chrysler corporatioa of csasdslinwtod luihtorrfjo drrlarl phone t5 ioid murwct lojjtjeoid in march and although w hud lb two lust doctors in the county ur dice und di fiteinun she grudually kiew i worst at tunes she appeared bel li i and would hope to g t well but thest hoies would be dashed to the ground when she took a turn for the id we sa w p an sorrow hi r we loved daily sinking so soon alas to fill a consumptive s grave poor margaret lie- in the english churchyard between my futher and jier father the three lots in a tier i have one child little lily three and a half years old thomas coulson also died young when the little girl was only ten yearsold previous to his diath he went to england and in a li her to his mother gives an account of his experience on the trip i write this on board ship be- twet n the isle of man and liver pool making sonu thing civu ii days passage we had not a pleas ant trip for tin tiim of v ar as you i will see bv nolls each day wc left i quebec june 10 on board tht scandinavia she is 310 fut long and tht main must 1 10 feet high sh oi w l s with iron of sale i holstein cowa due time grade jersey cows due timef salt i grade- jersey error due in may 1 grade jcrsty cow not bred 1 grade holstein cow bred in march 2 grade holstein heifern 15 months old maple uni and toronto dist rict sires used in this herd breed ing dates und pedigrees given day of sale s3 model 1128 tires new ho wer take m ists june tt a fine day atteiided dlvini stiviti in the saloon after dmnt r wind began tn blnv indto wards night many passtngits were misuk out of our bcith if 20 i would you lend families like this their weekly takehome pay is about 60 like millions of others the do not have aucts to tide them over a money emergency yet last ear ho fin corporation of canada lent over 190000000 to fami- lies like this we provide small sums of money for emergencies and opportunities and require no bankable security often household finance and other consumer finance com panies are the average familys omly source of prompt money help today more families borrow from con sumer finance companies than from all other forms of consumer credit companies combined in 1939 hfc operated 19 branch offices serving 37000 customers during 1954 over 607000 customers bor rowed from over 170 offices today household finance and the consumer loan industry offer the best solution to the money problems of the average family finance zy4metf cmams umis most icoausmk cmmrm fmmci coawmt ipoulthy 100 heavy hens 0 pikin ducks a mallard ducks tractor truck amd imp lements allls chalmers acwd 43 traotor like new ferguson trac tor land hay baler with uo off used i season int combine with motor 6 ft with pickup and clover screens just overhauled m h fertilizer grain drill ib disc power lift 7 ft ferguson power mower mew ides manure spread er on rubber tractor type 2 rub ber tired wagons with flat hay rcks alli chalmers 3 furrow tractor plow hyd lift ferguson plow hyd lift dearborn hyd pow- ei disc ferguson adj spring tooth cultivator mh aide delivery rake i ew woods oat roller 10 fleury grain chopper fl mil double disc 1 electric motors from one quarter to threequarter h p 5 miction set d inrrow muygralh groin screw ww mercury i ton truck 8 ply tires canvas c inopy top surge electric milker with motor and 2 isurgo units 1 woo3 rant vega cream uynrator moffat w it pail heater challanger fog sprayer ixiwer piint sprayer ft sloop sleighs st el land roller scales bii truck ec tool shtd 10x12 rubber tire wheelbarrow 2 trailer axles with a heels and tires grain bagger furnittme etc 2 leather couches 3 occasional chairs 3 pit ce light mahogany bedroom suite 2 kitchen tables odd chairs 4 piece wicker set 3 lawn chairs 1 verandah glider 1 oak office desk 1 typewriter desk walnut 1 bed chesterfield w walnut bed spring spring mattress i deep freeze frigidairc 15 cu ft 1 2- burnor coleman camp stove 1 2- burne with oven electric stove 1 electric stove 4burner frigldaire 1 cold wall frigidairc 9 cu ft on 23 cycle 1 ruglxm mat 2 rug terms on all chatties tlement with clerk day of sale nothing to be removed until set tled for lunch counter mo reserve farm sold to murray bros himdley and elliott a412 auctioneers aii and under cash set- mayfair restaurant acton east on no 7 hjajhway open daily 00 ajw to 300 ai breakfasts lunches dinners ivh and chits a sfecialty good food at reasonable prices we deliver id fsv r w

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