Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 2, 1955, p. 12

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bagk twqlvk i i high school sale jcfaa undecided omittnucd ftxxm pe on laborauxry acconvmodallon any- thins wxpnvtd kxn accommodation x ovr and bot i paid wtlwply fey th muntciuauttoe concerned chairman coon injected that in an interview- previously wtth th department it had teen pomtd out unrnn woum iv paid on 400000 with w grant on ahep heme evo- wmk or auditxvrmm any return from the sal of thv prewnl actuxxyt xould bo tke off ttw ssortwo o wtiiclmsratltecwxxttpato oratwit on vvjjvktvm vt now hlfih school arejmua om th ba of t vor sit of the mvrovd nmownt grant on public f hooottjpcttot are thw 4 j per nt which xrtl ivssiw bo redwood to ss per cent bat on population ncvt yw an allow- o sxv00u per cla- room v the svudc vised now khovxl vtntruotiob the acton mpr prfss acton onfawo thursday june 2nd ibm milton wins in ball clubs home debut ae7im yiuitmul iiiihiiiiiiiihii nuutliitr humiitt at- muimi allnwm s 4h calf dub llnkillnll tltlk iiiiwl llf wltmtl illlllll till i w plitvlnu in liiiiillt iiiiilm nihili lliili ilnlml iwn iilmlit in ihiiii fan mflim inliitf wiiliiil mil halm tthv mill uhv mlllim itwl hni itut jihik million ciiiililv i1tiiiiiiliiin lit myth lntiui lliiv imwcil l the xlalluia cuilllv otitna nl wiuitil iiml lliliil tuitrtfliil uniiilni wliu niiil itilihi stotslrolit muton suslhigh schooi addition behind the pnttnt innminy w towny ixeted the cheaper wo lot fhe pub- 1 snap thi xl athi tooting vis hoxvmn tho lxv photo wm jw fhim have tho present high i pvf xvt kv room s iii be ndovd to the new vhool plus t ois m at a cost ol atoul 40000 liltn lhmtt w milhfwl t- iirnntrt t mnknir 1 fii afhli m 4 j ttw prosom homo oooiom ani thvp n fal tor both tho public and hijih svhosvl he nvntnttnoi inermnr ftrwr rixro inrv5kwl out2n the anbcipatoo ncroast onsxiont it xtltr h jo bvi o pi s tk vhxwi jkvorinvsiattor- a ithout any jo fnio n v1 j jjo ovi n mrvnoil x jss at svx t as s4 sin at a a at iv b n s oo xia avmi why fslt s hssi boon rodjxv m kvio j-jaco- os ho nvcy votv by the lojps laturv had to bo v oor sh wholo proxinc that noarly routros kuwo no joostioiovi rr- jhor if it rvco nt sv njcvpals- xwe- tos to bujd rvvisa to toach ssop and home oevsaomscs the de jvartxoortal rofcsstfc irvijeatod muai ore contaauns to i tiwisr rivbtsr jw no srants cvxkwiuat johsksi mstvo qoos- xxmod si rfw xorxh hajtoa board as presvarod to acwpt sixt for th presrex hxsh vhcvc ciuurnan coos tjihd the board had not she aathivrity to seil the srtswl n olftr staer askev there hao bea any off or jcci the pbljc vlxvc board the fhi ta nejciod soae joha hall vitlotl jspesec he understood the pahjr seicvc u ulry to enter xsk- a trmnsactioc a a reasonable praw but ha sated hat the r5oriabe rence ss ckt j johnsoc rssestod that attot s iorci to baild a new pbc xiixv thon te- a ce high srfl t ufh be 5e cfftcult to 5c tie f v-n- jr i3cscissc cretiruea on tho ceal sf ol x h4h scicvi th preet snoeritocseis the exstng b d- lt- tr rajbte ongth of exsterce cc north kitce hgb school iajct 3oirc bother miton tas prepira tc sssst a h je dstrct s pectr arxy ng ble f jiarc- -j- y n w tch the ctr ct lias aaec r paia cif en the bildng sd rrltr2e ei mior sice is- t cccc oe the sesscn the char- ti scea the epoint of the kies ci each the ere-pu- tjes ij i objects as far as mc is coccemed it o be g5oi long term planning irxe the torn s faced th con- sofrahle expar reeie marun trr- ecred he p ted out the r mm d be aoe uth an vvw tajaafcl2a- sajsyssv legion news miss sharon stewart in dancing recital 3itai- mw sliuvn stwul lunshloi if i mi uuv min jiik miail tlnmll lion finntil of oton took put in th moimum school of iltuu iiik n- otl hold it tin- ivitn iollokuto on i ki iu mix 7 at i ho oloso of iho omui tho olukiitii woto pios nt od wltll lomkn of swtht poai unit a larso crowd v o hand 1 it j 0j sj krtoy nt who- it now oxmtad mis- koidi vnp o hunilum luis v xxvro mitatod into the bmmh 1hh1x shaions toachot for tho lst svior tho cia rxnanshtp of com- x rado tsexxrjto mivseue comradv hjt lmt conimandor vxf zon bt wav in ittevtanco aivd v briefly to the- now members 1e meeting then adjourned to te club room where a social ex eairvg of darts caros- and a roai oldfhiored viik ons xxth jack wiring at the- piano r spiokorol on the ioin and e marro with te accordio- xa enjoyed b bth new a- old members- scout accepted at prejamboree scout field secretary ing phoned word to a s flenv acton this xxeek that patrol leader wayne cume xx til attend the world scout jamboree xxith a troop from the pat wakhe and h help again south waterloo district and that he set up a xerv dehciou lunch it has been accepted to attend a pre- wj receixed w ixh the uual clean camp he xx ill be part of a troop of xveep wsth onl a few crumbs left j boys from hillsburgh and erin for the odd and ich the next i thoe w ho attend precamp xx ill be day- it is hoped menibershp night tux preparing for the jamboree u ru oj to be ai annual ex- which 10 000 are expected to attend t at niagaraonthelake in august best crowd yet t hi- actual duties haxe not yet te arne trio of enteretames been defined he xxill receixe fur- wee on ha- for the saturdix t ther instructions within the next ugh aance ad word most cc two xxeeks he is to haxe a medi- tan y tiust haxe got around whateal examination later in june mr f e o thee bos put oi for i fleming noted as e bigget crowd to date the eighth world jamboree vxilf jac warng who has heped the be a onceinaufetime experience in rm- for scouts and leaders from all oxer brari for entertainment ma- times is retrnng to englard w th s fe and farri we do hod- hogh he will -eru- to canada te ne3- future do- t orget comades deor-it- c- dav t a attend sday be ruo e piraccc cf tie present high school facctescver the yeas and the pre- es fctdg coid be xery xeu the xx oi id it is expected to give real meaning to the term world brotherhood of scouts the simple but significant actixi ties of lixini together by patrols putting on demonstrations taking tours ard pirticipating in arena show will all demonstrate demo- cracx in action the world jamboree first exei to be held outside europe w ill run from thursdax august 18 to sun- dax ugust 28 the jamhoreo xxtll bt officially opcnej by his excel- lencx the rt hon vincent massex ch goxernor general of canada in his capacity as chief scout for canada dirng the bisirp session thi- the c w i b to v i girls finish work on indian village te canadia- g rls m trainira of krox church met n the sundix scsxl oom of the church or moraax exemg noma sihcla r cxndcted ihe worship service nplkl vslull vi llllll llllll iii 1lllm tliroxitili mi iliol n wnlk niul il n llli in llif lop tittle nf un miviiilli illlll na lln tlllltlnu pullil lrvil llio hihi linllit wlin vimliliil liny n lilt fiixii tliiililliuliinii lilt iilli mioutod siolt with n iwu urn hiiiiiik into iulii iiiiiih tln miniit up nl ix llll pollllllo pippill iii llll pll i hoi ml siiiiflnl innlliil ii nhiuli iiihikii niiiiii mill m nil tn mnlr miliiiinon willi hie vvllinlni mi ii uila a ion tliliil niiuiuiii in lnc wiitiutowii i ilti it tin in i i on kildux nlttlil mill im ilnlll junt sliatli il tlittu nitiiln on npiiiliik ln m ij ailoii illtnliiil onto hi in i mm sluill miltoh i mi t in x luillrt fo six lilts two of llu nl tilplfi l i mil ijiwsoii mill john cuniilnnlimn in foil- lit wits umkiil in fnvoi of nl imixhk hi the tiotloui linlf of thl simutll i 111 i ut lowlllt still till miotliei uilh foi at ion with u kii glo niul hsss motion iliipllcnli l thli feat luil both minn is mmi- u ft on iwise xxhiii the in m two luittim xx enl out in ouh the galne opened with acton sooj ing the nlv run of the first ln- mg xlion hob htallev xxanglcil a flee trip and harold toxxnslov sock ed a double into deep centre the acton crew added another in the second while milton remained scoreless laxxson notched the run by singling advancing to third us melanson bobbled mcci stalls drive to short and scoring as cunningham grounded out to short milton finally hit the score card in the top half of the third xvhen south walked and scored on a wild pitch then in the top half of the fifth the visitors xvent ahead as marshall doubled south singled and bill vaughan walked with the bases loaded acton reeled off a double play as the next batter grounded to the pitcher xvho threw home forcing the runner and tow n- sley threw to first in time to catch the batter but a xxalk to heipel and an error at short followed by i 3t s family dinner party for 85th birthday mrs j a mpw at celebrated her 85th birthday on mav 27 when her children and grandchildren gath ered at a dinner party at the lamb- ion golf course clubhouse mr and mrs sam rothschild of also attended other guests were mr and mrs h dignan mimico mr and mrs h burns heather burns harold burns weston mrs l baxter toronto dr and mrs h f moxx- at copper cliff mr and mrs bert movxat john movrat acton and marx mow at toronto mrs mow at has fixe children jlinegrandciiildren and two great grandchildren llnif mlllon minn id miiiro ltimitl 4 u mlti- lull lh in ilnm ini if nf tlii nit hi aclnn mihwa n mil i mi hilly iiihiiiimiiimi by lrlil liff i llll lilt nf tllfllfllltftlmkl nflll ltilvmtlt iitkiihii iimiimiii wnf fin i nl ml mi null wlillc llr nix mil mi iuihi mi llin f lulilxi h i lml hiki iiwiii wliin kxil lintf ililw in limit moiliik mi iiif ulilln fiuui tlif aelim lilnn tin inill llu t piillitil up nl llilnl mplkti hiih lihil llk litfm t ii llltlll llllllllm killllmi lv lliiu mlllmi llih ntwtil tho iimiio up ltlnlilliiiluu1 john i unnliihliiiiii iii mil in n film illin i tin llin lull tin llu iiiiiiin nllnw hit milv flvf wtlil in in pliii ii llll iifil uil n wnlk lull i i iiiiiiiiimiiiiiii walliiuil n wnimii fit iii unit uiihjft i in limit ilithl aim lint lufn iilimti oliutl t liliu a wllll llitow friifn miluiimn itll lltiiliv km ft mill f fiiiilijiiiin titp hltitin fni tlif infill wttm llmnlil tnwimliv with lliim lilt in fniii lilpn li llin pltttn nntl cnul jjiwnnii with iwn- kiln in four tilnn hon nnittli willi twn fin lluiio uiul mm ahull wjtli two fn fnur itil thu vlnllnm ii ii y mlllim nil will 17 7 2 i at inn i ii hh i wdlrrtluwn ttlfra win fin in v nlglil m wiiltittiwn m im iiihi fiint gmiit hit at tun gnntf oiilliit hit linuit t lull hut wttrt tdg ttl j i sintt hut w tin- bfvth ini ln ftn at inn iilltiwln only fnu lilln wlllli at toll rniiirlif tl ct vtt f li ill hit offiilnun nf inn unnrt willi i ili wn itmk tin ii nil in thr flirt rlmiii win n nn innr unit a nliuli iut jwn inin rm mid i lnunp inn inilti il llu- l fium in with 1 tiiplt alton kit tin lr only run nf hit itmni in tin lklh whin morion mimtl i ul tin mil wan nulllfliil ns watt rtlnwn got iiiiouf on a tloulilt mill n ti ipft- in ihejr half i ini thy was the it adlng njtman ftn attjin with two ninglen in four ti itjs while nost wurthx wax twi for ihrt e for waterdnwn in tipening day in port credit tht actuii team was behind 01 in the third but pulled up wllhlh one run before porf credit took the opener 1412 the return game scheduled for victoria day was called off due to wet grounds acton plays at brampton next saturday journeying to campbell- xille on wednesday before return ing here for another home game the following saturday wtih oak- ville tries judging alhthir n mtt u m larmhori nf ui lltillnn tf aijl dual pur- 1mn 4 f ntf fjmilt kathofml at almrfnltly farm nwnrtl ly kobirtl frllitiim of milton n may 34 for lliftlr ton friftlri t 109ft tt llm ixntfit of all nitiinlif tww hrtniht out antl hanrty fliirlimlmo wtth tin wliltftlttt ii md a4- ht7li ut j k wliut lt 1tftk for jvhtvi jnttin a lwif rtw an txrnllnnt rlaan ttf hhorthrl hlfnr wm hrntlht tml mil aflxr ifln orr av thrift rmtcnriit tlin lmlftt maetlng folltwtirt lynin ftuhr thn protldrmt inpattly f xirrctfil tlm reflation nf hi fnllttw 1 1 lib mnrnlwri tn mr fitirtttmtuite and it thwart w jit ipt i rriakti this mtetin a jcut fe down mvmms surge lata k il j w 14 aawaa w lmna uamtm horace tomlinson surge dealer 9 1st line west brampton telephone 1872 taaagfbbtss misat lainiam hfw feature hit outlaw stallion ftrimcolor plus technicolor cartoon montues june 67 matin tar children monday after school 41 5 pm sudbury next meeting was p anned and rke o cloe ths years meetngs the gls w orked on their pr i during the full xxeek except oh fri- idax xx hen acton representatixes w ill join the scouts in a trip to the used foe a public school ject finishing their indian xillage exhibition in toronto on interna- r bud esju3g indicating started making garlands the tional scout dax frtharr study by councj ould be meetrg closed with taps i scoutmaster dax id dills will also be attending the jamboree although tpte renttd the board a let- tressu-ctt- trnear 500 dozen school while the equalized portions cc which payments are made are f la kimmjaj beaxnr foe the townships the opin- vookis ineeoeo 500 dozen cookies not in a troop bob grant xxill be scoutmaster of the south waterloo troop te cf eaquenng would be that it is cot the time to add to schools when the towns are expanding at such a rapid rate he concluded reexe a serxce kassagaweva and kecie j hargraxe acton both scusht me for further considera- taon and study of the matter rummage sale held orders were taken from door and then delixeredjm saturday to there ee 3300 person- gitv- motor ce accldets vnited states in 1s64 about sw dozen cookies were i f i delixered when acton girl guides at ot josedn s cnutch hold their annual project this week a vorv succes rumrnake sai was held in st joseph s churchhall on fridax exemruj the sale xxas some of the cookies xxcre s on sponsored bx the catholic wo- tht street until the supply that had men s league the group also sold been ordered ran out candx th guid w ill be eonehidmg- t ladi i charge reported a the ther actixue for the summer xerx rush of business at the beginning of shortlx the profitable evening bell bros sales service chevrolet cxdsaaobiie chevrchet trucks o k used cars wish to announce the appointment of don ryder mainst 42m as their agon district representative dont hesitate to call on don when youre looking for service and quality in new and used cars or trucks sales are backed by service that is dependable cau 42m fot sexvice s iirr tfowt old trntci i worth money liberal allowance on any used watch regardless of its condition dig out those old tiaaers it will help pay for a new watch of your choice don s bexton phone 645 main street plus short cartoon wedthurs june 89 i sbeattyv 3rhk circus mickey-s- spillane mbrif hs fpn us tfrts warner bros mtowibi sa w plus cartoon hews a vote for stan allen is a vote for the humanitarian program of the ccf stanley a allen cooperative commonwealth federation j these are the hjghlightsof a program that is the result of in tensive study and discussion over period of two years it is not pulled out of the hat at the last minute as mere election bait on the contrary it was discussed fully at regional conferences held in all parts of the province and was finally approved at a repce sentative and democratic convention particular attention was given to the question of paying for the various measures we propbse we are satisfied thattjux province with its great natural resources can fully afford our program in fact we cannot afford to be without it because it meets basic needs of the vast majority of our citizens sta alle c c f tita ii 1 jobs for alldemocratic planning will keep every body at work making the things we need houses schools hospitals and the materials used in buijding them 2 hospital and health insurancethvbcf proposes the immediate introduction of a provincewide hospital in surance program as the first step towards complete health insurance 3 sickness benefitswe propose a plan under which those who lose income because of sickness will receive com pensation in the same manner as workmens compensation is now paid 4 good houses a public housing prbgram will provide decent homes for all families at prices or rents they can af ford regardless of their means specifically the ccf pro poses the ctsnstruction of 40000 low cost low rent homes over the next four years as compared with slightly more than 1000 such homes constructed by the present govern ment over the last five years 5 protection of home ownerswe propose legisla tion to protect families from losing their homes or farms in cases where they are unable to keep up their mortgage pay ments because of sickness unemployment or other similar misfortune 6 grants for educationthe ccf will relieve the tax burden on homes and farms and at the same time provide the means for meeting the increasing demands of our educa- cost from the present level of to 50 per cent of the overal about 30 per cent 7 farm securitythe ccf proposes adequatemarketing legislation to establish stable farm prices the effect of this will be not only that the farmers will enoy a secure standard of living but in addition they will be able to buy industrial products and thus help to maintain employment 8 natural resourcesofficial government documents reveal that our forest and mineral resources are being brutal ly depleted and only a pittance is being paid in royalties the ccf will undertake a planned program of development of our natural resources in which our great heritage will be used for the benefit of all our citizens and the interests of future generations will be protected 9 protection of consumers- we advocate the estab lishment of a consumers bureau as a public service to give consumers independent expert information on the quality of goods placed on the market in ontario to control misleading advertising and to recommend appropriate action for reduc ing unreasonable price spreads 10 pensioners a provincial supplement of 42000 per month to old age pensioners x 11 auto insurancea ccf public auto insurance pro- gram will cut premiums by at least onethird and give b protection to the public 12 honest governmenttbe ccf proposes a complete review by independent experts f the method of govern ment spending to eliminate corruption and inef tional system by increasihg provincial grants for education this advertisement sponsored and paid for by the ha i ton county ccf association 3p aai 7 i c it

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