thursday december 29 1955 the acton free press acton ontario page fivk e l buc optometrist in acton every wed afternoon office at 48 mill st e acton hours 1 306 00 evenings by appointment for appointment telephone h5 tr reeve robert marshall honoredas expense fu nd doubled in n special motion passed by trafalgar township council with deputy reeve donald bath presld ing reeve robert marshall was given an increase from 200 to 400 per year in expense funds we hope this will help u off set the heavy expenses you have in attending the necessary ifunct ion of your office mr bath told the reeve mr bath added tjhe contractor council accepted a bid council wislhesj to thank the jeeveofal7 797 95 by the james holliday for the way he has conducted bus- construction co for the construct iness during the past year it has lonof 5377 feet of sixinch water been a pleasure to serve under you mr bath said the township had been fortunate to have the servte ea of mr marshall at a time when a steady hand was needed at the happy new year to our many friends and customers and many thanks for your kind patronage in 1955 acton jersey dairy don tlmmlngs prop helm tjhe entire council gave ap proved of mi baths words trnfnlgiu towndhip fathers de cidpdi to advertise for a piamiei to tadfe charge of all new subdivision plans the man will replace r j roberts wtlib wsii liuthl a juuiitli ngo tout decided to take another position instead subject to confirmation by the see our gay assortment of balloons noisemakers horns table favors hats crackers and many more novelties for a happy new year also candies nuts and box chocolates for festive gifts or for party serving clearing of xmas cards decorations greatly raducod bofora hint0ns 5c to 100 store dept store main on rebecca st the holliday told was tine low est of three invitational bids re ceivled the helton having co entered a bid of 1918020 and the guerney construction co a bid of 19512 08 a bid of 2 96800 by stonehouse sales ltd of milton for a new pol ice cruiser was accepted the told was the lowest of five received the company nude an allowance of 88890 on the old vehicle leaving a difference of 1482 cost to the township otiher bidb received were hitchcox mot ors 1580 difference sterling and dynes 1594 difference allan clements and son 1 907 15 differ ence and oakville motors 1 600 difference council received a lettei from the oakville and district rod and gun club asking that a store in oakville be allowed to carry township hunting ilicenses the letter complained that many oakville hunters bad to wait sev era hours at the township store for a hunting license and in many oaaes hod to make two trips file the letter and well deal wtlh it in the new year said reeve robert marshall people buy the free press to read anff read the free press to buy pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north galt telephone 204s limehouse many visits during christmas holiday we lire pleaded to report that mis niwton kin nbte lo return fwxne fioin hospital oik saturday feeling much be ttei mr sw itzei tn hospital in guelph and mrs mit vho i t ar b progress flynns nursing home good food kindly care- up patient8 sm bed patients 5 day semiinvalids 4 day on no 25 highway 1 mile south of acton phone 124w4 every businessman ing favorably following operations we regret bhat mrs william tfaryes has been laid up with a bout of pneumonia at the home of her daughter in georgetown for the post week ilaeut and mrs r p bourne and tittle son mark now in germany where he is stationed with the can adian forces were spending christ mas with his aunt and uncle sir frederick and lady bourne bux ted sussex england mrs r p bournes parents brig and mrs agnew formerly of kingston now in belgium were accompanying them to england those awayjbr christmas in cluded r mrs e a wiley who has been with her sister mrs sinclair with mr and mrs g k turner and family at on ilia for the holidays the a w jbentons with the wilfred greenlees at campbell ville imi and mrs john glynn and petei at woodbildge peter remain ing for the week mrs r iane with mr and mis robei t lane in georgetown ml thornton w ilh relative s at tceswvater the noble families w ith the fred fryers in georgetown mi and mis cltjf mcdonald tnd david with mi and mrs kra small at arthur miss katlileen kirlcpatrick and mi oalvin mcdonald visited his lather near dunham on monday mr w mitchell mi and mrs ed sanfordland bill visited miss dot is mitchell toronto on sunday and mrs mitchell in the hospital later iholiduy visitors mr and mrs herb sinclair gloria tatnd dan of hamilton with mrs sinclair and the a c patter sons at a family dinner at the gisbys were mrs d s mcdonald and keith mr and mrs u law and ramily of hutlonville mr and mrs angus modonald and family of georgetown mr end mrs leslie team terra cotta and mrs bradley and two girl friends of st thomas mr and mrs leslie campbell of hamilton with the a nortons mr a c bourne of toronto home w ibh litis parents the kirkpatricks held family dinner for ail their family on sun day miss pearl scott mrs scott and patsy juki mr and mrs joseph saiiford at the mitchells on mon day mr george golefthorpe- of moffat with the cyril clarkes the briggs family with the ran kins and taylors toronto the william turners with rolat ives at umonville the campbell sinclair s with htr msler in toronto mrs shetbourne and the girls in rook wood the f j shortills and mr t h price with the gordon ypnce s is 1 lngton mr scotty wardell of toronto a ith the anchi mcdonalds mrs henry reamsbottom of to ronto with the c a fosters mr and mrs ray cahoon and mi and mis svlvestei sargent w ish to announce the engagement of th u duugritii mai palncia to william guidon pallet son son of mi and mrs ross patteison of r r 2 rockuood the mui i lage will take place january jlst at 10 00 a in in 2t josephs lnuuli at in halton manor yule events highlighted by visits of junior choir lome scots band found outside slaughterhouse men charged the court case of two men from limehouse who had been appre hended thursday night and charg ed with breaking entering and theft was remanded wednesday afternoon until january 4 1956 the men had been found outside randells slaughterhouse with two hind quarters of beef in their pos session and the slaughterhouse had been broken into the beef was valued at 125 by the owner stan ley randell christmas program for greenock wl mis calvin aitken was hostess for the december meeting of grem oek w i when 24 ladies and 23 children were in attendance each ihild wns piesented with a bag of goodies the president mis k patterson opened the meeting with a christ mas poem followed by the carol o come all vc faithful the scrip ture rending was the christmas stoiy bj mis j l allan the mary stewai t collect and lord s prayer weie repeated in unison roll call was a christmas verse mrs b johnston read the minutes and the treasurei s repot t it was decided to hold a christ mas party nl the school during the holidays a 5 donation was voted to the tb association a letter was read from mrs woods the dis trict picsldent accepting the invita tion to be present at the january meeting at the home of mrs wil liam ballentlno acton mrs e johnston and miss elva pearen took over foi a splendid program of cuooks storiei ofcurok stories of christmas in other lands puzzles readings urrent events by mrs balhnlinc and an exchange of gifts the m ting closed with the singing of the queen and w i grace a dainty lunch which included a delicio chrn ring made by one of tin dutch ladies was served by the hostess and her assistants 1 p oets corner mondnv niithl dei ej nlur 19 was chiuiun s night it kin mnnoi foi at that turn he v d a lamell riltlir ilf gum ait nn iiihhm i milton biouglvt 25 ui 30 boys ami girls all members of hla anglic an junior choii to the mwnoi to en tertain the tesidents tre service wvae held in the dining imooi before the prognam betfgsn mrs ledwith the oigamst at grace eihuroh played a number of select ions on the piano and during the concert itself she was tlve capable and ayimpatlietic accompanist for the children jj songs mr claike welcomed tlie visit ors to the manor and said he v as glad to see not only the children themselves but then parents and friends as well among truuit mis maiy pettit a foranei warden of the county the children entered the room to the strvuns of the ptxkession il hymn o come all ye pallhtul then came a most appealing and inspiring progi am presented by tine ohitdivn ami tlieu ksfted leader mi powell the progiani conhisted of a sei les f st lessons each it sson cnsislng f a rending from the bible lead by one of tlie ehildien foietelling oi describing tlie birth of chi 1st and two sici ed sngs apprpi iau to tin context ot tin- iihsoii read tin se saciei sings wen vlos duets qikirtottes or anthnms wuien th y iltapienei to e well known carxkls tlie lesidtiits and tlie ulvildren sang tuiem in unison the last lesson read by mr powell himself was cji r islnvia as told by st john and ns tasel on tln first 14 veises of duplet onq of st johns gospel this was read with the audience standing after whidh the residents and the children sang as their final hymn hank the herald angels sunt the residonxs feel that mr low ell mrs ledwith the chiidten s parents and teachers and tlie children themselves are t be con grtatulated for the pronvit capable manner in which the ussxins weie read by tfln dhaldren andi fir tin ir sweet and expressive sinking tin- whole service wjis veiy nuhi en joyed by tlie residents mrs claike thanked mi iow ell itvd un diildren foi this in j ible sac red eonci rt so in keeping willi tile leligious sigmf ireince ofj onrosunis band enlertaliu ttt mn n tv i at iicnm thu lesidents enjoyed a i oust tuik and plum pudding dinnot lib all the ti inunmgb dur in nh dinner mi wnssem 1ww 11 had thmi ulnldren a night tl following nkglit decembei 20 wis band music nu tin visitors weiv recipe for new wars punch take yourself peel off the layers of egotism and jealousy romove tjhe seeds of unkind though us citt out the prejudices worries and feora then add one firm bolief th it life is worth living one strong determination to live at our best brian of toronto miss stewart of on n solve that you will slnv for jllie elmf and mr and mrs clarke uric called into the dmuig room to receive tlie thanks of the res idents mr lewis was thanked for ulie delicious dinner that he him self mrs lewis end mr john twgntan jad previred and ml and mrs clarke were tlianked for act in tlie part of santa claus and mrs santa claus go genially and generously the christmas dinner favoe wtucth were candle sticks fashion ed fisuii jmirshnuiuows life savers and tiny candles had been made by the c g 1 t girls of st paul united churox milton the clever way in which they had been made and tin- tlnnigsitfuliiess of tlie girls m making them caused many favorable comments among the residents in the w i ite up of december 22 an unintentional error was made in idle reoit of the visit at the manor of the cg1t from knox vesb tei lan chiiixh burlington tlhc wolds slioiild ikive iewni 14 tihn aie girls rather than four li n age girls halton juniors among top four iboth junior fanner debating teams won tlieir debates lost niglit widnesciiyl by split dn isions and are now among the last four county teams in conietltioiis tlie negative team of roy ford and uoyd vivian debated at smithvllle wthile the ositive team of george greenlees and mac sprawl debated at trafalgar hall laimong tin judges ot the debate m halton were j a carroll assist ant deputy minister of agriculture and bill hreckon former world wheat king everton christmas weekend sees several visitors mr ind mrs ted jestin patsy md nam y spent christmas week- nd with mr and mrs uoyd hunt er and family cainsville christmas day visiltirs with mr and mis harry hoi ton and family and mrs w ii llortop were ml anei mis claienre lliirtup rock- wood and mr and mrs bert pal- fni e should expect a full measure to expect and give an accurate count weight or measurement in buying and selling merchandise or services is the foundation of business success thats true in newspaper advertising too apply the same knpw what you get for your money pokey in mak ing your advertising investments by using aj8 c circulation reports through the association of this newspaper with the audit bureau of circulations you are assured of circulation value received for your advertising dollar abc gives you full measurement of circulation facts and figures about the audience for your advertising messages in this newspaper ask us for a copy of our latest ab c report tha imwipapw k a mwnbw ol th audit buraau o ciccu- latiom eoopraw nonprofit amotiohon of publlihon odvorhmn and odvortiung agonou our circulation k audlmd by ojiporionad abc circulation auditor our abc report thowt how much circulation wo haw whom h aom how obtained and otbor acta that toll admtiion what ot or their money when they turn hm paper port credit and the mccallum s of mamon w ith the wm cahoons for dhristmas also miss jackie cahe n ttmmci from tlw college of educat cm for the holidas w i ladies sent out 10 christmas treat ilxixes to tlu sic k and shut ins foi christmas tbo kocl of rtnil success mix seell seasin uitrma sense of humor and opumism g irnish with smiles iid pleasant w ords turn briveily to a hungr world wntini for our help sent with jjenlli ness ind courage then ixitienth wilt feir our plui l dts pair honored prior to recent marriage a bridi and groom of saturday about 25 members of the lome scots band of geergi town who with their bandmaster mr a per rot amni to tlie manor ui ircsent a ntusical iiiogram with tin accent on christmas musc after the band bad been warmly welcomed to the manor by mr clarke the program besan with the singing of o canadu t4e var led program consisted of seven well known christmas caxola aev eral military marches and a med ley of old time favorites ludli as old folks at home and drink to me only the very appropriate selection bless this house was 1 so pleyisi by the band with band sman victor cirter giving a fine porformiance as comi t sohist rirlier in the program a stirring trumpet solo zeldo by enc coat es had been played by qmclsmm f c emmans iccomianied at the piano by his son bandsman p c emmans as un encore these gentlemen playesd the very pojiul ir selection i u walk beside you in thanking the band on behalf of the residents muriel twmion described how tlie tine band had made georgetown famous by win ning many av irds in varous com peutions suah as those held an nually at the canadian national exhibition and asked the band to a one back to the manor as soon as i and mrs hancock belfountain mr possible it was very welcome and mrs alf coulin and mr and news to the residents vvrnjn bond mrs william alexander mrs maudev guelph is vimtlng expect 95 percent of taxes collected trifalgu- treasurer john white laid list eok that the township had collectesd a little better than m per cent of lb 1955 tax levy of 752 000 mrjwilute said 4n expectexi 415 drcrmfarr rhmr ndmrrcertrfritasm petirotobc the per cent collected ot the e nd of the r avrj wire guests of honor at band would play an outdoor con h r daughter edna at the home of ear and wouldnt forecast any gathi rincs prior to their marriage cert next summer i mr harold sunter surplus as vet miscellaneous shower for the pair christmas celebftuona was held in sarnia where the christmas day visitors with mr and mrs charlie fountain and fam ily were mr and mrs bob wood- house mr tom fountain toronto mr and mrs james fountain and daughter sudbury mr and mrs ted fountain and miss joyce foun tain guelph mr and mrs wesley ullle jim alan shirley and clifford spent christmas day with mr and mrs ken smith and family guelph mr harold sunter betty and mary and miss edna maude spent christmas day with mrs annie smith drum hill christmas visitors with mr and mrs t d mccutcheon were mr and mrs robert mcrculcheon and dinnna kitohener mr and mrs harvey jestin and bobby mr bert richardson and stewart mrs g orge j sun spent christ mas dav w ith her daughter and son inlaw mr and mrs lloyd cut ting and raymond acton mr and mrs john alton and misa ji nnie tovi11 sp nt christmas day at tin home of mr and mrs robert patt n and family guelph quertjex spent the- christina qubec spent the christmia week e nd with the latters parent and brother mr and mrs john a st wart and bill mr and mrs irwin hamilton had their family home on monday mr i i of canada s cities calgary is at j groom s home is another shower uic the highest elevation above sea lev- for the couple was held at spring rxiutrnas daytself was observed mrs archie parker and marilyn l i brook villa a r riplev cert next summer mr and mrs omar parker and on account of christoruie comin hien mrs dan parker and colin over the week end thu year h christmas day with mr and ji etf ftuewr wbisasisrar- j as a day of religious significance with the christmas party and din burlington council to receive 3 for each committee meeting i ncr taking place on monday mr and mrs norman fryer and family acton visited nn monday with the latt r s parents mr and mrs omar parker mondav visitors with mr and mrs percy peavoy were mrs will west mr and mrs rae west ac ton mr and mrs archie bagg and a most appropriate church ser vice was held on christmas after noon sunday when rev- j l blair came to the chapel to con- duct the service he was accomp the fee is justified members these ucre the words of cr jak anied bj miss arleanc mcarthur dorothv mr joe simmons guelph this vear had more than one and richardson speaking to a motion aild mr vernon mcarthur of mr and mrs walter bagg r r no often twx and three meetings a he and cr jack gordon presented low vide and mr and mrs a p 7 guelph week in addition to the regular u burlington exmncil last week in galloway of milton duxirg the council meeting besides it will which next years council members strvice mr mcarthur aocompan rockwood help a little with babv sitting mon- wih receive 3 apiece each week ied at the piano by mis mcartn ej this vear vvc receivtrd s3 once for attendding commrtee meet ur sang two fiie solos whi e n month uis this is in addition to the rer shepherds watched their flocks ular fee of 38 for attending council arkl silent night neeungs mr blair read the otristmas sto- tvm st matthew s gospel n urn unvu anri then arxux4 s5 he wouldnt go for raising councils f snd j an4 on sirrc mannt hr haw mg fees to ru argued vou would earth poace and accon put fl1 n plprs ieadink to th semn be getting men runran for panicd b a i read b y s damage resulted councu just to ge the fees he mr blau 3 wrf a but sorn wrod on outside wall agreed to tc smaller amount tract and made the chrutmas was sctched and some smoke howwer suj very real spread abeiut in the house causing to ouahy for the fe however on mon moving december tntmvk nd the comrhillee rtairman nftuai pre 38 the residents d ranenib c d j and j sent a7wxil3erireprri the mot on ed in the dining room torthe an spcnt christmas with mr and mrs the acton free press 56miu st acton phone 174 sab0urin craig house doctors carpentry painting shingung plastering renovations of an kinds 1 au- large odd jobs accepted give us a try we aim to satisfy call ar write i sabourin craig tr 72476 georgetown ont fire alarm sounds as house takes fire j v mre uv tursdav morning the fire alarm onginaliv e motion asked for and a of wa for r of until cr frank whittake- said cuovd slides on the screen the mr jhr ilovd when fire broke out vl 1wk k k par t eifti bav and famly at ancaster rn t v a beauti- mr rov pay of toronto also spent 2l meeungs are atterided when it was fully decoraujottqfgaf me the dav w itk uiem suggesd the matter be left tor glowing w ith colored ligby mr and mrl majt milne mr and next years council it was pointed after several christma3 carols mrs j milne and family spent out a council could not increase its had been sung the distribution of christmas with mr and mn uoyd own pay but could boost that for the gifts began mr and mrs hunter and family at cainsville an incoming council even though clarke played the part of santa midnight man was observed at the same members would be re- claus and mrs santa claus in a st peters church oustic saturday turning crs whittaker gordon very genial and witty tmhion with night and sunday morning maas members of the staff actioc as was celebrated at sacred heart their helpers j church at 8 ajn and 8 jo a jn and richardson are retiring and said their farewells