eightyfirst yearno 33 acton ontario thursday february id 1956 light pities seven cents order no vote on maria street bridge debentu re pneumatic drills jab into the frozen surface of wallace street as efforts were intensified yosterciay to locate the broken water main eventually pinpointed near the mill st corner which had cut oft water to warren grove residents for a day and a half before the ouxiliry well filfed empty lines background centre are puc chairman f oakes and a duby supervising the search ssssiv rvjasfca r a iu- j k vi- v vvs main breaks at corner auxiliary well provides water in grove problems of mental illnesses told club dr robert buohnoi iiddrossint acton koukilans on mental health at the clubs regular meetinc tues day ivtlultk in stress mil the imrtortancm- of taxpayers of the irooltm of treating the mentally sick the speaker point ed out ther are as many people in mental hospitals as there are pat ients in all tther hospitals for nil other types of illnesses mental difficulties affect a lot of people for a lotti time he emphasized point inc ou tile coiit wf lreathttrt the speaker praised the system used pt britain where patients went voluntarily to mental hospitals re- alum the were disturbed rather than waiting until later when treatment becomes imperative he also dealt with the use of new drugs in cerain typos of mental illnesses the appreciation of the club was expressed by dr h leib to the speaker members concluded their dinner meeting with the preparation of fcoqfr envelopes con x aintnjj east er seats for the annual campaign householders in wa rren grove havf- precious water on tap today tlmnks to the auxiliary well drilled in that part of town as an emerg ency supply measure 1urmt last summers heat wave i some time during the dark hours of monday morn mi the water math on wallace street which supplies two local industries as vvill as more than m homes broke and cut off water to this entire section waterworks and town emploees siiikiy heian to upetithe street iiar the cornet ot wallace and mill in an effort to repair the mam break j tuesday night the miu r it the mxlmrvvi ii irehttrtitnttei rtinttval some weeks ago for wuiiu changes water soon filled warren i rove lines and taps afur users had to resort to emergency ntrans for a top weii brought into use ystrday nnuninn lnu- wednesday the break was found it was a clean division of the watcrmam section there was im apparent cause of the break this morning the broken section was replaced and water turned i wick on into the wallace line winner of last saturdays ap preciation oay it raw was ivirs w gonkmi who won a total of s96 the iaekpil continues u grtuv srhall machining industry starts operations here aetous newest industry small hut unuiiic in this district is open for business this week with three own erpartners who are also the firms employees acton lrecisijn riuiiicr 1 spccialiing in liol and die making md kiiural machining has set up hop i n mill st west ami already is handling orders that ke- a itint uoikuig day ami night sato hhiiiciic wilt smith- ami krei ganly are stall an i nianagc- 1 nienl with longrange plans for the venture lit tune they consider i there will be 1 healthy market for canadianiiiidc precision- machine 1 liaris that are now bought by lall- nlian industrialists in the stales i wilf smith ami kvcil oanley both machine engineers are comparative niwoimcin to canada mr smith is a native of niriiiinghani england j while mr ginloy is a fellow cimii- i trvman from coventry sam hru- nolle an acton native is also man- agor ol thf station hotel j two mcmthis of the partnership lengthy reports thk wrrk the krrr ivn rur- rim complete rr porta of two im portent nfficlal hrartit held here lhi week itoth the natural hut i ranch ur larjtrtnk and thr maria street hrhlre hearing mart nn the front fcgr of lhl ivtur but due to their traigth are earrlfil over lo inlilr ikkkrx carry over for the rjs hrrtng story im uii pace three ftr the h hraxlitc tuxy oit tvisi lowr tlofh hearings urrriovrrrd ami the reports urilteii by staff re porler games highlight booster night i responsibility of town verified in ruling of municipal board here acton laipav i- 1ll iil vot- mi the lovmissiikiii shale of all en tail it i 7i thkieot lot a ixw mh la st ul in i in it was i ubtl 1iestlay b llie onlai 10 miiiiii i il llill as llu- uoiillt s l smtt claim ttk 111 iiik leponllltil was ion tilsu cl istitillshtt the inline of tin- miail in the i i lstuitonv anl viliiee pie mhii in ills til pmtih taken li li sj-k- li lilia council anl hi mai linon- llyl i jlccjivo that hi iiiiililf sh i iiu town an llu- tiwit in or is anl ii s nt aetui liiu muuir sports as- skiitlm teportt a stircssful uul- iiiiui f the annual timslci nilit h ui last kiulav iukiii iii the arena kive halfhour kanis urt hii-li- iikius of thchnhii iniiam the kauis wer playetl turlvvn ttams at thi- minor icat iriiiiis uil as rvtulutioii iitsts ilisiuitt plnty i ii it ml effort tli- part uf hiv had loi experience in preei- i llie youiii pucksleis sum macliinmi wilf smith worked i alill t the prukiim was a fi- in montreal fur three years after ure skaniik exhilulioti liv loiinda emiiik finiii kiikland while krtil kn i ii i the llun ill m skatini ganlcy has ixstn her- about four j chili two thi yars silniulti lo apuai all the partners are optimistic late ufli ihhik in atiut tin- iuhu iir thir type it s r- itnnlil- cluli skaters ai n vij but tmi ui up bv car ic- tllls view ill tlu- ti iatvaion ami at tin win km siiii- tlieir uptunisi placel district especially aras kiiw hik llulus r in tin- bonds ck ticket ll iuui4 winn ill rate til start i nn ilksn t opration seem mis- ii iihi c lillln act io krillle lii lia k orelmwii ill w lii t cote fill act 11 awarded to s tin im the clv 11x1 ii 11 by w al ts a v bond ipli mis p green i n supplnd run over 100 women join in world prayer it the world day of prayer service for 1956 was held last friday after noon in knox presbyterian church with over 100 women of the town and district m lutodiinee mrs james ingles mrs a biich- nan mrs charle l mrs harold force mrs r gtwn- 1 boor mrs reirl mrs cook and mrs h f rolmes representing the presbyterian baptist united j christian reformed pentecostal as- sembly and anglican churches res- pocfully took part i this world wtdcsrrvice diiv and a half the auxiliary well hiis not been in use sirxv late last siimtner i micro plasties and a fin- brick co have be sinrt moiuiay with wate by fire hose from a nearby mill st hydrant monday aftcrmton town eniploy- v5 tiirrtrd dnnltinj ivatir into all hiiius affeetihi loiter that evening the fire department in merit in the tank pumper and brigade members filled twithtubs with water ruseded to put sanitary closets into operation with the break occurring in win- r waterworks employex a duby pervising the repair work pointed out added difficulty arises in pin pointing the trouble two to three fft of frost prevents water reach ing thioutfhm the exact break locat assist irig ion some water has spilled out the stonn drain opening at wallace and mill streets indicating this drain conduit is also damaged urban board goes to the dogs for topic of concern at meeting rncumatic drills to break the rocklike surface of the frozen road memliers of the north halloo uiliaii hoanl went to tin- dogs at thru tegular meeting m acton tursiuiy veiling whin tht- mun topa fur consideration was doe con trol approximately two and a half hours of discussion ranged ovcrthr- servicfs available from the onkvillc and histi irt humane society the problem of dog catching the fines levied for offenses the rallies scare and trie pssibility of dog control being enacted for all municipalities through the county council i h merry and inspector alan mac- nab representing the oakville and district humane society outlined the growth of their organization from simply a humane society to onkville and trafalgar with doc control as well ns wilton members of the milton acton georgetown board emphasized the i need forimoro rigid dog control and the difficulties involved unless a pound is available fo- the deten tion of stray dogs picked up mr merry said the societys in spector could either issue a fine to the offender or take a dog to th oikville pound where the owner would have to lay 1 a day for each day it was impounded owners have three days m tthtrtelim a dog after that tune it becomes the pro perty of the swioty for sale or dis posal the representatives pointed out discussirir the recent rabies scare a disease that affects dogs and can make their bite fatal to humans the inspector noted five dogs are now under observation it was pointed out rabies is n contagious disease with dogs and ihe bite of an infect ed dog can sometimes be prevented from being fatal but may leave uie human victim paralyzed for life members further discussed that existing by-laws- did not call for dogs to be tied but they must be under control reeve stan allen co ltd p u to lilainc replaced i willi past p 11 11 v j iii ie had lie u lilk and public as- i lions o opposillotl loin re ihe liai nig tuesday when llie bearing ptlel 1 1 v two lilltr vglstell opposition ill the lace f weighty and apparently to the lail cm lusim- evidence tllit tin- bllite- s the towns charge 1 l lucas special ininsl fu iii- town opened ills 1-asi- litoie the municipal hoards it kennedy and l taint son he dscl llnl th dc lepit state of the in ide- told of the uiidltional approvals timi the ii- pailmenl of highways fin paymelit il an ho pl cent gialt toward its coiisti uction and infolmcl there were sillle st llollli s willi liki ople served by the tl lilge trillion from crarml town clik 1 miahle was called- hi passed ill a pilini staled in have been mulled liv pel cent of tile lnillliv llls ui the cllsciit ill lav ii iii limit jle testified unit i in sliiuing luiw til- cicscrnt ana u as at fust lalglv ileal diiiole liius tlijnlgll tile yeats ailllesatloll- tev i iptll lit and growth nlai 1 llx- ana until it was enlisidei abl v changed sin- 1111 when the in idgi- v- is built and paid for bv heaidinits cllk mi i hi im i lllel ii fiiiiialioii ih ul hie 1ivvns lli 1 illlllle tlldebtedflss it s asssslliellt ft i plat taxation and ii kh tiunt of highways appioval ttln- to iik ei list i uction 1 1 v law at tlis il haillnli kntidv aski 1 if th-i- vvie any w ho vvish- etl to be llirtd as lijets to the hiail granting eafiiilliliili if a vol it 11 itacltliu lj-et- us a citiz en ii- disputed clik mcclus stateinellt that the i mile- had been under consideration in council for five years mr hachlui siiid there had been no consideration given it wjicii he was mayor in 1952 fie went on to recall that in his opin ion the bridge was necsitatd by iil siding cut out to serve a local industry m to fts3 assoc vslnl tlil mid eslltti llhtt- nif ih- aelii timc ainl seluntl mh fitltn w hehl in llie iihlte mliik mhoii unit minti i vtninn 1i a mull of i ii 11 hi oniiity ii iillh pint vin uem hmakr tif lit t- liiiif ui livietl tl 111- i iniliw- talk n liiuiiinilty fol- itiwtii ii an ithn uettoti unit an- w i i i totl vvliicli nnr iniit an liiti 1uiut 1 hai it many nulleat litls rvii vvimi ititu tti i itiih i wiib illkllol itlls imiiiik alltf liiiicimll mt-k-nmi- smiki- nit archiatoii ll wt witoniic uifoi mat ion fur tii ruts miic- 1h actiatioii pru- 4tm ht jkint im ii ciiiill mt llu- simi mi mi kiiiri also on- l u- iiuiuv iuiotis on ih- sub- jt mis j lilac k mmiiii wmi the ttlll tilt m kll u t tst ilii- total llnoaiit wjia jw cor- l as st vcl elmira takes two from acton jrs in hockey finals klu th t i uglil 1 in u blast i tioill llliit petlod to lot v iv el a till v ii ii tin home t th w him i four goal round nit a i wcln sday am joutiy- the irr amp f then pla 1im might vlotl inc i spial ittii ll iihi holt th- stick klttliu filed two ii thn gtal for th- first mi uf td kootltt the fust and cioretivvn tpiestinnsl llu- rpre- sentitivs on dog control in rural aias it was liaitiid a program is in nig ithralei in trafalgar success fully further talk on th possibility of implementing either a county or area schme for dog c introl is to be tietd7 mtitn ithermim tc n i lificiajs mmtwrs hseussed the recent re- iiist frim the health unit directed to each municipality on the divi sion of plumbing insptsclion fees for which the unit docs the inspecting il was agreed a split of 35 per tnis responsibility cent to the municipality and 65 per ratepayers should cent to the health unit would be more- equitable than the present 20 per cent 60 per cent arrangement attention was also given the pos- silulityof alter ing the percentage of rebate to urban centres from the county road grant to cover work on connecting links difficulties of county connecting links and the work generally on crounti roads came- in for heavy censure local as the mlninr ftllnules t the bridge has lcen maintained by bearftmures fur years i havent heard they have imhn released from and i fl the not rjo put to this additional taxation mr rach- lin said mention of the missing minutes was made mr kachlin replying to a auestion from the ckair said he couldnt remember how long the minutes were mlinji h- contin ued remarking that tax5 in acton are 40 per cent higher fir the same aultu i in the mcoiid to leave the tinti st fan i v vt 11 up lo the final fiarin- tb- faiiu was a cleanly- la utth with f w tniiitir m ilis eylhtl aeuii juniors playetl hard but were i nt with bard luck lure tuwly flight when klnura moved int own for the first came of thu 1 a uf fue h mgue p round junior i stpiad wr by coalmouth their iponent9 ccmtinucd on page- for jjz3siissgvts m 5 xffv tvfff jiukaa for area gqs rights r u miss ellen anderson shortly re turning to her missionary work in british guiana was the speaker for the day and rave an effective talk on womens part in the mission of every day life mrs g boiven of the pente costal assembly church sang and was accompanied by the organist for ihi afternoon mrs melvui mccul- li ugh rev k armstrong pronounc ed the benediction to close the service carfripsonroof near town line two accidents were reported by- acton police over the weekend no serious injuries were caused any of thivse involved late friday night a car driven by- frank brown milton ran off north mam street near the town line arid turned o in the ditch about 350 damage was caused saturday morning two cars col lided at quevn and young streets mnd a total of 600 damage was caused the two vehicles drivers were nicholas betzler kitchener nd glen stringer milton supperj roads were blamed for the mishap united suburban case bids strong to win three acton men in brief court sitting three local men appeared in a brief silting of magistrates court here wednesday afternoon j one man ws charged and con victed with impaired driving and fined s0 plus 20 costs his licenses were alsvi suspended for three months x charge of drunkeness was dis missed against another acton man while a third charted with driving while uccnte was under suspension was remanded the question of whether tony seynucks anthony gas oil ex plorations ltd or the powerful tnited suburban gas cv ltd gets ihe fuel boards nod to distribute natural gas to acton milton and georgetown hangs officially unan swered this week but alter mon days daylong sitting of the board most observers and officials indicate the certificate of public conven ience and necessity will likely go to i tilted suburban the case tor united suburban lasted from 10 am to 2 p m and decision was reserved the case for anthony gas met a dead end this came late in the afternoon when after a plea by the acum comp anys lawyer for a two months postponement was denied the fuel rard disclosed information which would indicate anthony gas has no hope of getting natural gas supplies from consumers gas co ltd to bring drilled reserves to strength where a distribution system could be set up rtrnunm gas already holding ah option with united suburban for a sas supply contract into north halton will enter into tin other agreement with any other company to serve this area this statement was rnade by fuel board chairman a r crozier and borne out in the xnuerf s fiinitt ihkitl said negotiations are pending with consumers gas for future supplies he announced and added since un ited suburban had already got an extension from consumers to pick up their contract it wasnt that scrums that the rival company couldnt get another extension ikarlirr it was brought out in the united suburban case that this company must pick up contract with consumers by the end of feb ruary or lose it too it was testif ied that ln ted suburban must take gas from consumers by july i de- lav afterward would mean the hamilton company would be paying for undistributed gas mr charron continued his plea for a postponement board vicc- chainvan simpson asked why a stay had notbeen asked forvarlier mr charron replied he was under the impression the details could have been consummated by now chairman crozier the board doesnt ijuestion you could get fin ancial backing mr charron but even if a stay of two months were given wheie would you get the kas antr- remember under the terms of your agreement with the three towns en would have to star distribution by july mr charron wc have been in touch with consumers chairman croiier you have heard today at this hearing that consumers will not enter into any other contract in the area other than with united suburban mr charron began to dispute this w hn vicechairman simpson ply available have you no sir the solicitor began were negotiating he was again interrupted by a quest nm from the chairman who asked about the availability of pipe and finances for a distribution sys tem in his reply the subject of future supplies from consumers was aeain mentioned chairman crpzier we have cv cry reason to believe consumers aiiil supply you mr crafron consumers never indicated tvi us they wont supply chairman have you any other company in mind mr charron there i no other company in mind thr chairman repeated that if a stay was grantd the hoard would have to hold up decision ore the un ited suburban heamii this he said wmld probably rule out any cas coming into the area this year he referred back to lestiniony of the three mayors in thimorningi- thit each town is anxious to have ias as soon as pissiblc continued on page threrj misfortune set atelied a-2- jihri ciiiimiigharn fttd the lone artiti goal but at least mx other shots on gki were score bound had it not imii for goal posts or open side misss the acton sipiad forc- d the play all night elmiras roiimlers came in the first and third i iicrifkts only two penalties all minors wc re handed out to each team in the clean fast contest a xstmiiivd encounter with tho siitif siiad here saturday night saw actin mwl defeat again at th hands of klmira this game wound up the league schdule with elmira on top acton next georgetown and hamilton trailing saturdays game ending 63 for elmura was fairly even all except for a disastrous middle frame for the locals here elmira pumped in four cods without dispute ron sinclair ron shannon and wayne arbicdid the scoring for acton i remand two charged with garage theft william lev lmth the thft motors oi court in milton riocn ther-cas- another week at crown attorney droii and thomas oak- f acton charged with of 370 from thompson february 13 appeared in wednesday after- aas remandid for th- rfjiiest of the v broke iri you feirtiylwvfit a sup- aimsawmmhiiii i niii iihmi i maeiij3sjjiivbi rising hydro bills get attention from p u c at mondays hearing c g charron solicitor for an thony gas made an impassioned but futile plea for a jkwtponement of his companjs hearing- he said his company did not have the ad- unreasonably large increases in the majority- of acton hydro con sumers bills in recent montbs are brinsinji a flood of complaints to the pu c office scretary j mc- geachie told commission members lait week r stovi the 60 cycle power wbiikj be inmaly dearer however he con- linucd those many customrs are now wondtinnr rfand when m the period of adjustment ends the corrrhlssioq all hat snce the 60 cycle changeover do mestic rates have generally risen in each successive billing members were told and the office staff is finding it difficult to explain the reasons to annoyed consumers to vantage of a battenr of experb to the commission was asked assist in the considerable work pre- paring details and making arrange ments for financing it is impossible in 30 days since the anthony franchise bylaw was approved to finalize details he reasons for the unexplainable in creases could te perplexing it was suggested a representaiive of the ontario hyilrio- regional office be asked to attend a meeting to discuss the situation at thursday ntghts meeting r i f bean appeared lo explain points pertaining to increased theft view the tendency seriously since in a startling number of cases there surance coverage was no apparent reason for the waterworks emvloyee a greater consumption and higher entered tb discuss wages he bilu secretary mcgeachie ex plained ihatmany customers under- continued om pag three in- t i j mu rfc thevmmmtia bridge question whehser a vote should be required to endorse the town spending some 15000 as itsshare of reconstruction was answered this week as hie municipal board ruled a vote w riot riecessary the ruling lends impljcation that the town may rightly claim responsibility for the bridge recently the aged was put off rirruts to trucks as a safety measure a- i i-i-