Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 23, 1956, p. 2

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r vtit y eightysecond year no 7 ac on ontario thursday august 23rd 1956 2 ten pnqes seven cents y athletes win five trophies in highland games at fergus pumpkin seeds sent to 92 in ontario novel attraction at acton fall fair thai year will be the- junior pump kin growing contest which will con- dude with the naming of a pump kin growing champion tor ontario kntries have indicated that the title will really be representative too since lair secretary mrs irene swackhamer sent out 92 packages of pumpkin seed to all parts of the province some went east as far as leeds county north to north bay east to kincardine and near sarnia of course there were many local requests tor seed as well although some have said it is a bad year tor pumpkins fair officials are hopeful they wall take a late spurt to be in tune for the fair donor response aayreach 700 legion officials in charge of ac tons august 30 blood donor clinic added up canvass results this week and where a high of 350 donors had been initially hoped for found the final total will be nearly double that figure i response has been so heavy that extra time has been added to the dudes open hours next thursday a notice elsewhere in this issue gives details of the new hours monday night canvass captains totalled nearly 625 volunteers who have signed up to donate blood at the first big clinic here since the end of world war n canvass re sults have yet to be completed for rural areas adjacent to acton when this is done it is expected the grand total will be close to 700 it was pointed out that if there are any who wish to donate blood and were not contacted an appoint ment for the august 30 clinic may be made by calling e e barr at 160 gold mccutcheon at 103 or vic pat rick at 548w freak of the week before a crow of more than 7000 acton track stub entrants carried off five trophies at the fer gus highland gameion saturday intermittent rain failedto dampen the enthusiasm of the spectators and only briefty delayed the pro gram competing against topranking athletes acton young mens results were outstandingly good setting the record for the 100 yard dash in three age groups frank cooper placed second in the juvenile race at 107 seconds al though he and the first place win ner gordon dodd of the hamilton track club were timed the same dodd crossed the tape first there were about 10 entrants british empire champion stan raike of the toronto police force placed first in the shot putt not surprisingly however second in the hold of about eight was wayne arbic of acton who putt his shot about 35 feet stan eger- ton of the toronto olvmpic club was third wane arbic was beaten by no one not even an olympic star in the 100 ard junior dash he was- first with a tune of 109 seconds two men from the toronto ol ympic club ron miller and stan egerton took first and second place in the pole vault miller a british empire champion lept 12 feet nine inches the two had expensive swedish steel poles for the comp etition with a borrowed pole jim dern of acton took third place about 10 competed in the midget 100 ard dash hen frank mariscak was awarded third place ahead of him came bob sisler of hamilton ohmpic club and metro kozak of richmond hill track club also entered in events from ac ton were wav ne wislon don price and peter gibbons running in the open mile xere delmar watson ed molody and ed barr of the ac ton club bruce andrews ho is with the guelph legion track club placed sixth in this open mile race bob bravshaw who went with his runners to fergus w a pressed into serv ice unexpectedly and assisted the officials ys men hirrv arbic and charlie leatherland supplied the transpor tation for the voung men considerable justifiable pride believe it or not the proof is in the free press window a tomato is growing on a potato plant the freak was discovered in felt in the splendid records set b the garden of mrs walker on ag- the oung athletes from town the pes st highland games attract top camp- a green tomato still tiny was etitors each ear making actons spotted amidst the wealth of potato high standing cspeciallv commend- leaves on the plant i able -r- would more than double water supply and storage to erect concrete light standards on elgin st barn nine tons hay is destroyed fire betaeeu eight mad attack last night ravaged a large ham a the letacre aaarket garden farm of charles grelg a amlle tantawest t stewarttown aa the no 15 sidervad last in the barn was a crop a maaall gardentype tnc- and nine tons of hay hlrh in the ham since last mr greig could not place aay estimate an the dam age the caase af the fire is yet aniaaiu as caaabnsuan was rated aat da ta the length of usae the hay had been la the aara there h no electricity in the banding and the only person near at the time of the outbreak was a hire aaaa the awner was nat pleased with the effarta of the george town firemen wtt he blamed for driving ate awn track aft the haaeway leading into the farm and through a field of carrots they did more ouauge to it the rarrotal than to the barn he said boy scout training aids badly cut lad bo scout training prov ed its value at rockwood when four scouts frm toronto came to the dd of an eghtm irold bov who had n rubers agreed to cut h s foot ivuclas robbms son th project u soon follow through on a five-year- old agreement between bcardmore and co ltd and the puc this summer w ill mean a new- look for elgin sl from church to agnes sts according to a settlement made at last weeks regular utilities ses sion the new look will see new hydro lines for this section of elgin st which leads into the beardmore plant concrete lamp posts with underground cable vv ill be erected and hydro supplv wiring will be changed to feed houses in the area from the rear of the lots r r parker discussed the work for the companv at the meeting it was agreed that the hydiro depart ment will begin its share of the work as soon as possible after discussion a motion was passed that the commission accept the beardmore and co offer re garding change of w iring and lights on elgin st whereby the compan will make the complete installation of underground w iring and poles and fixtures and the puc will make the necessary hookup plus changing of poles to back vards extension of service some time was spent discussing extension of sewer and water later als on queon st to the fronting lob on the wool combing subdivis- lon roecntlv revived for limited envelopment at a planning board meeting members weighed the ec onomic merits of tapping across the joud to the m tins from each of 13 fronting lots or running another nm down the south side of the tret no firm decision v a made but tvrt work on is schedules new view of mill st seen from squirrels lookout on one of four fallen maples opposite the free prpss for pictures and story on former felled aaill st trees see page nine also page three boys day camp tours airfield j has fietd day j bo s dav camp at the y m c a has kept three teams bus with a varietv of activities jeff frer headed the huron indians team bill churchill the mohawks and john hoire the apaches j i last w eek thev toured the trans- guelph cinada irlmes airport at miltou one afternoon the were into the hangars and planes a field da was held at the high school with the mohawks sweep ing the meet results follow 50 vards for bovs under nine bob groeneboer dave sproston bernie frueler 50 vards for bos under 10 neil franklin don harris edd hubble 75 vards for boys under ll fred daw kins paul bennett andrew tarrant 100 ard dash for bovs bill churchill jeff fryer bill stuckev 220 ard dash for boys under 12 fred daw kins bill stuckev peter wolfe 440 ard run if or bovs over ii bill churchill pat churchill jeff customs figures here are up 500 per cent customs collection figures for the port of acton have shown a 500 per cent increase over the last 20 years customs collector billy middle- ton says the figures may be taken as a true picture of business condi tions here although 1956 figures have not yet been filed they will show a substantial increase oxer last years 263253 total he says in 1934 when mr middleton became the customs agent here the total was 56000 the main portion of the total b accounted for by the towns leading industries guelph bowlers certain to win beardmore prize last wednesday august mat ches in the intercounty lawn bowl ing league saw guelph defeat ac ton by a score of 9279 this gives a clear margin to guelph for the bcardmore trophy even if they should lose the last game this week to georgetown this is the final week of the series in a 12 game contest between four clubs acton rockwood georgetown and i guelph it has caused a lot of i friendship and interest to all con cerned and proved erv successful i the acton and rockwood match this week will decide which of those teams is runnerup for second spot guelph s winning skips were pete kefalas art hall and bob samuel skips of the two games won b ac ton were jim fleming and a white league standing r w l f a pk guelph rockwood 10 8 3 1012 942 16 11 7 4 999 926 14 acton 116 i 9stf 948 12 georgetow n ii 2 9 138 1038 4 georgetow n caused an upset last week to rockwood bv defeating them b a score of 8782 it was a hard fought game when the score sheet had georgetown ahead b five points tins weeks schedule guelph at acton rockwood at georgetown frver in the fild events fred daw- kins won the junior broad jump with a leap of nine feet six inch es and bill churchill won the sen ior jump sailing through the air 12 feet six inches bill chunhill also took the sen ior broad jump with a top mark of four feet while fred daw kins matched this feat bv winning the junior high jump with a leap of three feet one inch the bovs have also had crafts sessions and seen movies one day the bovs spent jhe dav m the wood at the farm of wes wolfe ol mr and mrs rockwood and were pla ing ir boy receiv ed a foot will permit hvdro superintendent easter lily blooms again in midsummer an easter ills m august thats what mrs james hepburn of ransom st had in her garden last weekend the bloom was so unusual mrs hepburn lent her pot- ted plant to the free press where it was in the window for several das horticulturists advise amateur gardrners to nit off spent blooming salk- after the euter lilies are over thev wont bloom again the declire but mrs hepburn has found them w rong her lilv bloomed list j i aster and in miv she put tfto pot i out in the garden the original stalk which bloomed at easter is highlights off water report actons water works report presented lo council tuesday night contained some noteworthy figures and comparisons on the towns present situation and what the next few years may bring a tew of the highlights at the end of world war h the town increased in population 1 960 to 3030 by approximately 50 per cent over the next five years then stayed static for five years population rose nearly 400 in the liast year and is likely to reach 4000 bv next summer it is not un reasonable to assume that in the next five cais the alton popula tion could reach 6000 in 1955 average dnilv consumption of water was 161000 gal ions maximum dining this period was 241500 kuoiis a popiilntion of 4 km requites average daitv consumption of 2m1 000 nucl maximum ilulv consumption of 330 000 gallons ret ommended tire flow on the distribution svstun should l iipahle of supplwng 2h gallons pel iniuuti ami have a storage nip uitv of 750000 gallons for cinoigenc use tluse figure me ton sidered adequate foi a population of 3 5imi at present actons total tlailv flow is 360 uno gii lions maximum us maximum stoiage tapatitv is 2ics0o gallons work estimated at about 4 r was iiiommi ntied in i hanging rertim watel lint valid addition of cross lonmcting mains to improve flow eonditions in this distribution svsttm humiliation of dtatliml mums was also recommended with the completion of the glenlea and lakovie w lit iglils subdiv isions some tune in 1957 the towns water supply will be lixitl to its limit and in the event that the town was vailed upon to supply a sizeable qunntiu of water toja new mdustij it would be unable to do st rv- sk v sbs r county to start million dollar halton road rebuilding program milton wins two over acton nine intermediate playdown baseball over the weekend saw milton and acton tangle twice with milton tak ing as many wins saturday in mil ton the host team squeezed past for ar 76 victory while in acton mon day night the visitors sewed up the contest 71 saturday s game had acton bats booming strongly right up to the seventh as they rode into the last inning on a 64 lead however mil ton countered with three runs for a hat trickrtmhis ball game winning pitcher was gervais who took ov er from kennedy in the fifth losing pitcher was robinson pontlcr mlssiofiatv who relieved scott in the sixth monday evening in acton it was i j gljest mifiistgr milton all the way with five runs batted in in the first three innings while acton didn t manage a run unul the seventh inning losing pitcher was cunningham who was relieved by scott in the fourth gervais the winning hurl- er went the stretch for milton the two games are the first in a bestofseven series in the o ba intermediate b playdowns 425 in chest theres 425 in the meithmts appreciation dav chest for next saturdiv afternoon ijist weekend 20 tame out of it for howard misales who won on 1 fi t per cent couwm mirj mc fiddon received 5 rotary club queen now in new york city pretlv voung jean manes the rotarv tlubs quotn for 1 week is in new york city with luggage and clothes she won as prizes in thi peanut dav contest miss manes is the- guest of tho club as she ttjurs the lurkcst city on the continent with her friend dot dawkins ns her companion miss manes left sundav they are staving at the barbizon plaza hotel in central new york handv to shops the best res taurants theatres and all the glit ter of the metropolitan centre her tour included a boat trrp around manhattan island a trip to the statue of liberty dinner at the copacabana night club a bus tour of the citv and other highlights mrs sid eisen helped the young queen to pick out a dress from ei- sen s store as part of her prizes gord mccutcheon provided a light weight suitcase for the trip bert hinton gave a hat and white gloves to the girl while mildred bell picked out a full embroidered pet ticqit and a bra from her store braidas shoe store gave her a pair of shoes to match her outfit ledg er s 1 ga gave her some travelling items and stockings a multimillion dollar long mngt road rebuilding prugrnm hits been j launched in halton county it was inntiunretl iiv it r smith munlv engineer yt stcrtiay mr smitii said in rcimpliimte with depirtmt nt of liighwiv reguations countv roads will gratl- uillv be pived 1 1 sul thai 10 miles of r surfacing was iintlt r vky in v anous irts of the ount now it a lost of mjoimk tight nulls of loads art bting rebuilt it a tnsl of i 60 mm i a totil of 23 000 is being spt nt this year un the installation of bridges and culvt rts and 25 km tin light sin face piv ing he addt tl that eventually the entire 145 mile halton county rtad system would be paved we are spending 500 000 on roads this yir and exptct to spend more in 1957 he said mr smith pointed out that the county rtceives a 50 per cent road subsidy from the provincial govern ment it is their idea that all roads be paed he said they want to cut out maintenance costs dr g s bell of rockwood a former missionary in china was the giuest minister at acton united church last sundav frank bean has been organist the past two sundav s clerks assistant to be hired here at a joint meeting of council and the public utilities commission tuesday evening prior to councils special session on the waterworks report it was voted to advertise for an assistant to the clerk treasurer the meeting was brief but at points briskly argumentive main reason for the additional office per sonnel was cited as heavily increas ed duties in both town and puc departments in recent months due to growth here a notice elsewhere in this issue of the paper calls for applications which are to be in by septmeber 1 georgetown now has five pol ice officers council moves to option land and start to drill a search to intfrense actons us able water flow by at least 350 gal lons per minute began tuesday night at a special session of council when notion was taken to option propertv on the fourth line where t was pinpointed in u report by r v anderson asstx uitt s that n i urge volume of watt r can be rtntlied by drilling tlit rthirt was prist ntid lilting with pre drilling anilvts by a large wnttr supplv film antl stressed the mil tl lane silt about four miles noitli i tst of inn as a highly prob able source of atltlttioniil wilier sup plv for the town a second site in- vestigaud less than a mile smith of acton hnj n flow of spring water but this tlitl not figure in the report or la councils discussion as the mori likely source this search for more water has in in knocked urtiiind for four years mayor e tvler said its unit we wentafter it and finished the job more water seen certain if ouiirir rarraes he reports re commendations to their conclusion ii s iilmmr certain water supply and storagecapacily will be substantial ly intrtased the report prepared under super vision of t ngmt r k hyde rccom- mt mled that international water supplv ltd lt ngtgt d for around 25100 it statid this firm will gu ir int i a will lo produce 350 gal lons pel minute at pn s nt acton s usibli- supply about 250 gallons p r minute and full storagt capacity at the pump- housi is 212 500 gallons l how i vi r to tarry the program to its i nmplftion will n tpure moro than 25 000 tin iiimrtclistlniit s motto r 175 moo would he nettled to construct well house and equip ment install supply pipe and lay jo 000 ftit of 12- inch gravity line ft oin thi sitt antl build a million gallon rt st rvoir rrvlrwx salient points to develop the second site the spring source would run into an estimated cost of 117 000 the report suggt sts engineer hyde reviewed the sal ient points of the report before council he reviewed present flow anticipated needs and the potential of the two sites investigated he intimated council should tread lightly and make a thorough in vestigation of both sites however he also noted several economic pos sibilities make the fourth line site more favorable the town which by summer of 1957 may have a population of 4000 should aim for a minimum of 350 additional gallons per minute flow while present flow is adequate to supply current population mr hyde noted in the report reserve for fire- fightinc is not up to par and would be inadequate by next year if the rising population trend continues council although formal commit ment was made indicated the ser vices of international water supply should be sought immediately and opened discussion on optioning necessary property earlier it was learned the water supply firm would make a charge of 3 000 for test drilling council was anxious to start as soon as possihje and authorized the mayor and clerk to contact the land owner of this fourth lind property to start a transaction of option for test drill ing a tee 2 vv4l d w the one which has a beautiful disvusscd the power requirements wain now the 1 t flower is health and stong jusj glenn robbins of his sster elane a cave when the severe cut to lift station at lakcv lew some dif- n t terence of opinion was recorded on thls cocl summcr james west a ben scout from thls mattcr and lt as lald mejr f toronto who led the short camping i consideration trip took over a once the hrv thesuperirrtendentwlso passed his for a pump motor oti a projected 0 j mived up on the reason seek paving bids tenders to pave aetons streets are advertised this week and are to be opened at the first council session in september council with ontario munici pal board approval on the work has noted on the tender form that workis to start immediately this would indicate that paving will likely start before september 15 engineer k hyde of r v taxsocutes told council tuesday night that heavy bidding la expected on the work here administered first aid and carried the lad home two stouts went with the boy to the hospital in guelph another minded the camp aad another stayed with the other bobbins children mr robhtns a guard at the reformatory was at work there was high praise for tht ac- tian of the scouts oats tops grower wes masales has oats taller than he is he measured himself by ohe stalk to discover the gram topped him by one inch standing five feet eig inches high freguentiains tarns season contributed to the out- ndins crop on an mquirv regarding wiring fori i the proposed new public school this is to be referred to the con- tractor t lay vaderground cable wiring changes and underground cable installation for the new mar ia street bridge is progressing sup- 1 erintendent mason reported and also noted there are how 37 stan dards erected in the last completed section of glenlea the commission agreed to allow use of its post hole digger to p tj c and town empldyees to dig in their spare- time some 60 to 80 fence post holes for the public school board at the new property next the high school win next week means band will keep exhibition trophy continued on page four if they take top place in competi tion at the canadian national ex hibition again this ear the lome scots band will have the heavy 20- inch wide trophy to keep they have won the wood and silver award and 500 cash in 1954 and 1955 a win this year in their class will mean the trophy becomes the permanent property of the band small silver plaques encircle the base of the trophy two silver figures winged and carrying wreaths flank a large silver bowl which reads waterloo music com- pany limited challenge trophy the impressive looking trophy is in the free press w indow the lome scots with a perman ent prize at stake this year will again be competing on music day next thursday august 3a results will be phoned from the exhibition as sopn as they are available and will be published if there is time very shortly afterwards the band with members from ac ton milton brampton and george town has another permanent tro- pliy t th e aft three- succes sive wins whjdhts spit sparks off the steel piperofunited suburban gas co ltd lines wrich are lacings network of conduits under the town this week crews arerrioving up mill st as the diggers move ahead welders fall on the pipe sections within minutes fuse them and minutes later earth again coversthe path- of thequjckly moving installation crews cas wilt be turned on in acton shortly

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