m uk r the acton free preti thurtdey july 18th 1957 rtohcl 1ttque tommemorattnq john mclean the famoua ptoraf wet unveiled et hli former mkience 21 nottingham street guelph it wet erected by the archaeological end hlmorlc site board branch of the department of travel and publicity shown in the picture are left to tight the hon dr mackmnon phillipt minuter of health miu mabel stewart prendent of wellington county hutorkal society and mil helen mack secre tary of wellington county hittorical society 18 found to have tuberculosis 21000 hglfon persons xrayed name oalcville man probation officer for halton county harry greenwood is of m bell wood ave oakvult this month began duties u probation officer for the county of halton ile received bis appointment from the attorney geneel de partment maj he will replace richard honey peel county pro bation officer who hasbeen handl ing halton county cmspm for the last two years ur greenwood was ben in cngland and has lived in the ham ilton and niagara districts since early childhood he was evident of fruluand for 10 years in 1j4 he joined the federal department of agmeulture as a fruit and veg etable inspector during the war years he work ed for victory alrcrsft at halton returning to the department in 1mb in lf7 atr greenwood on- td the ontario departmen of ag riculture in a similar capacity and was promoted to supervising in spector for the niagara district in ims he came to peel and halton counties in itfto before assuming his new post mr greenwood completed a one- month course at queens perk he will work out of the peel county probation office at brampton until such lime as renovations are com pleted on the old registry office at millon snd his office is provided there mr greenwoods dulirs will ruvrr rases from haglsrstr s court family court snd juvcn le court- sa 1 by george arlo diu aftrr having been everything around a printing office from a printer devil to the rdiloial chair and all that goes in between i have decided to go modern md become a columnist i ve been readme some of them in other pap ers and a rolumnut job hai appeal tor monthi i ve been thinking about ii but couldni rnme up v ih a name for the column so he c vp go without a name jusl a quest n mark what will be in it r how iiftrn il u 1 apprar lll be up to vou and me but n column ft haf- mmr pr ilegeit not rnjerd i other branches of tar trull its p k bit to tafcr nrntwn ur mihjtru ri n t net hr lv tmi t ha nr ml tht in fcht be nnlicmul r thr mifchl b prronl the v ther or our gninrfrhi in n ir hist orv or tht lltt 1 il jowip nr nnr tlt or h it hi mu r n 1 br subject fir sui h n c lumn or t i atct hard up f ir n t jpils 1 m iiht ri a mtrr ti m r 1 tie wei k nrul m i r t u m xt it been dt nt but the reason 1 r h sat h i it inlir a new fit id in thr riifcr of journalism i alb that it i a most beautiful mmmrr da a id what was the beat road from kit chener to acton i was ready for home but david told them that for sia miles be tween guelph and kitchener no 7 was no moto 1st s dream friday ntfhl just for fun i went over the sheaves of papers and blue prints we had accumulated and found there were 4 assorted skids and boxes and assorted pieces in the shipment oh yea it transpired that anoth er t anpaort company never before heard of va bringing the ihlp ment to acton thej would be in art n at 7 a m jklondav and te quired a certified cheque fur tru- freight no regard fur banking hours at all d n t know exactu how much ci p is rryu nd r a fulumniil i to nmn v 1th rach issue but e e gi t ti ctt to bed earl 1o ik d i n r ui t thi m 4 tioxti on m nrii w w w vt wik ui 11 u k ik h ilk mil i n t nu nt n hi li itutk- th lo n orniii v t t it n siuriln i thr nt ndulr il iw pnnt t nvi n 1 f r town i n i n r f ir t r di t uh- w w it m 1 mi lf i irti n of tht m hctu n of t pu m th rol- umn if mxi ike it we hope mui 11 the halton county tuberculosis association reporu that halton county residents were found to have tuberculosis in the f recent mass chest survey four of these had active disease and required hospital care in the 30lm7 films made during the survey thee were jm7 which revealed abnori malitie of the chest dr archie f bull uedicsl of firer and director of the halton ctuntv health unit states that all patients with conditions requiring further follow up will be esamin ed by their famllv physicians or at a rhet clinic all contacts of ths active cae of tubrrulnsis will exam ned carefull only by the moat careful c lance in case find in and follow up can we hope to control thip imp riant communic able disease photo by hasel mack hist miitino in 46 yesr took place at campbellvill r cent i y when archie and bertie stanley two brother had e get together mr 8 sienley visit was a complete iur prise to hi brother thieves swipe birthday cake but its phony oajcviuje somebody with a termite appetite or steel teeth i enjoying the plywood replica of the 750 pound birthday cake lifted fom the oak v tile arena the fake cake had nine layers i fivr feet square at the bottom and it inches square at the top all thu was covered with tempting icing the hungy vandals toqk four of the nine layers and trace hsi been found of the cul prits or the cake no cases of acrre indigestion e e rep rtrt by lurroundlng hos i pilals centennial officials were unperturbed about the whole af fair 1 ng jj thr real cake a safe at the oakvtllr club add new languages to trains notice moncton nil cp its a risky business to halt 1ao0 tuns of rolling it eel by pulling a curd as any seasoned train trave ler knowa signs all ovi r any passenger train warn of the consequent- of pulling an emergency co d witht ut a sufficient reason bu the s r i are usually printed in french and i english how are the immigrants from other furopcan countries supposed to know the potentialities behind the innocent looking cnd the answer is mple igrfr ing touch me nut in seven languages have been put under the cords the additions are in dan uh dutch german italian and greek so people recogntiing the words ran have no excuse when a glowering conductor with a badly jolted nervous system asks why they did it pulpcutting cycle runs for 100 years port arthur ont cp visiting members of the north western onta lo chamber of commerce were taken on a guided tour of the long uac pulp and paper ctmpany s camp u there in sobelow weather they were iliuwn the bt ginning of a cutting cycle theii will extrnd to the year 2u56 the visttrs hi nrluded g v irnnnnl ft trials as well as busin essmen ve e it id of a it ng range xp nmenl that would cut an iivrmgr of j 000 cords of pulp yearly the time allocated the cutting program is the normal time taken to gnw a mature tree theo etic ally at the end of the 100 year period a new timber stand should have sprxing up snd be ready to cut on the site of the first years rut ting high cost bars atompower cars vancouver cp atomic- powr td utomob les will be someth ng for our grandchildren to hae nut before ssy dr cor don shrum of the university of british columbia dr shrum whose field is atomic energy for industrial use said tnr reason is the excessive eojt plus the facj that atomic power so fsr csn be gent rated only in h ige tjusntitns a gond pnasitntrv how ever is atomic tp age batter es using perhaps sodium or alumin urn then the motorist could get his battery charged at a power p anl atomic power fur industrial uses grows yea ly he said the sues crisis has prompted britain to vtep up its program of bringing atomic energy into iu grid sys tems other nations will probably do the same a distinctive canadian autocno bile designed and englnee ed by canadians should be pressed for he suggested the country certainly has he brain power to turn out first rate cars and a lot of canadians pro bab y would buy them he added canada buys and d ives a con siderable fraction tf the world automobiles ilut all the manufact urers do is copy stwne other na ton s des grit hs mm orromrrtkt eyes examineb glasses fitted r 7 oawelaa u- oimm km tayhr 77 1 so frank tfe basf haorn habit acton jersey dairy hon 341 don timminoj rtp notice to proprietors of childrens boarding homes the childrens hoarding r the laat hassdon of the cmu force oa juh let 1067 at 1m7 isi at tarw leegisiature casaa tstto this act roquiraa that any presniae ia which of joardad or cared for ahall t ytnuaatitis ussda othsw mora chudren are lodged boarded regiatertml the rmuiresnent doea not a uosss refiateeed iuwm provincial hutu tea or iwpartsnenta if you are the propnetoe of a boarding rsosne for eruldrvn you ahould have your praaniaea mistered application forma and mformatkm are available fieaa the keglstrar of t hildren a hoarding hosaea ihiartment of isibhc welfare parliament ituddusga loronto your cooperatmin will enable the isepartmefit to torn pie te the initial regwlralittn wilh a snisusnuaa of delay ontario department of public welfare leah gul aawm taa keep subscribing and bu ing tout ci pv each week i e gut to fc niv sgcs evrrv v uhethf as a were had twr w m tihtght r r- columnist or editorial riler man sum net weather and our house ti just feshly painted there inn t snv gas in the car and it s a swell dav to stav homr oh yes and 1 was informed that 1 need not be con cerned about the editorials thev were being taken care of and isould be redy for the hook on monday www the linotype operators wont be lieve this but the onlv hsn i know how to write with is ci op crating better this week thsn it has in the past ten months before- 1 became an editor 1 was a printer to be honest 1 would still prefer to be a printer i don care what smell of ink is being used i like it 1 don t care how much noise and clatter the print ing machines make 1 like it if it s rhythmatic and in order as it l should be m best leisure read i ing is a magasinr or literature per- 1 taming to thr printing trade 1 read all the ads in w i don t hope ta witness many of the new- machines in performance but 1 like to read of thr visions of others i www i since the early days of spring f have been putteing around in the back yard at the office i watched man dig holes and lay cement blocks and finally put a roof on a new section it isnt finished yet hut last week a irucklnarl nf nrw oh yes the reason i ma ted thu week is really due to the fact that 1 had a birthday last week which reminded me that i reallv ough to get going uurs until the boxes are count ed gad r print in rolls took several hours to get under civer and left most of the staff pretty tired by the time the net 1 tons are due thev will know what is needed to hande paper in rolls that weigh moo lbs w w last rrldsy j went to kitchener with david to go through the nec essary proctduret of clearing a truckload of machinery that was being held n customs and requir ed marked cheques and a lot of paper to be signed after we left th office a telephone call told the tam wa ahould have gorta to ham ilton however we dldnt know that in time and had signed all the documents in lulehtnet and paid all the amounts raqulrad on arrival back ta acton wt hadan- ottstr call wanting to know it we wanted tht tnifck todalltftr it that wttowanxmrutntof morning and new 1957 wokdermatic completely automatic washer you can keep up onthe news while youre vacationing phone 600 call us and arrang to hava the free press sant to your favourite vacation spot i fill tub imfta mull w rleaea etoup eviea eapttet cleom mull out ee all aetaauhcauy sftut wsittin wotke wlrti eitkef wane woler kef v mali a bumi senee hot ata tolet jeet eoeeek ler hte tile otteelowl wa5me5 clfanir kan an otmhf wasmh woaherinssmrwisasjihcjhasayosa fobrlo or dirty ctoekaa rlnssm ond rariatm riswtm by flutii speoy od thaw by ofttotor ovar and ear empttew wash and rime wat wds tcvsa and lieat by taphow m rtnea vp ovar lop el tao hrb and not down tfcroufh tk ctoekaa washes cuaner than an1 otmis washer utettapletome ten a flial pete a benea tvoiioll repeaft oav el ike watk e rime that yew with jee leem e dial gael cleawea cleaaet oj a lnh celaet by ejata ef- licieai ala at beahy eailan kae ekeayt elsat vvasmes cllanek than am omti s colour choke cea1 puk mutlwdawe yella- at wkue w a paaaranlc caearel poael 6p i budget terms available gordon s hardware 22 miu st acton honi 7 j