liohtyslxlh yer no 9 tt jufiw mm tt acton ontario thursday august 25th 1960 ten paget seven cent stall photo tallying scores brampton and acton tennis players look over the shoulders of score keepers following a match at acton tenn s courts saturday seated in front left to right are forbes mountain brampton and ron lewis pres dent of the acton club back row left to right are miss audrey ring mrs a johnstone brampton mrs ron lew s and mrs r bruce acton the local players defeated the brampton crew when scores were added at the conclusion fjizkiubkiai 1 parks board reqi juest police enforce prospect park bylaws problems of enforcing n parking p nr boai tl byluw at prospect park spirked euss the ca a lengthy cliseussiun wednesday vl ir il thi evening when eareliket huh fryer informed the parks boird cars hud purked all mei the lxiss during minor spoils threeday celebration he iniormed the members little cooperation had been received from minor sports ofliuals ind wuh told hy rite hoaid hts duties did not entail enfoicml the bv jaw call police mayor j h coy reminded the carctukei he did not have to take abuse from unv ollcneki nut us jng the proper p irkmc laetlilies but reminded him il w is not mc ossnry to orcuc with them but contact the pohee thut is ilk extent or uui dut ns far us the by law is concerned stressed the nuoi mr ov ilsu informed oil earel ikei i lie bond did not exneet him u enloice the bylfiw but il police i ukd to e operate la was lo noiil i hi board the bdirtl is dt ud of the some probkm aiistng dm inc llu tall fuir and diseitssed the situti tlon the secretin was instructed to contact the fair bond seeie torv suggesting nudum trucks be parked on the noilh side ot the arena and in uei loi ens be designated will move tics tt requeued lloyd mcdicis pic siiknl of the present to dis lie lies inslalled tisl noilh west end of ailing eliiinnan d biiheiu enquned il he i in boa id would i c move the temporuv e utk lies it il w is found neeessuv lo en i irfcc the park inc ire i following the lau the piesieknt agreed this would be done mi mcluciv asked tl ihcic was a spol lo build a perm incnt loid ing ramp lor eallfe and horse trucks and the boaid sueested a porlabte type be creeled and sloi ed in the icd bun owned by the f in bu ud in the p ilk 1 kllhv iskcd llle bonds rul inc on i mi wine he i trucks to puk on ihe gi ss he i tin 1 1 ne ihe i in uid w is ml iimed h ihe ill ivoi ll w is n il possible to run i i in ind nol illou c ittk mucks to pirk in the in i ul the cuttle isked nil nl il n w would mlh heir booths t ind u is i low il ii mid the i ui pi the instiinii eel lo have i in ihis lo k mi 11 wis mr mclncn uild hei he belle td ihe mutw n owner conlrolkd ihe concessions bul suclcsied an in municni be m ide with ihe mulw i ind pin he i omission he epl iineit in the p i niulw is h id ill iwed booths but llns e ir it 1 ilhcr enttiely differcn umpmy and the m in iger h id tressed he was in lull control ot concessions puk bond nicltlhcis refused lo enter ihe discussion si itiug it was enlitely a pinate ulunicn nut conccimiil he be aid rest area mts trver requesled the boird to consider lc tving oul the park benches lor use ot rair patrons to rest on the suggestion was ae ccpled and a rest area is to be et up permission for si john am bulanee bngadc lo hold a picnic suppet in ihe puk duiinc iheir corps chuieh piride was granted following a request the seerel irv mlormed the boird on the i ink for the fillra lion plinl hid been shipped lo dale ind she was instructed lo conlicl ihe compinv lor the bal ince or the equipment allei ihe i ibor i weekend lllcluitds uid pikil itlend int will no luncci be n dulv ind inoltcc rccudmc this is to be placed in the acliin ftee piess to intoiin the public accounts im hi line lo 942 7 were ipproud lor pament council changes mind on 380887 payment to pay only portion of debenture defj acton council tuesday evening decided to rescind a former mo tion agreeing lo pay 3 80887 as the 1 wn portion of a deficit re sulting from sale of high school debentures sold on the american market during the council meeting july 26 a letter was read fiom miss m mailed county in isurer asking eouneil to make ihis payment lo the county as their portion of the 2318241 shortage from tht sale of 1 155000 debentures these debentures were for the iddhions it acton and george town ind a new high school at milton the shmlagc resulted from the heiw discount in the sik of the debentures on the ameiican market agreed in july at the july meetlng it had been agreed lo pay ac tun s share lt itlmjiuiuthtdlji tuesday evening this motion was rescinded council agreed to pitv the towns share of 60 per cent of the shortage providing the town of milton assumes 40 per cent ul the total shortage of the 24 182 41 shoitage georgetown esqucslng nassaga wcyu miliun and acton have been assessed pruportlonalilv when the resolution to rescind rhe former motion was tabled councillors inquired as to the rcu son for the reversal they were told by mayor j h gov thai hvo meetings had been held willi oth er municipalities affected mil il had been agreed that c ich muii icipality should pay a put nun of 60 per ecnl of the total slioilige which would be adequate dcrlv bencfll it was pointed out miliun would derive some benefit from petition school board to open close waterloo bsqucsing school area board icccived two petition at heir meeting on monday evening meeting in the new spcyside school the board received a pennon from some parents in ihe waterloo school section in dicating their desire lo have heir children attend the consol id iled school at speyside the second petition requested the board to keep the waterloo school open for their children and as a community center on ihe suggestion of trustee cunmngh im ihe board decided to hold a meeting with all rale- payeis ol the section in ihe new spcyside school next monday evening at this meeting the board will be able to meet the petitioners and explain tho board s policy board solicitor van sinclair and transportation officer hep- bum wens in attendance at the meeting to discuss sytlh lit board ihe irafrtwfiatton of pap- us to the new school mr van sinclair interpreted fur the board the regulations governing the bus transportation mr hepburn informed the board he had purchased a ik ensed bus rated as a 42 passeng er vehicle under the interpret ation of the regulations he will be permuted to carry 56 child rcn the solicitor pointed out there were no regulations pro hibitine children standing in the bus kcrwm mcphail of r r 3 acton was present and outlined to ihe board hts objections lo children standing in the bus he strongly urged the board make provisions so that no child an at any time would be stand ing it is anticipated that ap proximately 125 children will be transported each day the board decided to request the township council to grade a new entrance to the school from ihe check tine the cheek line it self and the parking lot considerable discussion was held regarding the brick of the south wall of the new school the difference in the shade ol brick used is quite noticeable a fleeting is to be held with the nek manufacturer ihe contrac lor and the board lo attempt to arrive at a solution to the prob lem ll is possible the wall may be demolished and rebuilt with brick of one shade it was felt any work necessary would not delay the opening of school im rained out heavy rain sunday afternoon forced the cancellation of a band concert by leirnc scots brass band after a brier warm up per tod no sooner had bandsmen gath ered their chairs under the tall trees beside ihe race track when rain began lo pelt down ind from then on it was a mad wu amble as spectators ind bandsmen alike ran tor shelter picnickers at the park were forced lo head for ears but bathers at the beach area il ready wet from swimming en joyed the warm but heavy rain five run splurge earns acton 88 tie in quest for halton senior b title chstmoutshh oufst lord pate badenpowell visited the blue springs scout reserve last week while a stouter training course was there he praised the camp chiefs for the pleasant surroundings and chatted with several of the scourers he is the son of the founder of the scout movement lord badenpowell a fiu toi a spluicc in the hot urn ol ihe htlli itiiiuil ih it in it ched a siinilit one dundas ehalk ed up in ihe i ip lull l the same frame earned aelon much tnls an cxutinc 88 draw in the lust game ol the 11 illon iuiil sen lor b finals last nielli wcdnes dav hcic tied 33 islhc stilled the lifth dumlis shelkef ben dole mill ing aelon huilcl tout the mound willi loin hits uieliitile i four runs atth ulii it civc ihe wsii on a hie etie and ipproachitll daikness mkd out in more in nins ihe ae i n elub c inn bit lling baek to tic the eounl with fh base hit- two hil hd tiers and a wild throw play thursday the svsuh i nine i ihe he i ol stmn si iks w ii tx pi mil t iiiiliii tlluisilas in dun s tin scnes resume he if n si uida leiurn tllg i dund is il it i i n sun las acton had tolkstiil onl nine hits horn ihe lanls ol bu ken waist in t ii tine dundas piiehtr up until the titlh he was liberal willi ivies in hills huwuer is suing nine ihi ihe first tour iranie- in ih tilth ilui httiinn twei battels ind dtiline oul three moti meks s hmwi a ixplie cd bs mas who took ihe biainl l the aeton onsl uijht m i w i- t i jsxt lor two hi s and he taxi up one walk dole dutk i in lsa s n mma lion ft r the pitytilt opunr jve up eight ha- and a- mans tuns struck out tour ind w kod one batter in his w mnuil tenure john cunningham re tired the sick in the tilth alter ribun dundas ealeher smahod a hall into deep kft held that seiirrd tww runs ahead him ind netted him four bag reiinng don take lead the msitors went into a first inning lead thompson w alking stealing second making third on lid pitch and scoring on mc phail s si nek they added another in the second knox laving a bunt down sale i v and com inc home on pet i tuple lu centre an error in kll field pul thompson un in the ihud and he nude it 30 as lake tuple d oer cenlre field aelon e jt iheirlirsl run anun c lined one in ihe bottom ol the third when jim lindsay took a pa went i i second on a panted h ill iu thud on a wild throw and scoutl diet t igejiic up on llarold townsky s tl lu deep centre dund is went doven in order in tin itiuith while the merchants pul together a hit bv pete law mhi a bue n bnin w bv bt b biuee and red andcrwrn and a bitif loose killing from lite isiuits iti i e ii m in the 1 ist innme dttrchithis m uind ipponeut wat son with a pikhed kill r we went down th impstm sinlled to right wunng watson lake singled to ncht mcphail singled scoring thomp son ribson then hit a circuit clout and acton was behind 8 3 acton rally harold townsky led oil ihe aelon hall by being hit by ihe pileher he weni to second is barrager hit safely over second bruce was hit bv ihe pileher loa ding the bases dude lindsay in selted jim mcgregor in to pinch hit for pete lawson and jim etacked a hit through he infield scoring townsky and kainil ihe baes loaded dude undsav conhnuing his sliategv pul seolt meciistdl m lo pinch hit lor don iantua bul seuttv wlulkd john unhinham pin t gniund ball lu second lhat icttrcd macgregor mil ihe throw lo first for a twin killing al tempt was wild and b inacr and bruce sored on ihe itcrihruw conttnumi on page four long record started banking career here percival h howarth retires suiting his banking career tn 1t when he hrst entered rhe mtivhants bank in acton perci il hall howarth has reached the agi of retirement fonownig a king career with the bank ot montreal successors to the mer ehants bank mr howarth and his wife are present iv enjostng a trip lo europe and on their return arc expected to settle m montreal beginning his banking exper iences in acton when the mer chants bank was located on the site where h mainprise s banter shop and watsons insane store are now situated mr h later st rod at other rural branches and in london turon to and quebec ctv in 1941 he became assistant superintendent in winnipeg in 1945 he relumed lo head office in toronto where he be came superintendent of the onl ano division in 1951 he was ap pointed manager of the toronto branch and m 1955 became as sistant general manager head of ficc toronto the free press joins with other actoniam who remember mr howarth m wishing he and his wife much happiness in their retirement cither llic site ul n killing or ihe old high school and should theretuic assume 40 per cent ol the total shoimgc councillor w mc i cod iniormed ihe miiv it ihe icsulutu ti lo re scind the lormii motion and ihe subject il piving 60 pel ecnl ol the shiiiliige should be pieellled two motions ik ngiccd with ihe put it sc untitle i lie million inlghl possibly thsiliec with ihe lut lu he p itiiled out the rtsolull m t i rtseind lite former modi n e in led when ihe les ilulloil i p iv at ions pul lull of the 60 pel cent bal ince came lo n vole council lots i icld and mcuml nolcd their dis ippmval okay building plan the gteen llghl was giin foi ihe i oust rue lion of n woikslup for the lown on the ciiinietv hill main stmt it the silt or tin wiilcr lower councilloi ii low pitsmitid plans for pint mint i ihe sine lure showing p irk hil ireas fencing ind olhci fe iluies different setting duriiil the mtcling count illors totild ik seen glancing nroiind ihe ntwlv dteoi iled cliimbeis ind halton manor residents were guests of the acton wo- meritinstitute sunday at acton park for a picnic and band concert pictured above left to right are miss muriel thomp son former georgetown resident robert scotty brooks and mrs bentley wilson both former acton residents mrs g har grave w i president s pinning a flower on mrs wilson j- juci jfc vl is-iratcj-j- tub jl3 tua mrs c britton appointed assistant postmaster here wurd was received from ihe post of i ice department on the weekend bv postmaster dordim mekcuwn lhal mr chris but ton had received the ippoml menl as issisl ml puslm islef it ihe aelon ollice the vicinc was m ide a ul ibk lollowing ihe transfer of former postmaslcr f tcnv lo owen sound ind ihe sleppirv up ol mi mckcown horn as sislant lu puslm ister mrs but ion h is been em plovcil il thcposl olhee lor llle p isl live and a nill u irs uid durme ihe pciiod last i ill when mr tcrrv w is on lemporary duty al aurora she assumed the responsibility as assistant lo mr mckeciwn who was sersine in ihe capacity ot ictmc posimas ler open to staff the post ion is issist int posl master was aailable lo all mem hers of the si ill in aelon met apphe itions were c irefully re viewed by a board ol three til lanls this murnuil thursday mr mckcown also received iillicial word lhat divid peal had been st ice led as permanent clerk on the si if i with ihe ippomlnicnt til mr pc il ihe sldll at acton is brought up t i full slrength m eluding three put time wutk crs ihe present st tl f includes mr mekeown mrs button mis j chapman vic bi istow mrs l mastcis dave dudgson and due peal temporary clerks are mrs h cook mis k reid and mike homer caret ikers at the ihree sehools arc completing last mm ule chores in readiness lor school opening linilly jjiiilding chairman w mc- lcod enquired what owoments vere fonhcoming regarding the it i ii itcd walls it was k uncd the old pendu- uni lypc clock which has adorn- d ihe hick wall for sever il years will he ul trcd and rcpt iced with j modem ekctric timepiece the pttlurc of aelon s first reeve w slurey will be modcrniz cd with i new frimc and will i pl iced i n one w dl itongside a piclure of acton s fust m iyor amos m ison a piclure ol the oiiecn mil her onsort with i sm ill dig will be iddetl lo the w ill fixtures lo turn pktc the dec i king piogram the out or irms and large union jick presented from ac ton higlind in ly no lunger be seen in llic council eh miners but will find a place elsewhere council all agreed lo keep the walls is pl dn as possihk m order to keep ihe room bright mr cioy suggested perhaps some town org mi iliuns might be intcreslcd in ptovidmg pic lures ol the qui in ind hi r eon sort or othct ii tic les needed complaints of odor the nuyur suggested his collea gues he picpaied for complaints regarding the odor horn turkeys in town he told them his phone had been ringing a linos i continu ously wilh icsuknls c dling him about the siluilion mr gov lold council thil by taws ippcar to be very stringent and result n is can t erect a g uage yet it appe irs nothing can be done about the odor he nolcd th it iltcady scvcial residenls of thi lien h ive been given assessment iduslments on account of the conditions caus ed by the turkey arm the mayor also slated a peti lion objecting lo the odor was being circulated uround town holiday pay council agreed to have the ad ministration committee review payment of temporary employees for statutory holidays after they reached a deadend by turning down two resolutions j the first resolution provided for half day s pjy for temporary employees on statutory holidays an amendment provided for a full days pay iftcr employees li ive established 30 davs continu ous employment both motions were lost council ilso le irned that sale of their ptoperly in hamilton netted the town 64 44 heard a suggestion that e tuntil ci trader a town ambul ince accepted ihe bid of clobl coke construction and paving co amounlmg to 575 for resurfacing ihe sidewalk from john to main streets on he north side ol mill si reel agtctd to h ive lighting faell nits on milkiest and guelph sis i in proud atccplcd a revised plan from llic department ol highways for widening number 7 highway on queen street cast acceplcd a request mm st john ambulance bripide o hold i church parade sunday septem ber 11 aulhoncd ihe sale of the 1950 fold truck for scrap approved accounts for pay menl amounting to 12 904j2 taking fart in the sunday band concert in acton park sunday ware four wtlucnown resi dents if town left to right are archie kerr charles allan now living in georgetown charles landsborough and ken allan unfortunately the heavy ram halted the concert utt as the lorn scots band was about to begin they were scheduled to play for the hilton manor nattdanta guests of the acton w i