Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 25, 1960, p. 3

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personal notes of actonltm visiting outoftown point and of vultora n acton hornet rev john waldic of london was a visitor in town last week mr and mrs aubrey allen and daughter of detroit mich visit cd with acton relatives the past week mrs john wood is visiting i mrs w h mcbumey at bruce beach this week vacationing in north bay re- cently were mr and mrs wm spklvogcl and colleen mr and mrs r hart jean and robert vacali6ncd for three weeks near sault stc marie y mr and mrs john traccy and family of toronto visited mr and mrs a fryr saturday mr and mrs ron davics and family of guclph visited sunday i with m and mrs e- davlcs mr and mrs earl masalcs and family are holidaying at mjlford bay and points north mrs j mellon and family arc visiting with her parents mr and mrs h bardcn eden mills mrs philips frederick st visited with mr and mrs wm kaley in barric at the weekend mrs c bradley and sharon have returned following a holi day with mrs j woods in mid land mr and mrs r elatcr kathic and lorraine rcxdalc visited mr and mrs c bradley on the f weekend mr and mrs horace blyth and family nassagawcya enjoy racatloinit wasaga beach last week mrs j w wolfe peter paul steven miehacl and mark arc visiting with mrs roy jones in x brockville mr and mrs clarence hct trick of st catharines called on mr and mrs j tatton and family on sunday visiting relatives in town re cently were mrs w wood and mr and mrs wm green and family of islington mrs james mcglddrcy has re turned after spending two months with relatives in winni peg and vancouver mr and mrs frederick r maclaughlin of batavia new york were weekend guests of mr and mrs neil mcnabb h mrs harry klassen and fam lly of sarnia arc visiting with her mother mrs g r somcr villc and other relatives here mr and mrs murray scoync f and family and miss helen al ian visited mr and mrs s scoyne in ridgetown this week t mivs jean moffat returned to r her homl at knalehbull lasi j thursday from guclph general hospital following an operation mrs cecil maplesden is visit ing relatives in edmonton on the return trip she plans to stop off at regina and brandon mrs hilton elliot george and jane and miss joan hoz are vac atloning at sauble beach with mr and mrs jim dills and tarn ily mrs w t a bell ind kith enne ol toronto and mr john brookes of grimsbv mm led dur ulg the weekend with mrs r m macdonuld mr and mrs c roem ildson janet and namv hac returned t from a two week nmiur inp to i elliott lake reiurmiil bv north bay and ottawa mrs georl1 nowill and son i george hne returned to then home in bntish columbia after visiting with in i parents mi and mrs mchm w ilkcr mr and mrs john lambert mrs cole and family spent the weekend at midland and also visited with mr and mrs frank bowles at camp borden paul mcgcachic son of mr and mrs j mcgcachic left saturday by bus for a three week visit with dr and mrs bruins in bakcrsviltc california mrs andrew j ailkcn mrs alex gray and mr and mrs ernie gray end family main st visited on saturday with mrs grays mother and sister at pel rolia visiting rev and mrs g ad ams in sudbury were mr and mrs a ironside neil diane and laurie rev adams is a former minister at the united church here enjoying a trip recently to the west and returning by chicago and detroit were mr and mrs david radcliffc roy and harvey young and miss margaret young mr and mrs doug price and margaret have relumed from a holiday at irondalc miss marg arct pncc previously spent two weeks with relatives in sear borough mrs c k browne has been removed from guclph general hospital to toronto general hospital for further treatment her many friends wish her a speedy recovery a presentation was held al ma sonic hall camn on monday evening for mr and mrs kenneth elslcy ncwlyweds they were presented with elm end tables and twin vases on behalf of the community mrs glcnna fryer attended the funeral monday at the rob inson funeral home hamilton of her great uncle the late david e mills of burlington and formerly of hailcybury al so attending was mrs june do- berthcin acton mr and mrs k b rose and two sons john and kevin from port hope visited with mr and mrs garnet rose on fnday and spent the night on their way to visit their son richard at an army camp for the closing excr ciscs at ipperwash mrs w g stevenson of eden mills represented the wives of veterinarian in this area as a delegate trom the ontano wo men s auxilairy 16 the american veterinary medical association at the 97th annual meeting in denver colorado last week the harrop reunion in acton park on sunday included dr and mrs e n harrop and jo- anne of toronto mr and mrs joseph starke and family of de troit mr and mrs ted harrop and mrs babcock and mr and mrs wm harrop all of water loo visitors with mr and mrs j m steele the past week were mr and mrs bob anger mr and mrs h smith of toronto dr and mrs lou herman and margaret washington maryland usa mrs lamb mr and mrs r c cunnmham of milton and mr ind mrs r niekhn of guclph ml and mis w dmal cclc bratcd their 3sth wedding anni crsarv on saturday al a sur prise party at the home ol their daughter mr and mrs jack south m ison blvd with their amilv and rclalics a bounti ful duuiei was followed later in the evening bv a steak and ham tunc barbecue mr and mrs don botlivch and lanulv left this week tor their new home in north bin when mr bothwcll will be on the slalf of the high school archibaldwilson vows given at rockwood united church pink and white gladioli and candles decorated rockwood un ited church for the candlelight service which united in m image miss ruth ann wilson rockwood and donald edward archibald of acton rev gab moore officiated for the ceremony soloist miss sandra gordon of aberfoylc sing o perfect love nd the wed ding prayer aecompinied by mrs goidon htm is of rockwood the bride is a daughter ul mi and mrs freeman j wilson ol rockwood the giootn is a son of mr and mrs edward archl bald of acton gown of lace given in marri ige by her talhcr the bride wore a toll length gown of lace fine the basque bodi featured long lily point sleeves and sabrina neckline outlined with colored sequins and seed pearls the skirt wis slvtcd orv edwardian period lines with full lace back flowing into a re dingotc effect in front the redm gotc was scalloped and trimmed with sequins and pearls the un dcrskni was of tiered net a halo of sequins and pe iris held her lace trimmed illusion veil and she earned a while piavci book a gift of the groom with pink swectheait roses ind while sweetheart roses and while ehiy santhemums mrs glen jackson of guclph ittended the bnde as malion ol honor bridism tids win miss carol hansen acton ind miss un ice nornsh of moll at miss liu nc archibald niece ol the liooiii was flower girl peau de sole dresses the senior attendants ucie gowned dike in turquoise pcau de soie with round necklines and full skirls their acecssoncs ucic matching flat bows they earned bouquets of pink and while lo wers the flower cul won i pink n ion dress with m ilehme he id dnss she cui i led basket of pink ind while eirnalions fred archibald aclon biolhcr of the grooin altcndcd is best man ushers wcic r ic wils n rockwood brolhci of the btidc and philip mecnslall at ton for a reception in llic chinch hill the bndes mother received her fcucsts wearing i she uh diess of dawn pink silk sliatiliinl with m itching ini bciec messottes and a corsage of pink sweet heart roses the groom s mother issisted wearing a sheath dress of e ipper crystatfette with moss crceii ac ccssones and a corsage of bronze hrysanthemums and ellow tea ihcred carnations opening betty carey ilao cd tjc dance studio town hall milton ballet tap jazz students prepared for examinations in ballet rad or ceccetti and tap c d t a classes baby classes 4 yean and up beginners intermediate 4 advanced teenage groups business girls nd mothers classes registration date tuaaday and wadnwdiy september 6th and 7 time 4 pm to pm piace muton town hall their many friends in acton wish them much hropmess in their new home last week mis bothwcll returned from a six week lour ol luiopc liilj ind and scotland the following nests ittended the tilth annual watson tcunion al the breezes near alton sun da mrs g w biclbv m ss ci cinur biclbv luuisc and jaime martin mr ind mis oeoll me do we ii roddy and dune mi dow ell niataia tails mr and mrs w r walson mi ind mis goi don bie lb john mil tom gum sb mis m micdouedl lnda lvlc john and mai ih i hannon mr ind mrs hcnr lancashire bob ind m ul uel gall mr and mis joe wilson toronto mr and mrs llcml mclncr bcil mil simle mi s f walson lime house mi and mrs llod mclean ross ind ronnie mr be 1 1 w us n billmitad mis koihi wilsn mr and mis t c w i boh iaid anne jane and mai al ion jem drivein theatre directions tik jliii is 12 miks tsl ul aclon un nu 7 hijiiiu iv halt uv ixlucvn rink wuod anil cuulph tuin kit al iuiiks j ii ij1 t arnvi at jilt dmi in thure f n aug 15 26 3 big hits call me mister bltty orabll battle flame scott brain golden blade rock hudsov mon aug 27 29 mardi gras 7mt bxl mid red sundown koio uliiois tim wed aug 303 rally round the 1lag boys pall ntvmasj mck carsos plus surrender hell a prize of 25 lor hieki imnm number uh be diawn oua trtursda night lm kv num bcr will be chosen 1mm ears present at the shuw honeymoon in north lor u honeymoon trip to north cm ontario the bride donned a blue shcalh dress with m itching checked tloster coil while ac ecssotles and a eoisagc of pink carnations the couple will make their home in acton outol town guesls ntlcnded liom biadford schomhcrg mof lal cooksvillc guclph abufovk almcouit acton ospnngi marl cite and michigan ea engagement mr and mis culm maccoll c imeron st acton wish to in rum nu the engagement of their son colin james to freda may sahes daughter of the i he mr and mrs ancus s ihyes cumbci hnd house s isk ilchew in wedding lo tike pi ice the intel part ot september mr ind mis ma 1 1 he w alexin dcr 1lcr phoenix arizun lor inerlv of ac ion wish lo an nounee the cngigcmcnt ol their vounccr daughter phyhs lor i ante lo mr richard gail gntl man sun o mr and mis m u l in gntl man or bcloit kinsis 1 he m inline lo lake place fit el iv the secund of september i960 il seven unity in ihc cv ciiinc at sunl p ml s episcopal chuich phoenix anona honor new bride prior to wedding mis don ild archibald the loinicr rulh ann wilson wis tucsl of honor ai several parties pnoi lu her recent weddllil mis stinky nomsh mil miss utnce norrnh xcrc cwhomeiics al u miscellaneous shower miss cnol hansen ind mis glen jackson also hoslcd nus cell ineous shown a kllchcil shower was held by mis philip mccnsl ill at her home un john si fi lends ind nuejibors of school seilit n niimbci nine n is s lawe i cnlcit lined lor llic couple pnor lo the wedding ihcy wcic pie sen led willi an end table and matching eolfee table smelt increasing threaten game fish sudbury pollution of inland lakes in llns area by an inereas mg smelt population may cr louslv thrcitcn existing game fish species if the present rate of reproduction continues accord me to olhctils of ihc onluio dcputmcnt ol lands and forests hctc fuh car ions or smelts uc liken h fishermen fiom disinel sire ims s unfoitun ilch ihc smell ilso is found in some ml ind likes where ihiv wcie pi iced miis io by c irclcss or unthinking pcrsuns h t did not ie itie ihc hum thev wne e iiisinc ollin ds s i todi these simc ftkcs ire pollulcil wilh an ineteasint smell populaliuu indiis current mix seed itop ol 172 million bushels hum 17 million icres is an llcar uc oid good we uhcr is responsible oat competition winners announced by fair board winncis ul ihc out competition sponsored bv llic acton agncul lurul soeiclv and judged by mr h j laidhw ol rr 3 bnmp- lon huvc been rclc iscd this week clinics a minabb rr 4 roekwihkl look fusl pi ice wilh i 12 acu in 11 ol rodney oals wilh in appioxininte yield pel acie ol 80 bushels this held scoicd 94 points second pi tic wenl lo clavtim davis r k 1 roikwoud on i 10 icrc held ol roilmv wilh in cs limiled ie 111 of 7s bushels per din this hi kl scoicd 91 points i ul blown rr i limchousi whu cnleicd ihc competition for ihc hist time took thud pi ice with i is acre held of ganv oats with an ipptoxitn he vuld ol 80 bushel per aire and i scoie ot 93 pumls other winners olhu winnits in in ik i ol pi in nine willi nictv mil scoic u icimii uc cthm ai ki ii ghiv 92 pom is s 1 cnliin mil son g nv 91 ixurils huin g mm lav rudnc 90 points clinics thompson rodiuv 89 points gordon uslu gmv 88 points duncan mcphcdiau rutin i 87j points mil akx mcplicdrin rodiuv 87 points rules for scoring nineteen ileitis win sioud i i pitnlv of iiiclv lliici points in lost lor cierv pi ml ol inolher i uiclv lounil pn sti in toil fieidom horn lust smut it blight ind i nsi its otn pc 1 1 ton finish 1 1 nu i in idl mils mil kiln rows i mi mi hum weeds sianil ol ciop umlutmity mil in ttuitlv a field must ion un il 1c isl three acics to be eligible for the compel it on a new fi iturc nl alton fall fur tins year will be a cummer ei d production fcaluic of giatn this fc ilurc sponsored bv ihc aelon agncullunl socntv in ci- opeiatlun with thi depirtment ol agriculture is expected to di iw entiles fiom in my ol the si fields rockwood resident reaches 95th birthday john rithudson i rcsulinl ol rockwood foi 88 ve irs cilebr ucd his 95ih hiilhdiv icceiitlv with members of jos i miilv owing to mi richudsotis lailine he ilth ihc gilhittti wis i quiet fimih dinner with his d iiighltr lvi ind in i husb ind mi c hcndersun as hosts mt riihiidsun ippmiilid ihi nian ends md tlowns iieined mil he w is p ii in ti i u iv dihjilid ti t ilk i i liisdiuthlir dollv mis fi ink ritilui ind hir hushind who i dlid fiom ihcir luime in si title wellington mr md mis w 1 iimc n in k ilo minnesota dso phoned then ckclinls mis i umc who w is chailollc f irrish is i nun of bob furish who sh ired from hovhood m iny veus ol friend ship wilh mr riehirdson ml i ainsh w is ihe son ol willi mi i nrnli who built ihc hisloni mill on frtmosi fourth line known is gic s mill ind i tcr is hindirson s mill which w is 1 st vi ii loin down bv order ol ihc grind villiv authority mr riehirdson for tn inv vcars owned ind oner i led a shingle mill tn rockwood twostar meats fresh frozen x smoked meats 4th line 15 stderoad r r 1 rockwood ulster 42482 all meats government inspected specials this week boiling fowl 34 lb avs lb 25c homemade farm style sausage 3 lbs 79c bologna by the piece lb 27c pork roast with dressing lb 43c sirloin wing t- bone steaks lb 79c lean hamburg 3 lbs 1 blade roasts 53c lb cooked ham lb9c our own steakettes lb 69c our own veal patties lb 59c now delivery service to ac ton on thursday af ternoons orders ac cepted until 10 am thursday mornings 25c per stop call ul 4 2482 rockwood i niicoml open tueiday wednesday saturday 9am to 6 p m thurs and fn 9am to 9 p m closed monday free free free actons new ezewash laundry announces its official opening monday august 29 free one washer load to etkh custon er between 9 am and 4 pm opening day now open at 15 mill st w behind ldgri i g a ptrking lot even dad cin use our w e s ad d ye s the opefdt on s i mple ui add iodp and or rjleact he wdihef does ihe cs f r the d y ng pro cess 1 u i wdi s t de s j re ijx v sorry for any coiwen eice caused customers earl e but all mack nes are now n top work ng order we know ih once you sen ce t m beccme a wee uy pleasure to wash the eze wash way the acton free press thursday august 25th i960 acton womens institute residents the rain ur sunday iftcrnckin was nut loo welcome when il disrupted plains to inlcrliun the lolks from h illon minor u a picnic gjlhenng in the pji k a chailcrcd bus brought hi ticsts nuniixiintt imund 40 the lome seols hind were un hind to proide pk i int tnusn loi ill hill ihe luiilia in in ill meed all thil with ihe kindness of ihc al 1 n fire department ihc isltors were taken lo then hall when the were she lie red from the ram and ippn w is sirud then me mu tin ihhith it the pitk ur jii utuiis k don hid i lovlv e ike md ice he im lor ihe guesls mis fi iili ive prixidml ut ihc act n wt wilionud ihe euesls md miss mullet i hunipsini pitssed ihui ihanks lo dl un ihc pleas ml lime thev had etionl refreshing fountain favorites await you here wa t i i you see our menu and wa i hi you see what a scrumpt ous serv ng you gel watsons dairy bar healthy living 17 mill st acton ont by w roy riddell d c xray analysis the pricttcc ot thliopi uh is hised on tile p ineiple the e itisc ol disc isi eoircctinc ihc hodv it d ullhll u till llll huh vom clin pi i i i u s htc imel psili i r lli suhlimi id lilihi i h tn mii h in iu inn leni llu dius or niediliius oi icnied lal aleneics disc isi is in el i linn is im feel and evciv elleel imisl ee m h ic a c use chuopraelie ion i wnn m t tends ihat i ik e uise hir l onends ih 1 the e tuse p of disc ise in ihe hodv i veilcht d suhlu hi in whuh cic lies piessute upon nines and intiilcies uiiti il t noun d liansniission vil il nine enerc the chnopi nil imi live is t i in ik ihe pine in ihi sum which mm pussm cvisls dik k i vi tehr il sub lux hi in ind in pi ihi t lusimin lo tisl in ilu sub lux lied icilehij lo us norm il posilion coiilli itliiislmcnt releases ihe pttssti c ol netes and uietehv icinoe s the re il cause ol disease in ihe hodv 1 x rav spirukriphs ire vil il ilo vour chiiutdttiir jnd ior vour return lo cood he iltfi thev aic ihe obsciv ilion uhlux i is thise ii ibhslnd us l ld isl pi k ii i p i ihc ii ii 11 i in ill ii is soil i n i i il l e lie 1 ii ii ll ll mic l seiirlil llv k uls but ih n equipment hi prael rs who use i iv in ihcn fn iclicc in cquipixd to de- itcr m idem se enlific chuo- pi e he he illh scimcc lo then enjoy freshness an indefinable characteristic quality of our produce eggs graded fresh daily a large 49c doz a medium 47c doz a small 33c doz b grade 32c loz crax 28c 0oz fre5hpeaches tomatoes arriving daily from the niagara peninsula deep freeze supplies dairy produces butter eggs sour cream european style cottage cheese european style ice cream milk cheese a typf foi evfjrr task save you mori all phmshable produce under refrigeration acton creamery limited air conditioned for you shopping pleasure

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