Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 25, 1960, p. 4

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pounowgth sports biat its plavoff time again a hur bringir of autumn and a ton itnms art deeply involved in ihi annual scramble for ontario bastball association titles even if a club dots not do too well through the stason ihens mill a thante a plnyofi spot might bt vacant and il could be dtbat ed in our fnor in tht commit itt rooms acton iniermidnles art not quite sure what commitlcc room lobbying has done to then tlub in stacking them against dunths in the oba senior b title hunt ii s a big jump ihcpietic ollv from intermediate a to senior b expenentt of other seasons docsn t stem to indicate the calibre ol baseball improves as vou move up a ehssifintion however cimpbcllvillt has proved lhal to the filbttts satislnction bv their performinci in a higher chss tht vt liken iht honors in intermediate a cirelts with compirtlne t ise whin tqinted with teams in b ind c the vilhgeis had their h inds full the smaller centres seemed to come up wiih tht t ought si ball leims bnmplon is mother cximplc afttt a dismal si isnn in thi diai old hilton counlv three or four jtars ulo including some thump ins fiom ailun thi dinfoiths drew i bve into l he inltimtdiitt a major pholts and tlnv m eervlhmg msighi atton- meanwlult mvtt got out of thi it igut in a b classihtalion so it s just possible the sur vlvor or this dundasacton scries will go a long way tn quest or the senior b title another acton club imohid in phwfls thi juveniles loi oil on the wroni loot tmsdav when walktrion handed them i lop sided 193 st lb ilk in the fust gimi ol i best of thitc suns the lot il kids ust totildn t sum to pt i unit k kid tlu louldnl hit tic id oi inn l ilk x lihm1 garni thtv itl their ihinn to even tht sijus up siiuidtv in w ilk tilon ii thev shed iht lethuev and pla iht bill lht ve bun pi ivinjj all stason thitts a lood chance lhi 11 ein hit series up one game is not a scries nor an 19 runs more dtstiuetivt thin thiei when vou lost a g imt for ou own inform ition though wed like to know who is toint to usi tht four juve pi ivers who also plav inltrmcdiate on satur dn both tenms hive eimes sihtduled tnd likt tin old h md said thev tint be in two pints softball semifinals attract fans seesaw softball in first playoff at once wc re going to let the man agtrs fight that one out tht presence of one of thi hoc ki pi mm lobsintus on the walkei ton jin t s it av is i i ishv task in this sliihi s mouth hail int irom mudm i tin lobsing crs m thi it litre of i resident ruikus m noeko i in lis last seisoti this wanted to pl in owen sound but tlu oh a siid thiv must si i it home md pi i wontlti win i hi oba docsn t subsiribe to those sentiments is ii possible thi wilkeitem ilub is allowed it pnk tht best pla ers ol iiivtmle ili in thm mik ol tin wikhk md put hum un der one wine il w isn t tuuisuil a tes i us ilo loi tin oa a ripiisent mm u pi k tn ill si ii tt ini tiom ttun itspciiive iluhs and e nter thi oba plndowiis lis nisi a tasi ol switching il letjiueis tiom oik k un t m ollitt it the dkl ol he uulu se isun to stkiiglhin the isl em ontuk repiescnt itivi imagine the squawk if acton wai allowed lo use plavent of juvenile age from anywhere in the count wtlj istuiuiie thought thtj would cimpbtllvitle w in he hilton counh eh impionslup bv i trouihine oakvilk iwioc inn thi wet kind suuidiv lluv vu n at lionu 10 in i sund i irmtd ihi oik- hi ii wis thur hlih consiiiiiim mntv ihinpi i ship oikmiii ulv in is t nirti midhnd in tin inlnnndi iti a phvdmtis now the villager with i bt mil the b pin downs in itllt until ilu oba limts in opponent pmhiblv n l until ihis weekend acton bantams dropped out of the ptavoff picture lut week when the dropped two decisions to milton bv scores of 63 and 7 1 the local lads tied tbe first game of the ser ies won the second handllv 201 but couldnt come through with another win owen mas- ales and hec lambert directed thejclub this season softball fans were disappoint ed with the laek of sportsnnn ship m tut mia v s semifinal bo- twecn the band and the fin fighters setms some of thi bandsmen had previous commit ments including their ace piteh er butch richmond and thev would haw preferred to have the game postponed until the phyers were available for dut the firemen naturally wanted to play the game as acheduled gpd that is the way u should be with never more than onerun separating them at any time in ihc eontesl favored dominion hotel and their uplown mnis siaiion hold pcisinls opened i he ac ion sol lb ill semi duals morula mghi with ii 44 dead lock tht lirgesl ciouil of the scison w is on hand tu set n seesaw gime in wlueh tht teams traded lends twice peasants knottid the count lor the thud unit in the semidarkness of the sevenlh and final inning dominion hotel s act ftingir fd phillips illowtd tht station gang only ht hits thret of them eh ilked up b wir larn nohn tonstqumliv pmstints had to mike list ot even storing oppor tunilv to si i in the lime bruce cargill was belted lor mm safe ties int ludinl a home run bv hin livvson but iht ptisinis huiln spued them well and al lowed onl one w ilk eight strikeouts phillips scni eight peasanis down bv the stnktout routi while cartil whifted two lini nohn pui tht si it ion hotel out in front in tht first funic whm he singlid stole sec ond and siotxd on an infield out tht dominions got that one baek in the hot lorn half harrv law son home tint into deep right after a first aiiempl was called baek is being foul id ihc hullom of the third back toback doubles bv ross morton ind ham i aw son scored to put dominions m front 2 1 where thev slaved until ihc lifth then ifter phillips whiffed the fust two bit lh mekellai wangled afiex ti- kcl hm nolan singled ind for bts cole sent mekell ir home with i tens leaguer into lefl held to tie it ill up at 22 don gre in s single to cintn and i hit b ross moi ion combined to pul dominion hotel ihead again m in ihc bottom of the filth wallops 3bagger lead oft hittn loi ihi pn sinls m iht sixih dudi lindsiv walloped i ihitc hailtr to light ind stored in a i mg fh hall knollim thi c uint ip un but do- mmii ns moved ihi id in the b il t m lull when hi phillips di un it d ind leo mgilkiw i s hil sent him s unvml home phillips losi his own game in the top ot the sevmth when ht walked km papillon ind mikci e ir to st irt ihe limine oil both pi ivirs stole a bag ind on a long ik to id l papillun tagced up and seored the heine run or iht game leo mcgillowivs living calch or sm ish over seeond ihil look ed libelled wis the fielding ftm of tht game r h e stilton hole 100 011 1 4 s 0 d minion 101 oil 04 9 0 simon hole i nolan if t colt if b c ii gilt p lmdsav t b bruit et s owoi lb h deforest ss k papillon lb mckellar 2b dominion hotel d gnin ss r morton t h iawwn lb c pe eha rf e phillips p p bow den if b johnsion tf l mtgillowav 2b d minis 3b umpues phte v masters bases j bulloulh five run splurge earns acton tie continued from page one cunnuilh im wis silt it see ond ind otoili baibei w is delililtd i itli loi him red antkrson t imt lluough with i ii lib hu th it sent birbei h nu maknil ihe s mi 87 and when jim lindsiv s hih ik bifl lindtd siuk in shoit itnii- an litis m si id t hi heine inn i ind i si ill sti mid ind weill to llmd n a passed bill paul live w ilkeel bul h irx id t wn li llllkd hit ste met t 1 1 si uul iht i iik rllf dunds 111 0s- at tin 001 s s 1 hu nd i r we ss thompson ii i ike d m plinl 2b ribson l kiiu mi mailm ii peel il wul s n p mv p in sth i aetoii andtison h j linikiv 1 ei piul law son ih h ttwnskv 1 t but ijii lb b bum it peti i aw son ss dm i ind iv e b don p j i linn ndi mi n j in mi i l i in 1 p m n t ill pin li h i in sib sports the acton free press thursday august 25th 1960 second slot snapped up by bustling bandsmen trailing one run as thev entered tne last inning acton citizen b ind nailed down second place in the local soft ha 1 1 circuit last thurstlav night wiih two iiins in the final frame highlighting ihe inning which enabled ihe bands men lo sh idt station hotel pta sanls 7a w is a basts tinptv home run irom the bat of gib jordan whot pokd one lo thi h nk m tinlit held the garni a supplement to ihe regular sthtdulc was to decide which of ihc lvo teams lied tor second place would gain sole pos session richmond hurled the bind lo their melon uad i pla oh series wifh the fia tighttrs thud plaet allotted lo ihc pea sanis pul ihtm m the semi funis with fhc itigue icadci dominion hotel first inning lead stilton hold wiih lindsiv hur ihil lumped into a luo run tirst inning ic id when andv nol in s smjlt biute cuplls double ind duele s sindi pi ited ivvo runs the bondsmen golono hak m ihi set ond whtn rithmond sing ltd ind eompleltd the eiiemt on hamilton throttles guelph in first of pfaoff series a si rtin ralk in the thud inninj sewed up the first tame ot i best of three mmoi sputs inteicountv plivoff series for h million mondav thi defeat eel guelph 7 2 for a one fcime lead in tht scuts with m miller if a possible 12 e tii king out 11 mis hamilton re il troubli mike v de hit a home run for the losers in the seeond mnmg and tern cole scored after ttalk in the fourth for guelph s onlv runs ron johnson piiihmg for ginlph illowtd onk one tun until iht thud iranu whin ihe roof i ivid in take big lead ken owen got tht lone him illon counter of tht seeond when be bunted safitv and stored on errors then in the sixth hidi lilhtetl bv a homi run bv john mison mike jtflrev m miller len varcv s lie ind e massc all scored to chalk up a bi lead following the the lineups and ihi onk plavirs ikfctbli to compete tn the series for ihese two teams guilph ttrrv churchill c ron johnson p ti rr cole 1 b glen tatllefer 2b bill diacrak jb call bulkr ss miki vale ss john chuithill rf rimsiv hav i i bill field tl john la enbv if h mutton m field rf jim ptvehi rl in t j mason i len an 3b s let ss eddie mas stv lb k owen d bob h ilth el in 1 i mites b r ss butlel 2b in 3 m jelliev it m miller p lmpires plate bob la7enb bisis v buchanan a passed ball and a long itvoul ken p ipillon and alex com m indo nulltlicd lhal one how in their halt opening with hicklolnik singles sionng pap illon rn hmond set t ltd dow n thtn to sinkc out the side the bind look the lead mom tntinlv in tht top lull of thi third storing thru mns a single by rr ink spillvogel i vv ilk is utd tu jim grcei and i double smashed out bv jim mi gre tot pkd wiih m tiror u shoii plated ihe runs mikint il 41 biuec curgill tvtntd it lot the peasants m ihe bollom ii ill and tt slaved that vvnv unlil ihe liflh grabs lead again in fht tilth station hotel grab bed the kid iain bob biuec poling i iwo inn homer with cai till on the sacks wiih i lice lie kel in ihe lop ol iht sixth ihe band pulled lo wilhtn one run when jdf i iver smashed a doubk followed bv ft ink spit i itils suitk sionng rryu tin b uidsimn look it m ihe seventh vulh gib jordan hornet ing and an crnrnt tirst putting micgietoi ilont to seeoml a hint ik lo ixnln ind macgutor stoixd ihe winning run buteh ruhmond slrutkout stun u ilked two and hit one hitler wink allowing ughi hits for the w nine is while lmdsav ve is i lttcd foi six buttles issued iwo bises on balls sinking oul three billeis rut band oh 001 27 6 1 station holel 211 020 06 8 4 bind r iv biaidi ef gib jor elan rl jim mcgtegor 3b rieh mnnd p paul law son ss juh in 7jic c jell frei 2b ti ink spnlvotel lb jim gntr il hie limbiit if in 6th si ition hotel a nolan if l nohn ii in 6th lurv tnlkler lb bum cat li1i 3b dude i indsav p bob brun tf km pipillon ss alc commando rf mtkellor 2b coon vartv c crtunhill c in 7th umpires gord j imcs pi itc bases ed phillips firemen hose band 198 tues pta tighttts doubled ihe store i a weakened citizens bund itam 18 tuesday nlghl to take ne garni lead in tht btst of three softball similinnk without i hur tne pilehtr bulch ruhmond who plas loi guilph dam out ins is will as inn tht bandsinin wut tin l isv mark for thi host and laddei crew they belted out 13 hits and colkilcd six walks in the seven inning sire tth fium st irting pileiiei gtrrly home wood and his sm tessoi jim migitytr fred aiehibald me hi while pisl toast etl loc iht hnmtn allowing ii hits wilkint ont and stnking oul one go ahead in pint tin tin tithltis wmt ahead in in lusi frimc wiih ihttt runs lo i ik binds one ii was 43 in tht second 8 3 in the third 166 in the rouith 167 in the fifth and tndtd up 198 i oi t hi fire mt n se ol i y mi crisiill johnny kraptk tied archibald red andtison and bill spitlvottl lontiihuted two hits apnec to the win while gib j ir din jim megrcl01 jtili in 7 i 11 and fi ink spnhogtl did the sann tot the losers red anile 1 son uneoikiel thl onlv home run ol iht tontcst with bill duval md johnnv turkos liipltiit loi ihe liiemui gib j01 dm w linked out 1 triple and double loi tht bindsmen with bi tivloi also hiding n two batgei r h r bind 120 310 18 11 7 firemen 314 800 319 13 2 bind hu lambtrl gib jor dan jim mcgregor gcnv horn rwtiod paul lrrwsnn jutmria j n ti ink spit hotel jim grett bill tavloi tin tighltrs srottv mecris tall john kiapck mnk holmes ftd ait hi bald don anderson bill duv il bill spitlvogtl john tuikos j nk pink andv wil hams acton wins tennis defeat brampton 65 ll urn e inttll itioi ol the es mm tourn imtn sum ae on e ub win hos s ii tlu nip m e lub dining a iwo- n m nch md 1 urn i vn tots 6s pliv v is kcin ind elosik eon tested bv both sides with the lo eals able lo tdtt out thi opposi uon lunih was stned al the oon elusion of ihi games and plan made foi a retm n milch ir brampton in tht ntar future juves low first walkerton wallops three pitchers acton juvtmllei opened their best of three oba playoff series here tueselay rright aborhmg ihe worst drubmng they vt taken ihis season walltrton adminlnler ed the coup de grate bv a l3 score in a game m which the local juves couldn t fteem to do arry thing light stiond game of the set goes this saturrtiy tn walkerton when ihe atlon club considered tartiei one of the bem to represtnl aeton in some veari will ittempt to put he series on on even fooling gun orr night it was nol only an off night foi the lotal baittis they man igtd only thret hfis from the of ferings ol walkeriorts o bright the infield was hstjtss and bklfd scveial balk three pitchers were paraded lo tht mound and tht visitois collected 14 hits horn ihcm first jeff frvcr a hurltr who his hid intermediate pitching ixpinentc this semester toed the si ib bul a nine run third inning finished him c innv and diminu live denis gibbons followed fry final results final results of the inler- counlylawn bowling are an follows rockwood 130 guelph 136 georgetown 123 acton 119 rockwood wins the beard more trophy guelph wins ihc bell trophy cr hi wasnt around long cither southpaw 11m ltndwv flnfthed the catne bul jim was hampered by the lack of spirit displayed by his mates ana waaerton eoniinu id to pile up the runk the acton club enjoyed a shorl 10 lead when denis gibbons walked and stored on don 1 ind siv s single in the first fr imc came tht third tumiver and thi visitors whitked oul mx hils for e runs md scemid lo pul the gime oul of ihe atlon elubs rcieh add runs wiilkciton scored another in iht fourth four more in the fifth and added five iddiuon il runs in the sixlh lor their loi il ol 19 mana gtr 1 loyd masaks juggled ihe ae ton imtup in in effort to tome up wiih somi runs hut oulsnli mccrae branch canadian legion giant car bingo saturday august 27th 130000 snowball in cash prizes plus your choics of jackpot 1960 ford 250000 or in 55 200000 cash numbers guelph memorial gardens children undr 16 yrt nol allowd i may rj trr driving instructor haircut costs 300 taking time oul for a haireut ioni milt ns onlv dnvmg in siru tn an esiimiled vk whin hi e urn mil to find thi right it u ind i his t ir miithid on then sd is it tern on inn mill v wl mil tin st i i ud k mjik ilil bt ikt ind thi viah whui mis jan t c im bk ol guelph drove htr s bunk revadmisur into bis 107 chev on main st in front of milton spoils and cvcle mr millov s e ir was parked on the noilh sij1 of iht stretl n f i r tht loop wouldn t funition pr- rxrlv it nujividuik rather thin iht- entire kague were given htm consideration it cenalnl would be an im provement to the two playoff started on time perhaps a penalty of for atari ing lincupa v stand by for the bif nem it wont be long now until w nmora the wraps from tht oxpanom hm of deere tracton and i equipment for all type of eartfamovinf construction kkf of and nnontonanob work wattii for the date of our open houae we want you to be r mcduffe and son limited john dhm wdutnuu and faim mwment milton tr 89753 hamilton ja 951 j5 c3jmsjmwkm1msw be specihc tien iied jean jsleed htr i iized tiandcalrtr for idv it tell mt tr indp i sht sjid what kind ol husband should i many take mv adim ansvvtred randp i liave tht husb ind alont and find ouistll i smili inglcton in the third and an other in the sixth the tocalt juit etkildn i product the visiiom mmlor inserted a southpaw numtd weaver in lo plith in the sixth but hastily rc- plaetd him wiih 0 bright ngnin when he w ilked the first three b liters vaiilktilon 009 ms 19 h atlon 101 001 3 3 walkeilon buldon tf stldle ii mi lean ss lobsingcr c obnyhl p sullivan 2b buelnh ib we virp sebum ickerrf ben nmper 3b burditk 3b aetfin mvcnstjll if gibbons lb p et ss j lindsay cf p p liu son ss l d lindsay c t mas ilts 2b prut rf ruddick rf sh uinon if m irshall if fryer p lb play rite school for modern piano le irn lo pla all he litest song hits in a popular up to dale stvhmi plav ing iht piano the populir way is tasy and is tun far information call at studio 22 cameron ave acton ont when an old friend dies get a new one through a bns loan thats the lowcost business like way to borrow to buy the equipment you need new tractor new machinery or attachments all arc good reasons for a bns farm improvement loan- sec the manager of your neighbourhood tranch of the bank of nova scotia hell be happy to discuss a bns tarm improvement loan with you the bank of nova scotia mgnager acton brnnrh salter a wooillmrn avoid the rush i thepilot on your as furnace should be turned on now telephone united gas limited zenith 71450

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