Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 25, 1960, p. 5

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use want ads weekly they fill all kinds of needs mmfm4hwmmwhm4vwmi classified advertising rates no charge fur announcement el births marrlaffes deaths and engagements in memor- ianu 75c plus 10c per line for verses articles for sale rent etc 3c a word mini mum cash 80c billed 73c box no to this offce 25c additional coming events 75c minimum first five lines each additional line 10c card of thanks 76c for for first 5 lines each additional line 10c accounts are rendered monday following insertion latest insertion time lf pjw wednesday phone 600 ahmw k for sale jphonc 10m births marriages deaths etc bohn dodtjs mr and mrs mervrn dodds are happy to announce the birth of their baby daugh tcr kimberly ann on wednts day august 24 at the guclpt general hospital mother and baby doing fine ellino william and tini eulng of acton are happy to announce the birth of their twin sons walter and warner rat the guelph general hospital thurs day august 18 i860 brothers far christy died lucas on tuesday august 23 at milton rose alice mantcll of georgetown in her 95th ear wife of the late charles lucas and dear mother of charles of toronto violet mrs george preston and jack of glen wil liams emily mrs j h price of acton and the late herbert resting at the harold c mc- clurc funeral home 34 edith si georgetown whore funem service will be held friday afternoon at 2 oclock injormenl greenwood cc metery georgetown smith at the guelph general hospital on saturday august 20 1b60 sarah jane mecutoh eon wife of the iatt wra j smith in her b6th ytar dear mother of mrs fred tsndii baptie and mr earl ivirni van norman both of atcton mrs alvln pearl miller of brampton and predeceased bv one son percy rested m the rumleyshoemak er funeral home where the fun eral service was held on tuesdav at 2 30 p m interment everton cemetery murray suddenly on snturdnv august 20 1960 at acton jirhn charles murray of stewarttown in wb 66th year former rsjm lome scots regiment beloved husband of annie locke board and dear fattier of kenneth and lorne or acton mnrjnrk mrs dnve barclay i and phyllis tmrs james stewart of stevarttow n and the late grant and dear brother of joseph murray of norval and flora mrs gilbert english of r r 5 milton funeral service was hi id tues day afternoon in st john t angli can church stnwarttown inter ment greenwood cemetery georg etown cards of thanks i wish to express mv imcirc thanks to my friends and neigh bors for their kindness f ir cards fruit and flowers smt in nit dur ing mv recmt st in hospital and since coming home a9 5041 robert a mcenerv i wish to express mi smceri thanks and appreciation to nit who sent flowers capds and gifts during mv recent stav nt gutlph general hospital special think to dt buckner and behrdmort nd co ltd for tin ir kindness 95037 d n ciipj we wish to expre our sincer thanks to our fn nd- neighlm- and relatives for their miin kind nesses cards and flovviro snt during our rcctnt sad btrtiv ment these kindnesses n ill ioiik jw refnenbojcd and apprcci he jean daigw and boys and the snow fimilv i 9 mm on behalf of tin acton u m institute i would like in think ii those who took pirl in helpi ic us entertain th sinior c toih of halton manor in tht park on vin day a vcrv spec il vote of thanks to the act n fire brig id for allow in us th use f rhi hall hiring the inclement t ilh t perm i tun she servum of refrt ti ments to our guests a 1 the- kindnesses vv ill be 1 mg rwnsn bered vim wilderspin secretarv 85042 acton wonnnj institute for sale for sale continued for sale grade 10 ttxt books id good condition phom 3b7r after fl vm a 0 m80 for sale upright piano in excellent condition ph ne 7w w- 5 oi 7 w 13 a 0 504 for sale first quality alum inum storms doors windows awn ings railings sktings new low prices phone 385 a 30 4383 5 for sale 6 massey han is clipper omfbine powtr tike off drive price 460 phone uluer 6 9675 a 9 for sale nc honey in your own containers 22at ifo in tins 2 lbs 55c 4 lbs 1 05 8 lbs j205 h k dodd no 21 side road a 8 5183 for salf rubber stamps mode to order stamp pads and stamp inks font delivery dills stationery 56 mill st acton ont phone 603 a47 if 4699 cgk for sale propane stove apartment size ei verted also small propine healtr phone 445 r acton aft r 5 10 pm a 0 5195 for sale 2 bedroom bunga ow 4 piece bath good locati n reasonable pi ice apply 284 peel st acton b 9 2 5040 for sale 3 acres 22 ide road 2 miles south of actm market garden sil 1250 250 down owner o ikville victoi 5 2653 b 8 2 5w6 for sale smith corona por table typewriters factory new for as low as 79 95 nlso typewriter i 43 4 7 for sale for money making milking all dairymen need surge mi for le ser vice and parts call horace tomlm- son surge dealer brampton dhone glendale 1125 atf for sale singei round b b bin wibh rg i lg ind full sit of tiichmrnts tike on immmls of 7 0 per month foi fi m intns oi 42 cash box lift acton fiee press ii 0 2 5035 for salf re p cst vsed h i v er vacuum chant i ind ftill of attachments 3 monlhs old t ikr ovi r payments of 7 10 pi i month for 7 montis rox 160 act n fice preii i o 2 me for salf i ifc 1 fire theft accident m lrtkafle insur ance for donendablt service with reputable compinies conl ipt svd ncv k lnmb insinanct gini 8 mrll si e acton oi ph nr 524 a 51 4ll bf for salf h ind n nick chicks started pullets v icci n ed 500 16 weeks oh 1 000 1 weeks old also dekalb 101s yei lings phone ulster fi 9b41 k sanducy r r 4 rockw l a9 519d for sale pnvnle rinoh stjh burrgilou eornti lot hnd senped fmctd 1 hnne lmg dining room lirci kitchen iniirt bedrooms storms ret ns 5 n h a mortgngt carm s foi 91 pit phom 514 aftr pm or npplv 106 longfield to ew a 1 4 5n dependable used cars 1958 volkswagen 2 door fu i- equipped indio 1956 morris oxford scdin ndic ont ow ner 1954 chrysler nrm oi k i futlv quipped 1952 cht v 4 door sed in see 1960 plymouth fury on display contiet bill fir a jood of ft r on fit x en s bill toth shell service chinslfr pi uol th val1 nt dfai fr 11h qutn ph tu 51 we dont like to shout u fil th it thsne cis a ik foi ihtmtlves ii k tin th nk tw ce get on i mi 195b pontic pinsmnnr onrt libit black ind i n t p v h au uvir ile w nd4iitld v tvltl buck up tbts wh ttw a t i liner b- kes b giil a luxurt ant ni reduced n 1 i9t ford fj rl m 4 d i tl m rusi ind i colir b ak- n n win oilh iooo m t i i coming events i i95s auhmj super 4 ti sed in h rn 1 n m i id tl js second ri 195 plvouth 4 d r a din lftrf pontic pihfidr 4d sedan nelv rifn ihed n livh gre- n cv lor 6 o inli r at i tc be mrc to i iok thi mi ot acton lions cktb teen dnee acton legion fnd septembsr 1054 potlm7 r sch hi 2 91 am midniten- band or co u 6 c 1 id b 95045 chicken barbecue etwneier unked church nasmgawvva wedneedav august 3t 5 30 to 8 00 pjn admission adults 1 50 bingo every thursday night 8 15 imt milton arena two jackpots 1000 full card s0 c insolation prize 9bs0 17 numbers top line 0 added each night 50 eontolat ion prtxe 30 fames at 25 share- 4he weal free buses from acton to milton sod return leaving canadian legion 7 30 pm call stfl ockenden 15 between 5 and 8 for bus reeerxations sponsored fetr s9nm khhaea and legion brand 138 a 95047 see these f rst and lovk vt se ohr 20 qua i wil used cars on lur 1 t set ufn gratt phil or bl ck at milton motor sales ltd pttone tr ft2155 for sale gas stove 4 burn and middle phone 38 after 5 pm a 9 2 51fl2 for sale gladioli 70c per do7en h k dodds 25 sideroad 14 acton a7 5ikm concrete well and culvcit tile sidewalks and patios erin tile works top qinhty lowest prices phone fnn 34r23 a 1 eow free this is the hst week of our first anniversary offer fice lubrication ind oil chircge for one veil with every ntw ot used cir sold in august 1956 plymouth with custom trrm attractive 2 tone finish i idio only 39 monthly witfh no m ne down to approved 1954 pontiac in good iiinnm dt i only 575 1953 metfor aulnmitic trnn mission and ndn in good eon dition can ts for 28 monthi no down payment do you want top dollars ror your used car see your local volkswagen dealer max mckee at cross sales and service onhi o stitel south milton tr 8 6201 for rent for rfnt 2 bedrt li f i jltntlemen c c resisf n t st acton ont to 9 5044 for rhnt a rotm ipnrtmint tnirillj i riled sept ember pos ism n apply 2 mill si e ac m a 92 5036 for rent store corner mam ind mill sts excellent location apply h h hint m acton ont b 9 5043 for hinted od tn ipi rfnt 3 ro m floors tment self conlnmed apiiimtnt hard built in cupboirds building phone 91 t 9 5039 tf for rent ver hrfie mn ivel apirmtrtt moduli kitthe nmg rom i v ing rioro lirj equ led phone 19 con r lease 9 5046 tf help wanted hfi p wantfd undies are on in nttd oi more mmey aon smtlics hods the inswer be mi ni ain representat i an iim x ur ntigvbori duung cm anient hours wnti district man kir miss 7itrler n irf ik ap ni n v gutlph m ng ph tu i 9 hfi p u ntbd w mn be romt a m iirch driler represent ompi n from nour ow n put t r full lime no door door custimtrs supplied must lie married homt owners salirv mmissi n stnd mm iddrt nd u nt numbtr t mtmrth 36 nsv a tor into 15 7 3 hfij wanted r liabl mm deiler in aclon and gt nge neeesirj wanted conhniwdl wanted woman with one school age girl wants 3 room op orment ground floor reasonable rent box 170 free pros a 95191 wanted holton poultry pro ducts dealers in live and dressed poultry and from eggs custom killing phone milton tr 8 4401 a tf tenders bill telephone company of can ada is prepared to receive tenders for the purohiso demolition and removal of its buildings 3i loc atcd on lots 3 ond 4 block 17 plan 31 church street and lot 5 block 17 plan 31 on elgin street in the town of acton ontario the conditions and form of ten der may be obtained upon applic ation it the ojfice of the under signed the highest or any tendei will not necessarily be accepted tenders must be received by the undersigned before the close of business on the 15th day of soptember 1960 bell tel co of can mr e c horlor halton centennial manor i county of halton tender for domestic fuel oil fuel tenders iddrcssed to mr garfield brown county clerk court house milton and eliaily nnrked tender foi domes ic fu oil will be received up to twel otlock n ion on lueidiy sep er ber 13th 1060 for ihe- supplying of 3000 fial ons more or less of domestic fuel oil fir halton cenlennnl manor stiff residence 147 ontirio st snith milton ont delienes to be mide is mured to the hilton centennnl manor staff residence for i960 1901 heitmg seison garf1fid brown b 9 2 counn clerk halton centennial manor county of halton tender for no 3 or 4 light industrial oil seiled lender addressed to mr ganfield brown county clerk box 216 court house milton ont and clearly marked tender for no 3 or no 4 light industrial oil will be received up to twt o clock noon on tuesday si pli ber 11th 1960 lgit industrial oil with a maxi mum viscosity of 125 siybolt sec onds univers il nt 100 dtgrees ind i pour point up to 20 decrees fin renheit deliveries to be made is re quired to the halton ct ntcnnial manor 14 ontario street milton ont for the 1960 1961 heating tender not real estate for sale 2 000 down 3bedroom brick bungilow attached garage bal ance 9 400 5 j nha mortxage canies for 50 month iurchil acton modern 6 room bimgaow h ird wood floors oil hot w iter heat mg large landscaped lot thret blocks to downtown asking 10 500 3 bedroom storey and a hnlf home oil heated hirdwood and tile floors 5 mortgige carries for 48 13 monthly mary gibbins auction sale of fntlre modern furnishings including living room bedroom kite run and electric equipment and motor cir full list next week s papei will be held saturday sfeptembfr 3 2 00 o clock jt 15 john st south aclon no reserve tfrlms cash propnetoi is returning ti hoi land i vin it mrs wm van vliet proprietors hindley and elliott i q auction t rs harvey keith rfaltor 145000 full down payment no second mtiilgage bedrooms bith with vim liie kiuhcn stpiritt dim room hot w iter oil belt in 119500 fui l down paymfnt a honed o irie executive hom 2 bnths 3 bed rooms den beautiful i v inndscip ed ilnminum sti tms and sci i ens pus finishtd lecrt io in hot wilt i oil he it 210000 t btdio con dit i kitchm down pa mfnt nha mortig k e ir monthly so id buck i bungali w pcrffc 5 putt bull laim iluminum st mm i finished iitii it plu- dennis lawler acton 1054 it mix r tironto rt il fstite bo ird miscellaneous kitchenfr upholstery have your chesterfuld suite re upholstered b u and siti refin ishing one weik service cill watson w- music store atf pp step old raw i been id f products f irn ri riwltiehs hill 163 4001 riche u u ab wanted reimert upholstery spec iali7ing in reupholstering all types of furniture best quality material fine workmanship prompt service alio furniture refintshing and rug cleaning phone 83 marks grocery acton a tf floor refinishingwe now ha vi a modern sander and edgir vie wjll refmish your floors or rent you the equipment to do the job yourself j b frank phone 377 47 frederick st s acton a tf summer properties reddi built homes and uges prefab and erected i literiture easv terms s tfi r nffi intfi fn ie il 1 u i i n ib n i i- insurance free estimates on insurance of all kinds if you are c msidenng a change from y iu- prent pol cy or looking for a new plan contact omar h park t phom ul 6 4465 a 40 1047 if no second mortgage 1190 full down paymfnt one mortgage only 3 bedroom brick bungilow di piece terimic t v bith high div ided bamcnt fruit cillir oi ftim ice goid ire lot nha morttge cirrn s r8 monthly close to town centre 1000 full down payment 6900 full price 4 bedrooms hrge kitchen bath full basement i il furnace luge lot garage attached garage 650 full down paymfnt 11900 full price 1 bedroom brick bungilt w wuli itttohed eirtvi dining ir i morms md seruns nha mortig lakeview heights 10900 full price auction sales auction sale of furniture and appliances saturday august 27 at 131 pm at ihe residence of mr joe white 3211 orville si acton some dishes pots and pans girden tools walnut ehim cabin ias3 doors kitcht n cabinet slasa single i7e 3 only chests of driwers hosttss dhans trllite lamp libit lamps cird table sinple c intm tntnl lox spring ana mattress high clair h issock sewing cib met exltnsion laddt r bathroom scale 4 dinette chairs child bissinetle 5 piece wooden dinetl suite fold top type desk child trike i twn mowt r beiutilul nit bedn nte mr and mrs dicwr ho ikcise heithirmid spring filled m ittress this mute cinnoi be told fiom ntw appliances 10 tnppnn rinri automitic only 2 yeir old g h floor p ilisher uilimit ic noige lofrig ltwvt vituuir cli inei all ittichments ilmosi new portable sewinj michliu with buttonhole attachmtnt cr lev mant r wisher i jeirs ol i ill small i pli incts 6 p iwer s iw wit i motor c nsolt tv and minv th er n ticks u o numtrous io ht alsi it 1 pm wt will st 11 i2 chev 2 dnnr in good cnndttlnh tfrms c nh oi 20 per etui down on mijor art ties iiannan auction a siles co gin 1ph j d hannan guetph i 9 ph guelh 2 4491 ir 7656 limchouse reunion anniversary guests highlight weeks news events nion mm mr f hiyh is itltllullv tlf 1 iiik of bt inlfmel i soli virttttn bt ti itl i faring auction sale in villagf of frin or builders fquipment tools and material truck modern house hnld furniture etc tht undtrsigm d hi- ne ivd in liucli is fiom john green house nuv cl ivitit in liny bv ir un paul turner spirit i tin dis lisi wtik with siiphi in nirekmn i itwson isititi huiip ik ii ndiv il list mrs john glvnn mil luii spun i bun i h tl ivs p mills mi mil mis iiliiiiiing with them ten i isit mi s wilson mi ind mrs i mitnuv sluikv mil hnvl loutikmcl ut jnmsbv tntl ni i iu i tills list week mt mil iietv urn uninii il giimsbv mi mil mis gisbv isilul wiih mi mil mis v noms mill n suntl i mis j r benton mis a w benton inel mis btrt benton it letielecl i shown tn miss mup ml i iv whti is to bt m uniil to limk billion on sipiimbei 10 in milltm on witlntsd i iltiiiinon visitors miss blimhe biighim rn nt hinev bc ts isilmg hti mot lur mis bniiliun uul sisiu mis j roughliv mi mil mis vmeiiit ol run bun i njl uul on smril inontlis holithv in in id i visitnl will hit chirhe mithtrs i isi weekinil mi mil mis ci ne mil anni ol slitilsvilk visiittl m ii mr mis l lid iv orvil duflulil lh 1 me p tueii lisl wek 4jp john hitelh of gnmb tuted with ihe mil ner s iiiiiiiii h iirop msilnl with cuol i iwson mr mil mrs gordon oumlon ol mi iloitl mi i nk ouintoii i i noiv il md miss anm hi unish ol ihrrxlon visittil wih m on frieli i tiki jans tl his le iihers sum tiff on io writing in hum loi hblnlivs mi inil mi tion wisitttl i no mn ll bv it h s sd saturday commenenig it 10 m thi f illowing machinery toous equn ment radio arm skill hiw ptwered with 3 hp mot ir c imp litt bini siw skill siw drill sress wilh mortice atlichments olnter planer with 1 hp mol or sandir with motor power em try electric hand planer miur boxes floor tollers several visis elcctr c power nailer sindt rs gil son big bick hvdriuic scip w it tr attachment cement mixer porw red with i wisconsin iir cooled engine form ties wedges c t x tension lidders rammt gun ib out 5 000 bd ft of 2 inch no i comm m pine door and window frime m iti rial hisemenl sash steel s ifh enamel r ids sen w jjeks truck jacks c veral eh ct nc m tors hrge quint tv of new lumber spruce pine 2 x 4 e c cement blocks chimney blinks brick barrels construction build mg 10x16 building 8x8 this mi chincrj has all been purchis d new bv the owner and is in go id mpchinicil condition note the time and plin to be present chev 3 ton truck combinition bdv ind hoist low mileige housf furnishings mod crn solid wilnut dining room 9 piece suit stromberg cirlson cons ile radio ind rec rd phvn 2 stud humidif p it form me smt modern 5 few nu c ib high bn btr mi mil mrs a w bt nloi lentltil tin hum il ol lit i mis w askm in mill m on mil iv 50th anniversary mi md mis i kouijilo bugh mi mil miss bl mil ii mi itlemkil llii ioltltn witl of mr mil mis i mis in fu mi iht j knox itllv wedding guest shvtt i situ widilinij inure h i iht un itl lion it the home of the groom s p irmts tin nt w ion rtitiik ii s isili tl il hir brothers it alliston on sim tliv jimmn ruddell i ik hi ileil his c in ill hshed il in hihf i pub m ill ii ne i in 178 wis si oil i m ii iim nil comprehensive riiuw ol i denture polities ind news by oiniral foods kit chins peaches your favorite fruit chan s art vou ii want to capture their delicate flavor in ft d hrious peach jam tntisiibsolutelydivine on hot butlend rolls or toast peach jam 4 rwjw preparfd fruit about g qitartt ripf fyfiichrx nii umon jmrt 2 irmons 7 i nips ii la augur i botllr tfrto fruit prrlin fintt prepare fruit peer and pit alieiut i qiinrlm fully ripe peaches grind or chop viry fine measure 4 cups mlo a very large saucepan add l cup lemon juice then make the jam add sugar to fruit in saucepan and mix well plnce aver high hi at bring to full rolling boil roil hard 1 minute stirring constantly remove from hint stir in i no nt once skim off foam with metal spoon stir and skim or i minult s io cool slightly to pnvont floating fruit itdle into glartses cover at onco with h inch hot jiiriffin makes about 11 medium glases pectin hini is if hrrtn the anxtier prrtin ut thr jfliing ulth- tttinrf f uitd in all frinh in mtryiiig amimnu i rlo ih jierfin rrtrtictrd from fruit rirh in fttn nttlitral niimlmirr then refined and rmt reairatrd lining i rriti and fnllainng the tented rrta reriin mean hour jam and jelly utll ninny ttt right if yau hat any problem with tour jam ar telly making drop u a note general ftiod kitrheim u eghnton ave w toronto we 11 be glad to help and pleane watch for our next eotumn jack ridley cartage limited concrete blocks concrete mick cinder blocks clay brick sand stone livestock and fertilizer earm service and supplies dump trucks for hire bvdr pcv clau fs i f fully inmrad phone 251 acton pl form ess tanc mil i chm btdrum drip rrff ct desk ind bookcise kood as new 2 scythes eit fori rrce crcut siw windiws child tont ind th r nnjn i tfrms ci if m h t 4 14r 2878 applications w i be- ceiv td f r fall enrolment sun5hine school for retarded children m 1 on on rtrdd c 1 n h hj n s t gib 1 s r george gibson pays the highest prices for dead and disabled cattle and horses old health horses 6 cents pound res d nee phune fergus 231 w 12 nt fergus 932 ir guelph ta 4 178 collect for prompt se vice au r m r t all makes rctsii mach ie bv thi week portables used from thj t0 see the la est singe s i sewing machines free home demonstrat ons dyson sewing cevtfr 1 gforgftown tx 74x31 i acton gordon hardware ltd farms etc h i r hi n 1 ti vk og suioo s t ontario i ft i hirw iv- on auction sale of land buildings po ded conac mrs ml fn how rd j rrr s- m in tr 16064 dead stock service highest cash prices 1 for dead or d sabled horse and cows old hore 6c a lb for promtm sevice call long d s ance aid ask for zenith 9 7950 no charge to ou i paconi deadstock removal hanson ont i sydney k lamb i realtor wd insirancf 8 m 11 st e property sale t nio kid nu j idni ii kg pur ed tti it n sut n t lit silt b d frime i ra n beiu 1 is md m t rwhip if lr if w njj n mn m 1 1- sir and ihe c n id n h- pr a 1 10 pm dst msrtxss i fr da sopl mbc 16ln 1w0 i terms sort 00 dept i c f 1 ted hequr at tncol sale t hequi mad pa ble o the treasure r f omar i ba ance pab e m th r l dav f r fu3ier mfornutton pleav thi auctioneer m j a elliott milton ontario phone tr 8 m33 or dnpar meni of hifhwavs d lnct office 2 webtter avenue h amtlton ontario phone jackson 7 tni salf subject to a reserve bid depl of highways onl attention rural students attending the acton district high school september 1960 the bus schedule will be no 1 bus route east from acton leave acton 7 45am arr ve l mehouse 7 55 a rt arr ve ballinafad 80 am arr ve acton a 8 15am ssssrsss no 2 bus route west from acton lave acon at arr ve 6th l ne 7 h ghway 7 50 a m 7 h ghway 6 0 a atr ve c m k 8 05 t arr ve soevs tie b 35 a n a i ve acon a 8 45 t m ssysisssstsssis no 3 bus route south from acton leave acton ar 8 0 a m arr ve spey de 8 30 a m arr ve acton ji8j5sm times approximate students meat be ready a few minutes before schedule time w midoliton sacrtarytraaiurr

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