Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 8, 1960, p. 8

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a necessary oasis probably the timing u about right in the iugoitlon that the toronto ratepayer should be allowed to vote on sunday movlti it itn i too many yean qo thai sun day iport wm allowed with the tlreng at turancet that it would never lead to a fde open sunday ai we know or heat ot it in the united tlh the argument in support of sunday movies are many roomets people o0 live in hotels visitor and young folks aie said to imd sunday quiet tedious and boring it is eas to rgue againtl an open sun day on religious grounds and perhaps the stronger the arguments the more adamant the opposition in some quarters we at not discussing this aspect of the subject for attendance at church is a matter of personal conviction and argument one way or the other is prof tless but this much tan be said on the grounds of universal common sense there should be one day m the week when all but essential activities cease and man can restore himself the enclent dis covered the wisdom of this and it hs even more force in these frantic times than it had for a pastoral people the narrow sundays of our forefathers rigid and gloomy devoted to reading prim mtd propet books are no longer with ui and pethaps most of us are glad they are not but nothing can be more certain lhan hat if we destroy what remains of this one oasis of test in the week we shall be the pooier in health and splnts tot it in the revolt against a too rigid past much has been done lo wreck the traditional sunday highways ai nowded with ctuij golf courses ate busy tadio and television hav invaded our living rooms yet in spile of it all there is still a measui of peace to be had foi those who seek it we should be vsise to reflckt ifctote we allow testloss commercialism masquetading as modeinlly to luin all out day and weeks into m un ending treadmill of activity assistance not pension perhaps it it a trend of the limes trend in our thinking hat the world owes us a liing how often in our dal glance at the quantities of letters to editors m dviy newspapers d we rhe oh ege assistance termed a atrry pension one recent vtter v cwjered when the old g penskwi would be raised the writer noted they had a clean room costing 3 a ek rejrmg the wonderful sum of 15 or s23 left each month to eat and bu clorhei drugs and car fare how many of our sfovemment employee have tried irv no orl so or s cent a da just tr it we have every sympathv tor the pro blems of loneliness hardship and need that man eod fori endure quire often their lives end their generation have been fraught with hardships thai mn ounger would riever warn to face we folly belteve too thai the present old eg bsa stance must be quite helpful thts welfare measure has always been officials wmed old ege assistance when the term pension creeps n the whole compvexidn ss thanged we seriously doubt tht it was ever intended thai people should not save some of then own lunds along the path of it to supplement the government sponsored assist snee wh the increasing life span the early retirements end the shortening work weeks it vill become imreasmgly difficult to con tinue increases to all our welfare payments including old age ass stance the letter writer wonders how many government employees have tried living on so or 75 cents a day it s too bad that government employees are singled out for the test how many employees of any fee lory office or store have tried it becayse it un t just the government employees who foot the tremendous bill for old age assist ance its the workers across canada and if welfare payments now make it impossible for them to save now for their old age governments of the future will have a tre mendous number of requests for increased old age assistance in the generations ahead just as there should be soma mental pre deration so should there be some financial preparation rocket pioneer a 1 000 0o0 settlement for infringe ment erf patents has just been made by me us pdvomment 10 the estate of dr robert hinehins godderd who 0 years ago was ndcuied as woonwad goddard for suggest mg m a scieitrfk paper thai would be possible to shoot a rocket to the moon the onetime teacher of physics and s at princeton universty wrote that it would be possible to note a rocket s land mg on the moon by exploding flash powder the russian s moon rocket sent back such a signal in 1959 goddard who died in 1945 at the age of 62 started his rocket research m 1912 by working out ways to improve the perfor mance of british and us lifesaving rockets at the end of world war one he had devised a rocket launcher with which he claimed infantry soldiers could knock out tanks th military establishment pa d it little heed although it finally came into use as the bazooka of world war two in the 1920s on hs aunt efhe wards farm now a golf course near auburn mass goddard was firing off liquid fueled rockets and so alarming the neighbors that he was forced to transfer his experiments to a ranch in new mexico the publicity though derisive did bring goddard s work to the attention of the guggenheim founda tion and in the next few years its directors supplied more than a quarter of a million dollars for his research in rocketry and iet propulsion the milbondollar senlement ust made by the american government will be shared by his widow and the guggen heim foundation to each of whom he had assigned half his parent rights copies of goddard s patents were avail able at the patent office for 10 cents and although his own government pretty well ignored his work the german rockets organi z at too found it most instructive germany was first to have an anti tank rocket and many of goddard s ideas were incorporated in the v 2 rockets that landed on london the patent claim against the us military services dated only from 1951 when they stated serious work on ballistic missiles and infringed goddard s patents on the use of liquid fueled rockets to provide a sustaining flow of power instead of merely an in tial explosion dr goddard was not really ahead of his time but it is interesting to note that h s determination kept him going in the face of ridicule how prone we are to conform these days to avoid that same r dicule many good ideas that later become su ess ful are continued n the face of d sec uing odds comment from hansard mr azellus dens lib st den s mr speaker i wish to d rect a question to the postmaster general according to a news paper report in england jersey cows are being delivered by registered mail is the minister equ pped to give canada the same kind of service hon w m hamilton mr speaker neither jersey cows nor the kind of bull in which the hon member indulges are pro perly the concern of the canadian post office department acton free press published by the dola printing and publishing co ud founded in 1875 and published even thursdav at 59 willow st at tun ontario member of the audit bureau of circulations the c w na and the ontarioquebec division nf ttw cjfilma jldvcrtimnft rate on request subscriptions pavable in advance s3 00 in canada j00 in the imited states six months 1 7 single copies 7c authorised as second class mail pom office depart ment ottawa the only paper ever publisher in acton g a dills editor inchief david r dills managing editor 1 business an0 editorial office phone 60c ai qto n the good old days wrammfimrxvymiiik harvest maids ptoto by mlmr tartar sufcui xcl sfuce thl week the old girl and i will owrve uur 14th unnivirs an you notice i dtdn i suv iel cbrute we jusl observe them lather coldly she been o little tool about anniversaries klnie the lime i bought the proaenl und the vard a tew years biuk she d been beefing about her paint brushes being hard to licuii on our anniversury i gave her a luvelv little puck age of paint bruah cleamr suitably gift wrapped 1 also handed her a beautiful anmv erwiry card it cost me 40 icnu and had flowers and cupids and all sorts of things onlv thing was that it was headed off to my darling husband on our anniversary 1 d forgot len to read it these anniversaries arc hir dtr to take than birthdays the whole 14 ears was brought graphuilu to tht fort tonight at dinmr whin i look ed around and riulizid that all these people belonged 10 me and were my responmbil h for feeding clothing and housing among other things fourteen ears ago i was a oung eteran of the atr force full of ginger and peculiar ideas with the aid f other voung vet erans and various wenches i had been successful in getting through all mv gratuities in a few months of high living i was broke free cvnual selfish and happ as a trout i thought love was some thing made up bv women and the movies marriage and children were for dopes mon ev was something for other people to scramble after the hume was where old people umt when thev ran out of inoiiiv i inillv lies were nrik wem i bin 1 owed lnmi my bn- lluis ihisi wm pitlly tund days in ulmspeet all 1 w tilled lo do wis kid hooks e il think and sluji whvii i ml like il uui ivintl person il till iilglemeills like the plague mv elliel ailibil ion was lo avoid wuik in any i iinn mil mv only distre was lo nut some exotie land erawling with hi uililul native women and ihue sittle down in ihe sun bui even is the walls of jeneho i tumbled like mosl young men ol tint age i was just like an egg i thought i ftas hard boiled hul i wasn t lvm halfcooked one craek in the shell and 1 tan all over the plaec in short i got married and i vi bein running ill over the plaet ever sinee our m irrlage in those 14 t irs has had its ups ind downs and 1 good piri ol ihe lime we secmul to be l- ing sidevvavs in those 14 ramie jears however i vi ehinjed a lot mv evnieism has become merely a healthv seeplicism i haven t a hone of being smhsh any more but some lhints haven l changed lm still broke and i m still free oh not free in the old wa mind vou i ean i jo oot with girls anv more i can t si i up wilh the bovs until the wie sm ill hours and 1 ein t throw all mv world i v possessions in a bag and take oil lor rio not unkss i win l to trnve it the airport with a kid elmgmg lo eaeh leg and mv wife flving from mv neek like a pennant bui i m free in the things that reallv eounl i ean go gotling or fishing anv lime i led like it as long as the kids don t want 10 go by bill smiley hwlmming i in sneak my mind luily on mv suhcel iround 0111 hnuw without fear of eon ludielion as long s i do il down in ihe tillir or while 1 m mowing ihe uwn i un slop my 1 wealing my t shuts and sox if i in talth htm belore he gels out ui ihe house fourteen years ago i abhor red the idea ot possessions i didn t w mi lo own anvlhing 1 didn t want l j sink any roots smu ihen i ve eollei led an awesome assembly of junk ind my roois are v far down thevie blue king the sewers besides ihe hall and ehain ivi acquired two ihild ren who eal like sharks two mortuges a great big old house thai swallows everv ni ikel i ean raise and enough aeeumulaled slid lo ill j eouple of warehouses a lot of waler has gone under ihe bridge in those 14 vears and most ol it his mdid up in m eelkir bui there plenlv on the endit side too we ve two heallh voungslcrv whose daily presenee is a jov in our lives and also a great booster of scd ative sales il the drug store vas it worth it would i do il again you re dim nght i would its been a wonderful expenenee and is we step olf into the islh ve ir 1 tan t help jjvint thanks lor the gtntle lovelv ste ldfast helprtiate who his been bv mv side tv er rcadv with a word of en tourjlemem or a slam on ihe ear if lhat didn l work back in 1940 taken from hit luna of id pram ihiiriuuy beul ii 140 pveiv tlloil lm huen mlulu hi make lll at urn luh il iwo mtumiii up ami ampiim ilw ev ul 1 1 11 1 iiiivl mtilikl h fi owi l yiun lliioiiiili wai mm mini iwun llnii hie lllle hal ilw mil hklal i ions uhkli biimilil liiliig 0111 1 good lkhlhlt mil itiuwlny mil wil mad iy allulillmlienlt w ihlid dun vvnk lv ml dvid hay muyoi ol i hiowi wlio will l lulillah u plnl hi ailuii li dyt lug ol iliw whi iu inadi liy llu wool oinljlriij tm ihiul urn ot unudu in ill iiiw lhj hw bvlnu cktuhlldiid in a ton mi muy him uuni a uilioii 1 n building tiiihd by ilns iurni iirty tot itiu woik ind will isiih iuh htr wniii aekrn ym a fionl milling on ihihwiay 1 pi lw coming wavi win fand viih mhuling u new mldtrl own a u mr h h llnioi hiimiig ihe rityal cutumiiii an i 1 mi c kirktun wi di mdnl mr v s pon iiisi si i mil und mi w t ii iv find viieprenll 11 m w if cluylori kintt- is m kiibiif ub neirvlaiy trw hidlon ion u h irm it ti er denimilrali m t un w 1 t isi tionorn in ihe oiihii ji it n p whuh bfniyhi mi tintn from f eouoi s ifhon lib boy wirti flrtil n ihc it i ivy group sceoiid 11 miwllorii ml hi 1 d in mohions one ol ihe lost wr niv iirs lo arrive in a i in uii neivi j thik wek by mi j ihn n a wfw wo vjiis lijsi r n i lorn arc vervm with iln cm udian tones virm win r i in fngland it is link btl it milled while silk ihtl his vver j pjrts of it bully v n lud it is a piexe til iinni pjfj hole trotn a plane shit down by jn mtiairtidh ui wli i lk h all hreirms inn i h 111 hi td beloie the 1 i i ihe inv r 1 dodging round the district by roy downs the bible today 1 brampton mavor carm in con il list weeks council meet mg read ihi greetings ut the lout provost ol edinburgh rt hon j grug dunbar to numbers of council the le tier followed a similar unt scni from brampton with the edinburgh festival hound lome svoth pipe band georgetown a small surplus is antinpated for the vtar end aeeording to this towns finance ommiutt chairman duug saf gtni rtviiwing a staitment lor six m nths the reevt told vouneil lasi wcik an apparent surplus is shown it all departments eonlinue lo opt rate vlost to tht lint trflgar rttvv akx phillips ind ron cookslev tht ntw diitxmr of industnal dtvtlopment mil with piofevsor w bladm ha wixk to disiuss ihi issue ot unporiid nrs and their if eel on iht iik il indusirv pnittssor bladtn is ihi ont man roval commission to siudv tht of text ot fortign imparls on iht canadian car markrt ht is looking lor frtsh ideas mr phillips is quoted as reporting milton chitl consiabk jim biadltv of mdton opp do tal hrmm and tormtrlv on tht north halion detachment has been promoted to corporal and transit md to itlona harbor as milton prepare to install its own point turn tffimivc in january 1961 he has served on the town detachment smu 1ss2 birl1ngton developers s aadv to invest ij00000 in a rnw l4xle golf course to be built un tht west side of upper brant street on a 164aere traet slated original lv lor subdivision the course will hkel be open to mimrxrs and to the public on a greensfee bas- it s badl needed the onl other club u buritngton ha a long waiting list burlington also expects 650 obs will be ereated direttk and indirect iv b tht opening next spring ot the new fuller brush compans plant in progress pari there orangfmli f orangevilles newest industry the manning candv compaq expeit 10 be in production within the next two weeks at firvt ihc plant will employ about 3fl or 40 and turn out a line of halkiwi en tandio a holiday village costing 13000000 will be both tn the caledoh flilk east of highwav 10 10 miln from orante- ville and three mile from caledon developers hope to see a vear round resort uith pool gotl course and a children s village a lake in tht location will be mocked with fish back in 1910 trtlwn frimii llic imu ut llw free lrm ihurmlny pl i 1910 lor htvet il yt an pibt mr jo- m ill mttfolt chllkh st 1 1114 ikhi ihe itll hikpayir lo pny i is lukira ami thl ymt in ugiifm liuu itn usl lll hist nisi ill inu 1 1 1 ims i nol du mill stlidy ttitghl 1 uly ttsl ihinvlty ut m luu i infill tol nil 1 lot ii ir vi y j ml ui i ilk illlll il t ii in lid iiif vjii 1 mi i id 11 hiiwi muwi am u i iii ii 1 1 ly fnying tih ilm t llisl 11 11 ly it in o i i ji iv is on i jo ol i ut i ioiikk 1 lll lllls i ii t u i lkm lit ii ivy iji s i it h i i w ily i v 1 lo i i unu ji ioi iia ormlwjtily mis myiil h umi i i 1 hal 1 il ft mi lilu vli1 c in 1 111 1 lite lnsi l y o ij ii ii 111111 1 hl ikni jii i 11 11 h 1 hut 11 ft i itiliv m ii 11 1 wl il il 11 it 1 1 1 ji i lw i 17 v o 11 i 1 1 j v j 1 11 in 1 i i i f v 1 mi i jfh l i it 1 11 n pui 1 l i 11 i l u i ii lamiu 1 1 it ir t 11 itf rt i 1 11 1 ji i i ii t il 111 j n i 1 1 v el i- i t r lllll 11 t t 1 ji fi j j1 i r pnr lluk 11 r it hi v ni i i j t i ttr t aiit vh 1 y j t i 1 ih ait f fj k 1 t harvesting o nil ms h btcn praetieallv lultt i thi 1 is pljviny tviiti uifi jfl the fields rrrej at i rr r ilu ryl 1 b ih- t 1 ih vs rk it 1 j p 1 pt4i f i 1 7 u n 1 v t r a v ii r 1 b- t i 1 lx p-j- tbl t ft t rritr 1 si j i ii j t r 1 mi atrjiti r ni in professional directory and travellers guide mfdical ftnfral dikcctou dr w g c kenney physician and surgeon ottiee in svmou bliclt 43a mill st r acton offio prion 78 residence wi church st e phone 150 dr d a garrett physician and sumeon corner of w llow and r ver su emrance r ver st acain ont phone 23u dr robert d buckner ph j sci an and surgeon 39 welluigton st acton ont phone 079 office hours 6 8 pan allernoins by appointment rlal estatf and inbueasce f l wright 20 w ibur st acton ontario phone 95 bors 7aiteff one of the out standing russian writers of to- dav writes of the new translal ion in modem russian of tht lour gospels ui these words on mv desk lies a small blaek bound book with a gold tross on the tovtr and abovt it also in gold tht gosptl this is a new translation nf the four gospels from ihe gretk published by the british and foreign bible soittv the tnm suiion 1 by bishop cassun as sisted b a commisson made up of prof kartashefl v n ravtv skv prof a p wassillieff n a koulomxme and others dispute conun for five years every fnday members of the commission sat lor four or five hours reading the text over and over again comparing discussing somelim es so earned away that ampers were almost lost onee we disputed half an hour over ihe commas in one verse of mallhew it also hap pened hut having decided upon one torn of phrase two yean later we changed it onl to re turn after no vears 10 the earl ier text and now our five vears ubir has taken ihe form of 234 small pa tn four gov pels so came into being the first private not specificallv com missioned and authorized by the svnod of the orthodox church unofficial translation in the rus sian language dr h leib den a surgeon off cp corner m 11 and fridirick stntt ft ce h urs bv app- rtment telfione ib dr a j buchanan den al surgtntn off c 5a mill street office hour b am to 6 p m closed wedneda afurnoon telephone 148 legal c f leatherland qc barrister a hcilor notary public offce hours 1000 am 1200 pm 100 pm i00 pm sa urdavi by appo ntment only off cc 22 ph ne re 151 acton a maida ba ban- ster solicitor notary puwie 173 mam st 8 aewn ont pbom 9t office hour i pni p 1 pm p 11 cork 9l l giwpfc ta 4zm1 oftlee boon t n i p sauir ajm hastin5s payne barrttmnd soljettora notertm publu 1ah01il acton for appefbtmat oil mi phone 699 n ht or day bruct e shoemaker mgr afclloneemng c h tuffin laeensed aocooneer eden mills omcal and heaklng a1pb 6 l buchnw ro opomtrm and htarmg aid 48 mill st e p rv 115 off ic h kin wedneidav- oily zumio0 p m everunct by apiwrtw rt robert r hamilton optometrist eye examined glan frticd 60 ma n s n gwfetown otrt otfire hin id im to fl pin moa to fa evening by appoinkikt cloud slurdy aiiimso accovvnsg lever hoskin chdrtrrid accounumtf il main st n 212 k nf st w brjrr plon t rwnlo 1 ptonfi gllttm em 4 9131 ttavmmtowpe gray coach lines coachkf lkavi acton daylifw svin time eaat bound ii am daily except sun and hoi i 8mrn hjjajn fobpm 5h pm lllpm ih pm 10 00 p m sun and hal westbound 1027 am 1257 pjn 257 pm sr pm 7 27 pmf lllpm 1132 p m 1 12 am otri sat sun and hoi t canadian national railways w roy ridoeu d c palmer spacallc chttjaractor 17 mill start nm 40 omace hoar tu ttoura 3 pm- p sat it un 1 p

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