Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 8, 1960, p. 9

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a wedding in california is of much interest to friends and telallves here robert michael owe the son of mr harold mite com formerly of milton and acton and mrs coxc was married to unda marie gainder in wesley methodist church on saturday august 6 mr and mrs coxc moved from acton lo el cajon califor nia where the groom and hi father are plumbers the bride whose home is in el cajon is the daughter of mrs d r la beau and mr jack gainder candlelight ceremony rev e l eddy officiated at the doublering ccrcmonv at 5 30 pjti in a setting of white and pink glads carnations and roses with lighted candelabra mr ed dy accompanied by mrs edd at the organ sang the lord s waver the bride who was given in marriage by her father wore a drcmi of chantilly lace over net its neckline scalloped in a grace ful vdccolletagc her fingertip length veil was held in place bv a small peaked headdress she earned white carnations willi an orchid in the centre miss fay delack came from montana to act as maid of hon or the two bridesmaids were miss yolanda terry and the grooms sisler miss linda coxe both from ei cajon thev all wore dresses or blue chiffon ind carried pink carnations groomsman was eddie pir ttcll while the ushers were bob schcrfc and jack gainder jr a reception followed in the fellowship hall of the church when 80 friends and relatives extended congratulations thev 9 unda gainder in california were received by the mother of the bride wearing a beige bro caded satin sheath dress with white accessories and a corsage of yellow roses she was assisted bv the grooms mother who chose a pale green sheath of laie over satin with beige accessories hci contrasting corsage was of white orchids the ball was decorated with white i glads pink and v hut wedding bells friends from canada among the gucms were the bnde s greatgrandmother and great grandfather gainder and her great grandmother buckler and canadian friends from ae ton mr and mrs matthew tvlcr mr and mrs robert tyl er tommy and kathy mrs ray willis and brad all of phoenix arizona mr and mrs jack cnl vert of los angeles six tele grams uerc received from acton and milton friends and relatives and were read at the reception the eouple left on i trip to the west eoast and for travelling the bnde wore a dark blue suit with large white collar with a white orchid corsage they are making their home at 351 w palm st el cajon before the wedding mrs coxc was the guest of honor at sever al showers oa april 30 a mis cellaneous shower wis held at the home of mrs l bneklev at tended bv about 30 on julv 22 mrs hikn pelerson held a mis cellaneous shower when about 20 guests ilso brought along it ems tor ihe kitchen shelves on julv 29 n kitchen shower wis held at the home of mis mane shink joyce swackhamer married in hamilton on september 3 in west dote united church hamilton on saturday scptcm her 3 jovcc eileen daughter of mr and mrs harold c svvack hamer hamilton and grand daughter of mr and mrs arthur swackhamer churchill wis giv en in marriage by her father lo john ernest macrac son of mrs thomas mierae dundns and the late mr m lerac after the ceremony guests were received at the scutmh rile club as a honevmoon trip the couple are motoring through the new englind sntes to ope cod thev will reside in lhe sag amorc apartments 186 main street west apartment 407 hamilton attendants in aqua the rev dr t r davies of floated the bnde whose at tendants were gowned in aqua colored silk organza over taf feta wore a white taffeta gown fashioned on princess lines with bodice of chantillv lace it had an empire w aist and elbovv length sleeves with her matching cip trim med with sequins the bnde wore a fingertip length veil of french illusion and carried while roses and slcphanolis with ivv attending the bnde were her cousin miss helm bleat and misses ruth gibson and lv nn inng their dresses uf aqui colored tilk organza over ltd tela were in waltz length with full skirts and draped necklines extending to large org inza bows at the baek matehing bows formed their henddressts ind thev earned vellovv shasta ehrv simhemums flower girl as flower girl susm ander son of oundis wore i diess fashioned iftir that uf the otk er attendinls ind eiriied her iiuwms in i bisket muhu1 turner ol aik ister t ok part is nne bean i best man was roger l dvm ent of dundas wilh jirms j thompson and piut a korbehs binmpion is usbers fw ul birtkv of gilt was orgimsl group seeks advice georgetown ymca ymca president bill wilson has been contacted bv a group of georgetown eilizens who are at prestnt explonng the possib ilities of starting a mca in thai town it is fill that george town should take a stand in vouth work ind t sepinte ym ca appears lo be lhe most de sirable agent v thi aitun i s mens chib as will as ihe 4 idus auxilnn have promised iheir adviet and help in this promt and it is honed thit these combined ef forts will nsuli in isi ihhshme a y in gehmvluwn in lhe near future the ivpieil fimih tnm hi billfold lull of pi mres ind this sundays church calendar pmestyterian chutch m cam ada knox cbokca acton rev andrew h mckeruur b a b d mimaier mr e a hanaro ba organist and choir mtxur sunda september 11 1w0 645 am cbureti school 10 00 ain minarter t torn age bible claw 1100 am morning wontfup sor mon awnw ttie shepishne j of ehc sheep sod pm st john ambulance district churrti servr at dreu bv thr rev reginald brnoi 700 pm young people i society thi church of st a1aan the maityi anoucan rector th kev h b stokreet lth stb 183 jeffrey st phone ms 6unda september tlth t0 tti thirtrrnth sunday after twtuty 830 am hob- buotmrist ftjo am holy eucharist and church school 11 qp immmum nb next e sunday tt sep ember 1880 confirmation claaae will start at the ilso am celebration of the h 1 euchanal j1 are welcome united church of canada aetan ontarla dwtrfit engel ba minuter mr george ell tort organist and choir master sunday ifptfmber 11h i960 services in the ymc boo imhrnnj worship 10 00 urn sunday school f r all 11 11 am morning worship california wedding united m marriage bob coxe and linda mane gainder the groom is the son of harold mike coxe formerly of milton and acton and mrs coxe the marriage was performed in wesley methodist church el cajon california 4h club to provide information booth the august meeting of lhe acton 4h fongc club was held it ihe homi of walljee svvaek h imer with 16 niembus present the president don svv ifkhi mei opened the business poition ol the ineelinp hv asking the elub numbels to repeat the 4 fl pledge the minutes of the pix vious meeting were re id ind ip prov ed after a discussion of disphv materials it was duuk d to ei eet an informilion booth it ae ton fill fur at this bcxith in ieixsud pan ills ind votine people will be ihle lo diseuss 4h elub work in their eountv with one of lhe 4h elub members worthwhile work in addition to ihis pimphkis and mae mines will be uv u ible lo ill to shtw ihe woithwhile work 4h elubs jil cinvine on in this eounlv whether v hi ire ink rested in dnrv e dvis but i dives or impiovin vour mips vou will find 4h ilubs re idv lo oiler adviee club leader nino biaidi show ed the members is difkrinl lommon wexds ind isked mh member to wnte the tnmes of ihest weeds grass seeds judged three clashes of grass seeds were judged timothv red clo ver ind ilfalfa second vear members were asked to tne reasons on their plaeins tht olfnnl nasons were given bv nino braida and assist ml elub leader fvfc somen ilk final instructions were given on achieumenl div pn teets al this tinal meeting eieh elub member must exhibit i simple of gnin nken hom his plot ind a eollectum ol six grissts moiini ed on e ud hoard or if he is i second venr member he miisi show mounte d on e irdbo irel i eollectum ol six euss seeds pte- perl named president don swickhamer then dosed the meeting ladies complete catering plans mrs a m mac phcroon the president pttsltlod it lhe ane ust meeting ol knox lailies aid held tuesdiv ol list welk in lhe c luu ill pirloi iki iboughl toi ihe d iv lo open the meeting w is kindness is ih j ikkn ihmi bv vvhieh seieielv is b hind toe ill owine lo illness and hotuhvs lhe utenditke was not is uie as usu il the lix isurti s re pot i wis tiveti bv lhe issisl ml lie is uter mis j c dennis ten the senphue mdillg mis c jones lold ol the be lutltul eirdens ot the bible tlid used the pissie ol tmusis iwo vtisps loui to t n i in liodliee her suheet vvhith wis mosl inteiestme mis a j bu eh umn led m pi ivei cater lo reception pi ins were mi k i i iki i t golden weililnil ueiplion lo be hi id on septembei 24 an mvil ition had been re eeiwd lo hold he september meeting in milton is guests of mrs g h 1 ml and iki d meh kr mis r lx i son a eomnut tie eumposed ol mis f ander wm mr o mor in mrs a m maepherson and mrs j dennis will arrange this meeting wedding in guelph of acton interest a wedding of local interest was lhai nf marv elisabeth ckg hum and james wilson telford in knox presbyterian fcureh guelph relatives tram acion were among the guests and miss anne toth lhe niece of the bride wufc flower girl rev hugh cleghom untie of the hiide o helmed miss mm vlin anderson goderith was so loist deeotnp inkd bv jim bate of guelph the hi iik is a daughter ol mrs gotiltm ckgjiorn and the lule mi c leghorn ot guelph lhe gixhim s pireiils are mi and mrs pirev t tellorel of peki ixiniugh orl1naugown given in mdnifte hv her bn- ther the bnde wore an onglual gown ol while silk laille and lhe skirl vvoin ovei hixipcd etino- lines mowed inio a i ha pel train a while i idle headpieee held her elbow length veil of silk tulle illusion she earned i eixs cent bouquet ol while girdeniis sieph vnotis ind ivv the hlendunts mrs gihiree h million ot oltivvu is million ol honor ind miss anne tolli nieee ol the bnde is flown gn i won in ite lung ixiuff ml diesses ol walernielon pink oie in 1 ovei lillil i lhe ne khih m i slen s dllplk itd lhse ol ihe htuks nun ind ihe w list link was emph isied bv hugi huliiitlv bows ot oil in 1 thev woie inn he ulh inds ol 111 hell it l oil mt mil t uiied inskets ol while shlsl i dlisies mil tlliv pmk bom iiith pink site tmers tin gixkim w is itkiuled b john c i i uie in ol k ipusk ismg nut i in uslieis weie p nil 1 ivloi ruilmiilh the re e pn n v huieh h ii id kobe it wllsc l h mevnioon trip out in i llu e tuple lhe ii h inn i i ui ml tile hvmns ik it itklli me id mini i i i tend we ii ivi in jesus we e sluij the muling is il se wiih iin mipih belli etie lion high quality merchandise at low budget prices lightmans depl store acton pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 watr st north galt telephone 2048 cmttstian hfotmb chutch her j nutma bjc b htnwur 301 queen st box 48 fbom 688 sunday september nth 1900 10 00 am enfllsh u0 pja dutch the church of the back to god hour acton pentecostal takxnacle s3 cburehiu road paoc her kenneth j rd paitor cook st phone m w sbptfmrpr 11 h hw 10 00 am sunday school 1 1 00 a m morn m w itiip 700 pm fvangr ijjc tueadaj 8 pm prayer and btbtf studr thuraday i pm christ ambuu mondax september 13 septem ber 18 at 7 pm eh evening bn and gri crusade rev fred putter child evangel lsi ou are alwajra welcome for space heater oil and confectionery supplies soc jadcmccauum your texaco dealer corner mill and loeitil streets optfi 7am ii pm path tax notice i960 municipality of acton third instalment now due attention is di iwn to the pivment of i960 tites whuh ire now p iv ihle in lour instalments tixcs lie pivaftk lu lhe munuipal in isuui it tlu town of acton municipal office ymca building isstalmfsts vr die as tollous third instalment september 15th fourth instalment november 15th accjttdanc to the tit colleetion b i iw i penaltv of i of i pwtent pettni ulh will be wlekd on the mi unl remaining unpiid liter me lmh d iv ot mav this pejnltv ipplus t t nh mst ilment in a similar manner the itienti in t r n nivers s dine ud to ihe penahies and oihu ilnisiv t priniiii en ihe reverse side of every tax s tiei md explain d in ekn i m ivir tix bill make payment now ad take your tax notice ttlth 0t when making payment j mcgeachie collector baptist church acton paator- james st rudd s9 nelson covert phone 206 slda september 11th 1 11 00 a m why e church 00 pm the trtimonj of jiin the bapun all art wecom please feep us 4fe itipsontouringl want to save money on our i exl em you e lit hundreds ol elol lars in wmt easts the seerel ttike good euix of jrltri present eur lu make sure vnu gel lhe highest possible trade in the liltk mo vou spend now will be made up nuinv limes over when you ti tele it in here ire some lips on miin t inline voui ins ippiutlinee wax twice yearly give it i good wnxing nt le isl twin i veai pav spceiuf alknt ion lu in is under the doors lu the leillll ol tile door mid len del seams aiound the tiunk lid and lo the drain lines iroimd the i oof these ue lhe spots where nisi is must likely lo loiiu when vouie vv imiig re illillllxt lhe elnuine work have minor dents and serateh es iipaued immedlitelv have nisi speils loiuhed up be mm ihi spiead or get deepei if ihe eiis been thniugh i snuvvy wmiii hive hie undeimd ik unit in hie spring to ftet nil id sill covers help prukit the uphohlerv with seal emeis you d be am icd what a elilm rente good uphol i highway sfty brmneh ontario department of transport a hon john yarcmko q cx mmitttr hsh0lden eyes examined glasses fitted 7 douglas st guelph phona taylor 27130 thp acq f fn thunday sopumbar bih 1960 dancing medals for sixyearold at the cimodlon fxliibltlnn at ottawa hlghlntul dinning euinrklmtun august 20 margin el ann slaveii won the ftrst plaee gold inednl in the highland slerv nukes whin trade in time rubber i lour mats ai i a good idea ton ttnv preunt wear ol the efiipilme mosl iui put l ml spot in 1 1 on i ul lhe tlnvei s sent ul he kind willi i willie wiuvi p hiii n lo i iieli dirt and pibliles and keep ihelll mom ining giound into the e u pit 1 in 1 1 iv ncvn nickel luhiieut ion good niiihauit il eoudition e in gie tiade in v due i u il boost rilng event she avi look the third ploee hionic medal fur the sword dunce event mnrgnrel ann who is just six venrt old hut nlixndy received ecrllfieuien and iver and hrunre medals in hluhland dn- ilttg passed hv ihe biitlsh ai- soeiulion uf tent hen uf dancing london england con grat u la l ions on nn out slundliig nehlevcmentl w stock and order simplicity mccall butterick patterns hintons 5c to 100 store hintons first then backtoschool your complete shopping centra for ill school suppliei childrens boys end girls ready to wear shoes end supplies etc save oui sali bill fox many of our backtoschool needs hintons 5c to 100 store 409 huron straat toronto success is extra money to seize an opportunity have you enoigh extra uoney men who are eammir nn more than you have the means to take advantage of opnortunit they have tt became their saving the education of their children their future financial wunty and the aecunty of thr families have alread been looked after by unrondtttonally iwnanttti liff insurance these men can afford to seize opportunity and if for some reason they need even more money they can borrow on their insurance and still know that the family s future n secure how about you if you don t have mouth extra money maybe it s because you don t own enough life insurance with valuable savmjp features look into it your life insurance man m a most important person to talk to on your iwtd 0 there it no substitute for ute insurem you want sucrtss you nttd extra movcy lo uue oppmttmtty yowsetf end yma future security to v j frttdom of mtnd and m tkt jdfer ytart wkm vmi u appreciate tt tkt most leisfhf lo tnjor tkt rewards of ymrreentert men tktv ore the ingredients of sutctss these ore tkt tkmts that life insurance con help to fire you the life insurance companies in canada

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