ttm mm ft acton ontario thursday october 27th i960 tight pagessevan cent bio it photo jean hart received the all round cord during a special ceremony at the scout hall tues day evening when she completed a number of tests in guides jean has only one final step to lake in guiding and that is to receive her golden cord the highest award igiven she is shown above with captain mrs t watson attaching the new cord imroffiiewui3ij3e rtfj first annual cerem6ny symbol of peace young red maple planted on un day at high school dcdicutcd as a symbol or peace and guide to world friendship a small but siuidv red maple tree was planted monday after noon bv students ot alton high school during their hrst united nations tree planting tin mom staged by the students the cciy- monv was only a pot ion ol an afternoon program mil lining un iled nations assembly activities carrying hags ol many nations and hunched our with coal col inn pulled hjh in an attempt to break the cold north wind whip- fiing around the school sludcns istcned attentively as student council president barry kirkncss acknowledged the privilege and honor of officiating at the cere mony he said as the years roll by as they seem to do uiih great rapidity we the students ol acton high can watch with interest the growth or a lit ik tree fiom its mfancv to us mat unlv as we watch the giouth ol the great organization ihe united nations from manc into an unknown and challenging hit ure wisdom needed continuing the president lolil his attentive audience the inuls that bcsel an 01 gamzalion de signed to promote world peace and sec un i are indeed manv and v ai icd the greatest v is dom and tolerance on the pnt ol its membeis is needed in ihis atomic age a wrung woid 01 wrong acllon can ignite the spin k that can set oil a whole sea ot irnubk ma this tree be a svnihol ol that guiding light that ever leads man s thoughts upwards towards highci ideal greater aspirations toward the zenith of peace and friendship the world over in condusion he said as we plant this tree today our thoughts and sympathies go out to ihc needy and dlstilute in our our populated war ravaged countries to the dependent coun irtcs in the woild that look to us lor leadership to the under developed countms that do not hi know ihe comfotis of our modem civilization we arc all in one brotherhood student council vicepresident norman elliott assisted by the treasurer bill dawkms planted the mapk tree the outdoor piograin was brought to a con e liiston al ler mrs reed led in singing 0 canada un procedure prior lo the tret planting cere mom students and teachers gat hired in the gym to witness a united nations da depicted high school stvlc with bob fo irs in ihc role or dag htmmar sk told and barn kirkncss as president of the united nations the entire student body was asked lo stand and observe one minuic s silence in due respect to all nations and their creeds the various organizations ol the un were represented smh as ihe win id bank international council ol lusiicc unicef etc and the representatives spoke a give to unicef skit alsu lied in wilh the coming hal lovvc en plans in the cast were david gnlliths janet ttogmald son david lidkea gerald me cakki linda paikci peler tav lot pete i homci nd ron hcl kr i on aine lasby was produc ci with assistants david hooker llene vaiev maty baker and ron campbell stall member michael bean directed the progiam on two conges permission given two acton residents received the nod of approval- friday ev ening to erect garages on ihclr properly from the committee of adjustment during a public hearing in the town hall joseph gprjup 324 peel street requested permission to creel a garage on his property his side lot clearance did not comply with the zoning bylaw the committee reviewed sketches of his proposed building and decld ed the variance was minor no objections were received from live spectators permission was granted board ruling mr gorjup was informed he would have lo wait 14 days be fore being able lo start ton struction after he asked per mission to start immediately ken hatdman chairman of ihe committee of adjustment told ihe applicant it was the ruling of the municipal board to allow the 14day waiting period wattvl hnatiw a spectator asked the committee if granting permission to mr gorjup to build a garage meunt everyone in the area could build without paying 25 for a hcanng he was informed by ihe chairman each use was heard on an individual basis and separate applications must be received second hearing pet mission was gi anted to g w mckenie main street north lo erect a garage and add one room on his house after the chairman staled ihe proposals did not contravene the by law as far as side lot clearances were concerned the committee icain ed the properly in question was presently zoned industnal and according lo the pv luw ihe ad ditions would he classified as a noneon forming use alter consideration perm is mori was gtanted and ihe appli cant informed he would huve lo wait ihc 14 days aftfitiaifj plan patrols ride party at halloween for unicff again this year many acton youngsters disguised at witch cs black cats cowbovs and a variety ol astounding crealuies will be sharing then treats wilh ihc vvoilds children who arc- sic k and hungry next monday thev will he calling at vour door lor pennies as well as shell outs and those who participate are going on lo a parly in the ymca childien will be obtaining their collection boxes at the schools on halloween and sug tested collecting time is 6 10 to 6pm the boxes arc to be re turned lo the ymca front door by 8 p m where a team will count ihe returns members of the seouts rot an i tub lions club united chuich viung people and y s men will help supervise the town ride to from y ttanspoi latum ill vountsleis to ihc ymca will tx provided cms will be ckarlv labelled with unichr posiers the voting skrs themselves will all hau some soil ot identifrcation al though tags ai i running shm t the children will be driven home atlcr the paiiv at 9 pin tl the parents un not call oi the commit tec in charge add as this is a sharing project it is felt thai the children may ac cept a ew candles as well as pennies for unicef if they are offered by ihc householder films are being shown at the schools ihts week the minister of education has endorsed the campaign and church bulletins are mentioning it too more your penny what your hauowcca con tribution will provide ic enough for five large glasses of milk ic enough bcg vaccine to protect a child from tubercul osis 5c enough penkhlim to cure one child of yaws 25c enough ddt to pro tect two children for one year against malaria then will be a mtuk loi all iho- j ed wtih spec ll lancv piu iv ho utile s sholl nl and luekv eh aw so one need spend mom v on costumes lo hive a eh nut onginalilv anil luck count 1anv town oiganialtons jnd tndivid uals art assisting wilh small eon inbuiions ihtldrcn than ever be tore are in tercslcd last ear unicef aid ed over ss 000 000 mothers and ihiklivn in other lands where twoihirds of the worlds young slits are still suffering from dis ease and malnutrition al ihe head of the campaign this vear mrs kale attken ex pressed her hope on hallow i en when children share their blessings and their fun wilh ihc wot ids less furtunalc young slers it is hoped that no rain will i ill and no dogs bark thai iml good witches will ndc on hmomstkks thai every youthful canvasser will oumcv safely lo welcoming and generous 180 in night school classes enthusiastic monday tuesday u n ttk planting ceremony took place at acton high school monday when students planted a young red maple as a symbol ol peace and guide to world friendship during the afternoon students staged a united nations session in the auditorium pictured above are student council vtee- president norman elliott and treasurer bill dawkms planted the young back tn sehool this week went iso adults who have legistcred lor mghi sehool elasses at the high school a vers successful season is anticipated again this tall and winter although georgetown nigh i sehool registration dropped b hall actons is ust down si irom last vear as ummi classes wilh light legislations wire dnipped two arc still indet classes started ihis week in bookkeeping with an enrolment of eight ekmonlan dressmaking mondav with 11 and tuesday with ii advanced dressmaking with iv tailoring with ii mon- dav and ii tucsdas flower ar i ranging with eight hostess cour- sorrv correspondence and uihcr news items had to be omitted this week thcs will appear next week tth 18 leathercraft with se en etc men tan oil painting with nine advanced oil painting wilh ii ivping sciih 21 sad upholster ing wilh u the welding course is still in definite and has been postponed a week the enthusiastic seven who st irted motor mechanics wilh insiruetor jack bullough n out hunting more for their class this wreck rental of ihc parage makes ajbghct number imperative some itvthc upbolstermg class eomc from georgetown and enn in the hostess course fanes sandwiches were made the firsi evening and ihc laches served themsdvw floral centerpieces were also made mondav and tuesdsv evenings coffee and sandwiches were serv ed to the icachcrs and commit tee members there was enthusiasm and ex citement both evenings as winter hobbies and pasttimes began to lake shape council approves new post office site govt proposes bower ave location twu councillors voted in the negative tuesday evening when a resolution was tabled seeking councils approval of the propos ed new post office on bower avenue the public works de partment of he federal govern ment had selected the former storey glove company building as a site or the new post office and requested council lo pass their approval of the location councillor h lowe he mayor he would have to vole in the negative in view of the methods used in selecting such sites he pointed out that local political parties appeared to have a strung influence in such decisions and council was only considered when approval of sel ected sites was sought when the vote was called mr lowe and councillor e pope opposed granting the approval foul odor a six man delegation from glen lea subdivision heurd mayor john goy tell their spokesman council had done nothing about air pollution since ihe air pul tut un bylaw was voted down by last years council this an swer brought a firrn reply from pokesman eric page when he asked do you feel there is no air pollution in glenlca councillor g v barbeau said it was an unfair question since council had no previous indicat ion what the delegation wanted and was not prepared wilh any answers according to the lown proccd ural by law delegations are heard only during the first meet ing uf ihc month this wus walv ed monday night during the com mittee uf a whole meeting due to a short agenda scheduled for tuesday mr page returned to his inlt ial stand and asked the mayor if council intended lo do any thing about air pullutiun mr goy informed the delcgal- lion council represented ihe informed people of acton and if ihe people indicated something should be done council would act he said the question had died a natural death last year when ihe by law wus defeated and council had not received any pressure lo rcopen ihe subject mr page enquired if the by law could lome up again and when old yes told council if they would reopen the question ihey would receive ihe support of glen tea residents and pusstb ly others he was informed thai circulation of n petition might bring the question to n head councillor h 1 owe reviewed ihe pollution bylaw which was defeated last vear und told un delegates he was againsl drop ping ihe by law ul the time- mr pugc told council he was uf ihc opinion the by law was defeated on account of pressure by beardmore und co when they threatened lo lay olf employees or close down the plant the muck we are breathing is terrible we pay high taxes survey smallwood building word ol a new post office sprang into he limelrghl again lilts week when acton council received u request from ihe ted end government works department to upprove a site on buwer avenue formerly occupied by the storey glove company and now owned by s smallwood tuesday evening council gave their nod ol approval for ihc purchase of this land by ihe government foi a building deeply shrouded in secrecy for some weeks the post of lie iiestion aroused considerable public discussion when it was learned the building rnighl be creeled on main sited on ihe pro- petty adjoining the dominion hotel and owned by j smiili during the past week surveyors have been al ihc bower avenue site taking levels and marking charts flicir work look them onto adjoining properly where mr and mis ken knox and family live- in a brrel conversalion with mp sundv best tuesday he reported an official announcement would be made at a lain dale meanwhile the future of a new posl office lor ac ion remains a deep dark secret as rumours continue ihroughoul lown iiiiitiibiiwimimiii in iritfiirnrnrrnrrritriifi i esr i w j induct new baptist minister during impressive ceremony you are not entering an easy profession charged rev d a burns toronto when he addrcv sed james m rudd newly in ducted minister during the bap- c church induction service thursday october 20 he urged ihe new minister to live one day al a time and be assured of gods help in order not to fall the guest speaker informed mr rudd thai when a minister adds great living to great preach ing and teaching he becomes a mighty instrument of god choosing as his sermon text the words of st paul 1 have not shunned to declare unlo you the counsel ol god mr burns stressed the qualities that eon tributed lo si paul s stature as preacher and spiritual leader steadfast ways he told the interested congre gation that paul was steadfast in his ways and never allowed his zeal to lag he was stead fast in his private life prayer and preaching the speaker slated roy self moderator of guelph association of baptist churches presided at the impressive cere mony and he instructed the new minister it was the duly of the minister to be industrious and attentive in ministering to the needs of the people committed to his care to ihc sick as well as to ihc whole lo the old and to the young and lo the poor and lo ihe rich and to strive and fash ion his life and that of his fam ily in order lo be a wholesome example lo all many guests also taking part in the ser vice were rev lloyd whan ol georgetown past moderator nor man mclcod and rev alfred price of guelph lyal mccut cheon chairman of the board of deacons presented the new minister to the visitors and the congregation following the service a reccp- gala luncheon und dunce fete emporium students four american students and their teacher received a gay send off from acton high school students fridav afternoon when thev were feted during a lunch eon and dance in the gym audit nnum gaily fluttering above the mac o dancers the stars and stripes and union jack un derlined international accord furl hi red during ihc week when the americans from emporium high school in pennsylvania at tended classes and made friends in acton grade nine english teacher edward j richmond and grade 12 students carol komish judy bingcman allan poorman and les johnson arrived in acton sunday october 16 on a student exchange program sponsored by ihe acton rotary club when they departed un sundav they were accompanied by their stu dent hosts susan wilson dorecn gordon james ironside and brian barbeau and principal e a hansen who will visit ihc emporium school for a week mrs manan reed assistant continued on pop three lion was held in ihe church base- menl under the leadci ship oi george harrap one oi ihc dca cons mr and mrs rudd heard words of welcome and encour agement from ihe aclon board and representatives of various churches lunch was served by the ladies and no one listens to us we have legal advice but first wanted to approach council lo receive their opinion on renewing the bylaw slated ihc spokesman mr gov informed the delegat ion ill ii because council had not leopened the pollution bylaw it did not mean ihey were not tak ing unv action he also pointed out ihe bylaw last year did not get past the first reading due to lack of support the mayor slated he and the seconder for the by law were the only ones who favored ihe potv lutlon by law when it was pre ented and recalled the company officials und heir solicitors were present mr pigc suggested the fact the beardmoic officials and law yers attended he- meeting last year admitted i heir guilt beard more co claim ihey have spent thousands of dollars to correct ihis problem maybe we should tackle them and find out how many thousands they have spent on correcting the odor problem he suggested reason economics dennis i awler wilh he dele gation asked what reason wai given to oppose the pollution by law last year and was told by ihe mayor the chief reason was it might affect economics mr liwler informed the may or he didn i want to see ihe tan nerv close bill did want to breathe ekan air he suggested that brcalhmg clean air und ec onomics were not related in any way mp cioy suggested the air pol lution could be controlled with out a bylaw providing the tost was mil too greal mr lawler staled he had lived in aclon for live years and during hal time the gknlea residents had tried many times and failed to get act ion on ihe air pollution he not ed that residents all paid taxes but were in ihe minority as res idents in other parts of town didn i fccm lo caru about the od or the delegation agreed to let council discuss ihe problem and return again ihe last meeting in continued on pnae three celebrate 118th anniversary at baptist church service god building his kingdom in ihe lives and hearts of men and the tendency is lo pul him on the fringe in our living hab its stressed rev harold lang professor of new testament theology mcmasier divinity col lege in his morning address dur ing the baptist anniversary ser vice sunday it was ihe 118th anniversary of the church taking for his theme in the morning church of the living god the guest speaker told his large audience proof of a hv ing god could be had in jesus christ in the evening his sermon was based on hebrews verses one lo six and entitled honor roll oi faith he stressed that those who respond to he call of god become members ol his house hold there is a place for each one of us but our task is to find the life god would have us live- he emphasized lnlarging on his subject mr lang told the congregation outstanding men ol the old testament were not in cluded un ihc honor mil because of their perfect characters but because of ihe distinction thev earned on he basis of living with a purpose and dedication to his service newly inducted pastor james rudd officiated at both morn ing and evening services which included special music by the choir and guests soloists during the morning service the guest soloist miss olive james of toronto sang how lovely arc thy dwellings and come unto me wilh the choir sing ing the baltic hymn of the re public in he evening glyn evans of brampton sang the lord is my light and come ye dfscoftsot ale with the choir singing my defense is of god organist charles landsbor- ough played for the hymns and choir selections and his daughter helen accompanied ihe soloists on the piano help town mayor john goy tkle week reported vacancies would occssf ihc first of the year on both high school and nastatng boartb and urged dttmw to take aa inlerat by in al rating willingness lo stand tor office both boards are appoaatst by council and the mayor n quested dthens lo ssaasst their nancs to lb clerk st they will agree to stand f induction sctvlct for james m rudd new baptist minister was held in the church thursday october 20 when the con gregation heard r self moderator of the guelph association of baptist churches pictured above left to nght are g harrap c bailey lyle mccutcheon deacons r self moderator mr rudd f west g ralston and w fryer deacons following the service a social time was enjoyed in the church be