Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 12, 1961, p. 8

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tffydr the acton free prttfyunay january 13th iva ft fe- i luck of unow un tho hill hus llmllod the nkllny il lluiw luiluldu cliilklmii deo llulilir ilriwiiyul sllll hoc the- idil jcitrlnurtiis i ice lyliiy innuml huiiiu yuid ilillll mhlhl mlldlllts lllunii in ililnyliiu lliili la- ciinilv ul wivlt utritc ii iiuii4ihm til uilililts limvno it lv iiulov mi ihc lijtilivviiv uvciiilv 1 a iiuhtjhi ill liiilicdcliinvli schilling iii liilliigcoiunuinli mil clllhxcs tllohllllvi llllll sclkull nuillvim ivcrlivl veiling tin rlav shinny wllir unit liiillv- jii milling- ii viuiiipnlcrs in liirkoyjmicls r jruitfiiy skti rirrir 3iriiu- mvnti lias vwhii siiucsstul wllli iiirpi- tliivuk til puiviils mill children ililnylnt the ice keep llie 1 inns cluhs ice ymnuul iliiic in mind in il-lmi- my kiinic liicty winner will civ im ii in t fllulii in new yurk riifjaulujcjlvlk lv hockey mrulnkullnii is in full swing lit the uronu unit utjend- mil wjloiell f qullubsiiiy pro- vulliiu an uxccjienljcottiirtuce j a number of iirdunl fliifisw men iromillu illstvlcl hnviij f hl llicli- tiulid at ice imiiiiiu in the niirlliurn wiitirstiiml runurt uood ciilclies chmiillcis liir the rnlnit llllk siluuil iiuicllli hiivchich clttisiii iiiul pupils are prucllclnu iliillv mulur tile illrtctjon til mis ii ininklln- ruinoirtlwf a year iimi when eveiylhlnu was coaleil in ice liuiii ihc sleel slmml the wua- iiili this year lias lieen innch nunc liivuniblc pupils id the spcyslile mlitm- arc laklnuailvantaiiciil the cold snap and arc busy propurhiu an jircii icirn skallnililnk ill the siihnolphihiiiy siivvcyors hnve hecn busy cm hie eastern limits to inwii us they iiieasinii and mark ihc hlijhwiiy in prcpuruontur dcpuctmenl ul lliuhway plans in widen this area four possible phillips seeks wardens seat ol linn imssihlc cmulidai jin ihc isftl warilcnshlp ol tlil- inn cminiy duly unc lo ilnlc imiks like a sine slarlcr in the minimi race lor ihc cnunlys toppimiliiin aiulreuye jalcx miller phillins ol tirnfnloiir looks hkelu may make it ihis yeaiv- lasi year reeve phillips tried lovupics ijic seal utjtilnkt geo- lucluwns diinu sarucnj anil losl mil in a close vole con- laclcd by the champion this week mitpiiilllps said he was anxious lo tryfur ihc position artaiii he servetl on township council lii 1041 anit iw2 lliun- returned lo municipal huttlcs in ls3 and has hcun on coun cil ever sliicc he serveir one icrm as dcpulyuccvc and this ycaivlieuins his rourth icrm as traralnars ucevc three others whose names hail been rumored as possible candidates verbally backed out ihis week when contacted by the champion biirlliiulons f my piimc stand but noted be wus mil keen un liuvinu the puii- liiiiii he added he favored n candidate from ihc north ol lailltim sliilnn in the waidcns chair until the mess ol ihc enmity voriiin puwer i ih siiiilh wus slraiulilencd ouj ireeve rviklnanis onc7tnnii ailvocalcs of more political po wer in oakville tialaluar and niuiinilion milton reeve mary s ielllr who was oiiiarios lirsl lady warden buck in 114 when she- was reeve of the loinier nels on township says she expects in be nominulcd for warden lliis year bul wont accept the riominulion she suid ullhouuh ii is millons turn at the post ihis year she preferred lo mve the position to those- who want lllcchance she lidded il would lie selfish lo lake ihc pus i of lfunoiqjiuln when sonic coun cillors never may hciiii chance the other candidate who has been rumored as seeking the position is reeve campbell sinclair of estpicsinu bill wed- i kvckntiin said 1 mlghl let nimliiy hi shmc hie i ttnrcliair lor itle6rnndmkiliors prourum und opened willi a poem yuunu grandniothursu mrs al- noting it- didnt hcciii lo be his luwnuhlpu turn yut i1t00 damage resulled lo two curs mondiy afternoon in hedin colliilon on nurpbor 7 hlghwylrroplof wnrfemrr yird below silvprcreok a car drivoh by w thompion rr 3 goordelqwn prpfeodtncj toulrr wasin collijicn with a northbound vobicle drivmibvhaarlbur bclfounlain the two vehicles arc pictured ihortly after thoaccidenl loclidd tooelher constable carmen wright of the north hallon opp detacbmonr investigrfl- ed both driuors suffered minor inuries and wore treated by a gocrgefown doctor ju- nhilm campbcuvtlu write queens jpark for campbellville sign mik slewuri crump viih iihi- ess roihii cinipmlyillc womens hkiuyi fvcninn wlil the chrisinuis untl new yeutij spirit pivvnilinn mrs-iin- iiiirit ant ein spculi o ii tif rutrull xii tc vvitli ynur tiraiufinulhers itlli- place ye and iiiinic mrs mm aw mcpliail aic the sccreiarvs tcport mrs jack wlicclihan the cheer report ami mrs llnytl bay- icy the trdahurcrs rerhirl il was decided o ivc a wl cup and suueer to members moving away to another branch mrs icornc inulis the fubllc relations ollini was inslrueled to write ihree ietlerslu the department ol highways ouycus park and l mr stnnlevitiill ahout hnvinn a sjn placed on lliuhway 401 it slate where the villaue ol camp- hellvillc lies mnny complaints have conic because ol motorists being lost grandmothers program mri lloyd bay ley then took f ivy wry mwmmmmwtmmitei- fred peterson reported- on niji making course assktcd mrjrov parker who will he in- slrnctors for a ctiuisc lieinnint jantiarv lh at camphellvnie mis william mclaren rendered a po- sp wit all its reaitly icfc- paper tjiinncjnv gtaiulnuiic dh mir-j-lvmhhiiritleni- olistiatetl kldcily grandma mis- rcpiiiald ausleti uave- the ciirrejit evcfils wiilten by mis nellie walttm a biinnv drawing cod lest on i he lop o members heads was won by mrs fannie linn the meeting closetl with the queen alul wi grace- a sue- ial hall hour lollowed sue a i no i en mrs roy donavcn is spending a lew days with her lather rob ert iiiglr this week the hoy scout paper drive held hist saturday was iualv sharetl by the scout lathers loo friends ol mac wallace will be vased lo leai he js homr from tospilal ami expects lo be back to school next week the weather i cold setl not lo have the snow owen sound has mrs william dell ul turonlo h spending ji lew days wilhmiss blialkmh kennedy oi iris illaiie murray and jack mephail mo- tnrrdtntbrt ventlon in chicago jantiarv m mjs lames roberts has retuiii- ed trom milton ditlric hci lo the home ol her son llarolcl roberts and lamilv in toronlu willi un illioi l is t uiivileshri at the home ol mi and mis robert rllioii itotn an aulomo- hile aieiilenril chatham dun plan js aiteuilme iluuil- ion teaelums cotleue ami stud enl teatjltlt at cuelph last week campbellville ladies involved in accident two campbellville distriel wo njeiuwetv involved in a carac- eidenl on llie base line near the village thtirulay ot last week mrs isobel smlih til camp hellvillc was driving ivesl alone i he base line and mrs inez van buskirk ol rr 2 campbellville was proeeeibnvi easlr when llie lwu cars ctiliided on the narrow evfod oamape aniounlinirlo ww- nuinlyto he 1 1 ml lcl i lenders of the two vehicles const david hardv ol north hallon oppy inveslijialod and reported no injuries were sustain ed moneys worth the patient complained hitler ly five dollars js an awlul lot ol money lor pullinr a tooth jusl two secontls work well replied the dentist con solingly il you wish 1 van pull it vary slowly ftauinafad reports readings highlight wl ladies january meeting tjie wl held their junuaiy moetlnu at ihc home il the pits- idem mrs untie mcfinery the mectinu opeued with the wl we und mary sewui collec roll call wufc aihweieirttjy wieiv hoiil year and date il was a hard chore lor some t reveitl their tiyies i several ilenis ol business were dealt wuh mrs maurice- baker convener ul citienslilp look ov er the meeting current evertls were uiven by mrs roberl mc- fuery the motto a pood cil- ieh i not- content oum- sit he finds his place in- the commun ity was taken by mrs bon brown priigrum irccntet a reading was given by mr rolieii mcfnerv entilted pessi mist also tine by mrs baker don cherrington heacjs bureau ijalion cnuuvs mutual aid rntpi even i ion bureau chose tra- t a i jar liremanin chen iiiuton as presuient lor loftl at the an nual elections in milton tuesday night oilier officers named were george bundy o mtliop vii-e- president frank russell ol bur lington secielaiy beit crow i ol oakville treasure committee chairmen named were literature doug wilson oakville publicity a v clement milton fiie in spec i ions boh bonticld ieoryiv town ami mick holmes aclimy posleis at niliolt tralalgar hristrnos firr prrveminn ivan clai ridge milton spi iiig clean up doug wilson oakville pollock and campbell miinuliiciurlrs of high grade memorials memorial engravlklg 62 wlr st narih gait telephone 62i7sw modern meat market where quality is higher than the price free delivery in acton phone 178 tin inpin- slik- liiiiklini- in v vmk cin is mrmk in liyhl- niny iii li 51 linus i viir phou iy tlhct tuir mr and mrs s didero had a surprise visit from the nine- children and 32 of their 34 gvdhdchildren sunday aflur church the family honored their parents qn the occasion of a dual birthday lole mrs didero celebrated her 63rd birthday on saturday and her husband was 69 on sunday the entire group is pictured absve during the- celebration sunday robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists loiimily i- r lkail phone ouelph ta 42071 sb st ceorgot square pay fixed monthly fuel costs on our easy budget plan jrumliiiuii lliiuw ir line reiullnii mrj i iii jumlemtn uuve clllxiiliii aiiloliilil in kiihiuiu o ciinuiln a puptfivwuk jilvin un ihitttrc tliu firm iiui il the murv klcwmi ciilluvl hy mrs r mchiicrv- other puiuls are in follow ul mllimciucnl nieetiiiiis the nicotlvii cluwd wllh hie uiuciif liillnwcil by iiiihti sen- eil hymrs archie mitiiieiv mr- ien janiiesoii uiul mrs jese me- ulkiy asslsleil lly llie imslisv usr vultitm rn v diiiiiilui iii ler mrs iiillllliilue il t-tiililiiii- uiultlv iiiul il with llie mrs datiipier il llie linme ul his sislttj mrs jessc mel v a ihiiiiihj- friini lliis rniiiiiiiiii ity iilliuileil llie 40ih iinniveisiirv oi mi iiiul mrs honei i wiiriieln aclun mi siiluriliiy mr hiiilnn wiisiiiiiihll to- iike llie serviee nn sliutliiv nwlliu iti ii iiiul enlil rev i i ol ciil- eilon look llie seiviee lor him ihihih anil iwo lillela rofii jijlinsnn clly renlieshei with ihe inriihis niolluii sile lakeside chapter annual nominations aiihual nimihuillon were hld at llje rediiluv inccllng of like sldi cliiiilci l0di tueiidy ft llie liiilnir llnll niiliiid tu ibe liiiiiilniillilll roiiiinllleo were mil jessie coles mill mnr rue vcutt annual ilimiiiioiiii wore upruv eil atulii reimrt wux ylvon un llio chi 1st inns lianuiorh reporls ul nil euiivfiierhwl he henril ill the executive nieel- lull jiinyniy jl a kill ions pill luck suiukt iiuillu ueieiletl the meelliik high qualify merchandise low budget prices lightmans dapk slor acfon bus knights mens wear milton ont january oulilanding rrfngo of iuilings patterns and shfldo tailoredtomeasure at one low pric 54995 twchtrouei 67s0t come in early tho suilings you choose will ba tarilorod to y6uc rhbdiurti- ments bus knights mens wear 202 maintst milton t 1472 budfjet ii huflrjct pldii youll- knrjw exactly what your fuel will per month mikes it cay to oi ot your incorrje our fuel gpes farther more heat per gallon more comfort per dolurl thompson fuels sirlllp phone 69 otiini i illi ii a ik-itiiif- dil- iiiul isoliius after hours call 364 nine children 32 grantchildren at surprise birthday party willi ill their n im- chimiin uul ul ihcii 3 ljiuiikurliluii mi and mis scwinui didvuikk 2 both ulimixfil veiv hippv hutlidas nn llu- weekend mi lidem hit ttuliv wi- un sitiu- ilty uul hi- un suiutis vhik lliv ie uul siiiuiiv itlcinihin lu- eittiie lunilv imic hum luclph and the ham liumi aiim iusheir iheir ill uul ttttd hid i heir ear m pluuieil 4n iheir p ileitis in euine lunne iheie thev lutik llkmn unipleielv k sinpiise ahoiu n euhitl ihuiiei luielhei ami nt ciuii e iheie wis hu llulix eake il was llou i uniu nuiuhu ti theii ehuuh ami i allui 1 miuan spent the exeuiui with llu- tamily aittt buscd ihe luppv uuuiou suevcjvrui huhic mr oidem tinie lo chkuii imni llalv in ikv and he ami mn oiiott- avttv iihurtictl n- miaeehiidjk- in lh5 thev iuiiii- ed ill md3nhind millpuntr lor inany vivlin anil eaine lo i licit larni- on rk 2 acton m vcun i4jo mr dhleio has cat icd on a sucivvslnl tuinip waxing inisi- ncss in which he ih still iclicl enyaued he is velvkmvui thixuuhout this district prvscnt for the piriy wciv six duuahtei and three sons all oi uww tiurried mrs w muas- nuiini mr mealiji and i an u i v eautr itom duel it i a he dthei s live in tlc ikiinillon ditudas aica mtn lvuiamlet- sun lain a mr anderson and tantih mis linnielt wohely taiuni mi wobely aiuttaniilv mt irank hates mn mr hates aiul lamilv mrs w smith ua mi smith and lamilv mis m rohilltrtl i josephine mi k rohilkud and tamih mi ami mis joe dideiu ami lamilv ami ihe tmst recently nian ieil sun aiidmirs wile mr iiiul mis leu dideatt 01 all the tuaiul- children just lwu wete inissiui it wasa i hippv uteasiuii mil pidcios iice censed auctioneer prompt courteous service norman c tiddle now at white sale prices tr 74413 georgetown better faster 11 ah a thousand and one ways in the office or shipping room in the factory or qn the farm rubber jiamk wiluk ihejob better faster and with absolute accuracy dills stationery mill st iliimc 0i sheets whites stripes prints fashion borders pasteis mde right here in camida dominion textile co 1950 sherbrtooke st west montreal now with a home improvement loan home improvement loans aro available through yourtjank under tho national housing act for alterations and repairs lo the exterior or interior of a home and for a wide variety of other improve ments you may borrow up lo 4000 with up to ten years torepay these loansare also available to the owners of rental properties i with a farm improvement loan farm improvementloanrctiacued by the domin ion government are availablefrom your bank up to 7500 at five per cent simple interest and up to ten years to repay these loans tover uc purchase of all typos of farm equipment and improvement to tho 4arm house and farm building- with a small business loan enquire abou government-packed- loans for improvements to small business establishments th tho c oarks upto 25000 and upto ton ybars to repay why wait for sprtait rat mm urn urniukt u tsh ucai wtm imuad bv autuottlty or tttl- ulnwttui or uummamam fci v fe sm

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