Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 26, 1961, p. 2

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th acton froo prett thurtday january 26th 1961 rule builders frect home municipal board hearing cnntlnutfiitrom pogo ono the minutes it ihe council meeting ot may 2 ims ul which lime tnornan tintl thomtw wore jjcnl in liiituwithc xiluiitloi tyler nuguosled it mlglvl nit oversight oniric ctelk nl the time hi holntctr put thai not nil v convorsailons at cottnelllevel stp tcarcil in the minutes 1ui pootllton cuilncil in 1955 tilmxrccullctl the uijreeriieni with the bulkier if they deeded ihe land 16 the town when mf thomas fir ami each if ills sunt look the siirntl lo testily they each hi turn admit ted there was tii urlltei mum unlet irim the town ivuilrtlinu the mtllillntf permit they staled ihcv dfd not deem it heecssary since they considered a gentle mans agreement siilflcleni and look the word of council at ihe jjllle t chftlinun qurl interrupting the examination ol jack thomas chairman greenwood asked the coowner how long they had lieen ih the hiiildinu- business alter learning r acton was the cumpany mist rtlit project allhiiii a number ol individual houses hail tieon huilt pieviinisly the chairman rejuarkeil it arhaces me you didnt encounter zoning bylaws belure huilding in actun and therelore would have secured de- finite assurance i rum council instead of- an oral agreement re garding the huilding permit asked hy mr mccrae who signed- the- deed permitting the eiiiivcvatue of milfieient proper- iv iroin the builder lo the town lor road aeeev mr thomas stat ed c 1 iealhettand had drawn tip the deed and ihey had ac cepted it ll ie nieeeri home owner ad jacent to lot 18 was present lo ohieel to graining the huilding pel mil lie lold the boartl he had been approached on two occas ions by ihe builders to purchase llu vacant lot mr nieezeri said on the first occasion he had been oltered the land for 900 and the second lime 600 but refused lo buv at the price tered resident object asked bv counsel tor the of an- pllcantiitilk reason tor uhjeeflnij to i he grnnling of the permit mrnieczerl pointed out that a piirlliinjorhu view would bo cut oil ajid it was possible lire pro posed huilding would corne with in two feel of his tltivcwtiy when it wassuggesled by mr russell that mr nieceri might he pleased not to see ihe perniil grunted hceauac he could then ptirchlise it and build a garage mr nlecei i remarked f dont want t int i have other plans tmcfieaible cabled to ih- witiwss stand by lown sollcitor aido hi aid i was questioned re- glinting the may 2 i jts- couiicil meellng lie inquired ol mr me- geacltie it the minifies were correcl as- reported and il tltonv as antl thomas hail heen aecoin panied jo ibis ineeling hy iheir solicituiasnotedlntheininulcsr clerk administrator mcgcaehie told the hoard this was eort-eel- asked il the builders had rais ed any ohectiins during llu- last public hearing when ihe zoning hvlaw changes were aired mr mcgcaehie said thev bail not prior ui thudocisiyu hunduti down bv ihe hoard members both solicitors shunned up the cases for iheir clients during ihis lime fugene rrnidn former owner ol the land purchased hy the builders tor ihe subdivision suggested ihe building permit lor lot 18 ih- granted during ihe chairmans sum mary billowing the linal decision mayor j goy pointed out through the towns solicitor llial their order would lake preced ency over amending bylaws now pivsenl helore the hoard in tor onto disclaiming kniiw ledge ot ihe amendments to be bylaw mr greenwood inabuitiite mayor an opporlunuily to explain mr gov pointed out that council were attempting to control the manner in which indue bomes would be placed on vacml lols in order to preent itie garage problems that exist lodav mr goy informed hoard mem bers he was still puzzled how tuture councils would deal with i be garage pioblem i iockwood devotional service af church follows pyp skatingparty ithm ttidty- ymini people nl ihe prcshvuray church held i skating parlvon i corner ot robt johnstons farm east end uf harris st on tht if return to the church a brief tie- olioni period was conducted with three ol the young people taking part misses belly don- ham france kelso ami mariuricq bauer the 23rd psalm was sunn and hymn 770 breathe on me breath ol god at the conclusion with m a social time was wieners- and rolls were served aloni wiiti hoi chocolate open air rink ttmud ihe weekend youny people ol the illaye were able to vnjox skating on ihe open air link adjoining the highway with ihe cold weaiher continuing wat er was spraed on the area by hnsrwi t h n 1 nr bii tch sousing in prayer time wisenjoveil when pitaltmnn wnlrjilteritntnlyih in itictph general llospit mi fred etlwanls has purchas ed the home anil contents ot the late mrs mcneill mr and mrs dave mcfarlane have relumed home after two weeks visit wilh their son clark mcarihur and lainilv at windsor attend euchre purty a number ol rockwnod people attended the euuhre parly at osn- ringe on friday eeriinn sponsor ed hy ihe osprinec womens in stitute mr and mrs fieil lambert at- ended ihe golden age club par ty in guelph last thursday m iss v i iabel h mc phed ran mrs duncan mcpheilran and mr j f pearen spent suitilay with mrs mcpheitrah and mr pearen sister mrs a f johns georgetown mayor urges better town claims focwincial g ing back the piiivlnclal government is turning its hack on planning hut asking the smaller municipalities lo do it for them charged geor getown mayor trn llvde as councilloru from mllion ai ion and georgetown met last vueok at the nonh hnllon urban hoards inaugural meelingi hesldes naming acton cuuncll lor les dubv as 1 cltlilrman tihd milton clerk f j cosilgan is secretailreasurer ihe urban tloliidlhdmbeis held lengthy ili nteasureii hefoiv every municipal- iiv loses ilsd li lllunl- clpalily he suggested sltotlld de- cjdc on its maximum urea and population requiivmenls annex the necessary land now grow un til thi lmuniliuv u flllld ihen jill ekpaimlng wheijjtuw-devel- opnieni isiieetled the old should be ilestroyed and vv construe- i lun should lake its place he also suggested u given lwlt luif- ler around the new hoiindiiiy of each municipality lo piivent en- cussions ivn plannithhulugwiun hmcnf ity other towns inamlenance unbldance services higji school lioaiils and education itccitn flon ikls itn census rolls anil re larded children grants mfrhii of a maun in berating provincial ollicials loi tholr lioiiihalaiue toward planning and ihe dangers ol con tinned expansion by everybody everyherc mayor i lytic called toionfo a mess- of a mass of humanity and urged some strict u present willvnillv planning continues georgetowns- mayor cimtinied things will lva real ntess me predicted toronto wlll goblileup maltoii then hrinniv ton anil ilramiilea will gobble up each other and toronio will ev entually gobble up both ot them act7in georgetown anil milton could deep out past their luiuud- arics and evenltiallv end lip in ihe same mess too he added acton councillor hen lllnlon urged the ixiard lu have likal plaiuilng boid pvliliun hie ik- patlmenl of planning and ivvef opmcnl io u sluilv til regional planning in llallon conn tv no luliou was taken but dele- gales uilhearufi ing promised to lljjilk it over iiloctil apthibllnl a ilkciisslon liillowedon win liter or not high school hoard trustees shmild lu appnlnd by councils as isipiscnlly heiise or elucledhy the public ih ihe annual eleclions as has heen stiggesied iiy anolher ontario county a motion lavoriug ihe present system was dropped when coun cillors leli iluv weic not ready i hi a decision on the iiialler ac- ion representatives lavnred- an election system jiul mllion spokesmen urged continuance ol the- iippoinlmcnl svsteni a gen eral discussion on education including cosis controls salaries standards and goieiiiincnl spun sorshlp- lolhiwed but iki con- ciele aclion was taken fieoigelitwn councillor jim i meruin wondulcd whv census lakeis cotvldnl list ihe proper occupation ot ralepaveru on the- la rolls thus providing auex- tetlenl list nl the- ivilrnllul lalmr inuif in a town he said iresent clakslllcalitnis such as niachiit- ist or lahoivi should ivedc- lailedeiiougri to give a prospec- ihilndintfrya gmnl wea tiljvlutl lalmr lone is avidlalil in egclt town the ijuiii inthiiiilal com- iuiswlniis were asked to study the rnatier ateqiletil lit tieorgelown itoni the ninth llallon relimled thllil- tens assriclatiou lor lunds lor iiiilnleiiiuuc ol ihe kunshlne school wan passed on to ihe ur ban board ion dlycussjunvoiiii i iltut ugreed each town shuitld share ihe cuhiu hy ui anting an amount equivalent to that ipcllt on a normal childs education in each town zcfal recofa visit teen town at the regular teen town last iilditv which over 1411 ulteiided ivcoi lionin lists lin coiik111 kc colds ihe ciiiisiiis kepr the teenagers hopplllg all eienlng dm lug iheeicnlug birthday giee lings wiii- played lor janet day much to her surprise alter ltit dance the consuls itll lor lliillalo where tliev were to playoitwtiik i7l lor iii teen ihe consuls ittill n i chin ii v- 10 lor the viilcnliii pinie beie fhls i ililay ibeilanerlllils will lie plcsenl chaittones loi ihetlance wcte sviriainibrjuvk diifiei ymoi lev allen lit k hirvilcll lliin in cm and liert lliillldav t narrten braida fair president accomplished a great deal int960j rectors warden tells vestry meeting the annual hiutyet was appro ved ieorts heaid and new ol- licen appointed and elected at the veslry meelinji ot the churth ol si alhan the martyr monday cventnn in the parish hall the tvclor the rev h u siokicel wu hail jiiven his years report al church the previous dav presideil ami about 40 attended rectors warden harold denny eavc ihe joint rcpoi i lor himselt and mhe peoples wariten sam snow the program tor ih0 ncl ilown in the sector plan was sub stantial and vou have accomp lished a ureal deal this year he said he recalletl ihe new luinace reclorv parage and tencinu re suilacetl siilewalk church ami rectory painting new church kiieelers and the remollellinu and redeenraltnu ol the chinch ollice he lelenedlo vic hrislow ta king over ihe ilulies tit selon dipinu the year liisi use ot the reviseil piiver lunik in june in crease in itlendaiiie desplle the lad some active tihiilles ttatt iiunv ed avvav rilie pat licipalion in sector plan lor the second time and the formation nl the servers guild pa irilni to ihe rcc- lotte siiid tleel andtlajn sure dial you must lhal the ttenien- dous spiritual jj ol our par ish can only be attributed to the cascjess ilrive ol our re lor pima budget kenneth knov- paw the treasii- reis sialemenl anil the pioptiseil llulf die hiijhc ever was pas- d cden mills repnrtm were uiven for the choir by mrs rolxtl anderson- wa mrs w denny alln fin mil mrs gould brotherhood ol ann lean churchmen vic hi is- loy church school mrs mill wilson and si albans guild mrs i bluun mt stokiecl pivsened cviil rannev with i volume- nl the- new teslaiiient as apprecialion l the yean he spent as church school superintendent mr ran nev s resignation has been accep ted with leyret now i lend ss the rector said he was ylail lo announce lhat llaioltl ix to- ueiher with george lee mis w kerr ami mis josie keutner will take over the church school mr denny would be unable jo con tinue as rectrunwaulen and mr stokieet thanked him lor his terrilic suenjih ami help he was extremely happ lo announce j he appointment ol frank van wvck as reclois warden lied sail ami vie hiistow ut- med ihe nominating committee sam snow was unaipmouslv elec ted peoples warden flecled lav leleitate ti ivnotl wvre geoi nc- golil and v denny wilh substit ute ken blow treasurer is ken- neih kiix envelope secretary a cliltord nssisied by mrs s snow chairman ot sidesmen georjie hayealt team captains ken blow gordon mcculcheon dtmu tarrant and bill sproston imlitors br church ami choir vic license sales slow issuer expects rush in pi in i k d and bac and churih school- ken hlnw tlil new i on hr ihe guild v i ami lor the aliai guiltl vic brisiovv 194 vue i the envelope secielaivs report uiven bv mrs snow on behall ol mr clittord showed there had heen l members tisiiui eu- velnjies timing wilh an in t lease in iiivinps ulectcd lolhe advisory cuiimil were c iealhetland j rol and 11 denny apiuiinletl by i lit rec tor were g hacll j graham and k blow the rector closed the meet in u with pravcr and refreshments were served by llu ladies sunday mornine the let lot had civen his tepoi i inl church when lie said itti saw is persons con lit ineil and two received this number lonsljlulcs a iccortl loi ibis parish- there weic 5h bap tisms ol whom cieht were adulls there was- one minutes silence tor it who had died thirine ihe year we are the church and we must show lhal ve live in and toi je4uuclu4it lu t shiivv lhal we have coinmillvh our spirit inio hfs hands and thank hhi lotlav and alwnvs thai we have so many true clnistian men and women in our cnnpiyna tion kiunvini this we can look ahead with much coulidence rusting in god even eacaici things will happen in this churchy llaiioav k thai to i ol last hed lui ihe liiense ipeialoi s pritnils ietui lel this dale only lper il sales have been in r pumpnn t ivvr ice dm ine serv ice al si johns cluirch stuulav atternihin holv communion was celebrated wilh v slipp as server owine to cold er weaiher in the aliernoon not inun were presen mi and mis don kay ot kii- chener were weekeml visitors with mr and mis charles mc malb and tamilv mt rov ol toronio was home tor the weekend mr aivhie llcars condition ti- tnains critical in hamilton hos- i v in new churgh friendly circle to honor miss lnleiuleil tin iiki week llu- executive ul viwn mills ciiiiiiihinilv 1lnli met mimtliv in i i r i i levenilli willi tilt- illiee eihineil t al1 p lot tllliin- tti same extent uul was able to n ik llllllri et li a tlnve recently mr and mrs mcwart mcdonald 1u lu wl sited the lale s brtthe m lltv- ihlj eiilv mis kiv sle en smind mo ihe weekend j community club exec council discussion on obtaining hall iruvoil the home nt mr antl mrs antlorsiin inl mills tlistriet mrs btih l daiihtyr tit mr antl mrs william moleini is a l ctinlinetl lu guelph general ilovj to nia many attend funeral of frank mason 21 weekend visitors mr antl mrs rietl dav iunilv tl anoaster with mi mrs a k thomas and rank di mr ami mrs r j cuiti kilchencl willi mr nut l i ainherl mi bnive uoskin antl- shoilf hoskini miss siism so ot llainillon t opene and mil mis mrs miss kel mcflnii llu- lultl oiutlie it oivelvn uaidens llirir lume usilav eeeniip pi ie tinners it- joan chamtiei lain l ilton anil 1 oi na thotulinsoii i llu- hiuunies inot itusilan t- j i rii in ihe lown hall aiul outs ami cula wcdncsdu a piece tit luinilute 1 placctl ifi llie new ilntcd ttmltlint honoiint miss hcnncll b the l itn ill ik church m z circle m plans gift m zbennett under ihe new system there evening tmiluul lo iuelpll mospikd- is muh mcphi mrs william mcdonald i illie me thomas 1 11k and mr in mamilt eneial mis sadit u ciuxk purty pariv ol yraile 12 ot llu was a r answer interesting question period and a cl john ross collegiate iuelph tvinp helil saint dav at rdcu milu in the tunn ot a skating pniv atth dam then lunch ai nys kav stevensons home aller a lite last satuidav niliht de rvrtip ol women originated sunday schintl- class wilh bennett as us leacher and has expanded lo include many more women ot the chuich memheihip ot ihe active lund- taisinj circle is currently fvbtt oo and miss betviull is hunrti n piesident- a committee has been twrnwl tu select ihe jiitt truni the bp htmohnu miss bennltt for her help andjeadcrship the pruicxl was enthusiasticalk etldorod at the ijm nuvtinu olthc circle in ihe chuivh parlor wednesday ul last week rrorfulu croups all womenv groups in dniletl churc aieiu hr niuxaniytf ellevtive january 1 1fc2 tt cv plain ihis a poncl outlined the new united chujylj woqien dniinii the incvtiii on the pflhel were mrs dr en- pcl miss m z denneit mrs t imnsidc mrs d tavlor mi w cikitvatul mr j lauder these ladies very ahlv explained tho pdijmisc or united church wom en and hoiaihev will function 13 volunteers i the march ol tjimes was out lined bv jim ledger ol the rot arv club he asked lor is volun leers to inarch on monday jan uatv m mrs w wmdhurn chaired ihe business mis g mckenie read llu stviviars ixnn l and mt s j w waterhouse gave the nvasur ers lepttli waiis were discussevl lor a bake sale and a spring lea group ptojd is were aired a t sik ial tnutbi this en- jovahle evening to a tlose nils m svmon thanked the panelaiul the gioup in k liarge acirt custom thy custiiui ot placing mowers on imncs- uum- jiotn the- ixliet ot the ancients ihal the dead en joetl the tragi ancc ol ihe bios lovel bros modern mjeat market whertpuality is hloheri than the price 1free delivery in acton phone 178 pitil recent isilors with mr anil mi thomas alkinson were mrs leader antl lwi suns ot iuelph mi and mis idnur anderson toronto weic quests inthe jil- heilson riome montln inhibition mutch mills htivs hockev learn tl hv lu- coinmnnilv aecd an ehihilion yame thurstlav e enin entl- 2 2 no another inle ijaotl next rhinsilan al the ktinilevshoeinaker inneral ttoiiie uas iilletl thursdav nller- ntmin ol lust week when inneral service was hold lor 1rank ma son 21 son ol mr anil mrs ceorec mason who was killed in itlent at yosemifor-inli- rollow ski inslititl rden sponsoi iluh s al 1 in k vi 1 1 1 lie jioittia 1 t now ski lllsll tit lols tiolll ihe laiireiilians vteie tainting those w ho tame iroin a i distance i the ret dunhl in coiuhic ittl the ser ice ihero antl al tail iew cemeten itllhoniis tteie ti lends tiom itielph anil toion- to lanie philip lae kraus ltvi hihef jaukrskipper paul atioidin to piitioiis pntilica lions oxpiiv date to itftt lit ense plates is mait li is antl n own eis an- askctl tovliop tailv antl atiill the llish- mr haiiat- lomiiuts owners lo hrine alollf ihe iiiiniiu e jia hililv ttrtilii ale when i enow mi llion- ptatos- in outer in save an omiijioti loo the local issnei stated ho tx pot lotl a jasl jninnto insliiintl intietl ooiono lo pioitne ihoii not liiensos as oath as possihle in older lo last niinulc avoitl lining np at llu clintlnueil fliitn lnie due hxpettillluriia irle jitiinev omnienill leallites 411 lull work convention aiitiiaiion loos jitjiti arion ciiiens land at ion pipe hand plaques hi oophv litm tltillj oiiipolilio ttllllosls uosollos a- i ihlions set iftai lioasiner sot- lice sl tialui i aliol p a svsitm pi intiii stalionii v i itphono poslapo oxt hniio ailwilraih iimiih ketllils meals instil into i loi donatio si law kopaii i supplies i i ittlii iti t hnii- pulllliv oops il inloiol a oxpiess llilltllil a so ials in li i iii- kola total 2mik1 ll 6uim 171 j1j1 si1iki i s im1 1137 trnn iihh2 tslllki tikimi 4hihi 2 2s 7iihm i mil si 72- iii7l2 ii is isivl s77ii 2s kl 2sii 111 110 22 so 71tl 41 f i i2s 171 kvs1 sfi7f174 natne george harrap baptist mocleralor cnllllillieil inilil punt one miss ijtla livi mn ilolwlii iijiiioii- kalstoii mis c i tiuls- liiiiniiuli lluvil lllcy imitise i oiiiiiillltf i miciik liiiiii ii lleltvl w iotiloii iiilssionurv riitnnilllee mn kmlil llllil- inoi miss ilihi liver mis i iiiulkhoioimh mis ilftlc iiuiiii mrs cluipmnn uhcrlng eim- inlllee kalslon i 1 1 kiev l mi uk lienn j itver i wuuiter mark llnipoi dliei lor ol iniisli c liiiulslaii- outih lo eariv on itrtnein nvitil miss llelon lanilslvoionuh is av ail ible music committee miss a jllkiuuinii mrs i ifiilnui vmrs mictilcheon ii jlettler chrlsuiui tiliualloii committee mrs kmlil mrs inriliiii miss noiina llaiilit mrs iljslejf mi ll nun until lindsluifoiiuh llaillle i a ii man ijilwer iniiinituec mis ijtien s rltlit irvir social eninlllllteo mis dunk mis murlhii mrs mtitis mis olien mrslliilch- eon mis lieiiler mrs itarreti iruver ineuliuu plaiilsl mrs i ilutmer ranatliau iliinlisl re- ltsinilitie mrs llulitlenn lllhle stuletv lopreiienliilive mis fi ilaiiap inihletiitor i a ilaiiap litleisfit he appoint ed hv the tiuaiuo committee at thtit lirst inesrtin maiuitteuienl null lahour it lions in llie pulp and paper tluhv hate liton hii uionioii- cusptir antl pete catlu ul minor hockey week in canada help our youth reach the goal t5f good citizenship by 1 good sportsmanship 1 competitive spirit 3 respect for authorirty 4 respect for other peoples property dont sendtake your boy to the arena support minor hockey in acton compliments ledgers ig a milton arena tjiurttuy jim 36 figure skating 4 n lo i lir p ui industrial league hockey two gamiti st il tint k p m kami vn pip iliirlliiittiiii va irrya fridiy jin 77 int a hockey georgetown merchants 1145 pan losohetlulcd eamoj saturday jan 3j public skating 2 to 4 p in h in iu p in monday jan 30 minor hockey night tuetday jan 31 figure skating 4 0 lo hi p in junior farmer hockey 2 iunes itaijini at h pm wecjnvtday feb 1 adult pre school skating 2 in 1 pm 10 pm ilill wiiiiumiiv isilors wilh mr uul tis hon j- ikmtlit- iiv mrs iv winpwkkl mrs j trot- ui uul djiiyinfi ivny irom ciloiuin hast miss chrtrlotif ciihill ol ciilflpli spout lilt- wctkcml will miss hifiuli wiinht lultn mills mr uul mis kon spinks ol riiisiilovn auiv suitllav isii ois with mr iul mis wilk wil son robt r hamilton fred a hoffman optometrists fornierlv e p i lead phone guelph ta 42071 58 st gaorgat square knights of columbus giant bingo saturday january 28th 380000 must be won in 20 games 16 50 games pius 3 sptoals 2 300 games 1 400 game p l ls giant jackpot 200000 m b won bonui of siso f woo in 30 numbow slarllnn tim pm 6oen opan 7 pjn guelph memorial gardens i chlmnn uiwlor 1 yim not allowed lo puy rockwood mill end store clearance sale drive out and save sale starts fri jan 27 feb h idles iiiko aitlu it oui i allies aillionli lilian all wool slacks to clear 699 boys witfr coats s i s m s i iu v- 11 iilt slt llls 799 slooo j 1188 tin llu- small tit 4 r flfaramr smi pricf 488 788 988 mens ill ess srn 1 shirts tirsiv uul coim iinp ticls 2 for700 a illlop ot stillj dlfss 2 for 500 stor hours i iis i 1 lls nylon hose saamt j pr 1 98 samles i liili i 3 pr 725 f uk- winter jackets 766- 1066 thu li u mm buy winter coats 15 off oin mieuk- u piue snow suits 599 699 corduroy jeans kii 14 ms si 259 t air t ii4vk wavy other kprimiji boys hoc kkv sits work shirts up lo liar it dm- pl us and jl as boy 4i irl lob off all yard goods men tu a wd 10 am 6 pm frit s am 9 pm clotcd thurs no befunds op t xchanges 0ubingsaie r i ijm mlt- t j 44 liujwl4mftlvv- i ill j l

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