hbfliwiwtj ii skf gpv vw ptw li fc ni nrorwwifttjtfteaao in emjucsinu township loumll- lorn hold u icnulhy discussion un ihu proposed 1100000 fiveroom consolidated school nuur silver- creek ul monduyvnutllntf when iho tive mbmborol the school artta i board uflrunlvei ullehded lb uxpluhi lliuli vluwu uiul ukk for the ioooop debenture al one polnl dtirlliu i lie stormy muullnu council wenl liilo cum- ill 1 1 tec of the whole in discus a point al live conclusion councillors uurccd unollici meet- inu would huve lo iw held with llic houid to arrive ul u solution kn ijufi rituk costumi dimcto mn w j wolfs makaijerltn every thing ii ihlpihapa bafore he young aclorj go on hags for their operetta performance she it teen abutting i lie fane diets worn by linda steventon who playt sadie slrnpklnt- the director was atiitted by mother who mado all the coi- lumet for theplay council debate new silvercreek school minority spaaicr trustee slunlcy bmwnuihf r j ciinnlnuhunv presented llulr tillniully- report on iho propos ed school they hud voted nil- ulnsl i he hourd inollon lo hulld uieitlioolhulllluulcunledljy a j2 vole they noted ihcy should tlcluv die school us the hourd hus uhvudvuskcd for u iwo rooni udtlilion ul norvul school und lliey fell u livisjiwjiii school umutcssury bonn chairman clurence col es presenled- the opinions ol the inulorlly mumbtini pulntllitr out i he eluhtrooin will be needed in lit rwsfl jlvo ycurs und norvid wun limilurlo one tide ot ihu township io he or benefit rirk road- council viuit ulso uluid to htln provide u new road irllo iiwyer vu coiiu cmiservullnn authority from hlghwuy 14 us u jolnl kcheme with ciileilnn erin unci clilnuuncouuy htit council won- tiered if lluienlruuce could hi liom ihu belloiinluln sldcroud a nievtlnu u lo be arranged with the other municipalities liid harrison presented u pel lilotv from resident at 20 side- loud and the eighth lltui asking for u new bridge und approach in lliyhwuy 7 lie suggested the work could iw done under wlnler works nrogrum anrimtofioowair8lven the north ijuliiin association for ro unded children hut no ucllon wus luken on rciiuosts for grunts limn acton aurjciillurul society und llulloii music 1esllvuu the luillilluu inspucior ruroirl ed januarys permits tulintcd 144000 ull for residence first performance of operetta preserve speysue beauty raliirmcit at iijmhis lhit lite niagara liscarpmcnl injhe spey- sklc tiklilcl between milton and acton may soon iw destroyed bv quarrying interests memhcis tt the sixteen milt creek cnnserva- liun authority ate dctei mined in lake immediate steps i preserve he lace ul the escarpment anil the impressive natural beauty til the speysltle men al iho iimiu aiilhuiity recently eu hit ilfui umiccr lu prepuiv y hii6l on cnsih ol iicqulrfnu hmi in the 67ucre tlslrlcl mum hers reviewed that hnqnuuinu town whip haw no gnarryinu bylaw in fllect iimj uuivcd 4t- wut the anthiuilvs irsk to prevent any destruction of nutunil hcatilluh wlldlile and water ttiblct 01 tht arci diijlv board eyes sprawl of metropolitan area plans special meet on regional planning eydnu ihc pruhlem or sprawl imj lilieh und the need for some form uf reyionul planning mem- br of iho north hulton urban btiuru wednesday nunmlng in miltunscrup plum fiira uieca mcetintf on lha subject mayor e hyde georgetown outlined plans includlnu panel discussions and tulk by pnf e g pleva of western university prof k roe her of wuierlmi univ- ersiiv colleue and john pearson of the department til municipal affairs planned as amtppcr mcetinu in georgetown early in march ur ban bturd members resolved to encourage memlwrs ol planninu boards banks council school boards conservation authorities and those interested in regional planning to attend mayor hyde noted tjie need for planninu buuuler than the mun icipal ttetd tt limit growth and maintain given twit areas be tween municipalities he suggested determining the ideal site for a then limiting it by size and aiva when the area was filled it- would be ncceiisary lo redevelop exuhng areas thus eliminating the growth of slum areas mtnhhcrh of the irltown buunl roprewntlnu acton milton and georgetown praiwd the george town niuyor in urranging such an impressive panel of speakers revltw rales during the meeting councillor poaive milton sparked a discuss ion on zoning and the strength of uhing bylaws the discussion ailvanced to rutei charged by the committee of adjustment in the three towns acton and milton each charge 25 for a hearing ami georgetown 15 discussing the personnel otitic committee of adjustment georg etown members were surprised to learn members of the plan ning hoard and council are not permitted to sit on the commit tee a discussion on police salaries police radio systems lax prepay ment plans and georgetowns plan net i monthly tax payment plan were reviewed mayor hyde estimated aboui 16000 would be spent to mech- unte the town office to acconv module the monthly tux payment procedure representatives al the meeting in milton from acton were urb- an una nl chairman lcs duby urul councillors f to ih und w denhyvfinum georgetown mayor hyde und councillors hurtter nd emmcrwm from milium mayor s chuds mim coundui lohmum pearce and held arrest georgetown youth following 105 mph chase a 12 mile chase early wedu day morninghy two acton opp officers mervin harness and bruce kiessler resulted in the arrest ol a georgetown vouth af ter speeds lip to 105 miles an hour had leen reached the two olficcis patrolling town noticed a speeding vehicle heading east through acton und liiuk i hase at high speeds at tempting to mag- it down with lusher light and siren going lull blast the speeding station oulraced their ciuiser 01 wagi hi 1 side ntriuvmrrt tjm nru s actonnassagaweya boards agree to share shop home ec facilities pioidmg hnancial arrange ments can he icachetl nissaga- wea pupils aliliulingjtlie ilitutk- ille and cainpbeltville scihhiis will attend the public school in ac i on next leini t lake home ictthtmk ami manual training couises 1 tuesday evening dining the ac ton public stjuml htmid nuvting c mcintyiv and h illth weiv picsenl to ivquesi iwrmrvsion for lliesc aiingemenls and slated their schihils did not have the tucililies to teavh lhe iwo suh- jettv mel with tuvtvr tbe icmucm was met with fivoi- by i he alton ivuid aiul the two representatives weivinstiuc- led to supply the acton seeivuii with all inlormatum ivgurtling irapjhiitatuin grants and oth ctists imulveil before a tin welllemcnt could be made trustee tom wjtson exprev- ihig his pleasuic at the sugges tion statetl u would he hisible sclumtl opeavtla and was told none principal mckenzie explained that plnsical training and manual training classes hail been moved to ihc last two periods ol the iliv and it w3 during this time the pi act ices weie held he also x in led out that glenn banks imisu mipefxisor anil mrs m i ranklin weir training the pupils and no teachers were used during ivgidtr i lasses the principal also pointed out that only one months raining had gone ino the practice i his ear piimipal w d elmer smith ol the m bennett public schimtl repot ted laorahle tesiilts tnun l he i ex en t meeting ot teachers tuiiii grades 7 8 9 10 when scihkii cuniculums weie discus- erised he pointed imji that high al j school teacheis weie so pleased with the meeting they hae -rc- ipicstel another gettogether shoittv tor tint her discussion bth principals ptvseited a sug- schikil lor sluraire ol used llolli- ln tor distribution to ihc needy i he- hoard aku approveil use ol the audito rium lclmiai y 24 to the seoul and guide association lor their annual concert ucqucmcd the supplies chairman lo seek tenders tin supplies tor the school hvlote purchases ete made f eat tied the attendance oi- licer had made thiee home visits dutiiit january learned oilhopaeilic lians- porlation had ixen ipptuved lot anothet neu pupil appuived pament ol ac counts lolalliun t4v1750 mail leadinu lu glen willluttubul police had olilained ihc hcenee nttmlvr and durlnu ihe cliase ra- tlioed lieidquarteri fur driver ow ner identlliealinn and address iollovvinii litis ihcy pnicccded lu ihe georgetown uddrehs thev arrived jusl after doug las rweir pulled inlo hit drive way ami placed the 22ycardd youth lituler lirresl when uletl his reasons for specdtify iw luld ihe olleeis he ihuutfhl iujneone was chasing him appftumd cjiplodilil lime und lima- kulrr thruuthiutl iho robert utile kcliool uiuillcii linn weil- nody evenlnu durlnu lliepie- ioriullun or ihe ulh iiniiiuil fchool uperoilu thlu yeur toti- duolurt iliiu i lie- sunlioiiiiei ulrlvwii uel pluy euinplclv wllh color comedy liitd iwuullltil coklunteu the klory in hiiced uruttiiil lie isunbunnel girl who ii ainnp humd child ul muklcul jmivtils she hun heen lell in clinrueiil mr und mm aliljuli scro-jy- a nklnfllnl counle who liuve hlurved und mimed her an ilia pluy opens mis i lent y culemun hie president ul hie slalu cederiilliui ul music cluhi urikcs in in vllluue to conduct u cunlusi foiuxi lulir kchohu shlia sil mush shu is uccnnipanled ly her tliuiuliler tlarhtmi lui jiun bolt mill his ihiitn jfrry ciiiiil11 is held in hie jaiclcn uf mr und mikcmeudows wlift ure piiisperoiis und respetled lui- ineis und whose dauglllel ml rundii in iimiinu lite enuleitlunur on leuvnliiu of ihe conies sue llllil ti ji uiiil usks to lie allowed mrs seiotus encuiiruueil hv her duuuhler ivallna harshlv reluses lu allow ii liislsllnij lhil she hus no ptoper cloihes lor such un ol foil und i hul she is needed for the endless disliwuhlilnj uf ihe hciouus household sue is dincouiuued hul on ineellnu bur- sttfipwy roads blamed for crash slippery muds were blamed lor u itiluur 1200 irulllc uccideitl on church slreel irlduy eveninu avlicti un enslbountfcur driven by mrs ouru coolie wus in cnllls iun wllh unullier vehicle parked in ihu snuhi side ul ihe mrcut uiiiiiuuelo hie narked cur own ed by koss llamlllon uf curnp bellvlllo wussuiiti iippiuxlrouiu ly j 1 00 while the other cur re- oielvud uhuut 1130 dunutgu mm coukuv vur skidded on ihe slip pery ruud when she hud lo brake sharply lu avoid liluinj a west- builnd car tc bruce kiessler invesliual- ed hum flub und jerry she lelli her hlory aiul enlists thlr svuipuihv und suppoi i mtireuver she lells iheiit lliurshe believes liirpui- eilffl lell her some not i ol pro pel iv htl thai ijie seiiiiki telitse lodiviilue ihe iiuline ol ii riief piiiiulsi- in call on rn mispi- vln ihe vlllui rrjiikliilile und persttaile him fo lnleiiedi piiine id ihe luw muiile ton i en t fhe opciiiiiu ol he second act discloses all die voimu people ol ihe vllljige utlllleretlliii ihe music cotllesl vailotiu memberh of- hie uiiiitp lake piillinill mm men- diiws declines hull ihe list has been cutiipluled hul mis cole- iltun on coiisitllinu lief papiir fllldk iiiiu nun iiutlle and un noiiilcis ntuiin cmllliin the dint us u sin piked ul ihisiiiilutn mini inline bill while ihiiy me hpiciilaljnu hi lilipuats uoi uiiiiisly iltekkid lu i lu iieiyhl nl lukhiun ciimplele even ixj und u fun liuvlnu been coin- plelely iiuillllid iii c rcl by ihc kvnipalhellc lliuhnrii she sinus wednesday fire damage slight damage was limited lu f hur- neil kitchen curtain und a wjoic- hrtr window sash wednesday morning when riremen were cdleil to the lesjdencc of mr and mrs hcnrv held fnxlerick st un arrival href ijftttcrs tossed the burning enibeis fnwn the cur tain out ihe dour into ihe snow and immediately mc4 up the smoke ejector lo clear kmuke in the house operetta photos imclurcn of the adwel optr- clla appcarlnt 1 um vrt premi ihu ureck wm ujufl during du filiwmli la or der nul lb inlcrftfe wuk-par- enli view or tailrwl bumu during lh regutar crtorav ulces r t i tec lue the luo inis nevupieil tested hsi ot supplies mvessju ihe liibcm pu i hie school lutihuvvja and ihose aiv lo be week amrivi baps eiiaie n lunui lied by the supply and lin- ccondmics teacher on a icill lime ancv couimjttees basi piescntly the teacher is vishrltine part time in milton as well a aelon buunl inettibers tuld the tvtu ativvslui pr r hei w well qualified and her standards were highly fiivurably tfml if kutne 4irvoiitetil could be rcachod ivvssibilitlo uf rnguginn made to have an art display and her lull time wuuld certainly toe considered chalnnan m smith ssked principal g w meketude whal teaching lime had been consumed during practice period for the principal g w mckeniic ivpor- led on a physical education div play in itie kobert utile sciumu last mumh and mated the event wa m uulmc ccsjul llc ulso tultl the board merrt- bors- arrallveuutlu lud- been talk on leaching art fchruury 22 in ihe school fur acton anil milton teacher permtuion wax granted acton ministerial auoctatlon to ue one of the vacant rooms in the tone acton rovers cop three prizes during weekend moot at guelph acton royer ciew iitrnihcr koiind table wan held al the bji- ioineil with- 10 oihcr kovei tui meniorial camp near guelph scouts titnii soulhein ontario i riivers were present irotn acton saturilay and speni the weekend i preston guelph stnney crick iimlcr cimass in tretvini leiur i hamilton port crrdit slnmms- eialuies and dixp miow tuiin ihe giceu acres regiun rover moot near guelph headed by skipper ron smith the ii acton rover copped three prucituuunb mimpetuon and receivtd praise tor their partici- palion takinu part from the uicmln4iaicrwvpal pui newton bob lllnton rickic cuitie brian ollerbein john lea- ihcrlund bill henry norm el liot i ken gardner paul mc gcachicand randy lidkea 1 the moot ponurcd bv the wellington district rover scout villi- oakvllle buriinguin kile hener couloyiuc braalford bninte branitmtvi and chicago the boss from chicago travelled mx tulles in order lo attend the ouliug the acton rovers set up their camp equipped what straw base jor- brddingam by ijhwere ready toi the nawalng ccrasnonie including dedicaujom aad lag raising start ccajm4itvm following the otticial aliening competiilons lirgan and acton cbhutauu vu rmt wmt form frontiersmen corps in haffon co a new cuips ol imperial l-ron- tiirsnien alfilialed with ihe le- uiun ill froulieisnieil wllh head- iiuiirters n london laidund is beiuu loinied in llallon county the men are all volunteers supply iheir olvn eiuiimenl and unilorms and are sli icily sell sup- porlingtbe corps is dedicated to pulijic service the men are trai ned in police work anil lirst aid they work ulony w ihe motili ties anil wilh the local police de partments a number ol ifje top men in ihe oiuaniation aie bu rner policemen undmounlics flaking courses in ilnllon countv james d kidd ol rockwood- anil half a doen olber men have banded together io lorm a corps for ibis aiva their immediate piojccts are si john ambulance trai ning course rami institution and iraininu ul water salelv the wa ter sicfctycourse woutil he similar to sale uun handlmi couikes the men nwnnhrlinmr of mr kiilil at rr rickwuoil apprusimalcly every other week since it is aniililaiy oreaniaition there ure no elections arid no ap pointments have been mod vet offices ure awarded heudnuarlepi thcncm meeline will be held on wednesday everting uliili lmui sunionnett sul ihe operalla ihfjbd isil night and again icnlghi lliursday ii capturing the hearts of parent and friend- as robarl little tchool puplli play iholr parlt one of llio 4ccne ioicl6 lefmo rlcjhl gay ahilo al mn scroggs riy hibbnnl at her huiband mary grlichow a evallna and barnie fruuler as tra mcspavnn the own comlabla plrlurei published ibis wuakwere lakon during ihe firms rebeartal in order not lo ilistraci children during their porlormnnce on iho show nights her solo iinl is liniiiedlulelv uwur- dedthiptle hob ciiliiiini i hi i icil itwity by her heum v iinil i lliirm lilllilii- illalulvillets- ills lieiitl iilid lluml hul hue iiiiihlnu hint his in- liiehl is based on syuiiulhv lor bet piiviiiv and iiiliiloiliine re- fuses in llsien hiiylnu hull sin ivoiili in i ll ii only slle weie wealthy und iii depenl iloh uius lii tpiesl ul ihu iiiiislublc and iiiimnwhile jeny nnd lliiihuia cnine lo u iiiinallllc aireiiihii iiiid ihe iliuriih uul- heis lo liiine in iheir liiiiuir con- slulile mcnpiivin ui i ives lu suy that he hit huaiiliid ihe siiiiuuh home- und intindtidlspiilelrlm cuntuliiluii sues idtiili und iimonu tliiin is a diud lu a lowii intlil tdiouio wirftfi pioves lu be ol liiiiileiibevullli tlllil nrool ot propel iv leuiuves lltu lust imiileiiii flif inalili undlllt i in lulu lulls on hie piosiieit ill n dutible weddliii auiple jitimot u ullofded by vuiiiius loinie lypim llicllldlliii ml siidiii ihe hen- luiiked husband jeny ihu itrtiy tolluge yoiiih livulliiu lit si liicwjih ijuiiuii uijitiiiom spiivlh tiit simple son ril cim j slulile mispavlu prior in iluy al the lieuiiiniuii i llieveiiliin mini to 1 1 li- opetellu slaitlitu miss v jones uiiide llnee pupils weliutiied over 4ih paunls urul ii lends ullh a ivefi utile sonu mill vlviun niullli iave an aildnss ul uelinine humour spuikcd iulin si in hie opeiilnu ol the plav is lu n a while und 111 ul iow pluvil bv sliuioll vyiille iiil mince saiuskie not- led auoss lite horn ol ihe slnoe wilh u slun leudlni i ins is i lie hilinuiui klndeiumleii i lass under fhrt supei vision ol missskiiudsiu pie- itemed a shun kit sliiilnu sle- yen m ii ih ill as ihe laimei and olhri pupils takinu pun ruminuiii un tnyv yvu ui iarsi it i board learn grades improving discusses vocational training usiderahle iiiipioveuient ihe mj60 iiiitte ii iliyli si lux i lemill iinil sililiiitji v iit-hieve- inenl slamhiiils in pilule i2 wus hotcd lv illspfl lllraxf i- jolllistltll itiihilt his itpol to ihe a ion hiyli sthihi dkiiut mjiki mod clay evening in his tepoil nitl hv seiieinv- lieisurer v i micldkion tin- inspeeloi poinieil out t the ittipioxeiiieiil in the uikiu h h- suits was ollsel somewhat hy the nu in he i ol pipets discontinued last veal me also infuinied the hoard the yiide 12 slaittlaids were tlie result ijj tistinu pro yraiiis eanied out ly w depail- nienl ilurlntt the var he also jiutseii ic iwiard lo loiisider plans lor i lie adoplion ol depat ttueiit luads is hiyher seiisihaiioii would ik- neiessaiv soiiii due to the m in mils itiwth rev dwifhl lintel a new mem- hi- 1 ol the 1mm id ius xdar i old his eullcanues it wis essential lo litem to start planning for clc pitimliii huads in the slikmii mi thketl oiinipal 4- a hansen when the ailon mihmi would ik ready lor this tvpe ol adntinislra lion and was told the unit was last apphm hutu mi hansep sud he uipeiinl five pratlu nine ehisses next leim if the plan is appioed hv ihe hoard it would me in one leather is speetdiinu oer other teachers h all teachiny the same subject cciparc education dtirintc a iliseossiott on advan tages of academic and vocationul eduuitron tiiistee mnuel tiiiiii thai it vocational courxe cyitild iv a hiiaie and delusion uivlesi parent and htudenis were fully awuie of it pieeise rule in irain inu for ihe future mrs inuel suyesled tial sornu lintes patents favored the vina- lioual educallorv with the iriili it ittivided lluir thifdren wilh a trade for the inline ifrsijrwd thai in many rertpeet llu atifth in llsell was not adeiprnle unit lurlher aiipreiililchfnp wut nec essary he noted that many miidrnv were scaled of liiyh mtuua iw- tunic they had ken warned his portion nt eduiatfou watc clihi- continued on taye three off idols try experiment to eliminate spring odor has wondered torn pf ihe lake umjally settled case anyone a 1 mint ihe cai ion pirjies leadinu irom an air tompusvir into tairy lalve near ihe totljiu of vshtfia st there is no deep sca fliver at work fteardrrtore and company of ficials ate ailcrnpliny to miic the problem of eliminating odois from loul water injinu ii in the tanning process and are odors n tiinu an expec imeril used in sc-v- eral hxraljlics near docks plant official r r parker re pot ted litis nidmhii ihiu sdtv that veyetatioii in ihe lake builds er up durlnif ihe winter mouths a fence has been plated ar- when the water is covered with oond the area arid tfis rutted ice and this buildup creates a i warning people ta llu dsiner foul oclor in the water used in school children hiiip bred rvit li the tanrtinb of leather following ied lo iteep away funt tlie nii4 the spring thaw- lfllu experiment t vtucrivftil by cutting a small hole in the officiajhuvc high fiopcs it can ice and pumping air to the but- be utilied in utlirr way life warm watrr he iwiltoin is allowed lo rise to ihe surlacc arut melt ihe ilc mouihi the hoje jhus allowing ihe loul vegetation txjor lo uscjpi mr parker explained that a the warm water reaches ihe sur face it inells the ice gradually thus allowing more spacr for llu i escape ue pointed oot that one week ago a four foot suare hole wascul and present iv tlie opening has expanded to pproximaiefy 50 ftrel in diaincl- thuftsoav nkmff cast for lha robrt li til school optt on pnmanmd hw p itw two cf pf lnmnvn k hmwiintj 7h sunbonnt girl n pictured on suoe during thir dru md amutlqq with th chihwn ouying thtir prhko0ptkafthv rhmrml tuxudw flmoon last night w3ntdy rh udi- wll