jtei w5i 7 ffllfryyftrfr 1 pffipffiffiirffl i j elghlyslxlh year- no 34 acton ontario thursday- februaffv 16th 1941 aiihtahfit mh hwhiii cu mtll uy hut iol pm iwimllrtnmmt oltfw ton pjos5 ton moo- seven cents 4uu-4huta- kev a c obiust was quest speaker during a special service at the united church sunday evening whentho church sanctuary was filled to capacity following the service dr forrest showed colorod slldesdf a recent trip through africa picturedaboe aro left to right rov a h mckonzio knox presbylorian church rev a c forrest and rev dwighl d engel united church rev a c forrest world traveller outlines world missionary work acton united church was nl- nitmt filled un huntluy evunlnu uilum the julni npcakcr was the rev a q lnrrest ba bd dd ltlitcir uf the oliersver the ufficlul publication un the unit ed cluirch muinhcri if other town cnnurciuitlons iitl lictccl tu hear his most inierexttnii talk un hlii travels in alrlcu dr forrest mentioned the first thinn u person notices while trn volllmijniljfrereni countries is the beauty oi hie countryside und oulntundlnu huildiniis while utiondiny an cvunyells- tlc meetlny in india he rirsi not iced the homily ot the flindu lumiuuiifv secondly he was titruck by the nwful poverty pre valent everywhere in most coun tries outside of north america und europe jniiny children no to bed liunury african diet he visited a camp tor children jn africa their dailv iliei was corn meal mush in the moruinu riiiini at noon oil i corn meal fur slipper imd tea he htrchsed that litis than ihev uei at home dr forrest louml lliis hard to understand as bedtime more situation the pot- council board meet on school lisqucsing township count il held nnoihci iiicctin with mem bers ii he township area slihhii board monda lo discuss the re quested jilxmtoodchculiiii- un- ii proposed lii kiiitii consolidated school at hilveicivck mowccr no ik isionwas km died un giatilini ik dehentme al pivscnl as council i eels theic may lx- some changes made in tllc mhthll alcl verbal okay comu il gave william johnson til johnson hi os ti uckiug mil ion mmimi appioal in hcem an tihlustiial basin on mihons mn fmaym john m go wih oltie skirls mmvecr council warned it rpen ihe program aiul door priz vie inn picpaicd to spend immev l in will he distributed to luekv servicing the aua north ol he lieket holders town and sciucs would have ui proceeds irom the evening will come irom milton be used lor he lions clubs -art- nihil is there tor ihe growing ol sufficient food the worsl liv ing conditions und no very in the far cast were in india he said twothirds ol the world or more are hungry and discunlcnt with this situation has resulted in numerous revolutions work of mualonarui the missionaries huvc been leaching the natives how to keep alive with medical care and cleanliness hut there are not en oughpeople to teach them- ev erything they need to know lo keep alive such as the growing of nutritious food the potential is there but the grass is burned from the lund lo plant eprn rt- uuttinu in nu cropi the ialliiwlng your children die tram malnut rition tb and leprosy there are some 80imm mission- aiies hit this is a small army to do the oh that has to be done he slated dr forrest showed interesting fclidcs taken in aliica which de picted the way ol lite ol the people there and changes wiuuuhl through the leaching ol the missionaries the service opened with praver by rev a h mckenzie o knox presbyterian church scripture was read by mr j rudd ol the baptist church rev d enget gave the prayer ol thanksgiving intercession and commemorat ion twti anthem were enjoved lll0 junior choir singing hear uk o l6ir the senhr choir fnther ol flea veil whose love prolound lunch was served by the cgit ol the united church tfzcu jsjh gait skaters to feature lions club he carnival plans have been completed lor l he lions club ice carnival in aclon arena saturday evening february 2 and chrh members are husv selling tickets- on the special draw tor a lice trip lor iwo to new york via jet plane retu ruing lot the ice carnival again his year vil bu the ialt skating club who will picsimtt their l in- show leaiuring champions and stars will a cast ol nearlv f0 skaters inchaled on the program will k- a special number bv acton membeis ot the iiielph skating cmuh uul a comedy act tiom ihe harhara ann scott kavulling ice show a special juvenile hoik e game will he plased between acion lions cluh team and cieiiigelown lions club team itautu on ha ml acton ciliens huul and act on imiiot pipe hand will be on hand lo provide iiuimc and en- taiimunt during the eeninj ificial ice program arena formcfly acton i loi aclon egmn minor sports staged the annual event but ince the organization is op erated by tjie legion money rais ing campaigns have beep ruled out and he liurfs club have tak en over sponsorship ol the an nual v inter uv cai nival decora iug anil olhet eommil- lees aie husv finalizing plans lor the event and artistic designs arc cxpeucd lo transitu in liio i- pearaiue ol the arvna to ctmvbss towm for assistant to murder scout haff mortgage not just a flacu lit tul in lime but u kpot where younmitem lure molded from boyhoo1 into inaru hood injjrtler- to create bettor clllins lor tomorrow aclon scout hull is fuced wilti mori- uue ot il500 fiuorder to mijidur ho mart uaue the seoul gratip commit- iceyuiv siniiinu towmvldc cum- ralgn friday evening when every omc will be hliucd by scoot and unvtlopvii willbe ufl for clll ens to make a contribution to ward the goal of cleaning the slule pick uioniloim monday evening similar calht will he made und anyone wishing to contrlhlite lo the cause win have their donation healed in thi nvelope and it will be picked uib ifil delivered to the group cow mittee ul the scout hall the aclon rotary club haiila- ken on the pnijeel of the boy scout movement in aclon nd hrough the committee arc eti- leuvoring lo wipe out the debt built in i 52 the seoul hullhas been u training sxl lor nearly 200 scouts guides cubs and brownies artd has received cnii siderublc renovulioiv in order lie ciinllnuo wllh lite lyorlhwhilv cause eomnillnlehts must lie met and fund riilsed to luilher hie movomcnl chairman cqkioii mckisiuh ul no bonus policy set by commission during stormy four hour hydro session the tinnier jvdicy of paving clirihuiuik bonusevto hv ejn ployees was iilihsjad thufsday evening february 0- when com missioners uilolteovti mvbouils policy thning the regular hydro coiumissinn meeting the group committee has apnea- f ourinu the lengrhy aiul slormy led to every citizen to late an active pjirt he campaign and submit their token of apprechi- tlon in the envelope and make suhe it is sealed hctore ictumljig ft monday liscussion on i he bono cinestion chairman gordon ueally staled additionar bonuses should noi he necessary- anil salaries should he adequate commissioner iorion mcciit- 4heiin ii g teed as he polnieil out tnatu rwrsons auge shotlil niit ih a certain amount plus u lou- us mayor john cjoy reminded mondhtk he connikkloil hud u veed privlutislv i liijnr lo lasi chrlsimab the bumfs policy was not alulaclory lie lell a haul and fust rule should be estab lished then everyone would know where they stood following i he discussion the majority present agreed to dis pense with the ixmns svslem inii tomtit fry dti nmuxlu-b- i kal umt-ajikiiu-i- rflise nr723 for mafch bf dirties final relurnshir the march of dimes carnfnstfn in- afcte have been tubulated and project chair man art gordon reports receipts amounting to ja87ij previously returns wcttrreporl- ed around the 150 mark but since thai lime donations have been sent in including a i2s cheque from the acton legion ladies auxiliary mr gordon and the aclon ro tary club sponsors of- the pro ject voiced their thanks lo ihe public fur their excellent u- port during ihe drive firemen battle chimney fires smoke pouring from mortar in the west side ol the farm home olmrm coles- rrltr2r aclon spurred acton firefighters to prompt uction sunday afternoon when a blocked chimney wuh re punuible for th exctuemeuu 3 arriving ul trg ucene witwn few minutes of receiving ihiful arm firemen checjxl the infer ior of the home but could find no sign ol fire meanwhile heavy smoke continued to belch from small cracks in the wall uk weji as the chimney alter raising a ladder tu the rooftop a drag chainjwu d ped down th the itge relieved firemen re mained arthe scene- until every thing was restored to normal monday fire monday evening during fire practice the siren rouwrtl the lirefighters from their general meeting at 7 10 and after coats and boots were donned u record run was made to the muyfuir restaurant where a chimney was belching heavy black smoke once again the chain was dropped down the chimney to overcome ihe blockage mad fire men soon had everything under control iitnpwmagaj bird fanciers kindness nurses kinglet to life sulleiine tioin malihilritifiil anil tmmhilc a viiuncmlden crowned kuiul hi tieen mu sed hack lit good health and is cujoyiny a sickk diet under ihe lapabk- super isilirtni mis joe whilham suune shvel ftiiuul ivine mommies- iirtlie snnw at ilu- home nt mis ci mtkeown lire linv biitl uas first tiuuicjil dead taking il into her home mrs mckcown delected siyns ut lite and called her sister- inlaw mis whilham who took the lemale species to lcr borne and put il in a bird cajte steady met a steady daily diet coiuistiny ol bread ami milk et yolk guens and suet has the biid camme weight daily and hopping jiuund in the cage livelier than ex er a tht parakeet is a mutual companion for the rare bird al though in sepal ate cagrv the two jsciiic a jwlcct undtrkumdina in shaiing ihe househt4d fate undecktod the krte ol tlie unexfitorted visi- toi i undecided but hn whil ham expects when cqsatner wca- tiur arries it will be ivem an opportunity ol once more enjoy- ing the grral outdoors manx bird lovers rune duififsed in tti see tlvr attracttyelv marked biivl and none can recall seeing this spechrs in the area beiote dink or divonshm chapter iode of acton played hostess to some of helton v new cndiam wednesday of last week when they rjeve lea coffee end donutsfo citizens fol lowing ihe rscjular citizenship court hearing in miltons court house above the group is shown with judge wilfrid m cory qc and his assistant kenneth l mackenzie the ladies re regent mrs ken knox citizenship convener mrs- jack mcgeachie mrs h r force mra j w wolfe mrs h s holmes mrs e thomas mrs c matthews mrs c heller and ms jo whilham eashr jw pngnm actor rotary club are prepar ing for their annual eaaser seal campaign and have named rotar nbiujeilee lifirwan i the committee durkte tkeir rra- ular hireling tuesday tdtniary it club members win be busy stuffing envelopes ready to wall to citizens duriog preeteiui campaigns cituena ktm oeer aled fully and officials an look ing forward to anofhrr ful campaign thi ymb which has been liieflvcl for yuan the sysleiit win inliipled by iru loimier 1ifthk lltlllllh colillllls- sion unit iqilaricd einpltryeua shaieii in the yearly mogituti adlsiiisslon uliillillnu ihu num ber ol hyjliy yvjirkms leqillied lor onejnh led to lluotluhllturif iiverlinie pay to the vnipliiyeeh hupeiiileiiil0nrtiiiimiikoi mm il his deiiaiiineiil had tteen kepi auu fbaia oittino the beat are four members of the fairer sex who attended the lions club teen town dance friday evening music for the evening was supplied by the consuls of toronto and 185 dancers attended pictured above left lo right are diane robertson theresa arbic sally thompson and cheryl price as they watchdrurnmer chic conners dig the beat discusses board appointment system council declares street name official tuned over to i tie properly com mil tee cpl mason had request ed broken glass replaced the llruir tile repaired the ceiling tiled n kl ihe walls painted rank toth reported to conn- cil the request he had received lor street signs on aclon streets maor gov advised ihe problem had been under kjiisidcration or some lime commit lee was and again road -ligal- aftcr being in continual use since 1957 the extension of mac- donald blvd i rum wallace st to the h k porter plant was ol firjiillv iffimajii mm lid pat street at tuesday evenings coun cil meeling a bylaw was giveii the necessary readings- which now brings this roadway ollki il ly into the municipal street snei- work a second bylaw an amend ment to un amendment lo the olliciul plan was also passed the latest amendment changes a lew words iroin the minister ol planning and development to read the minisler of municipal al lairs this was made neces sary by a change in departments al queens park since ihe origin al amendment was drawn up george lee al present a mem ber ol ihe library board was re appointed lo the board for a lur- therlerm of three years r on recommendation of polite an actor linn supplv irutk ui is committee members frank tuihcn bv jfiljn leinnps ol rk i and bill denny ihe i1 taxi liciatioti wis piotccding south euses ol reliable taxi chester j const jowph hump-ol- the pevcha proprietor and kens j oiuv said ihev met at the hiow taxi mrs mildred beermah pro- ol the naiiow hill and both swerv- cactruck collide damages 400 a tollimon al the know ot an hsqucsiiigs i bird line 22 sidetoud fiidav caused a total ol 1400 damage north llallon op p repoited a cir tliienji john van aia- gon il rk 4 at ton wis piikced ing north on the thud line and hill near ing various methods ol signing clerk mccieachle reported that within a week he expected to have a program samples and a nt lor llwwoad commi prietor were authorized another request iruiu- tl l to tiave pol- lided ice con unit lev to fuive vun k n daihave the ixjllcc office compleletl was itvealh t d louaidlliv uuih butvlhev col uas assessed al the program has been delayed by a threeyear mandatory pro gram ol standardization ot stop and other irallic signs the stop sign program will be completed this year and it is huped a start may be made on a street naming project reeve hargrave requested councils opinion regarding a res olution i rum ontario county re questing llallons support in hav ing members ol high school dis nict boards elected by vole ra- iherthan by appointnicrit con siderable discussion followed in whklr the pros aiul cons wcic wcll covered it was generally felt that it would be more satis factory to v have high sciukji board mcmhci s elected councillorvl duby spoke on an urban rkjirtl sponsored regional planning meeting to be belli in georgetown on march 2 me urg- j ed all couiuil nieinberv planning j board industrial commissioner i hamher l commerce and any other interested iiticris lo at- j200j tend ticket are available irom councillor duby qulle busy lecenlly lluiwlnu fro zen water services to dale thi winler 4s seivlce ililk for lroei rhus had been ivcelved by ihe jttovu sine january 2h ijiifm tun alely ol this number t were iv telved hist weekend chaiiimm lleally staled a sal aried person should nol anllclp- ate overtime while peilormliiy hydro duties and imeslioned the overtime suhmltteii by ihe siip- eilnlendent a ivsolififon was iiv proved autliot ling payment of overtime lo he mtpcilnlcndent only when on duty hijih tiller hours or weckundfcavhcn he in on -standby- mayor toy pursued lite pipe ihawiny suhjeel itirihcr and wim 0ld ihttown witter p fhiiw hnj had cohi the cmnmlssiini 40ai3 in labor only according lo ihe agreement helwcen coim ell und the commission the own wh iwilng chaigedal lite rait of tlo per call amounting lo 14v for the 45 cull to dale the commission ugreed to conifuue ihe pipe thawing pio- urum lor ihe town at the rale of 10 per call bill approved u incivase in the serylce alls f they happen after normal work inu hours or on weekends lakevfevv resident laii wil liams requested consideration of i reduction in the double service charge lor his residence the commission agreed the charge should stand as iwo svlf-coiiculii- ed apartments were occupied in his home t until lurlher nollce the com mission was nol ilicd jiy the teg- ioiuil oil ice ol the ontario hydro noi to sign any agreement wjlli the licll telephone compuny al lowing ioiht me ol hydro wiles the lelter irom ihe regional of- lice no til led the commission the association of miinlclpul ukclihc- al utllltlm would fciibrnlt trielr ecommenilalloiis on ihe subject dm in a lengthy discussion on ti prorlohed waterhealcr pio- gram memliers reviewed a fciin- ilar program adopted by jeqcge- town brampton and miltonaml studied their costs und nperut- ton in ttr s tn and service charges lor electrical water heaters alter a two and a half hour jliscussion on the subject the- mwn clot k- lolled midnight ami itvas agivld to submit a resol ution coverlir j he plan al ihe next meeting following j recommendation irom jim larrell ontario hvdro lepiesenlalive suilinl c nde u t mason was instructed to luom ihe substation transformer by two and a hall per cent in order to collect ihe low voltage prol- lenial ice ting domestic cousiiin- er accounts lotalllng s 1 41670 were approved hir payment draw winner acton merchants piie ol 160 was preunted lo zygrnont luty 221 mt donald flotilcvatd during ihe tltiiw sutuidny afieifvjrn at lie pst olfice mr laity wasprcvent wihh hit name wasdriitvn from large given drum and w given his cash by menlnuit paul nirlsvo ha1tom county aim alt atiocihon xecutiv fv 1961 ptidrt juck row bruc h6od ol mllkwi mamty4t4ujr w tctd sturcuy l th nniiil mtirdi kld on siur9 cur hiqqfiy of botunon itcutiy vnmbf oiiu johnum in 0kvil aaambars irm front to right jim waldie of milton i of 0k villi tnd i cundtji el muhon hf mmbri dv aml- mcond vicprtid4nl pt mcmulton of milton pruidtnt f or i row of brampton and un si marl of ajultan mcuthv hit fhsoonth form nd earl nicholton of watadown first vlco- rnkrmfrsaljamll ijwpi k v